Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
Fear is there to guide you away from thoughts that feel bad to help you avoid mis-creating
The majority of your thoughts which bring forth fearful emotion have no valid basis.
Most often, when the emotion of fear is present within you,
the thought that is present is pointed toward some unwanted event
that you believe is lurking in your future.
And once you understand that every future event is of your choosing -
for you are attracting those future events with your thoughts -
then you will recognize that the fearful emotion is coming forth to guide you away from thoughts of miscreation.
- AH
There is no Basis For Fear since Fear is about a Future that does not yet exist
The emotions that you feel are always responding to the present moment.
Therefore, if fear comes forth because of your thought regarding the future,
recognize that there is no basis for that fear -
since you can alter the future by altering your thoughts.
And recognize that as you allow fearful emotion to persist,
you are also allowing creation toward that which you fear.
Q: I have a question that relates to channeling.
In some instances, I've read of concerns for channels of disembodied evil spirits having access to the physical being. Can you address that?
For the most part the connection that you make will be a being who is of your Family of Consciousness.
It is very unusual that you would attract one whose intentions were not in harmony with your own.
However, as with all things that we have talked about,
anything that you give great thought to, you will create.
And so, if you have tremendous fear of that,
it is possible that you may very well attract that which you fear most,
for the Creative Process works evenly to all things.
And so, because there have been those who have had such experiences, and as they talk about them to others,
they spread the fear, you see?
It is an unnatural thing that they have created,
but as they stimulate the thoughts in others,
which brings forth fear,
then the others create it as well.
And so, then someone has to do something to compensate for that,
and so then they say,
"If you will say these things, and touch your face in these different ways,
you will cast away all evil spirits."
(group laughter)
You see? And if there is belief that those things work,
then the "evil spirits" no longer come to you.
There is never a reason for you to create anything in your experience that you are not wanting.
You invite ALL through your thought.
And so, if you're not "knowing that evil spirits exist",
you would never invite them,
because you would not think about them.
But as they are talked about, you think about them,
and you may invite them if you are in the process of allowing.
Truthfully, most of those experiences are imagined or made up.
They do not really happen, most of them, for this reason:
Everything that you experience, you must give thought to,
or as we say: In deliberate creating, you must want it - and then allow it to be."
And so in this process of channeling, the wanting is set forth by saying:
"I would like to have communication with the inner dimension."
Be specific:
"I am wanting joyous communication.
I am wanting to speak with those beings that are in harmony with who I am.
Beings who will uplift me.
I am wanting a high level of consciousness,
for I understand that here are many frivolous beings,
and I am not communicating for fun, so much as I am for knowing."
Make your statement so that you set forth the creation in the way that you are wanting.
And then as you sit to meditate, you will allow it,
for your intention as you meditate is to open the channel of communication, you see?
Most beings who are afraid of evil spirits never have the experience,
for they will not allow the communication.
They will never sit, intending to receive communication,
for they are so afraid that they will receive something that is evil, that they do not allow it.
And that is the reason that we say most of these stories are made up -
It is not in harmony with the Creative Process.
Both the wanting and the allowing must be in place before the experience.
Abraham talking about fear of bad people I know that I do not invite them into my experience unless I think about them.
And when I recognized that they couldn't get in without my invitation,
then I stopped worrying about them.
I stopped fearing the robber,
I stopped fearing the rapist;
I stopped fearing everything that I had feared before,
because I realized that it would not come in and get me -
unless I invited it with my thought.
The only reason that you feel that you need to protect yourself from others
is because you don't understand that they can't get into your experience without your invitation, through thought.
When you really understand that another
- no matter what their intentions and no matter how close they are -
cannot invade your experience,
then you don't feel the need for those things.
Many of your laws have been created out of fear,
and when you focus upon anything that has been created out of fear,
then you begin to attract that very thing into your life experience.
And so then you need more laws!
And so then you create more laws,
which cause more thought and more focus and more attention to it,
and then you need more laws.
As you are intending that which you want
it makes ltitle difference what laws are passed around you.
Bless you fear!
You're reminding me that I've got some vibrational work to do.
You're not here to remind me that I can't have it.
- Abraham Hicks
spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2024 11:42 pmQ. What happens if you catch yourself seeing someone who has manifested something bad in their health and you find yourself thinking a fearful thought about your health, worrying: "I hope that's not where I'm headed."? How do you stop yourself from accidentally manifesting what you don't want?
[As long as you have awareness and are willing to do the work] the thought does not have priority within you.
Instead, your awareness of the way you feel takes priority.
And since the way you feel right here, right now matters to you more than whatever thought you are contemplating,
you make a decision at this moment to improve your feeling.
"I hope that's not where I'm headed" (upstream)
I don't know what... the story is [behind other people's who have manifested bad health stuff] (downstream)
I don't know what thoughts are creating that person's experience. (downstream)
That person's experience and my experience are unrelated (downstream)
[I can shift my focus to look towards directions that feel better (downstream)]
Fear is misguided thought,...lack consciousness, focusing in opposition to who I really am.
Fear is [also] guidance.
- Abraham
Fear introduces Split Energy to What You Are Wanting, leading to lack of movement forward
When you offer a thought, sending [some] Non-physical Energy off in the direction of that thought,
but then you question it, or doubt it, or worry about it, or hesitate about it [- sometimes because of fear]-
you now send a part of the Energy in the opposing direction and neutralize the [initially sent-out] Energy.
This splitting of the Energy gives you the sensation of standing still, and it is an accurate sensation because you are not moving one way or the other.
The balance of your thoughts in this case, is leaving you standing still.
Should you take action to Protect & Guard Against Fears?
When you fear or guard against sickness, or monsters, or that which you do not want, your Inner Being does not participate with you, because your Inner Being understands that attention to a subject is an invitation to it.
Your Inner Being basks in a place of Well-being, and those guarded, frightened thoughts are absolutely alien to your Inner Being.
How do you inactivate unwanted fearful thoughts from manifesting?
"You invite through thought.
And every time you are inviting through thought, something that you do not want, your Inner Being offers you an emotional response to let you know. You don't feel good about it. And so, that is your indication that this thought is not in harmony with your greater wanting.
So don't do that!
So stop thinking it!
Not an easy thing, is it?
When we say, "Don't think about that!" what do you do?
You think about not thinking about that.
But you're still thinking about the thing we told you not to think about!
So what do you do? You think about something else.
You cannot remove a thought, but you can think about another one.
Law of Attraction won't let you remove a thought.
You cannot concentrate upon not thinking about something hard enough to stop thinking it.
For the more you decide you will not think about it, the more you think about it.
But you can change the subject, can you not?
And that is truly what the art of pivoting is about.
That is truly the way you get focused upon what you are wanting."
When you fear anything, don't take the next step because there's resistance in your vibration. So even though the next step won't be the end of the world, it will be clarifying. But when there is fear within you, the most unhelpful thing anyone can do is something that they feel resistance about. Why not clean it up before you take the action?