Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
Also, learning it’s more about frequency/vibration than the mind…
I noticed once you more consistently feel good, you have access to different thoughts
And it’s beautiful to be aware of this.
"Delusional" is, seeing the world differently than most of the world see it.
And differently, than most of the world would like me to see it!
I stand in the "delusional" place of MASTERY.
Weird is always the new, leading edge,
where just a few reach beyond what is accepted by the more.
Weird is where GENIUS resides!
It's where mastery resides.
It's the willingness to reach into the unpopular norm.
A master of manifestation wants to achieve "what others deem impossible".
(with Grid for greater physical height)
I was really nervous this whole time, because uh, I wanted to be up here! And it wasn't, until I relaxed just now.
And you finally lighted right up! You lighted right up.
But then it hit me, like while I'm here and I'm nervous again yeah...
Now you've disappeared. (Laughing audience)
Now, compared to many people, I consider myself a master manifestor. I do get a lot of everything I want...
As it should be!
Yeah! But there's some exciting challenges that I'm...
It means, you're still alive!
And we mean that in the broadest sense of the word. Because, did you just hear us say- because they were the words that that made this transition so important: You never get it done. There's always, there's ALWAYS! going to be more. So the question is, is it so much more that it's making you uncomfortable, and you're using it as a sticking point?
More or less. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Because I know I can be or do, I have anything else. When I feel that, no matter what I'm desiring...
We have a question for you! All the stuff that you want to be or do or have, you want to be or do it all NOW? (HS: Kinda.) Really?? Really? Because that's a lot! It'd be a lot to focus on, and and sometimes too many things to focus on, all at the same time, keeps you from being able to get the the specifics of the detail, and the deliciousness from it! So, so... don't you want to say:
"I just want as much good stuff, as I can stand, at any moment in time.
As I can as I can comprehend, as I can take in, as I can be receptive of!
I just want to tune to it."
And that... we tell you a brief story, we've told it before. Hold your place, because we want to hear everything you want to say!
Esther was basking at beautiful things around her swimming pool. More beautiful than she could even hardly stand. Rapturous! The tree, the statues, the pool, the water... so beautiful, it was hard to stand! And then she got really smart in her brain and and said: Abraham, I think i found a flaw in your philosophy. You're talking about unconditional love, and I'm looking at conditions that I am loving. And we said: Feel this, Esther. It's the most important moment of your life experience, in understanding something big:
You were in alignment before you saw the conditions. You were unconditional in your alignment, which allowed connection to all that we are. And the reason that you felt that way just now, is because you were receptive to our appreciation of these things. -Did you hear that?
You weren't using those things, in order to get to appreciation. You got there first, and because that was the receptive mode that you were in, your appreciation was so massively enhanced, so... what we're saying to you, we're just gonna be really blunt about it:
You don't want to create those "be and do and have", all of those things, so that you can feel good.
You want to find that feeling, so that -as you explore those- you're exploring them with the whole of you, instead of with a scanty piece of you.
Did you hear what we said?
Yeah. Are you ready for me? (Abe: we're ready for you!)
So, the few challenges that I have in manifesting things, are all things that collectively people would argue are "impossible". And that's probably where the resistance is a little, but I'll pose...
Abe: Instead of a challenge, call it an invitation!
Let's make the word "challenge" into that word forevermore: It's an invitation for expansion. And it is...
Everybody doesn't get those invitations!
Sometimes, big invitations come to those who are ready for it!
So I'll pose the one that's got the least resistance, so I can solve one, I could solve all of them. And that is... uh... of of height. So, somewhere in my vortex I'm about five inches taller. Now you said, you know where my expansion is and you know the path of least resistance to it. So I've come for that guidance!
Well you didn't start with the easiest one you started with the hardest one because you started you started with the one where your expectation is the most powerfully entrenched. So, because how you get from where you are, in terms of manifestation, to some place that you prefer is: by ignoring the manifestation that exists, and ignoring the current translation of what is, while you focus upon the vortexual version of it. But the vortexual version, since you can't see it or hear it or smell it or taste or to touch it- you can only feel it, so you have to think about what does it feel like?
What does it feel like. What does that feel like? And not not as it's reflected back from others! What does it feel like? What does that feel like? Because when you try to reflect it back through the eyes of others, it gets all distorted. Because they're all messed up on it anyways! Almost no one has gotten inside that vortex for the feeling of that! So, what does that improve by your definition? Physical characteristics- what in the vortex does it vibrationally feel like? What does that translate into?
-Not something that you see! Not something that you're hearing back. What does that feel like? ...It feels like presence. It feels like stability. It feels like stance. It feels like perspective. It feels... it feels big! It feels... it feels aligned. It feels powerful. It feels empowered. It feels sure-footed. It feels confident. It feels aligned! It feels energetic. It feels powerful.
Because every single thing that everybody wants, no matter what it is- a material object, a state of being, a pile of money, a relationship, no matter what it is they want it because they believe they would feel better in the having of it. If you can accomplish the feeling better of it without the condition, unconditionally feeling it, watch what happens! We are not kidding you!
The cells of your body will conform to the vibrational stance that you accomplish!
And anybody that hasn't had the experience, has not accomplished the vibrational integrity of the idea. They keep looking at what is, and complaining about what isn't, and keep reflecting the same, you see!
Now we know, there's so much that you can say... "oh well, what about them? I'm sure, Abraham, that big tall basketball player did not sit in his room and contemplated his vortexual Beingness! I'm just sure of that!!" -Well you're not sure. You don't know! You don't know what anybody else was doing vibrationally- you don't know!
Yeah, but I know I can do it. I just kind of needed you, you know...
You can do what?
Anything I want!
Abe: "I know I can accomplish the vibrational feeling, that will be at the end of that manifestation. Without needing that manifestation to be there, before I accomplish that feeling!"
That's the key to everything that you want.
You say sometimes... people hear this, and they think that what we're saying to them is: Okay, just put up with things as they are. Tolerate. We're not talking about toleration!! We're talking about allowing. Tolerate what you don't want! And if you tolerate it long enough, then you'll get to where you want to be. And people worry that we're just trying to get you to be accepting of what is. That is not what this message is! We are not trying to get you to be accepting of what is. We are not trying to get you to be accepting of current reality.
We are wanting to assist you in creating the reality of your choice, and there are no exceptions!
When you said "I can be, or do, or have anything that I choose" -it's just a matter of identifying it. And then finding... what?
HS: Vibrational Alignment!
...And being- where?
HS: Receptive.
Receptive. Receptive of what's in the vortex!
HS, (funny voice)
And then, I can tolerate it! (laughter)
That was good. That's really good!
Speaking of your, your wit, humor...
Well, well okay so we're really good together!
We are um... to to be wittier, you can you just... feel it?
You know what it mostly is? It's timing. And timing is about receptivity. (HS: It's all the same!) It's all... everything's about timing. And timing's about receptivity, it really is! Oh, you've got writers behind you, that we can't even explain! You live in a situation comedy!
From the youtube-clip "Abraham-Hicks Can Law of attraction change my appearance?"
"I just want as much good stuff, as I can stand, at any moment in time.
As I can as I can comprehend, as I can take in, as I can be receptive of!
I just want to tune to it."
Abraham Hicks
You don't want to create those "be and do and have", all of those things,
so that you can feel good.
You want to find that feeling, so that -as you explore those- you're exploring them with the whole of you,
instead of with a scanty piece of you.
Abraham Hicks
Instead of a challenge, call it an invitation!
Let's make the word "challenge" into that word forevermore: It's an invitation for expansion. And it is...
Everybody doesn't get those invitations!
Sometimes, big invitations come to those who are ready for it!
Abraham Hicks
"I know I can accomplish the vibrational feeling, that will be at the end of that manifestation. Without needing that manifestation to be there, before I accomplish that feeling!"
That's the key to everything that you want.
What you really want:
Because you are Creators, you want to accomplish the Mastery of Creation!
Esther hears herself, and we tease her about it incessantly. She hears herself explaining how "well, it's been that way. It's always been like that! That's just the way that is!" -and we often say when we sneak up on he,r when she's not broadcasting, that
it can be any way you want it to be.
-You don't have to keep regurgitating what is!
-Things do change.
-They just keep changing to the same thing, if you keep focusing on the same way!
-Things are always changing.
Do you want them to change to something different? Or you want them to keep changing into more of what they already are?
-Because they're changing constantly!
Because it's fresh and new: It's constantly changing!
It's constantly changing. Constantly changing.
Do you want it to change to the same thing?
You want it to change to something that's new and different?
You want it to change to something that's better?
Want it to change to more, that's like it's already been?
Different places different faces- same thing.
You want something different? -You got to think about it in a different way!
So that's what we're all about, here: Isn't it finding a way to look at life, through the lens of broader perspective? To look at life through the eyes of source, to begin catching glimpses of who you really are, and what you really want:
Because you are Creators, you want to accomplish the Mastery of Creation.
Which means, you want to know about Law of Attraction.
You want to understand that it's always consistent.
You want to know how it feels within you!
You want to know what your emotions are.
You want to know why your emotions are your guidance system!
You want to know why your guidance system feels, FEELS the way it does, under differing situations!
from the youtube clip Abraham HicksTHINGS ARE CHANGING ALL THE TIME.~ IT CAN BE ANY WAY YOU WANT IT BE!Law of Attraction