Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Allow your Trust to get bigger!

Abraham, giving an example of what we could say, that would help us:

I have been focused upon some specific things that matter a lot to me. And in the process, I have managed to launch more Rockets of Desire around this, than I can count. And I sense, that those Rockets of Desire have managed to accomplish a point of Attraction! But since I can't see it yet, or see it in its tangible form, sometimes I doubt it...

...Because I'm accustomed to trusting what I see. But not so much, trusting what is unseen. I want to find a way of knowing it even though I can't see it!

I want to feel it even before it IS.
Because I understand, that until I feel it, I'm not going to be able to see it. It would be so much easier if I could see it, and then know it! But I understand that I've got to know it before I can see it. And so, I'm not really asking you Abraham or Source-energy to do anything about it, to make it happen in some unnatural way. What I'm really asking for, is that I can somehow release my resistance- in a way, that I can trust that it is coming. Because trust feels so good. And doubt feels so bad- and so, what I'm really talking about here, is:

How can I goose up my trust?
How can I remind myself that things are really always working out for me?
How can I trust that it will be, as I want it to be?

So, here's the answer to that question: Look at other things around you, that are, as you want them to be.

And remember when you didn't see them, as they are now! Remember the things, that were in motion before you could see them?
And know, that all things are that way.

Trusting the process... but it's it's not the easiest thing to do!
But you can trust in your alignment.
You can trust in your emotion.
You can trust in the laws of the universe.
You can trust in the very consistent Law of Attraction!
You can trust in your Inner Being, who is aware of you.
You can trust that source is with you.
You can trust, that what you want is known, and honored, and experienced by the Inner Being- part of you!
You can trust that it's just a matter of practicing that feeling.

-That's what the process of "getting to anything that you want, that hasn't come about yet" is!

What you have to accomplish is:
-You have to realize that the journey has begun.
-And you want to stay in your lane, as you're going!
-You want to find the thoughts that feel good, and if the thought doesn't feel good, then release it as quickly as you can.
-And don't let a worrysome thought get started! Don't let it get any momentum going.

As you go to bed at night, lie on your bed and know, that while you sleep, that any momentum that is slowing anything down, will stop.
And the momentum of your source, and the momentum of what you are wanting, is underway in full swing!

And imagine that when you awaken in the morning, because you've slept and your vibration has risen as a result of being asleep, that you will meet the vibration of your Source in the moment that you awaken! And, ask specifically for some feeling, some impulse, some confirmation of that. And expect it to come- at first in the form of emotion.

It can come in other ways, through rendezvousing. People will say things to you, they don't even know you, and they'll be saying things to you that are meaningful to you! Things will happen in your environment, all kinds of things will come as messengers to let you know, that you're right on track. Watch for the evidence of the messengers along the way!

This is really what we are wishing for all of you: To look for evidence of your alignment before the manifestation.

This is the secret of living happily ever after, and it's the secret of getting the specific things that you want: Look for the evidence, before it is seeable, hearable, smellable, tastable, touchable. Look for the evidence along the way, and watch what happens!

An avalanche of it will come to you. You're ready to receive the evidence.

from the clip: Abraham Hicks ✨ HOW CAN I TRUST THAT IS COMING? 🌠 Law of Attraction
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Segment Intending.
BUT do NOT (by default) segment-intend what you do not want- per example by watching TV!

(Dealing with mean people)

When all that I'm listening to you, all the YouTube videos, I came across one that it really touched me. Because I know that I was... my brother-in-law was very rude. He has been very rude with my mother-in-law, and that always bothered me so much. And I guess I was so focused into that particular thing, that (...) I called it into my own life. And my son is so mean to me! I mean he is so disrespectful...(Abe: doesn't matter!) and then... now before, I was like, why? Why, why? And I was just like, it was hurting me! But now (...) I'm like more like: Okay, maybe I did that to...

Stop just for a moment! This occurred to Esther the other day. You know, we've been talking about Esther gets her notebook, and she writes the name of the segment. And then she just reaches for feeling words, that foster in her the feeling, that the word implies. She talks about how she loves this and how she appreciates this, and she acknowledges this, and this, and she literally sets her own vibrational tone. Well, without meaning to, that's what your story was just doing!

It was like a segment in which you were intending future problems, with these people.
Esther said to herself the other day: "So, I segments intended 30 times today!" and she'll sit, it takes about a minute or two for a page, she writes so fast, you can't read it later. But it really brings the feeling that she's wanting!

And then she turned on television for an hour, and she thought "huh, I wonder if that's segment intending, too!? Watching that, thinking about that, feeling like this is interesting... isn't it?"

So when you tell the stories the way that they feel good to you- oh your segment is intended. And the next experience you have with the subjects of that segment, will feel good to you.

But as you're noticing, or remembering the injustices that have come to you, and in the conversation you are setting the tone of that- then isn't it logical that that's the disrespected person, that you take into the next segment? So, that when you do that often enough- somebody who has never disrespected anybody, will disrespect you.

Because that's the vibration you've got going on!
You see? Don't you love knowing this?

from the youtube clip How to deal with disrespect - ABRAHAM HICKS 2020
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

The 17 Second -Rule and -Process:
How fast momentum adds up when you hold a PURE thought!

Hold a thought for as little as 17 seconds- there's enough attraction power in that consistent thought- by holding the thought, we mean holding it without contradicting it, holding the thought purely without introducing resistance, then Law of Attraction will add momentum to that thought.

Another 17 seconds, and then another, and once you cross the 68 second mark, there's enough momentum to start receiving thought about it. To start receiving impulse about it. Surprisingly, 68 seconds is a rather long time to focus purely! Because you are all sort of accustomed to pros and cons, and pluses and minuses. And being very objective about things! And because every subject is two subjects, and you often have activated the not wanted end of the stick- so even though you're making a statement of what you do want, the other end of the stick is rather active. If you can accept that, the whole purpose of paying attention to that 17 seconds is to affect the way you feel, and nothing more than that.

So, that you can find that 17 seconds, and stay there, and then another- until your enthusiasm for it is building. That's all you have to accomplish!

If you can get across that 68 second mark and even beyond, everything else will take care of itself. that really is the most productive process that we could ever offer to any of you! Because in accepting these facts, it accepts that you have already created the vibrational reality that you now want to blossom out. And to see it, hear it, smell it, taste it, touch it- fashion. So it already exists. And as you are now playing this 17-second game, with that knowledge that it does already exist -and that it is a foregone conclusion that it will manifest, but you're not going to get hung up in the treacherous territory! Because that distance between the emotion and the manifestation is where you throw the most stuff on the trail. That's where you throw all the resistance on the trail!

So, if you only come this far, where there's no resistance. And you maintain it, until you own it, and then you come there again, on another subject, and another subject, and another subject, and another subject- until you are in that emotional state of positive expectation: oh then the inspiration just blossoms! You just find yourself feeling inspiration. Your timing becomes really good! The entire universe cooperates with you. You just almost stand in amazement at the Universe's ability, to give you timing!

Creation is about timing more than anything else!

And unless you've accomplished that part of it, your timing is off. If you've been trying to deal with the condition rather than with the emotion- ooh that's another piece of it, that we said powerfully:

Just feel it and never mind how it plays out! That's not your business! You've already accomplished your manifestation:
Your manifestation of feeling the energy move. You know, if you got that far- the rest is inevitable.

from the youtube clip "17 Seconds to Power Up the Law of Attraction - Abraham Hicks Gems"
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Laying New Pipes:
When you get dominated by others...
It's ALL about Attraction!

Why is it that I let people an ability into what they like or what they want me to be... I don't know who I am, basically.

Well you're not alone in that. But it's basically because... it's exactly because... it's precisely because... oh we're out of time. [laughter] It's because coming into this experience, you- like almost everybody else- were focused in your physical way, surrounded by people who wanted behavior from you, that made them feel better.
-So, you were guided away from your guidance system.
-It's also about momentum.
-It's also about that statement that you just made! In other words, you just made a statement that puts you on a grid spinning disc, that's about here (low). And when that's where your disc is spinning, then only people that do that to you, can get on with you.

It's like you get on, and you say: "All right, folks! This is the party we're having: I don't know what I want. I've never known what I want! People just have their way with me. So if you're going to come and play with me, I need you to boss me around. -I don't like it! I'll struggle, I'll complain about it. I'll complain to a lot of people about it, and they'll get on, too. We'll even do it to each other! We'll do it to each other."

So now you know you're doing it, when you find yourself doing that, you might want to pull back from that thought! You might want to try to find other statements, that get you on different disks, now!

It's not ever a good idea for us to attempt disk-jumping.

This jumping is sort of like quantum leaping. This jumping doesn't work very well in an environment like this! Sometimes it works better than others, because we can focus together in a powerful way. But when you feel strongly about something, then the way you feel is because of the vibration that you've got going on. And its relationship to who you really are, and what you really want. So, there's just a momentum that you want to cycle down. Or you can lay some new pipes! So let's take a little bit of time here and lay some new pipes about it! So are you saying to us, that you don't know what you want. Do you think that's really true?

So it isn't, that you don't know what you want! It's that other people seem to know more what they want.
Do you mean that? Or are people really bossing you around?

Um, I don't know if it's bossing, or manipulating, if that makes any sense?

Sort of the same. Here's a really good word: Other people are influencing me around.
"Other people are influencing me around, because they've got more momentum going and I don't have any momentum going. So, every time I come out the door, I just get sucked onto their disc"."

But you see, it's not like that. You're not just getting sucked onto their disk. You practiced being there, before you opened your door! And when you opened your door, you said: "Hello, vibrational (...) compatible person! Hello vibrationally compatible friend! Hello, hello!"
-Jerry thought it'd be great, that there would be islands of incarceration. Rapists all on one island, where they could do it to each other. Murderers all on one island, where they could do it to each other. Thieves on one island, where they could do it to each other. And we said: You've got those "islands". The audience didn't like it, the day that we told them that. Because,

they don't think that the victim should be on the same island with the victimizer! But it's the way it works out!

So what might you say right here and now, to make you change discs? "Come on, come on, come on!!!?" You CAN`T, can you!
You just have to fall out of the airplane. You're at 30 000 feet (altitude), which is high and cold. Just let it happen, and soon it'll be over. And then, you just lay new pipes. And the way you lay new pipes, is by acknowledging:

"All right. I accept that I am the Creator of my own reality." Do you? (HS: Yes.)
I accept that I'm a vibrational offerer!
I accept that I choose to think thoughts, that place me on these spinning discs, and that law of attraction is going to bring other things like that to me."

You accept all of that, don't you? So, now- maybe- as far as you want to, or need to, or can go right now, is to say:
"I'm glad to know about my point of attraction!
And I'm glad I know that I have choices." -You do, don't you? You can choose general thoughts!

We'll give you some general thoughts to choose:
-I can get this!
-I'm not very good at it.
Which disc would you like to jump on, right now?

I can get this.

-I don't need to figure it out, right now.
-I damn well better figure it out right now!
Which disc would you like to jump on?

-No one understands me!
-All I need is alignment with source.
Which disk would you like to choose?

...These are easy choices for you!
-I'm working too hard at this.
-This is getting easier all the time! I don't have to figure it out, all at once.
Which would you like to choose?

You see, what we're getting at- in other words, "what do I want to add momentum to?"
You're going to have a lot of fun in the days before you, as you begin noticing what momentum you are perpetuating!

from the clip "Abraham Hicks on how to escape the flow of a manipulative person"
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Awa wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 7:33 am
Esther & Jerry Hicks
The Law of Attraction - Money (Translation from the German version)
Page 38

Pivoting can realign my life

The pivoting- process is the conscious recognition that every thing actually consists of two things, and this means that the "desired" aspect of the thing can then be consciously spoken of, and thought about. The "pivoting" will help you activate the aspects of yourself that you desire in relation to each thing, and once you have achieved this, the essence of what you desire in each matter must come into your life.

At this point we need to clarify something important. If you use words that speak of something desired, while at the same time having "doubts" about your words, your words will not bring you what you desire, because the way you "feel" is the true indication of the creative direction of your thought vibration is. "The law of attraction does not respond to your words, but to the vibration that is emitted by you.

But since you can't talk about the "desirable" and the "undesirable" at the same time, the less you talk about the "undesirable," the more often you will talk about the "desirable." And if you are serious about telling it as it should be, rather than as it is, over time (and usually in no time) you will change the balance of your vibration. And if you talk about it often enough, you will feel what you say.

But there's something even more powerful about this "pivoting process": "When life seems to have negatively aligned you with the absence of something desired, and you then make the statement, 'I know for sure what I don't want, but what do I do want?", the answer to this question will arise from within you, and in that very moment, a vibrational shift will begin.

Pivoting is a powerful tool that will immediately improve your life.
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by Awa »

:vortex-small: :in_love: :flowers: :hoppy: :romance-lovegoddess: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :vortex:
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

Process of Intending & Pre-paving

As you are recognising that you are moving into a new segment, [stop and say]
"How do I want to feel?
What do I want to have?
and what do I want to do in this segment?"


As you are going to a gathering where you are interacting with any other, set forth your intention to have a good time.

Start from the inside out.

Think in terms of how you are wanting to feel or be.

"I want to have a good time.
I want to be clear.
I want to feel good.
I want to feel strong
I want to feel sure
I want to..."

Talk about the things you are wanting to feel.
You can do it in seconds.

And then move into the areas of having:

"I am wanting to have conversations that uplift.
I am wanting to have..." whatever.

Whatever the occasion is, you would be better at knowing what you are wanting to have.

And then, having just set forth that much intention, you have enough momentum going toward the satisfying of you

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

The "Be, Have, Do" Process

Begin your day with this process:

Take 3 pieces of paper, set a timer for 15 minutes.

Write at the top of the first sheet: "To Be". And write for one minute, only 1 minute, how you are wanting to FEEL.
"I want to feel joyful,
I want to feel free,
I want to feel inspired,
I want to feel prosperous,
I want to feel... whatever."
One minute only.

Then go to the second sheet, and for 7-8 minutes write: "To Have".
"I am wanting to have this relationship,
I am wanting to have this house,
I am wanting to have these shoes,
this car,
whatever -
this body..."
It doesn't matter. Tangible or not tangible, write what are you wanting to have.

And then on the third sheet, these things for 7-8 minutes: "What I will do today".

Once you have utilized this process for 20-30 or so days, you will discover that what is in your doing will harmonize with your state of being.

This is the process where you get in harmony with you, and that is the only thing that matters.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

Example of a Morning Pre-paving / Intending for a Good Day

This is a new morning
This is a new day
This is a new vibrational point of attraction
This is a new beginning
This is me new into the world
This is me choosing my vibrations more deliberately
This is me in this good morning being aware of the way I am feeling
This is me being in touch with my emotions
This is me in my good morning, being aware of the value of my
This is me new in this day with a vortex full of all kinds of things
that are readily - even immediately - some eventually - all eventually - available to me
This is a really good day
This is the beginning of me deliberately turning myself to the frequency that allows my receptive mode
This is me in my new day, in this good morning, allowing myself more than ever before to be in the receptive mode: The receptive mode of everything that I've intended, everything that I've asked for, everything that I've put into the vortex - all that I've become. Full alignment with all that I have become.
This is a good day
This is a new beginning
This is a new beginning for me

From the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks - 10 Minute Morning Meditation For A Great Day! - Manifestation, Law of Attraction
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

Which process should I do?

As you read through the processes, if they hold any immediate value for you, you will feel a strong impulse to perform them.

You might earmark those that you feel enthusiasm toward. Then when you have the time to perform the processes, begin with the one for which you felt the most enthusiasm. This is the best place for you to start.

Actually, you could choose any process at random, perform it, and receive noticeable benefit from it, for every process in this book will assist you in releasing resistance and raising your vibration.

However, the power of your desire and the degree of your current resistance does make certain processes of greater value to you right now than others. (...)

It is our absolute promise to you that your life will improve with the application of these processes, for you cannot apply the process without improving the way you feel. And you cannot improve the way you feel without releasing resistance, and thereby improving your point of attraction. And when you improve you point of attraction, the Law of Attraction must bring you circumstances, events, relationships, experiences, sensations and powerful evidence of your shift in vibration. It is Law!

- Excerpt from the book Ask and it is Given, pg 129-131
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