"Tell a New (better feeling) Story!"

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"Tell a New (better feeling) Story!"

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

When you don't get wanted movement, you probably tell an "old story" with lots of unwanted momentum

Whatever you're living-
whether it is about your body, or whether it is about your relationship, or whether it is about your money- no matter what it is about, whatever you're living is only a temporary, in-the-moment INDICATOR of your temporary in-the-moment vibrational offering. That's all it is! The only problem is, you don't know that your vibrational offering is temporary.

-Because you've been speaking those words for so long, they're stuck in your vibrational craw.
-You've been telling the same story for so long, you don't know any new stories!
-Somehow you got convinced that you should tell it "like it is".

Now, let's play that over! What we were just saying, "tell it like it is": Your mother says "tell me the truth of what is!" -so you say: "I don't have enough money. I don't have enough money. I don't have enough money. I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I don't like what you're doing. I don't like what you're doing with my money. I don't like what you're doing with my government! I don't like what you're doing..." -we're making a point here. And we know it's getting annoying to you, but

we want you to understand, that you got to tell a different story!!

Did we make a point with you about these two points of vibrational offerings, that are going on? There's the larger you, and then there's the physical you. Do you get that? Do you believe it? Do you understand that you are this Source-energy-being? So, listen to the difference in the drums that are being beat!

-"I don't have enough money. I don't have enough money. I don't have enough money. I don't have enough money. I've never had enough money!"

-"There's plenty of money! The money is here. The things are lined up. The resources are in place. Circumstances and events have been arranged! The money is here. The money is here! Look over here! Look over here! Look over here! Look over here! Look over here!"

Now we want to depict the emotional difference:

-"I don't have enough money! I don't have enough money. Why don't I have enough money? I'm so sorry that I don't have enough money! What have I done wrong? I should have known better! They should have known better!"

-"There's plenty of money! Nothing has gone wrong. Everything that you want is lined up for you! Whenever you're ready, it's right here for you! There's nothing you need to do. You've done all the work. All you need to do, is relax and allow what you want, to flow into your experience!"

You want to begin to listen to the drum of the source within you!
You want to listen to the call of source source, that is calling you in the direction of what you want.

And the way you know that you're moving in the direction, is because things start lighting up for you. Meaning, that they begin feeling really really good to you, when you get on this track of following the trail, that has been pre-paved by you, and being tended by the Source within you, and is calling you toward what you're wanting!

You feel energized. You feel enthusiasm! And yet, you know what your physical world trains you to do. Your physical world says: "if it feels good, you need to be wary." You say to your friends: "Oh, I'm so excited about this!" and they say: "Watch out! Watch out, that positive emotion could mean something's going very very wrong for you! I've known other people, who were positive. And bad things happened to them. I think, you better play it safe. I think, you better stay right where you are! I know he beats you, but he makes a good living!"

And what we're wanting you to understand, is the way you feel is everything.
Because the way you feel is your indication of whether you're closing the gap between who you're letting yourself be, and who you really are. Or whether you're widening the gap.

And you're going to get so, that you can feel statement by statement, whether it's downstream or upstream, downstream or upstream.

The downstream statement always feels like relief.

It doesn't always feel like sunshine, lollipops and roses. It doesn't always feel like the best-feeling thing that you've ever felt! But the downstream thought, from where you stand, always feels better.

from the clip "Tell a New Story to Yourself and Get What You Want Abraham Hicks"
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Post by spiritualcookie »

"Start telling a better-feeling story
about the things that are important to you.
Do not write your story like a factual documentary,
weighing all the pros and cons of your experience,
but instead tell the uplifting, fanciful,
magical story of the wonder of your own life
and watch what happens.

It will feel like magic,
as your life begins to transform right before your eyes!"

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Segment Intending.
BUT do NOT (by default) segment-intend what you do not want- per example by watching TV!

(Dealing with mean people)

When all that I'm listening to you, all the YouTube videos, I came across one that it really touched me. Because I know that I was... my brother-in-law was very rude. He has been very rude with my mother-in-law, and that always bothered me so much. And I guess I was so focused into that particular thing, that (...) I called it into my own life. And my son is so mean to me! I mean he is so disrespectful...(Abe: doesn't matter!) and then... now before, I was like, why? Why, why? And I was just like, it was hurting me! But now (...) I'm like more like: Okay, maybe I did that to...

Stop just for a moment! This occurred to Esther the other day. You know, we've been talking about Esther gets her notebook, and she writes the name of the segment. And then she just reaches for feeling words, that foster in her the feeling, that the word implies. She talks about how she loves this and how she appreciates this, and she acknowledges this, and this, and she literally sets her own vibrational tone. Well, without meaning to, that's what your story was just doing!

It was like a segment in which you were intending future problems, with these people.
Esther said to herself the other day: "So, I segments intended 30 times today!" and she'll sit, it takes about a minute or two for a page, she writes so fast, you can't read it later. But it really brings the feeling that she's wanting!

And then she turned on television for an hour, and she thought "huh, I wonder if that's segment intending, too!? Watching that, thinking about that, feeling like this is interesting... isn't it?"

So when you tell the stories the way that they feel good to you- oh your segment is intended. And the next experience you have with the subjects of that segment, will feel good to you.

But as you're noticing, or remembering the injustices that have come to you, and in the conversation you are setting the tone of that- then isn't it logical that that's the disrespected person, that you take into the next segment? So, that when you do that often enough- somebody who has never disrespected anybody, will disrespect you.

Because that's the vibration you've got going on!
You see? Don't you love knowing this?

from the youtube clip How to deal with disrespect - ABRAHAM HICKS 2020
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Soothing yourself when people haven't been nice to you:
Helpful Self-Talk

(You get into a situation, that) activates that old belief, within you. And that old belief does not jive with what you now want, and you've got discord- and you've got it now. So, now you start soothing yourself. And you say to yourself, as best you can- you just feel around, until it feels better. So, you might say a bunch of things that don't work, until you stumble on one, that does.

But you keep going, until you find it!

So you say: "That person's response to me had far less to do with me, than it did with them."
"Okay somebody who doesn't feel good in the moment can't respond nicely to me, no matter how wonderful I am!"
"Law of Attraction lined us up to get what we got from each other. So there must be something in my vibration, that evoked that! Something that I'm going to gradually change. But I'm sure that this isn't such a personal thing."
"This person is probably behaving that way to a lot of people. It isn't about me."

"Everybody doesn't treat me that way. I have different relationships with different people, and so it can't be that I'm always the unloved or unwanted one! Because lots of times I have wonderful relationships with people. So this has to be something that we've cooked up together. Here it has something to do with the combination of what we're doing!"

"Actually I get along with people really well, and this is sort of an isolated incidence. This isn't the majority of what happens to me: This is an anomaly of what happens to me."

"When something happens like this to me, that gets me thinking! It's actually to my advantage. And whenever I know what I don't want, I always know more clearly what I do want. So what's this making me know, that I want more? Clearly well- I want to get along with people. and I don't want to care too much what anybody else is thinking about me! Because what they're thinking about me has far less to do with me, than what I'm thinking about me or what I'm thinking about them! Thinking about me- how to get to the place where I don't care so much, about what they're thinking about me. I just want to care about what I'm thinking about them! Or what I'm thinking about me. And I've got control of that. And while it's sort of hard right here in this moment, while they're scowling at me, or while they're acting out, or while they're behaving in the way that they are. And while I can't really do anything about it, when I get off to myself, I'm going to make some lists of things that I would rather feel in a moment like this.

"When I meet people, I like the best of both of us to rendezvous. I like to bring uplifting things from them! I like them to feel glad, that they saw me. I want them to greet me in a way, that lets me know that they're glad to see me!
But I realize, when they do that, it's more about who they are, than about who I am. I don't have control of the way people greet me, because I don't have control of how they feel, before I get there. And I'm going to stop taking credit for how they feel, when I get there! Because they already felt that way before I got there. But I'm going to start asking myself: how'd I get here? What is it in my vibration, that made me rendezvous with them in their ornery moment? -That's the question that I want to ask! And I think it's that I keep noticing, that I don't like it when I'm there. So I keep that part active, rather than remembering what I do like!

So I think that I'll write in my book what I liked about this meeting.
What I liked about this meeting, what was good about this, what was good about this, and I'll get all this good stuff so active in my vibration. And in activating the stuff that feels good, the stuff that doesn't feel good will be deactivated."

Although you can't deactivate something!
You have to activate something else.

Because when you try to deactivate it, you activate it!

"So you have to activate something else in order to deactivate it. But there's no such thing as deactivation. And there is such thing as activating something else. So, I'm just going to activate what feels good so much, that now everyone in the world will be a reflection to me, of what I've rendezvoused with. Not of my worthiness state! In other words: I can be ornery, I can be happy, I can be appreciative, I can be blameful, I can be anything. I can be all of those things- and none of them have anything to do with my worthiness!! They're just about my current vibrational state of being.
But these blessed others, who rendezvous with me, are such a reflection of where I am! Such a reflection of where I am. And since I'm trying to figure out where I am- because I'm trying to bridge my beliefs, isn't it beneficial to have all of these people reflecting back to me, where I am?"

So, when somebody says to you: "I don't like you!" -they say it with words or with body language, or with some sort of behavior, you want to stop and say to them:

"You have done such a service to me! Because you've made me realize that you don't like me. Which means I must be offering a vibration that's unlikable. But I'm not changing it, because I want you to like me!
I'm changing it because I don't want to rendezvous with you anymore.
I'm not changing my behavior so that you'll feel better- I'm changing my behavior so I don't keep rendezvousing with the likes of you!
I'm pure positive energy. I'm appreciation! I'm love! I'm upliftment! I'm a teacher of well-being. I'm running around, wanting to spread life in the world, and when I rendezvous with you, I can tell I'm not doing that in this moment!"

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

"Creating my vibrational escrow (my Vortex) is my greatest work!"
-Example of a better feeling story for financial Abundance

Abraham, thanks for everything that you do! As I've begun to work the processes, the one that gets my attention the most is a financial piece. And I'm so aware, and it been for many years, that I hold my myself in a place. financially, that's just enough to get by. I have a, you know, relatively high standard of living. But still there's this... edge, that I maintain.

All right, well. That's a strong statement, and it's good that you recognize it.

But every time you recognize it, and focus upon it, and speak it, you activate it and hold yourself there!
So, can you see that the way to change things is to tell a different story?

So, tell that story the way you want it to be, rather than the way that it is! ..."Now, well, hi Abraham! Glad to be here. Thank you for everything you do! I...?" (waiting for the HS to chime in).

Well, that's the question!

...I? ...I? Try it! ...I?
...I'm a good Creator. I have a high standard. I'm I support myself well there are a lot of things that I like so many things I'm looking forward to having and being and doing! I like knowing that, whatever I want, will flow to me! I like this understanding of these laws. And I like getting better at them, every day. And I'm eager to see the results of my improved focus! And I like telling a story until it gets easier to tell. And every story is easier to tell, every time I tell it. And I'm determined to tell stories, that move in the direction of the vortex!

And stories that people tell that are in the opposite direction, are more and more annoying to me. There used to be television programs that I actually took solace in watching, that now just aggravate me. Because as I watch them, they remind me of the opposite of what I want! They hold me out of the vortex. I love directing my thought, and I love shoring up my thought with words, and images.

And I love prosperity, and I love being a Creator! And I get it, that I've put a lot into my vibrational reality. I get it that there's a Vortex of creation over there, that's full of all kinds of stuff. I can feel that's a precursor to everything that I am, and everything that I want. And I so adore knowing, that the Universe has my back! It's consoling to me to realize, that the source within me is holding counsel on all of that. I like realizing that cooperative components have already been assembled, and I eagerly watch for evidence of them in my life. And every day I become a more cooperative component, just by my leaning in more optimism, and my effort at being in the vortex more.

There are so many wonderful things in my life! You should see where I live! I've created a really nice nest for myself! I take pride in the way it came together, and it really is beautiful! And I like that others who don't live as well, are often uplifted by what they see with me. And I have seen a steady progress of financial Improvement in my life, for a very long time. And I know that I'm a powerful Creator! And I can tell that I have amassed a vibrational expectation that is far greater my financial Nest Egg, than anything that I own, in terms of assets. It's my vibrational asset.

It's my vibrational escrow, that is my greatest work!

And, oh, I have amassed something so magnificent, and I so enjoy cashing it in a little bit here and a little bit here and reaping the benefit of it and enjoying the pleasure of it! I love being alive! And I love being alive in these financial times! Because these financial times have made me feel more alive than ever before. The contrast has served me! I have put more into the assets of my vibrational escrow in the last while, than I've done in a long long time: I felt it really really really get moving.

And it's taken a little bit for me to get up to speed with it. And I'm still in the process of doing that! But I'm expecting big dividends to start paying off, once I tune in to these assets, that are all lined up for me, with the support of the creator who create worlds, backing them up. I'm glad to have had this conversation with you Abraham! I just wanted to report into to you, of who I am. And how I feel! And how well life is going for me!"

from the youtube-clip
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

There's no reason in the world for me to worry.

When I worry, it's old patterns of thought
that have nothing to do with my current reality
or my current vibrational stance.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Rather than saying "I never have enough money",
you say instead: "I look forwards to having more money."

That is a very different story.
A very different vibration, and a very different feeling.
Which will, in time, bring you a very different result.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

When you talk about WHAT you want,
and WHY you want it,
it always brings you to your Center.

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Everything you look at, say:
"I can afford that. I can buy that."
Speak it into existence!

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Your work is simple.
Your work is just to think thoughts, that match the desire -rather than it's absence.
To tell the story of what you are creating, rather than why you are creating it.

Abraham Hicks
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