Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
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Re: Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Post by spiritualcookie »

Motivation is negative momentum driving you forward,
whereas inspiration is who you really are calling you forward.

- AH

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Re: Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Post by spiritualcookie »

You do not have to hammer anything into place.
Universal forces kow how to make it happen.

- AH
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Re: Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

We'r not wanting to upset any teachers, that are wanting you take specific action. But we really want you to understand, that

YOUR BODY IS A CHEMICAL FACTORY, that is able to extract from your diet WHAT IT NEEDS, and wants.

Physicians and scientists have not even begun to explore the chemistry, that goes on in the digestive system! That chemistry is so much more by your vibration: Your mood or attitude, than it is by what you are eating, that it makes what you are eating IRRELEVANT!

Abraham Hicks, 2009
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Re: Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Post by spiritualcookie »

Examples of action from outside the vortex (from a place of "lack" rather than taking inspired action).

- [Parenting] - [Parents] offer guidelines or rules of behaviour. If you break a rule you reap the negative return. Your parents are angry, or disappointed, or they may even offer more obvious punishment. And so you modify your action to confirm with the rules - or at least to make them believe you are conforming - not out of your positive quest for harmony, but out of your negative awareness of the repercussions that will exist if you don't. You act, indeed you do, but not from a point of joy.

- [Schooling] - [Schools teach you] if you don't do this, you will be punished. If you don't do this, you cannot graduate. If you don't do this, you will not succeed." And so... you act, indeed, not from your natural sense of freedom and growth and adventure, but from your awareness of negative repercussions if you do not.

- [Sales & Advertising] - The salesman... works hard to point out the negative situation in which you stand if you do not have his product. And so you say "yes" to the salesman, not from your clea awareness of the value of your purchase, but because you resist the lack that he has so vividly pointed out to you.

- [Bullies] - Bullies are usually those who feel tremendous lack of appreciation for themselves. They feel weak hen the want to be strong, or they feel powerless when they want to feel powerful, and so, from their negative feeling of lack, they act, trying to compensate for their own feeling of weakness.

- [Wars] - Virtually every war that has ever been fought has an instigator at the helm who is doggedly focused on his feeling of weakness and is now setting out to prove that he is not weak.

- Dominating fathers or husbands who want to control the lives of children or wives. It is our knowing that, in most cases, behind that face of domination is a very insecure and inadequate feeling man. But his domination does not make him feel stronger, for it defies law. When you take action from a negative perspective or from lack - you intensify the lack that you feel.

Behind the bully in the schoolyard, or the dominating father, or the leader of a country who wages war against other nations, is one who wants very much to know and feel his own strength, but has not yet found a way to do it.

He believes that by domineering over others, others who are weaker, that he will feel his strength.

Instead, he magnifies his own weakness, and so the bullying or dominating or waging of war continues until he dies.

However, the feeling of power, or strength that he so desperately wants is already his, for his weakness is only illusionary.

He is a product of:
- an environment that spends more time criticizing than praising.
- More time tearing down than building up.
- Indeed he is a product of a mass consciousness of physical beings that feel more insecurity than security.

And so he also absorbs some of that feeling of insecurity.

Often he has been fostered by parents or teachers who feel their own insecurity, who have dominated over him to feel their own strength. Of course, they did not feel stronger as a result of their domination of him, but they did pass on the cycle of insecurity and domination, indeed, to another, and so it goes.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Post by spiritualcookie »

Should you take action and leave a difficult situation or should you do the aligning work and stay?
Answer: Stay or leave, but always do the aligning work first!

Many of our friends, in seeking our advice have offered detailed stories of negative experiences covering a wide range of subjects. And often, after explaining their plight, they have asked us, "Do you think I should leave this relationship?" "Do you think I should quit this job and find another?"

We often agree that that is one way out of this negative place. Removing yourself physically from what you disagree with can give you immediate relief.

However, the physical action, in and of itself, is not enough, for it is not your physical action that brought you to this negative point of separation, but your thought and feeling.

We often say to these people, "If you are leaving this relationship because you have noted that there are negative aspects to it, then we should point out to you that had you better get out of this city as well, for there are negative aspects here also, when you look for the. And also better get out of this world, for certainly there are negative aspects there."

If you are leaving a relationship, or taking action because of your awareness of the negativity within it, then you will never stop leaving or running. And you will have no-where to go. For within everything there are positive and negative aspects - and that provides the perfect balance for freedom of choice and for growth as well as for joy.

While your decision may ultimately be to leave a relationship, or to change your position of work, or to move to another home, it is extremely important that you do not do so from your negative perspective from focusing only upon the negative aspects, for you will certainly take yourself with you, and as you are feeling these negative feelings, you are in the mode of attracting more of the same.

Often as you make a decision to go, or to leave, or to quit, you spend much time following your decision, trying to defend it or rationalize it or justify it, feeling negative emotion while you are doing it. And all of that justifying or defending just adds negative power to your attracting, until you very soon, have created another similar situation.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Post by spiritualcookie »

The motivation to act is inspired from two primary sources:
From a clear, exhilarated vision of what is wanted,
or from a clear uncomfortable vision of what is not wanted.

As we view your physical world, we see that the majority of action is inspired from the negative perspective of what is not wanted.
Most are moved to act, not because of their blissful, excited positive objective, but because they believe that if they do not act, there will be negative consequences.
In other words, they do not go happily, enthusiastically to their work because of their clear vision of the value of this work.
They are not joyfully inspired to act because of their clear picture of their desire.
Most work because they believe that if they do not work, they will not have money and if they do not have money, they will be without things they want.

When you are focused upon the negative consequence of what will happen if you do not act, and so you act to circumvent the negative consequence, you do not circumvent the negative consequence but add power unto it. It is law.

You cannot have a happy ending to an unhappy journey.
And you can not have a happy journey when your motivation has been inspired from your attention to a negative consequence.

The key point here is this: Action is responsible for but a tiny fraction of your creative effort. The way you feel is primarily responsible for what you are getting and what you are creating and indeed what you are living.

So many find themselves in a state of futility because they just cannot act enough to make the difference. They try, they struggle, they persevere, but things do not improve.

And the reason things do not improve is because the very basis of their creative attraction is not coming from their action, it is coming from the way they feel as they act.

If you are wanting to affect the outcome of your physical experiences in a positive way, put your primary attention upon the way you feel - and look for reasons to feel good.

There is not enough action in your world to compensate for feeling bad. You simply cannot act enough. There aren't enough hours in the day and there isn't enough Energy in your body to compensate for the negative attraction that occurs when you feel negative emotion.

And for that reason, we give tremendous emphasis to the value of your Book of Positive Aspects. In deliberately looking for reasons to feel good, you will find them. And in focusing upon those reasons you will feel good. And in feeling good you will begin the attraction of that which you consider to be good.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Post by spiritualcookie »

Action pitted against negative emotion has virtually no power at all.

- AH


As we watch our physical friends giving so much credit to their action, and yet not feeling progress toward the things they want, we want, so much for them to understand why they are getting what they are getting.

When your action is inspired from your positive wanting, the action augments your creation - and the action feels good. It is action in Joy.

But when your action is inspired because you fear the negative consequences if you do not act - then the action feels bad.

Pay attention to your own experience:
Are you feeling joy as you act throughout your day or are you often feelign resentment as you act?
Are you joyfully bounding through your projects or are you begrudgingly acting, watching the clock, feeling no motivation to finish or to proceed?
Are you smiling? Are you singing? Are you happy?


Let your action be inspired from your positive picture,
not from your negative picture.


As you focus upon that which makes you feel good, you will find yourself acting more and more out of joy.

And as you are acting joyfully, more of the things that you want will easily flow into your experience - for you will not be blocking your own action with your negative feeling.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Post by spiritualcookie »

When you're working outside the vortex with that knot in your stomach trying to make things happen through your behavior and words and action, it's a long hard road.

But when you take the time to follow the feelings into the Vortex and reach for the thoughts that feel better and better and better, until you allow the vortex to train you into a chronic pattern of vibration of well-being that has very little or no resistance within it, now what you begin to experience from inside the Vortex is
the unfolding of all of those cooperative components that have been being assembled for you.

People say: "It's just strange how long I wanted this and this and this and this and this, and then I sort of just set it on the side, and I focused only upon one thing:
breathing, breathing and listening and getting into the vortex,
and now this is turned around, and this is turned around and this is turned around, and this is turned around."

And we said: "It didn't turn around, you did!
You turned around.
You turned around vibrationally.
You moved in the direction of who you are.

- Abraham, From the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks - Breathe And Everything Turns Around
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Re: Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

"Trying too hard"

Trying too hard is resisting! For this reason... when you think about this... if you decide that you want to go to the grocery store and buy a quart of milk. Did you ever find yourself trying too hard? Or do you just go get it? And the reason you just go get it is, because you have absolute knowledge! ...You know that you have the ability to go. You know you have the money in your purse. You know the milk will be there. When you get there... in other words, that there is no doubt! And so there is no trying against anything!

And so, whenever you're trying too hard, what is happening is: There is a part of you, that is not believing that it can be. And so, in your wanting to compensate with action, you offer more action. And what we are wanting you to understand is, that you cannot act enough.

There is not enough action in the world to compensate for your taking part of the energy, and sending it in the other direction in the form of negative emotion.

If you've got negative emotion about something, you're stuck there. And no action is going to change it!

The only thing that's going to change it, is by releasing the thought.

Which is bringing forth the negative emotion, and replacing it with the thought that brings positive emotion. And then, the action will come joyfully, you see!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Taking Action & Inspired Action

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

It's not about hard work, and it is not somewhere in the future! It is NOW, and you are there already.
Now ONLY allow yourself to perceive it!

When you begin studying with us, and we say "you create your own reality", and we call it things like "the science of deliberate creation", you then apply your same tactics, that haven't worked for you very well, out there in the action-oriented world, to this as well. And it takes you so far... it takes you a little further, then maybe you went before. But it does not take you to the place that you want to go! It doesn't take you to that clarity, you see. Think about it! Think about in terms of sexual transmutation.

Think about the feeling of finding that vibrational place, and allowing, in a sort of effortless way, that delicious ease of all things to be realized by you.

Not demanding it. Not insisting it! Not forcing it. Not effort in it. Just allowing it- moment by moment by moment by moment by moment. Every moment of your experience is a manifestational moment! Every moment, what you're perceiving here, the theatre that you are in, the vessel that you're upon, the ocean that you're moving through... everything that you are perceiving is manifestation.

Because you are translating vibration in to all of this, you see! So, as you have soothed yourself into the fullness of who you are, so that all-of-you is having this manifestational moment... feel the richness! The fullness, the wholeness! The depth, the breadth, the satisfaction of these manifested moments! So many people are standing in this place, dissatisfied in this way, in this way, in this way. Hopeful, they think, their on their way to something that will be an improvement!

"I will get there. I really eventually will get there!" -you're not ever going to get there!! You're there! There's no place else to get!

THIS is, where it's all happening!
THIS is the manifested moment!
THIS is the moment!!

Every single moment of your life can be that climatic moment, that you're reaching for, at the end of something that most of you make way hard work out of. Way hard work!

Abraham Hicks
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