Quotes on Allowing & Receiving

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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »

The Art of Allowing is the practiced process of deilberately choosing your subjects of attention,
with a keen awareness of how that perspective feels to you.

By deilberately choosing thoughts that feel good,
you achieve vibrational alignment with your Source of Well-Being.

- AH

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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »

Positive emotion
is your indicator of allowance.

- AH
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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »

You are just a few laughs away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in.

You are just a few kisses away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in.

You are just a little bit of relief away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in!

- Abraham

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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »

"I love how doors seem to open for me
when I feel good."

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

If you would concentrate on going with the flow, going with the flow-
the money in would be so so HUGE. It will come so fast.

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

About healing your Shortage-Consciousness.
(The Checkbook-game)

Almost everyone has feelings of sort of sealings, or limitations, on how much money you associate with "living the good life". In other words, you have these feelings of how much money is enough money! And, how much money is "too much" money. There are a lot of people that are spending a lot of money, and they're feeling joyful in it. But you can't find them, from your place of believing that spending money is an inappropriate thing!

So let's work on that just for a little bit. Because we we want to ask you some questions: If you were to purchase something that you really don't need, something that costs a lot let's say. You go into a jewelry store and you find something that's really shiny and beautiful, and that attracts you, because of its beauty. And you inquire what it costs, and they tell you it's $200,000 -and you have the money to pay it! Let's say that you have $220,000 in your bank account right now. So, you can afford it. So you buy it. What's the feeling from where you currently stand about that? Do you feel like nobody should spend that much money on something? Like, that it feels wasteful?

So, now you're receiving that trinket. And you are giving someone some money, and that person is receiving that money, and paying someone who moved it from one place to another. So they're receiving a little bit of benefit from it. And the person who created it, is receiving some money from it. And the materials that went into it, those people are receiving some money from it. So, let's say that there are 20 people- or more, but let's say there are 20 people who will financially benefit from your purchase. Is it wasteful for you to add to the financial well-being of others?

Some of them will send their children to school with the money, that you have paid for that. Some of them will buy food with the money that you've paid for that. Some of them will donate it to orphanages. Some of them will pay taxes. So, what has really happened here? Have you added to the economy? Have you added a lifestyle? Has there really been any wastefulness? In other words, you could say "I didn't really need this."

But when you think about it in terms of the economy, and the people that benefited from the spending of the money, where do you get the idea that your participating in the economic system is somehow doing something that is wrong?

How did this Shortage-consciousness occur- when you are all exchanging your gifts and services in this economic world, that you have going on? We want to submit to you, that the more money that you allow to flow through you, and the more places that you funnel the money that flows through you, the more you uplift!

Have you taken a look at your economy? Do you know that your economy is at an all-time high? And do you understand that it was not that long ago, that you were trading beads and fur and things- in other words, your economy isn't bigger because you have connected to some spaceship that has been piping in resources from other galaxies! Your economy is only improving because you have found different ways exchanging your human vitality with one another!

And the more you exchange that, the more vital you are.
And the more vital your economy is!
Everyone wins, when you find ways to attract and release, to "breathe" them.

Now if you were sucking it in and holding it, and not letting it out- we can understand how there could be some imbalance. Just like if you were to try to breathe air in, as you breathe air in and you don't allow it to flow out- in other words... there is a little hangup even about breathing, that is going on!

In other words we like to use the analogy "breathing in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out." It's effortless. When you run, you want more. When you sleep, you want less: In and out, in and out. You never suck it in and hold it, for fear there won't be more, later! You never stand out on your porch for fear that there won't be enough left in the afternoon: "I need to get it all while I can!" -you expect the air to be there when you want it. And we want you to understand that the vitality, and the clarity, and the money, is THERE.

It's always there for you, breathe it in in and breathe it out. And breathe it in and breathe it out.

And that's the point of that game, that's what that game is designed to help you to do is: To think of things that you would like to use as your excuse to allow the money to flow in. But if you feel guilty about spending money, if we were standing in your physical shoes, now as you're spending that money, think about what those will do! Who will receive the money? Think about that!!

Think of yourself as a philanthropist in the uplifting of others from whom you buy!

It it's a checkbook game where you deposit $1,000 into your account vibrational dollars and you spend that 1,000 on the second day you deposit 2,000 and spend them on the third day you deposit 3,000 and spend them on the 365th day you you deposit 365,000 and spend it. So, as you are spending this money vibrationally, as you are mentally spending it, what's happening is: you are creating Outlets out there for it to go. When you create a vibrational Outlet it draws you, and everything, for the accomplishment of it through you!

That's what eagerness is. That's what passion is! That's what your feeling of enthusiasm is!

From the youtube- clip "Abraham Hicks 💸 BE DONE WITH THE STRUGGLE! 💸💸💸 LET THE MONEY FLOW WITH EASE! ~ Law of Attraction"
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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Most rarely align with their true POWER!
Because it seems illogical to them, that there is power
in relaxation, in letting go, in love or in bliss.

Most people do not understand that their power lies in releasing resistance.
Which is the only obstacle to their true power!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You don't need to study LoA to successfully apply it!

You are constantly in a life-giving "workshop"! That is always letting you know, what your vibrational nature is. You can tell in every moment, whether you're letting it in or not!

Once you know the way the game is played (...) you can tell when you're letting it in. (...) You could start out as a little child, who has a grandmother, who understands the idea of being lucky, who conveys to you that you're lucky. Who reinforces it with you, just a little bit: And you can always have things going well for you, without having any knowledge about Law of Attraction!

You don't have to speak the Law of Attraction-language, in order to be offering a vibration that lets wellbeing flow!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

So, whats your job? -RELAXING.
So, what's your job? -TRUSTING.
What's your job? -Having fun! Being easy about it!
What's your job? -ALLOWING.

Can you feel the absence of effort in allowing?
What does allowing mean?

Allowing means: It's DONE.

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Abraham mentioned that Esther and Jerry LOVED that this video got created- and so, they took it into their official youtube channel. Of course it's Abe-material, but the hilarious cut, together with music, was created by Vickie B., on her youtube-channel "ImVickieB"

"Get Happy!!"

...Have we made our explanation too complicated? ...(very negative voice) "I've been studying your work since 1993. I'm trying really hard to remember your words." and so we want to give them to you in an easier to remember format:

Get happy, in any way!

If you have to run away from home- do it.
If you have to go to the beach every day- do it.
Do anything that you can do, to get happy.

In most cases, it does not involve action. Because in most cases if you take action, in your effort to get happy- some boom drops on you. Like, you get fired, and then you don't have any money, or something like that.

Get happy in your MIND!
Find a way to make such peace with where you are, that you allow your gap to close:
THAT's what getting happy is. It's making peace with where you are!

Because, if you make peace with where you are, this vortex that is spinning will suck you right in, to the perfection of all of it. Get happy. Simplistic, we know! That's why we write so many books. But then, all of those books... you say: (nagging, negative voice) "ooouuooh there's so much to learn. Look at all these pages! This soooo much to learn. (Audience hilarious!) All of these emotions that I didn't even know that I had... all of these laws. All of these laws. Look at all of these laws!! Universal laws?? What the hell is vibration anyway? I don't understand. Ask and it is given? That's Bullshit! Where's my stuff? Where's my stuff?? I've been asking. Where's my stuff???"

-So we give you all of the words, and you say: "Waaay too many words!"
And we say: GET HAPPY! And you say: "Ooohhoo!! Too simplistic!" And we say: Really. REALLY all you got to do, is just find a reason to feel good!!

In other words, that conversation we just had- that was better than the whole seminar put together. You laughed, you know it's true! There isn't anything that is written here, that you didn't know the day you were born. We're just reminding you of it! You can tell every time you enter into a conversation, that you know isn't going well for you: You can feel it.

You can feel when you're defeating yourself.
You can feel when you're bolstering yourself.
You can feel when you're up lifting another!
You can feel when you're deflating to another.

You KNOW this stuff!! You know this stuff- you have just, over time, lowered your standards about how you're willing to feel.

You've gotten used to being ornery, you're not deliberate about feeling good, because you don't understand the power of feeling good, you see! We're not talking about laughing hee-haw off the wall.

We're talking about feeling interested in things!
We're talking about waking up and being glad that you're awake, and glad that you're alive: "I'm looking out across the landscape, and am wanting to see what's there!"
We're talking about seeing things and feeling interested in them!
We're talking about having a conversation with someone across the table, and devouring every word, and loving the conversation that you're having!
We're talking about looking into the eyes of children and babies and animals and lovers- and feeling the fullness of who you are!

We're talking about getting tuned in tapped in turned on, and seeing the world through the eyes of your total self, rather than this fragmented one, you see. Just chill out!!

from the official youtube-clip Abraham-Hicks - "Get Happy"
Abraham-Hicks Workshop, Los Angeles, California 8/17/08
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