Choosing- the power of Choices

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Choosing- the power of Choices

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Everything that you see is illusionary, anyway.
And the illusion can be WHATEVER you choose it to be.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

The Acting-Process

As an actor sometimes I morph and I don't look at it as me, stepping outside of myself.
I look at as me becoming in the moment.

What is your preparation when you are attempting, or getting ready to receive inspiration
about a character that you might express?
-Is the character placed in his mood or attitude?
-Is the character placed in his circumstance?

Because it's only once you understand those things, and you're actually able to
acknowledge and emanate the mood, the MOOD of your character,
that the appropriate words would then flow through.

On camera or in pictures, a lot of people say:
"That's not you!" or "that doesn't look like you at all!" and I say, "Isn't that cool? That's my job."
But I look at it as frames per second on camera as same as frames per second in time-space reality.
And just capturing the essence of who I am. So, if I focus that essence while it's being captured,
it's logical that what you watch back on the tape may not even physically resemble Who I am now,
because that was my focus but...

Abe (interrupting):
That is the best description of deliberate creation that we've ever heard!!
Because everyone is an actor in the sense, that they get to project whatever vibration that they
choose to project.

But if everyone who's listening in, would understand that deliberate creation is just exactly that:
-Understand the role you want to play,
-and find its vibrational emotional basis first,
-and then practice that, so that that's who you ARE.

When you are an actor with other actors around you,
they're responding to who you are, because you are emanating who you are.
And it would be illogical for them to not react to who you actually are.
Well, this is the way the entire universe is responding to you!
The universe is responding to EACH of you.

You are an actor in a role, and everything and everyone else is responding to that
which you are emanating, you see! So, you just need to decide:
Am I a prosperous person, standing here in this role that the universe is reacting to?
Am I a revered and respected co-worker in this environment-
or am I someone that gets beat up and picked on?

Who am I?
Who am I now, what has life brought me to? Who am I, as I stand in this point of Attraction?
Because everyone else is responding to who you are.

This is why everyone who has ever written a movie, wants a really good Cornerstone-
Key Actor. Because they know, you get an actor like that- you just need one actor
like that, an actor that is really in sync with who he is and what's going on!
He will extract from everyone that interacts with him the exact performance or behavior.

You can set the tone in your family!
You can set the tone at your work.
You can set the tone in the part of traffic that's driving where you are!
You are the center of this universe!

I've been in a situation of, an actor- maybe he's not up to speed, will kind of like
break the scene, and I'm like, how that happened? -Cuz, then I fall off the momentum
and I can feel falling off the momentum...

We would spend no time figuring out how well someone is going to respond to you.
That's their job. And if you try to get in their head, then you've lost your character:
You've forgotten who you are.

That's what happens to people all day every day!
You get in the head of your kids, or you get in the head of your mates. Or, you get in
the head of your friends! When you try to dawn the perspective of another, you've
lost your point of attraction. And now, they don't know what to do, you see!

So, just stay in character, friends! Define who you are, and stay in character.
If they throw you off, then they were the dominant character, weren't they?
You're the lead! And everyone else is a cooperative component, who will read your script,
and fill in the pieces- exactly as you have defined it, by the vibrational frequency
that you offer.

Abraham Hicks,
from the clip Abraham Hicks - The Actor Process


-and then PRACTICE THAT, so that's WHO YOU ARE.

When you are actor with other actors around you, they'r responding
to who you are. Because you are emanating who you are,
and it would be illogical to them to not react to who you actually are.

Well, this is how the whole Universe is responding to you!
The Universe is responding to each of you!
You are an actor in a role. And EVERYTHING and EVERYONE else
is responding to that which you are emanating, you see!

So, you just need to decide:
Am I a prosperous person, standing here in this role,
that the Universe is reacting to?
Am I a revered and respected co-worker, in this environment?
Or am I someone that gets beat up, and picked on?

Who has life brought me to? Who am I, as I stand in THIS point of attraction?

Abraham Hicks,
from the clip Abraham Hicks - The Actor Process
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Sat Feb 17, 2024 6:36 pm
[Be] a creator who understands that
in making choices in thought or word or action
- that evoke positive feelings from himself -
he is, in that moment
adding to, in a positive way,
the experience of the Universe.

- Abraham


[Be] a creator who may choose the work...
of living, laughing, loving,
indeed the work of being the happiest person that he can be
in every moment of every day
or in every life experience.

- Abraham
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Contrast is Choices!

Just train yourself, not to suffer over the choices, but to delight over your ability to make a choice and then to completely put yourself into the choice - even if it was just drinking water instead of Pepsi, or Coca Cola instead of beer.

In other words, it doesn't matter what choice you make, revel in the choice and line up with it completely and give yourself over to it completely, and you will ready yourself for getting inside this vibrational escrow because life will never cease to be a myriad of choices.

It's just, that the plethora of choices get better and better and better and better and better.

Alaska Cruise 2008, CD 3
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Would you rather be one who faces reality-
or one who creates reality?

Big choice. Big difference!

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

See your environment as a buffet of many choices-
and make more DELIBERATE CHOICES, about what you think about.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

We want you to ENJOY the contrasting experience,
just like you enjoy the contrasting buffet.

We want you to reach the place (and practicing virtual reality will help you gain this confidence), that whenever you'r in front of a buffet that has so much that you like to eat, as well as some that you don't like to eat, you don't feel frustrated that there are things there, that you don't want to eat. You don't feel compelled to put them on your plate and eat them! You just pick the things that you like.

And the Universe of thought is the same way!
You can choose from it the things that you like.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Are our lives pre-planned by us?
Also: Dying clears ALL resistances and returns us into pure positive energy again!

That's the world I seem to live in lately- well, since I was little. But there's a lot of people seem to always talk about like Michael Newton, about coming down here on Earth, and we pick our families.

You do vibrationally pick everything.

Vibrationally, right. Right. Can we talk a little bit about that?

Yeah, it's because from non-physical, in absence of resistance, you make deliberate choices about what you think is the best platform. From which you will launch your creative experience, here. So, that the things that really matter to you, are available to you in that springboard, that you call birthplace, and the first family.

So, let's talk about what happens on the other side. I mean, it seems like Michael Newton talks a lot about that. And I'm in that world, too. I do hypnosis myself, too, and he speaks that, when we make our transition, we go back to our families of (...) and we plan our lives.

Well, the thing about that is is, that you re-emerge immediately into the vibration that is YOU. But it's expanded! you're not going back! You're going forward.

It sounds like back, because you were there- and then you were here. But it's not back! Because that part of you never left "there"! That part of you never left there, and so as you come and expand, then the expanded version of you returns to all of that.

But then we seem to plan our lives, coming back down here. But then you've talked about, that there really is no plan?

Well instead of using the word "plan", let's use the word "intent". In other words, who you are and the vibration that you're offering- we made an attempt at explaining this a few minutes ago, so we're going to circle back around and do it again. Because we want to help you to realize, that you don't create through action. You create through point of Attraction. And when you come into this physical body, you come with intention.

But the intention expands, and evolves, as a result of your participation here!

So, it's not quite the way you are describing it!

So, are we responsible for our actions? Because I know... I had a conversation with someone else and I'm a firm believer, that yes, we are responsible! Because that's the life, that we choose to come down here. Then there's that karmic reaction, that we all seem to have, like, let's say we had a past life and we were horrible, let's say. And we go back and it was meant to be, but now we have to come back, and...

But here's the flaw in that premise. So when we talk about source and the vibrational place for lack, an easier way to just say it quickly- that

you've come from that vibrational non-physical being, that is non-resistant, pure positive energy, Liquid Love, pure positive energy, pure intent and pure desire, and worthy beyond description, and eager to continue the creative process!

So, then a part of that comes into this physical time-space-reality. And is the personality, that you know as "you". And so, to the degree that you are in Alignment with who you are, you are living joyful moments. To the degree that you're resisting who you are, you are living less than joyful moments! But that's as big as the Badness gets!

In other words- there is this stream of goodness, which you allow or don't, in any moment in time. But when you make your transition back into non-physical, you stop the resistance and you are purely received by non-physical! And so it's like the non-physical was the clearing. Because, you left behind all of the resistant parts.

That's why the notion of Karma and Redemption is so skewed. It is inaccurate! It cannot possibly be!

Because that would say, that you take all of that with you, and you don't!
That would say, that that high flying vibration would also include those lower vibrations- and it can't.

It's vibrationally inaccurate! It's vibrationally impossible. That's not the way that it is! But humans try to explain bad things that they see, in all kinds of ways. And so, there are a lot of interpretations about things like that, that cannot be. And so the karma- we will go along with that, in the sense that you come and you expand, and you become, and you come again,

but you're coming not to climb the rungs of the karmic ladder. You come again for the joyous creating!

Because that's who we all are.
Because creation is what we do!
Because expansion is inevitable.
Because in the eternalness that is us, nothing else makes sense! Does it?

No, yeah, so... it's more like a learning process, that we're coming down here...?

Of course you learn, you can't help it.
But you're not coming for the learning! You're coming for the joy!
There's this Triad of intentions, that you come in on: freedom and growth and joy. And that's the basis of Who You Are.

You're so free, you can choose bondage. And growth is inevitable. So, you come for the joyous experience! But all of it is part of what you ARE.

So there really is no planning involved? That's we...

Yes, there is! Yes there is!
There's the plan to live happily ever after!
There's the plan to feel who you really are!
There's the plan to discover what's new!
There's the plan, to feel more momentum!
There's the plan to be of value!
There's the plan to help others experience Heaven on Earth!
There's the plan to be in the moment!
There's a plan to feel your empowerment!
There's the plan to be physical, and to be tangible!
There's a plan to translate vibration into something that's even more tangible!

Source seeing- imagine that!!! -Source being in an environment, with all this beauty to see! Yeah there's a plan!! There's an intention!!

So there's an intention of picking our family, for a purpose, you know? This particular group... I picked my parents, you know...?

Well, you're not a puppet on a string from even those intentions! Because those intentions are general and you fill the specifics in- because that's what's fun!

Okay, so if I wanted to experience, like I said, more metaphysical... being in contact with... that's all my own planning, as I came down here to experience for the joy of it?

You know how you can tell that you're on your life purpose- plan?

That's a good question, yeah!

...By the way you feel on your path.

The happier you are, the more you are satisfying that so-called plan, that you keep insisting on calling it. And the worse you feel, the more off the path you are in the moment. So, yes of course there's intention. But the thing that you're pointing us toward, and we are refusing to go to, is that you're wanting to assign a plan that must be followed.

And we're wanting you to understand, it was this Broad and Powerful, but General plan, that you are creating the specifics off from HERE, from THIS format!

And the closer you are to those non-physical intentions, the better you feel. And oh, this is the part that we want to tell you the most!! Oh, if you want to call it a plan, do! WE want you to know, that every day you live, that plan evolves. And that's the way we've been describing it. That as you sift through this environment, and know what you don't want, you launch rockets. And who-you-are becomes that "more". And so, as that "more" happens vibrationally -not future tense, but present tense!! -it is a reality, that now exists.

Now you get to experience the deliciousness of catching up with that newly plotted plan!

That's good! (Abe: it is good!) That's good very good! Yeah. So basically when, like the lady was talking about astrological charts and things like that, just it's fun to play with, but it's not really...?

We're not asking you ever to discount anything!
Because there's value in everything! And sometimes, some of those things that we're really not talking about a lot from this platform, they were exactly on your path, along the way. In other words, they were the next logical step for you! Because it caused you to realize, that there was something more. And it made you think about you, before you were here in this physical body. And it introduced to you the idea of intentionality. And it made you realize, that you are much more than you see, here in this physical body! There was value in that!! But eventually, we want you to get around to the acknowledgment of your own guidance system, and once you click into that knowledge, everything else that you're using as guidance, is less significant to you. And- you can't go back! There's no regression! In other words- religion's just fine. As long as it leads you to your own alignment!
But if it replaces your alignment, it's not so fine for you.

from the youtube clip Abraham Hicks - ✨FEEL YOUR EMPOWERMENT✨
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

We all came as a Divine Creators!
The Ferrari is AS important as World-Peace!

-Become a POINTER: Point at- and update what you want.

You know that you are more than you see here, in these bodies!? Do you?
Are you beginning to realize, that you in your human form- and a lovely form it is!- in your human personality, that you are an extension of source energy, and that you've come as source energy to create in a time and place in a time and space, under the vibrational laws of the universe,

with the explicit intention of consciously becoming more, and getting to witness the more that you are becoming?
You've come here into this time-space reality, to turn thoughts to things!

And sometimes you've... especially those of you, out here on this leading edge! On this leading edge of spirituality and deliberate intent, deliberate creation- sometimes you argue with yourself about the importance or the value, or even the correctness, of wanting to create things. Like, maybe you should be more interested in spiritual things? ...More heavenly things. Maybe, you should care more about World Peace, and not so much about the Ferrari?

And we want you to understand, that your Ferrari won't stop world peace!

You're carving out for yourself holding your thoughts upon something that you care about, to the point that you learn not to deviate from the things that you care about. In other words, thinking about what you want and not thinking so much about its absence, and not using the absence of things you want as justification for flowing your thoughts toward more virtuous things! There's no supply line that has been cut off.

In fact, you get to create whatever it is, that you focus upon!
In fact, you DO create whatever it is, that you focus upon!

And by creating one thing, you don't disallow another. You can have it all!!
Did you hear that? So, what keeps you leading edge creators, what keeps any of you from experiencing, from having, from possessing, from living, from owning, from knowing, something that you desire?

What does pinch it off?
If it isn't that: "There just isn't enough to go around. And the greedy ones are getting it all!" -if it's not that, and it isn't! -if it isn't that, someone else has decided what you're worthy of, or not worthy of. And holding back on your behalf, then what is it?

It is, that only you can hold yourself apart, from something that you want.
And the only way that you do it is by focusing upon the absence of what you want.

Because what you're pointing at, with your thoughts and with your words, is what you're practicing a vibrational frequency of. And that's what you're getting! That's what you're letting in. But you get confused about it, because sometimes when you are in a state of desiring something, you're pointing right at what you desire, and you feel good when you're thinking about it. There's no resistance! There's no pinching it off, when you feel like that!

But when you feel jealous of what someone else has, or angry at yourself that you haven't created more effectively or efficiently, when you feel negative emotion- that's when you are pointing in opposition to what you want. And the reason that we are so sure about that is, because every time you pointed at what you wanted, your Inner Being pointed at it! And Law of Attraction began amassing around this powerful pointing of you and YOU. And even when you, in your human form, got discouraged and stopped pointing at what you want, but instead began pointing at all the reasons that you are using to justify why you don't have it-

your Inner Being continued to point in the direction of what you want!

And that is, in fact... that pointing difference is what your emotions are all about. Esther has been saying to anyone who asks, and since hardly anyone does, she tells a lot of people who aren't asking, if they say "what do you do?" -she says "I'm a Pointer." And that's usually about as far, as that conversation goes, because she looks crazy, you know. But what she means is:

"I point at what I want! And law of attraction and the Universe take care of it!
Cooperative components are gathered, and what I want begins to take shape.
And the more I point at what I want, then the more of what I want comes into form.

And the more I point at it, the more awarenesses I have, of other things that I think, might be helpful to assist me in the receiving of it!"

Sometimes you point at something like a new house. And then you need to point at someone who's going to build it, unless you're going to do it yourself! And Esther's not going to do it herself, so she points at the idea of the new house, and as it comes into being, then she points at all kinds of things about the house.

"I'd like that, for the floor. And I would like that for the paint color. And I would like that for the tile, and I would like that, and I would like that one, I would like that, and I would like all of those people who know how to do it, just the way I like it, to come and assist!"

I'm a pointer! I'm a pointer. I'm a pointer: that's what a creator is!
A pointer and a deliberate creator is someone, who continues to point at what you want.

But as humans- and it's all right!!- you've come to sift and sort. And to come to conclusions about what you prefer, in the sifting and sorting process! Often you're pointing at what you don't want. In fact, you usually point at what you don't want, before you get clear about what you do want! But what we've noticed about so many of you is, even though you come into greater clarity about what you do want, as you've been aware of the things that you don't want- so often, and we love you so much!- you continue to point at what you don't want while you talk about what you do want.

You keep noticing how things are.
And what we really want you to hear is, that your life is so full and fantastic! And you have so many facilities in order to observe it! Your physical senses, your hearing and seeing and smelling and tasting and touching- everything that's around you, and that makes you more likely to keep pointing at what you see! But if you are pointing at it, just because it is: "look over there!" (happy voice) -you say, "well, look at that" (cynical, bummed out voice). How often rather than(happy eager voice) "look at that!", you're saying (disgusted voice) "well, look at that!" and you can tell by your own attitude when you're saying "look at that", it might not be something that you really want to point at!

Because you're going to move in the direction of what you point at!

Jerry learned that with Esther. They're driving down the highways, and the big old 45-foot bus with the car behind it, yesterday. Esther did most of the driving, and Jerry would say: "Look at that rainbow!" and then he would notice, that Esther would start moving in the direction! It wasn't long before he learned to only point out things to her that were right ahead!

Because you do move in the direction of what you're pointing at, at what you're looking at!

And so we want you to just pay attention over the next few days especially, at how many things you're pointing at, coming to your experience, in a very very strong way! Because law of attraction is relentless. The law of attraction brings back to you- and fast- what is active in your vibration. Sometimes, something happened in your experience, maybe 20 years ago. And of course you observed it! You were pointing at it, maybe a lot of people were pointing at it. It was something really worth pointing about! It was a big deal in your experience!

But then, that time passed. But you kept pointing at it. Remembered, talked about it... 19 years ago, and 18 years ago, and 17 years ago... talked about it yesterday! Talked about it this morning, in fact! You talk about it:
-Sometimes, because it's entertaining.
-Sometimes, because you overcame something!
-Sometimes because it's interesting! Mostly, because it's entertaining or because it's stuck in your vibrational craw. But MOSTLY,
-because you have forgotten, that what you point at keeps coming with you.

So if there are things that happened 20 years ago, that you want to re-create in today's experience, then by all means, we encourage you to keep pointing at them! And keep pointing them out, and keep talking about them!

But if it's something that you really don't want to be coming up in your experience over and over again- then don't keep updating it!!
Don't keep renewing it!

Esther notices that if she doesn't update her software, pretty soon her machine doesn't work anymore. You've noticed that? -Gotta kind of keep updating, to keep things current! Well, when it regards things that you care about, and things you want to keep being active in your experience, by all means keep updating them! Keep talking about them. Keep them active in your vibration. But if there's something that you've lived, or something that you've observed, that you don't want to be present in your day's experience-

then do your best to take your attention from it which means give your attention to other things:
Decide, that you're going to point toward the things that you really want.

from the youtube clip "‘I am a Pointer’ | You can have it all"
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Post by spiritualcookie »

For Non-Abe Quotes on The Power of Choice :: Sifting & Sorting see here: (1)

We're here to Sift & Sort and Choose what we want to Embrace

I embrace the idea of physicalness.
I embrace the idea of physical love.
I embrace the idea of eating the glorious food.
I embrace walking barefoot through the grass.
I embrace the idea of immersing my body in the beautiful water.
I embrace the beautiful atmosphere and oxygen.

There is so much of this place... that I do embrace.
And there are some things that are here that I do not embrace.
It is a well-stocked kitchen with every ingredient imaginable,
and I may pick from it that which I want and chew upon it and experience it.
But I am pretty picky!


You do not have to embrace any thought until you have weighed it against the other intentions that you hold.
And as you weigh it, you know right away, by the way you feel, whether this is an ingredient you want in your experience, or whether it is one you would rather release.
And how do you release it?
Take your attention from it.
You don't release it by saying, "That is wrong, that is wrong, that should not be. There should be a law against that. Stop it. Get someone to stop that." (...)
That is bringing it right into your experience.
The more attention you give to what you do not want, the more you bring it right into your experience.

- Abraham
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