What do bodily sensations (as goosebumps, yawning...) mean?

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What do bodily sensations (as goosebumps, yawning...) mean?

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


I want to talk about goosebumps.

Goosebumps? -Goosebumps.

I've... I've gotten to this place where there's no thing that is more valuable to me, more passionate for me, than the feeling of the goosebump moments, that I get in between the (mumbling)

Well, we're going to tell you what it is, you're going to like this:
It's energy in motion. And it's the feeling of, in the moment, something has caused you to focus in a way that you have just now released another piece of resistance, and allowed energy to flow!
That's what it is! Esther used to say, it's confirmation. But we want to say, it's confirmation of more allowing. It's confirmation of more alignment!

So, this is my question about it: If the higher I get, than...

The goosebumps will never stop. Because you'll never stop reaching for a higher frequency! You'll never stop finding another way to release more resistance! No matter where you are on the emotional scale, there will always be that rush of motion forward!

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


Do you know, when you yawn- that's because you need more oxygen.
And we yawn you!

All of you are receivers, you see!
How often are you in traffic and you know to do something that prevents something? How
many things do you prevent that you don't even know you prevent? So many!! Because
you're receiving constant impulses.

You are so blessed! You are so tentative. We are so aware of you, and you are so in
your own way, so much of the time- as you're complaining about this and worrying about
that, watching CNN...

so we want you to know, that you are the focal point of so much awareness. And that,
when you ask for something, we all know it! And we see clearly the path for you to move
from where you are, to where you want to be. And you know what? You want it to be a direct
path. WE DON'T! We want you to have fun along the way!!

from the youtube-clip
Abraham Hicks 2023 You Want the Freedom and Security, Not Money!
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


What happens during an orgasm, energetically?


There is obviously a blending between the physical and the nonphysicalwhile alignment during physically… goosebumps, happy and meditational moments feels somehow… and somewhere, in some aspects, it´s still different.It´s not as intense…

Ya. Less momentum! Less momentum. Meditation is a sort of slowing momentum but there is no slowing of momentum in what is leading up to that orgasm! Well let´s think about of the components of that. We´ve been talking about that 17 seconds, 17 sec, 17 sec, 17 sec, 17 sec. And the thing about that experience, personally-even so you maybe with another person - is that there is a personally and selfish focus. A sort of undevided attention.

Iow, there is no subject that is more helpful in the discussion of momentum, than this one! Because there are few subjects, that get your attention that in the moment of the process as you are willing to HOLD yourself–and you know that it´s a mental thing more than anything else!-when you´r mind is wandering all over the place, it´s different than when you are FOCUSED.

And there is nothing more sensual OR sexual than alignment! Iow, people think that it´s mortal,or that it´s physical but it isn´t.It´s NONPHYSICAL. It´s alignment. And don´t you think that that´s the perfect blending-that the very reason and possibility of your existanceis tied in, to that!? ya, ya! Things that matter get the HIGHEST attention from source! And we´r NOT trying to get you to conceive, every time you have this experience.It just fits nicely together.
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Twitching/ vibrating nose..., eye twitches...

I was reading "Ask and it is given", and, um I started having this vibration in my nose. And i'm going... at first I thought, oh my god, I'm stroking out! This is going to be a stroke! -And, um...

So interesting, that when you have a physical sensation, your first thought is: something's wrong. Rather than: Something's extra right! -Did you read in the book before that happened to you, about Esther's opening, and how we began to spell by writing with her nose? Yes? So, you can feel how- as you were having this awakening through the book that you were reading, that the nose could be the crack of least resistance for you, since it was the crack of least resistance for Esther!

For months, we were giving Esther blocks of thought. But she could not distinguish them from her own! And her encouragement had been, to quiet her mind. So, when she began hearing these thoughts, she just tried to quiet her mind and so finally, we realized that if she was going to realize that we were communicating, that we were going to have to give her something more obvious. And so, we started actually moving her nose, as if it was spelling letters on a chalkboard.

So, also you know how you can move your hand. You can move your foot, you can move your tongue, you can move your head. And so, that kind of movement is not so necessary. But we never see you, vibrate your nose!

In other words, you never say: "I think I will vibrate my nose, in order to make a point." You just don't do it! So, when your nose vibrates, you got to know: Somebody else is the fault behind it, yes? So, that's the reason that it happens in that way for Esther, when we want to get her attention!

When she's chatting with (transitioned)Jerry, and so involved in what she's doing, that she can't notice us- we give her an eye twitch. That gets her every time! ...Or sometimes, when she's driving, we just begin thumping on the steering wheel. And sometimes she's so busy in the middle of her conversation, that we thump for over a mile, before she catches on!

In other words, it's not easy to get your attention, When you are involved in the things that you're involved in, and so, as you are reading about this book about alignment, and (about) awakening, in fact, you were beginning the process long before this book even came into your hands! We want to say to you, that it's just part of the process.

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Post by spiritualcookie »

[What are goosebumps?]

You know those "goose bumps" that come over you?
That is OUR pleasure at your acknowledgement of something.

- Abraham
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...A tingling on her cheek...

This is the way we want you to feel, about anything that isn't going the way you want it!
You didn't know that the cells of your body are communicating with each other! And you didn't know that you were blocking them, with your negative thoughts. You didn't know! You just thought, your negative thoughts were just negative thoughts. And you also thought, that they were logical negative thoughts! And that they were understood negative thoughts. And that they were commonly thought negative thoughts! You didn't know...!

But now you know! Now you know. In other words, now you know! (...) Give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Everything's all right. And the cells of your body know, that everything's all right! And the cells of your body are not letting you down: They're asking for what they need and in that softer vibration...

See that? See that? You got that? You know what that is? You feel that? ...That's your confirmation.

That's your inner being saying to you, "You didn't know! But now, you know." Did you feel that on your cheek, just now? (HS mumbles)
Yeah, you're not having a stroke. Lots of things like that!

-That's you, releasing enough resistance, that you're allowing energy to flow where a moment ago, you weren't allowing it to flow. You're gonna begin feeling a lot of twitters. Yeah.

HS (shy):
It's a good thing?

It is a VERY good thing.

from the youtube clip "The Root Cause of Chronic Pain | Abraham Hicks"
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

In your Pleasure, those Goosebumps that ripple up and down you- that's US.
Reveling in all, that WE have become!
Those goosebumps are YOUR conscious awareness of the appreciation WE feel for your leading edge place,
in the expansion of all-there-is!

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

What Tears are: Releasing of Resistance.
"The Relief-Factor"

HS ("Scott", a former Abe-Forum-moderator, who was epically often in the HS and almost regularly gets into the HS 2x, within a WS):
I'd like to have you talk about The Human Experience of tears.
And I'm curious about it, because they come in all sorts of forms- whether people win the lottery, or they go bankrupt, or a baby is born, or someone dies. Tears seem to be a somewhat Universal expression for a wide range of emotions! Could you explain the commonality in that experience?

The commonality is this:
There is release, every time. Release of what?
Release of resistance- every time.

Now there is a variable here. But usually the amount of Tears is proportionate to the amount of release. So, think about the examples that you offered here!

Someone dies- well that one's easy. Enormous relief or release. And if you have been close to the one who is making their transition, and you've watched them struggle, suffer, struggle, suffer, struggle, suffer... and then you see, in a moment that struggling- suffering stop. Sometimes if you are vibrationally in alignment with who you really are enough, so you can feel the Ecstasy that they feel as they release into non-physical! But at a minimum you're experiencing the relief of watching the suffering stop, you see.

In moments of extreme joy it is an abrupt focusing from something less joyful into something more joyful. As Jerry and Esther were driving from where their monster-bus is parked to the hotel yesterday, their car was closed up, and no outside air was coming in, or very little. And Esther said to Jerry: "I'm getting the vibration of orange blossoms, even though I haven't seen them! And I don't think I'm smelling them yet, but at some level I'm beginning to smell them!" and Jerry is sniffing and Esther's sniffing, and they're pretty sure they're not actually smelling them yet- but at some level they were receiving the vibration of those orange blossoms. Which was bringing up some memory of something wonderful.

And when Esther got out of the car, to go into the 7-Eleven to buy the bottle of water, tears filled her eyes, as her lungs were filled with the real life fragrance undeniable of orange blossoms! In other words- "I wasn't imagining it!" she thought. There it was, now! -Seems silly to be so moved and so touched by something, but what it was, was an awareness of something lovely, and an expectation of having a manifestation of it. And then, the realism of the manifestation of it! -Even something like that can bring a sensitive one to tears of appreciation. Which were relief, from what? Now this is what we're talking about! In that relief-factor, you see!

And this is the reason this question is so magnificent, because it gives us an opportunity to talk about the relief-factor. No matter where you are, along the emotional scale, you talk about things that should make you sad, making you cry, and things that should make you happy, making you cry. And we say: It's all about the relativity of moving from one vibration to another.

And so, the more sensitive you are to vibration, the more that relief-factor would play in.

There are people who cry at everything! -Esther watches people win money on game shows, it makes her cry. She likes the feeling of them, moving into a new place in their personal manifestation, you see. So, sensitivity to vibration could make you cry easily.

Or, jumping a big vibration and having a big wad of release could make you cry.

Okay. My other question is...

That was really good!! Did you write "really good, really really good, important!!"? (laughter)

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

How to allow miracles within your body
(The differences between sensations and pain)

Now, what about parts of my body, that are not youthing? They're they're getting older. I mean, can I use this method that you're teaching us about being in the feeling state, uh, create regeneration of parts of my body? Such as gray graying hair, wrinkles... I've had a hysterectomy. I have a bad knee or shoulder. Can I...

You can! But not from that vibrational feeling place that is there! And, in other words, what we're getting at is this: Jerry and Esther were in New England last fall. And as they walked, and drove through the extraordinary color of these aging leaves, we did not hear them or any other standing under the trees demanding, that they'd be screen spring green, again! Everyone seemed to accept the natural cycling of the leaves. Now as you understand that you are more like the tree than you think... in other words, as the tree drops its leaves, and they become new again...

Esther said, she would like to be a chicken. Because she can't tell her little spring chickens from the old chickens because every year, they all get new feathers. She said: "Ladies should have feathers! Every year, we would get new feathers!" ...well, what we are getting at here, is that the cells of your body are continually regenerating. And if you could find yourself appreciating the spring and the summer and the fall and the winter of your experience, then in that appreciation, you would regenerate the cells. And that which you are wanting, as youth, would would be maintained eternally! In other words, you can't tell the old wolf from the middle-aged wolf. They are as agile and as clear-minded, you see!

So the answer there is continued appreciation, to keep the valve open? (Abe: yes!) and create whatever it is I want to create in my body- whether it's a healing of a joint, or coloring of my hair...?

Yes! As you acknowledge the beauty of your hair, even if it is gray- in that vibration, your valve is open. And then your truer wanting is satisfied. As you want your hair to be different than it is, and in that lackful mode you look- then vibrationally, you close the valve that could allow it to be different.

So the key is: how do I look at a wrinkled face and feel appreciation?
How do I feel prosperous when my checks are bouncing?
How do I feel well, when they tell me I have cancer?

And we say: You must not put so much credence upon the current condition! And you should let your vision be dominant.

And when you are able to look and see what you are wanting to see, rather than what everybody else sees- then you have the true vision of energy flow. And that's when you begin to create miracles, and we're not kidding you about it!

In other words, that's when the physical manifestation that defies all of the properties of your physical laws, begin to take place!
It's because your knowing has superseded the vibrational habit of thought that is physical perspective. And has entered into the realm of the broader awareness.

And that's where the pain from the knee joint disappears? (Abe: Yes!) -When I've achieved that?

The pain from the deep joint disappears, when you open your valve and acknowledge that the cells are doing their work. It's a very subtle difference between that which most of you call sensation, and pain. So what happens is- let's say that you have an injury to a leg, or or you're just out of balance for some reason. You... you twist... One day somebody gave Esther a hug that was so tight, that it separated one of her ribs. And so, as she has this this sort of pain in in her side, what is her first thought: "Something's wrong!"

Well, what the pain was, was non-physical energy knowing that there is something out of whack in her body, (and) going right to work!

And so, the cells in that part of body are on active duty! The cells in that part of her body are vibrationally asking for non-physical energy. And if Esther, in feeling the sensation, would relax and say:

"Ah! Help is on the way! All is well here. I feel this sensation, and what it means is, the cells and that right part of my body are acting much stronger. And they are summoning non-physical energy!" -and she would relax into the pain, rather than tensing against it!

Then she would allow the cells, and the non-physical energy to do their work. And that, which we would call a near-instant-healing!
You're sitting on an airplane. Somebody next to you is hacking, coughing, dripping, dribbling this virus. This person coughs into the air, and you inhale the virus into your body. When that happens, the cells of your body, in that part of your body, know that the intruder is there! And right away, begin to vibrationally respond to it. They vibrationally ask for non-physical energy to compensate.

So, the cells are asking, and the non-physical energy is answering. Now, if you're basking, if you are having a wonderful time, if you're appreciating, if your valve is wide open- then the communication between the cells and the non-physical energy is perfect. That virus is dealt with instantly! You don't even know it's happened. And you continue to thrive.

But if you're ornery, if the flight attendant has made you mad, if you are angry about something, if you are on your way to a funeral, if you are in a negative state of mind and you ingest this virus, without even being aware of it- then, as the cells are doing their part, and the non-physical energy is doing its part, you're setting up a resistance. So, as you set up a resistance, the cells work harder. The non-physical energy works harder! You set up more resistance! Then you have that, which you call sensation or pain. And then you say: "Um... something's wrong!" -and in the moment you identify something negative, and you turn your attention to it- now the cells are working harder! The non-physical is working harder. But you've got an iron door closed. So, when you feel pain, what we would encourage you to do is, say:

"Ah, this is good! The cells know what they're doing. The non-physical energy knows what it's doing!
And this thing that I have once called pain, I'm now going to call "help on the way." And in the same way that I would relax, and allow my mother to take a sliver out of my hand- even though I didn't really like it, I'm going to relax and allow these little psychic surgeons to deal with my body, on a cellular level!"

If you will allow the psychic surgeons to do it, there will be no scars. The resiliency of your body will be near perfect! If you go to the physician, it's like turning a chainsaw loose. In other words, the comparison of allowing the cellular surgery and the physical surgery is a big difference!

from the youtube clip I want to be beautiful again🔥 ABRAHAM HICKS Can I regrow 🔥 I want to be beautiful
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Post by spiritualcookie »

On Goosebumps

Often, while in the midst of a genuine feeling of appreciation for someone or something,
you will feel ripples of goose bumps.
Those sensations are confirming your alignment with your Source.

- AH
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