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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Clarity means, Attention to something without contradicting it.

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Clarity is ALIGNMENT.
Clarity is a clear impulse of where to go.
Clarity is trusting the path.
Clarity is not standing in a wobbly place.

Clarity is momentum, that has no resistance,
and when you're in that place of clarity,
the feeling of what to do next is right there.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Monster Bus Problems Bring What Is Wanted
(Even masters as Esther need "contrast" to find clarity, sometimes!)

Now, Jerry and Esther for the first ten years of their work, they flew. They were on an airplane every Friday and every Monday and uh -spending a lot of time in airports and -a little bit of time at home -more, than they are now. But then one day after sort of growing tired of spending so much time at airports, Jerry and Esther considered these motor homes or busses. And Esther said to Jerry, "if we had a motor home, in five minutes we would be home. Instead of the all-day flight that it's going to take from LaGuardia back to San Antonio."

And so, for the next ten years, they've been driving busses. And -now they've come to the place where the bus feels like more responsibility than they really need to be dragging around with them. When they first began traveling in the bus they had big equipment, that they were using for sound conversion, and now everything's digital. The office is not sending them boxes of paperwork: Everything's coming electronically. So, they've paired things down they really don't need, except for Esther's clothes -a great big bus with a lot of big closets. And so they've been talking about releasing the bus and traveling differently, and doing some flying and and moving about in a SUV.

But Esther especially had very mixed energy about it. She loves that bus! She loves being in the bus, she loves driving the bus... And so she could not come to a decision. And what she wanted more than anything, was to be decisive. Now, Jerry had already brought himself to a place of ease about it. He had decided that life would be better and they would have more fun and have more time for themselves and less time moving in and out of RV parks. In other words Jerry came to the conclusion quite easily. But Jerry is a mere passenger in the bus. Esther is the pilot of the bus!

In other words, the bus has more meaning to Esther.
It has been her friend, while Jerry has been sleeping. -So, Esther had mixed feelings about it, and what she wanted was to become decisive. She wanted a decision to formulate within her, that was as powerful as the decision that had formulated within Jerry. And such an interesting thing happened: In the last one thousand miles of moving that bus back to Coburg, where they will leave it; the bus had four break-downs.

Never before has the bus broken down! Four things, that left them off, on the side of the road. But what it provided for Esther was clarity about that decision!

It provided clarity about the responsibility of all of those moving parts being with them, everywhere they go. And it brought her to a -a very easy personal consensus about the ease -In other words as much fun as it is the ease of releasing all of those moving parts. In other words, they just don’t need that much responsibility moving with them! Now there's not a right or a wrong answer in whether they should keep the bus, or whether they should release the bus. There's a not a right or wrong answet, but what there is:

-There is a Vortex version of them, that has been being created over time, that at one time that bus was a perfect answer to. That, at THIS time that bus is not a perfect answer to. But Esther was clinging to an old decision, and feeling uncomfortable, because new life was calling her to a place, that the old decision was not allowing her to go.

Are you following a bit? And then the magnificent, universal Law of Attraction yielded to Esther, what she most wanted. It was opportunity to come to clarity about what they wanted!

...So, we offer this example of what's going on with Jerry and Esther, because now Esther is no longer contradicted. In other words the -those poignant life experiences amplified, what she already knows, and what her Vortex is already calling her toward. But she wasn't ready to let go of that last resistance, until that last strong calling took place.

from AH official youtube-channel, called Abraham: MONSTER BUS PROBLEMS BRING WHAT IS WANTED - Esther & Jerry Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »

For Non-Abe Quotes on Clarity see here: (1)
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