Love and Likes

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Love and Likes

Post by Layshii »

I love listening to the birds singing outside. I laugh, because autocorrect turned 'birds' into 'butts' :lol:

I love to laugh. It feels so good to be happy.
I love the sunshine. I love the light green color of my pants. I really like these pants. I'm glad that I bought them. I love that pants like these exist. I love beautiful clothes. I love fabrics with color gradiants.

I like that I can improve and practice my English language skills. I like to expand my vocabulary. I like that I can communicate with people from all over the world through the internet. I like the vast possibilities. I love to learn new languages.

I love that places like this forum exist, where I can practice to align myself with my Inner Being and focus on everything that feels good.
I love to feel good. I love to be happy. I love to have fun.

I love how it seemed that the birds outside where reacting to my meditation the other day. The more I came into alignment the louder they chirped. And when I got out of alignment, they became quiet. That was funny and interesting.

I love that there are apps that offer playful language learning. I love the sound of some languages. And their writing system. It's so cool and fun.
I love to watch videos in which people quietly walk through different place in different countries. I love how calming and at the same time interesting this is.
I love the sensation of my mood changing to the better automatically more often now. I love that it not only happens while meditating, but also while reading a book.

I love to be happy. Happy, happy, happy. I love to have fun. I love fun. I love to have fun. Fun feels good. Everything is easy and clear. I love having fun. I love to love :D
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Re: Love and Likes

Post by Layshii »

I love how much fun it was cooking today. I love how I played with ideas on what to do with the ingredients. I love how tasty everything was. I love that I found some sweet pepper powder to season the food further. I love that the dishwasher makes cleaning the dishes so much easier. I love to live in the time and space in which dishwashers exist. I love that people even invented robots that can put in the dishes into the dishwasher. Isn't that fun? :D

I love that I'm starting to have fun with writing love letters to myself. I love that I'm looking forward to do this soon. I love how good it feels to talk nicely to myself.

I love to feel good. I love to have fun. I love to play. I love ease. I love to love. I love freedom. I love to feel free. I love to be happy. I love happiness. I love happy excitement. I love to be my true self. I love being aligned with my Inner Being. I love to feel happy. I love to feel great. I love to love. I love to feel confident. I love to be free. I love to be sure.
I love my life <3
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Re: Love and Likes

Post by Layshii »

I like that I feel better after meditating and climbing up on the EGS. I love that I can practice to feel better and get more aligned with my Inner Being. I love to feel better. I love the sensation of the 'cork' floating up. I love to feel good. I love to feel happier.

I love apps that I can learn languages with. I love that they help me to learn vocabulary. I love to play around with them. I love that my understanding of words and simple phrases has gotten better. I love how nice foreign languages sound. I love to learn Chinese characters. They're so fascinating. I love the melodic sounds of languages. I love to recognize words while watching foreign TV shows.

I love the freedom to decide, if I go shopping today or tomorrow or any other day. I love the freedom of being able to go shopping on the internet. I love how easy it is to find the products that I want and to order them. I love ease.

I love easy. Easy is fun. I love when things are playful. I love ease and playfulness. I love fun. I want to have more fun. Because I love fun. It's fun to use emojis and colored text. I love the freedom to use these however I want to. I love to feel free. I love to be my true self. I love to have freedom. I love to have freedom of joy and happiness. I love to have freedom of money. I love to feel free. Free is good. It's great. Power feels great, too. I love to be aware of my power. I love to feel confident and powerful. I love to feel secure. I love to love. I love to be happy and joyful. I love being in alignment with my Inner Being. I love happiness. I love joy. I love being happy. I love fun. I love to love happily. I love. I am love.
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Re: Love and Likes

Post by Layshii »

I love how good it feels wishing everybody I come across something good and nice. I love how it changed me from being angry about speeding drivers to happily wishing them a wonderful day. I felt happy and playful. I love feeling happy and playful!

I love how overjoyed a cat greeted me when it saw me today. I love how loud it purred. I love how excited and happy the cat was. I love cats. I love their purring. I love their joy. I love their playfulness. I love being together with cats. I love to know cats that are full of love and joy. I love happy cats.

I love the nice weather. I love the beautiful nature. I love the intense green of the leaves. I love the blue sky. I love the sunshine. I love to be happy. I love happiness. I love joy. I love happy. I love freedom. I love to be free. I love my car and the freedom it gives me. I love money and the freedom it gives me.

I appreciate the people that write their success stories and inspire me. I love that my inner guidance let me find them. I love that I'm ready for doing these practices.

I love reading a good novel. I love to dive into different worlds. I love the excitement. I love the interesting characters and the world building. I love it. I appreciate all the wonderful stories people write. I appreciate the movies and series that are made off of novels. I love how they bring the stories to life. I love the beautiful detailed clothes. I appreciate the workmanship that goes into creating everything. I love the beautiful jewelry. I love the makeup, the hairstyles, movie sets - everything is so creative. I love creativity. I love it. I love it. I love it! :D
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Re: Love and Likes

Post by Layshii »

Feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin is amazing. Breathing the fresh air. The wind softly blowing. I like it. I like that I can sit here and enjoy the sun. I like the joyous songs of the birds. I like listening to the calls of a dove. I love when the birds take a bath in the pot saucer. I love the flowers. I love their bright colors. I love the sound of distant planes flying above. All is well.

Everything is fine. All is well. I feel good. I feel fine. I love. I love to love. I love to be happy. I love to feel free. I love the feeling of all is well. I love happiness. I love joy. I love peace. I love feeling good.

I love the moss on the trees. I love how beautiful and fuzzy it looks.
I love to think good feeling thoughts about people. I love to wish the happiness. I love to feel good when I think about others. I love to feel great.

All is well.
No matter how my body feels, I love my body. All is well. It's okay. It's fine. I'm doing great. I'm getting better and better at this. I'm making more and more progress. I'm more and more my true self.

I love listening to Abraham. I love how much I resonate with what they say. I love that this is an easy way to have access to the knowledge that everyone has deep inside.
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Re: Love and Likes

Post by Layshii »

Solutions and inspiration are coming to me. I love that I always find something that helps me to become my true self. I love that it comes at the right time. I love to feel relief and hope. I love to feel optimism. I love to feel my power and to feel sure. I love to feel good. I love to feel happy. I love to love. I love happiness. I love solutions. I love to feel good. I love imagination. I love more solutions coming to me.

I love the birds that are singing outside. I love the cool breeze. I love the warmth. I love the light of the day. I also love the darkness of the night. I love watching the stars. I love to imagine the vastness of space.
I love to play. I love to be happy. I love to feel good. I love to see people smile and being in a good mood. I love to wish them happiness and a wonderful day. I love how good that feels.

I love ease. I love easy. I love to play around and write down what I love about myself, my body, money and everything else.
I love to be playful. I love to be confident. I love confidence. I love to feel sure. I love knowing. I love it. I love it so much!
I love ease. I love to play. I love being happy. I love power. I love to know of my power. I love to be my powerful true self!
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Re: Love and Likes

Post by Layshii »

I love quiet and peaceful. I like funny stories. I like to laugh. I like to feel good. I like the color green. I like the variations of green that exist in nature. I like the vast possibilities to create things. I like things that look pretty. I like nature. I like to feel good. I like that part of me that is at ease. I like when I'm more in alignment with my inner being. I like to write with people that are in high vibrations. I like how they remind me to take it easy in life.
I like to feel peaceful. I like to have fun. I like to feel sure. I like to feel powerful. I like to feel great. I like to be my true self. I love to feel good. I love to feel great. I love security. I love freedom. I love prosperity. I love money. I love the flow of money. I love the abundance of money. I love freedom of money. I love abundance of health. I love freedom that health brings. I love happiness. I love to be happy. I love to have fun. I love to feel confident. I love to dream. I love to feel fulfillment. I love being my true self!
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Re: Love and Likes

Post by Layshii »

I love sunshine. I love listening to the happy energetic birds outside. I love to feel fresh and awake. I love ease. I love success. I love feeling optimistic. I love fun. I love freedom. I love ease. Easy. Fun. Happy. I love to be happy. I love happiness. I love joy. I love happiness and joy. I love freedom. I love to feel free. I love when everything is playful and easy. I love knowing that all is well. I am well. I am my true self.

I can always come back into alignment with my Inner Being. All is well. Contrast doesn't matter. It just exists to clarify things. I can have what I want. It's possible. I can be at ease. Any negative feeling is just a reminder that the thoughts that I'm thinking not what my Inner Being thinks and knows. It know, all is well. I'll get what I want. It's already there. I already have the perfect solution. Everything unfolds perfectly. I feel good. I feel great. I feel sure.

I love to feel good. I love to feel happy. I love to be my true self. I love to be confident. I love to feel powerful. I love to be happy. I love to be joyful. I love to feel great. I am great! I'm doing this! I am awesome! I love my life! I love myself! I'm doing my best!
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Re: Love and Likes

Post by Layshii »

I like the abundance of electricity. I love that I have light in my rooms. I love that I have new bed sheets. I love their color. I love that I got to experience holding an owl on my arm. I love that I got to see a bird that is as intelligent as a 4 year old child. I love how diverse animals are. I love how individual they are. I love that there are people who care for them. I love when people found something that is fulfilling for them. I love how energetic and joyful they are about it and how much they love to share their joy with others. I love their playful hobbies. I love how open they are about it. I love their confidence. I love how happy they can make others.

I love to be happy. I love to laugh. I love to feel good. I love to feel joy.
I love to find nice people. I love to meet people and finding out that they're all nice. I love when people are expressing their emotions in a funny way. I love when people are able to laugh about themselves or turn awkward situations into fun ones. I love to be inspired by them.

I love to have fun. I love to feel good. I love to breathe. I love to feel happy. I love to be joyful. I love to love.
I love how much better I feel now. I love this forum. I love the people in this forum. I love this opportunity to write a rampage of appreciation. I love it! I love 💕
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Re: Love and Likes

Post by Layshii »

I love manifestations that I like. I love happiness. I love to be happy. I love to be joyful. I love ease. Easy winning. Easy playing. Easy bureaucracy. Ease of mind. Ease. Flow. Happy. Fun. Good times!
I love the cool breeze of my fan. I love to write with other people. I love making progress. I love water. I love having water to drink as much as I want. I love to have electricity as much as I want. I love abundance. I love ease. I love being at ease. I love the state of All is well. I love to feel good. I love solutions that feel good. I love great music. I love that I can listen to so many good songs and that there are always new ones coming.
I love happiness. I love joy. I love fun. I love having fun. I love to feel vivacious.
I love to read a good book. To be excited and sinking deep into the story.
I love fun. I love joy. I love happiness.
I love my life.
I love myself.
I love people.
I love the world 💓
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