Blue__Butterflies wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:04 pmQ: So what we call awakening is just when I’m so integrated with exactly who I am, that’s what I’m in alignment with, my Source - we can call that awakening?
A: Yes. (...)
When you have made that metamorphosis into that knowing,
when you allow all that You are to be within you here,
then you revel in every waking moment -
you move your way continually up the Emotional Scale,
you take delight in the new desires that are born within you,
you enjoy your progress toward them,
and you condemn yourself and others never.
In other words, you live life in the way that which is your Source is living life. (...)
God is alive in you now,
and you can tell when you close that gap.
And when you do, life takes on all new meaning.
Nothing in all of the Universe is more delicious than to be in this physical body
and allowing the fullness that is You to be present in this moment.
~ Abraham-Hicks
Boca Raton, FL 11/5/2005
Quotes on Awakening & Enlightenment
- spiritualcookie
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Quotes on Awakening & Enlightenment
- Paradise-on-Earth
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Enlightenment means literally: ALIGNING TO THE ENERGY OF MY SOURCE.
And genius is only about focusing! LoA takes care of everything else.
Physical humans often want to make "Enlightenment" about finding some process, and moving through the process,
that has been pre-described. But, true Enlightenment is:
Moving to the rhythm of internal inspiration- that is coming in response to the individual desire.
Enlightenment is about allowing your connection to the Source, that is you!, for the fulfillment of the things, that you have defined individually in this time/space reality! -That’s as good as it gets.
Abraham Hicks
- Paradise-on-Earth
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Enlightenment is not steady.
Many spiritual teachers guide us toward Awakening to our true nature, known as Enlightenment.
Those who have achieved this...
Abe, interrupting:
...and that's what we're referring to as the receiving mode. Enlightenment is not like a college degree, where once you get it, you hang it on the wall and it's yours, forever more!
-It either is, or it isn't, in this moment.
In other words, you're either allowing who you are, or you're not. So, Enlightenment is a current state of being. It's not ever anything that you can just "be"! Don't let anybody ever give you a certificate of Enlightenment! Hand it right back to them, and say: "This is an ongoing process!!"
yeah, yeah... it can only occur in the now, right?
...and to prove it, just punch them, when you give it back to them! (laughing audience)
good, good! So those, who have described achieving at least this state on a consistent basis... so obviously it's not a college degree?
Instead of calling it "a state of enlightenment", let's call it "Understanding of the laws, of the Universe, and a deliberate interest in applying myself in successful ways."
Let's not try to define ourselves, or anyone else!- as enlightened or not enlightened! Let's instead say: "I am aware of the laws of the Universe, and I intend to be as often as I can, in full sync with who I am." Because, that's what enlightenment in the moment is.
Abraham Hicks
Many spiritual teachers guide us toward Awakening to our true nature, known as Enlightenment.
Those who have achieved this...
Abe, interrupting:
...and that's what we're referring to as the receiving mode. Enlightenment is not like a college degree, where once you get it, you hang it on the wall and it's yours, forever more!
-It either is, or it isn't, in this moment.
In other words, you're either allowing who you are, or you're not. So, Enlightenment is a current state of being. It's not ever anything that you can just "be"! Don't let anybody ever give you a certificate of Enlightenment! Hand it right back to them, and say: "This is an ongoing process!!"
yeah, yeah... it can only occur in the now, right?
...and to prove it, just punch them, when you give it back to them! (laughing audience)
good, good! So those, who have described achieving at least this state on a consistent basis... so obviously it's not a college degree?
Instead of calling it "a state of enlightenment", let's call it "Understanding of the laws, of the Universe, and a deliberate interest in applying myself in successful ways."
Let's not try to define ourselves, or anyone else!- as enlightened or not enlightened! Let's instead say: "I am aware of the laws of the Universe, and I intend to be as often as I can, in full sync with who I am." Because, that's what enlightenment in the moment is.
Abraham Hicks
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4565
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How do Desires and Enlightenment go together?
My first question is about enlightenment. I've been studying a lot of different teachers, and a lot of them talk about enlightenment. And some of them talk about how all the desires we have on the physical level- you know some of them say, it's fine to have them... but...
Good!! Because you can't help it! The entire universe is established, to provide them!! You are on the leading edge of thought! You better get in the flow of that!
Right. Some of them say, behind every physical desire is this deep longing for... they have different names for, but what many call enlightenment. And I want to understand this more, but...
Oh, we can tell you here!
but, the other part about it... some of them say, when you... when you get into this state, then you no longer need to incarnate. And wonder about that and I also wonder, IS enlightenment just alignment- what you speak of?
First of all, let us tell you, we have to say to you that
there is nothing that could be less accurate than the statement, that incarnation is for the less enlightened. Because: Incarnation is the leading edge!
Where do they get this stuff??
Well these are these are other channeled... a lot of others channel themes, too, and I wonder!
There is not a shred of evidence, anywhere in your universe, to support that! -Let's talk about what enlightenment is.
Enlightenment is the allowing of the light.
Enlightenment is the allowing of the energy, that is source!
Enlightenment is the raising of vibration.
Enlightenment is what we've been talking about here: It's moving up this vibrational meter, you see, and so- one day, we were visiting with someone
who proposed a similar situation. And they were talking about someone who had counseled them to release their desires, because their desires were heavy and bulky by by the perspective of this counselor. And they were encouraged to release their desires for these worldly things, and we said:
"And what what is the reason for you to do that? Why are they encouraging you to do that?" and they said: Because then, I will be more enlightened." and we said: "And then what?", and they said: "and then, I will feel more joy!" and we said: "Is not joy a desire?"
-Is not joy the ultimate desire, you see?
And so, you can't have it both ways. You can't say, well... it's well we acknowledge that there are a lot of physical humans that are trying to make it, uh, both ways, by making the list of appropriate desires here. And the list of inappropriate desires here! But desires are either appropriate or they are not.
And we have to say to you, desire is the first summoning of that which is source!
It is inherent in the eternalness that we all are. In fact, it is so significant that all of you said: "I want to go forth into this contrasting time-space reality, so that the desire can be inspired within me. And when it is born, whether I speak about it or not, there will be summoning power on my behalf, that occurs. In other words, the Universe is established this way, and the greatest grief that we see anywhere in the Universe is right here, in this leading edge, human-dom-physical experience, where people are trying to resist the desires that are naturally born!
from the youtube clip: True Enlightenment- Abraham Hicks
My first question is about enlightenment. I've been studying a lot of different teachers, and a lot of them talk about enlightenment. And some of them talk about how all the desires we have on the physical level- you know some of them say, it's fine to have them... but...
Good!! Because you can't help it! The entire universe is established, to provide them!! You are on the leading edge of thought! You better get in the flow of that!
Right. Some of them say, behind every physical desire is this deep longing for... they have different names for, but what many call enlightenment. And I want to understand this more, but...
Oh, we can tell you here!
but, the other part about it... some of them say, when you... when you get into this state, then you no longer need to incarnate. And wonder about that and I also wonder, IS enlightenment just alignment- what you speak of?
First of all, let us tell you, we have to say to you that
there is nothing that could be less accurate than the statement, that incarnation is for the less enlightened. Because: Incarnation is the leading edge!
Where do they get this stuff??
Well these are these are other channeled... a lot of others channel themes, too, and I wonder!
There is not a shred of evidence, anywhere in your universe, to support that! -Let's talk about what enlightenment is.
Enlightenment is the allowing of the light.
Enlightenment is the allowing of the energy, that is source!
Enlightenment is the raising of vibration.
Enlightenment is what we've been talking about here: It's moving up this vibrational meter, you see, and so- one day, we were visiting with someone
who proposed a similar situation. And they were talking about someone who had counseled them to release their desires, because their desires were heavy and bulky by by the perspective of this counselor. And they were encouraged to release their desires for these worldly things, and we said:
"And what what is the reason for you to do that? Why are they encouraging you to do that?" and they said: Because then, I will be more enlightened." and we said: "And then what?", and they said: "and then, I will feel more joy!" and we said: "Is not joy a desire?"
-Is not joy the ultimate desire, you see?
And so, you can't have it both ways. You can't say, well... it's well we acknowledge that there are a lot of physical humans that are trying to make it, uh, both ways, by making the list of appropriate desires here. And the list of inappropriate desires here! But desires are either appropriate or they are not.
And we have to say to you, desire is the first summoning of that which is source!
It is inherent in the eternalness that we all are. In fact, it is so significant that all of you said: "I want to go forth into this contrasting time-space reality, so that the desire can be inspired within me. And when it is born, whether I speak about it or not, there will be summoning power on my behalf, that occurs. In other words, the Universe is established this way, and the greatest grief that we see anywhere in the Universe is right here, in this leading edge, human-dom-physical experience, where people are trying to resist the desires that are naturally born!
from the youtube clip: True Enlightenment- Abraham Hicks
- Paradise-on-Earth
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This is a Time of Awakening.
A Time of Self-Mastery.
A Time of Expansion!
Abraham Hicks
- Paradise-on-Earth
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Is 2012 "the time of Awakening"?
You've talked so much about being on the leading edge, that we are ever-expanding, that we're eternal beings... and in that broader and important context, so many people have made such a big deal- hoopla, about this year. About this next couple of years.
Is humanity really as a whole on the cusp of a quantum leap in consciousness?
Well, we've been calling at the time of awakening.
-The time of realizing who you really are. It certainly is a time of more deliberate awareness! And a time of greater sensitivity to that broader perspective. But in regards to the "big thing", that people are making about this year, we think that it would be appropriate in every new year, or every year coming, to make a big thing about it!
Because the leading edge really is where all of the attention is. And the reason that we put the word "awakening" into it, is because humanity has always had access to this non-physical energy stream. But if you're not consciously aware of it, you're not awake to it, and so... It's the kind of things that we've been talking about in this gathering, that make the answer to your question "unequivocally yes".
But it's not because it has changed from the non-physical viewpoint.
It's that more humans are becoming consciously aware of their relationship with what is non-physical!
We've been talking about it recently, in stronger terms, in this way: What you see through your physical eyes is a given. In other words, you've come to an agreement about what sight is, and what sound is, and what smell is, and what taste is, and what touch is. But almost no one has been making the association between the emotions that they are feeling, and their relationship with what is non-physical. And, as more of you are doing that and are beginning to taste... its the wrong word but it seems appropriate... to taste the subtlety of the non-physical energy... that's really what's happening!
It isn't that things are changing so much. It's that your ability to see them is changing.
You're tuning your frequencies higher and higher! So, that the crevasse or gap between what is physical, and what is non-physical, is less. And the awareness of what is non-physical is more!
That's what's happening.
So it's not so much a quantum leap- it's more of subtlety?
Quantum leaps are never a good idea. Humanity hardly ever adjusts in less than a century, after a quantum leap.
You really don't want a quantum leap. And really, you can't have a quantum leap! Quantum leaps are sort of a fictional way of describing "leaping into something that you've been wanting for a long time". But the thing is- and it's annoying to most of you, that
unless you are in the vibrational vicinity- you're not going to realize it!
And so, you can't not realize it and then jump into the realization of it. Sometimes, exaggerated contrast causes you to launch a really big rocket, which is sort of like a quantum leap. But you rarely maintain your vibrational relationship with that rocket, that you've fired off! Because what's surrounding you, that caused you to launch the rocket, is usually more dominant, and you settle right back into that practiced belief system, you see.
And so, a quantum leap could only occur if life caused you to launch a big rocket and somehow you were able to completely forget everything else! A lobotomy would help. But you lose so much in the process of that. Your vibration would raise, but your recognition of things would not be satisfactory, you see! So it's much better...
Meditation is the closest process to quantum leaping that we know!
Going general is the closest process to quantum leaping that we know.
And because life has caused you to put all of this vibrational reality over here in your vortex- so what are you going to do to get ready, for what's ready for you? Well, a quantum leap would be nice. But a quantum leap is not a practical thing:
You don't jump vibrational frequencies like that. You ease your way into them!
You say so "it's already there". Obviously it's just aligning with that?
It it's all about aligning. Which is what we are calling "the art of allowing".
The art of allowing, that brought a perspective that is really you!
That you have been honing for all of the days of this life, and long before!
It's the art of allowing yourself to be in vibrational sync with all that you have become.
And therefore with all that we are!
And therefore with that, which is source energy!
from the official youtube clip: Is 2012 "the time of Awakening"?
Excerpted from the August 2012 Alaskan Cruise.
You've talked so much about being on the leading edge, that we are ever-expanding, that we're eternal beings... and in that broader and important context, so many people have made such a big deal- hoopla, about this year. About this next couple of years.
Is humanity really as a whole on the cusp of a quantum leap in consciousness?
Well, we've been calling at the time of awakening.
-The time of realizing who you really are. It certainly is a time of more deliberate awareness! And a time of greater sensitivity to that broader perspective. But in regards to the "big thing", that people are making about this year, we think that it would be appropriate in every new year, or every year coming, to make a big thing about it!
Because the leading edge really is where all of the attention is. And the reason that we put the word "awakening" into it, is because humanity has always had access to this non-physical energy stream. But if you're not consciously aware of it, you're not awake to it, and so... It's the kind of things that we've been talking about in this gathering, that make the answer to your question "unequivocally yes".
But it's not because it has changed from the non-physical viewpoint.
It's that more humans are becoming consciously aware of their relationship with what is non-physical!
We've been talking about it recently, in stronger terms, in this way: What you see through your physical eyes is a given. In other words, you've come to an agreement about what sight is, and what sound is, and what smell is, and what taste is, and what touch is. But almost no one has been making the association between the emotions that they are feeling, and their relationship with what is non-physical. And, as more of you are doing that and are beginning to taste... its the wrong word but it seems appropriate... to taste the subtlety of the non-physical energy... that's really what's happening!
It isn't that things are changing so much. It's that your ability to see them is changing.
You're tuning your frequencies higher and higher! So, that the crevasse or gap between what is physical, and what is non-physical, is less. And the awareness of what is non-physical is more!
That's what's happening.
So it's not so much a quantum leap- it's more of subtlety?
Quantum leaps are never a good idea. Humanity hardly ever adjusts in less than a century, after a quantum leap.
You really don't want a quantum leap. And really, you can't have a quantum leap! Quantum leaps are sort of a fictional way of describing "leaping into something that you've been wanting for a long time". But the thing is- and it's annoying to most of you, that
unless you are in the vibrational vicinity- you're not going to realize it!
And so, you can't not realize it and then jump into the realization of it. Sometimes, exaggerated contrast causes you to launch a really big rocket, which is sort of like a quantum leap. But you rarely maintain your vibrational relationship with that rocket, that you've fired off! Because what's surrounding you, that caused you to launch the rocket, is usually more dominant, and you settle right back into that practiced belief system, you see.
And so, a quantum leap could only occur if life caused you to launch a big rocket and somehow you were able to completely forget everything else! A lobotomy would help. But you lose so much in the process of that. Your vibration would raise, but your recognition of things would not be satisfactory, you see! So it's much better...
Meditation is the closest process to quantum leaping that we know!
Going general is the closest process to quantum leaping that we know.
And because life has caused you to put all of this vibrational reality over here in your vortex- so what are you going to do to get ready, for what's ready for you? Well, a quantum leap would be nice. But a quantum leap is not a practical thing:
You don't jump vibrational frequencies like that. You ease your way into them!
You say so "it's already there". Obviously it's just aligning with that?
It it's all about aligning. Which is what we are calling "the art of allowing".
The art of allowing, that brought a perspective that is really you!
That you have been honing for all of the days of this life, and long before!
It's the art of allowing yourself to be in vibrational sync with all that you have become.
And therefore with all that we are!
And therefore with that, which is source energy!
from the official youtube clip: Is 2012 "the time of Awakening"?
Excerpted from the August 2012 Alaskan Cruise.
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4565
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A "Natural One" figuring out that he is "there", and doesn't need teaching!
(Witnessing an Enlightenment-moment!)
Good afternoon.
It is!
I have cognitive dissonance between my world of business which I play in and have fun, and the world you share, of the spiritual side. I- I found- you know, I wanted to sort of run away from it. So I said, let's go on a cruise. It just happened to be an Abraham cruise! My wife was thrilled. And I find, that the business side is so easy and fun! And the spiritual side is a lot of work for me.
Well, if your business side is easy and fun, then you've got the spiritual thing down! And don't worry about it!
I'm there!
Because, there's not something that you're supposed to do! And there's not some vocabulary that we want you to learn. In other words: If you say, "I have found something and when I focus upon it, it thrills me, and calls me forward" then we say: You have intuitively listened to your guidance and you're right on track, and these words are superfluous.
I'm there. I'm there! Thank you.
Yes indeed! (HS leaves the chair and walks out) ...Now he's going to the Lido Bar. No point in listening to, anymore, of this crap! (Audience hilarious)
from the official youtube-clip Abraham: A CASE OF COGNITIVE DISSONANCE - Esther & Jerry Hicks
(Witnessing an Enlightenment-moment!)
Good afternoon.
It is!
I have cognitive dissonance between my world of business which I play in and have fun, and the world you share, of the spiritual side. I- I found- you know, I wanted to sort of run away from it. So I said, let's go on a cruise. It just happened to be an Abraham cruise! My wife was thrilled. And I find, that the business side is so easy and fun! And the spiritual side is a lot of work for me.
Well, if your business side is easy and fun, then you've got the spiritual thing down! And don't worry about it!
I'm there!
Because, there's not something that you're supposed to do! And there's not some vocabulary that we want you to learn. In other words: If you say, "I have found something and when I focus upon it, it thrills me, and calls me forward" then we say: You have intuitively listened to your guidance and you're right on track, and these words are superfluous.
I'm there. I'm there! Thank you.
Yes indeed! (HS leaves the chair and walks out) ...Now he's going to the Lido Bar. No point in listening to, anymore, of this crap! (Audience hilarious)
from the official youtube-clip Abraham: A CASE OF COGNITIVE DISSONANCE - Esther & Jerry Hicks
- spiritualcookie
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Question: What is our duty in sharing this enlightenment or this information with other people? (...)
Abraham: You have no responsibility to another.
Your real responsibility is to yourself.
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4565
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
How to achieve Heaven on Earth
My question is this- I've been reading a book called "The Urantia Book" which has been described as The Fifth Epochal Revelation, and there is a question... because you've mentioned previously that heaven doesn't exist. And so I don't know whether you're familiar with the book or the teachings of it...
We can feel the vibration of it, as you talk about it!
Mmhmm yeah. And I guess it... I just wanted to ask what your perception that is. Because it really resonated with me. But yet, it also, you know... your teachings obviously also resonates. I'm left a little bit confused about where the existence of heaven... I guess I'm asking it.
Well the nice thing is, our opinion of your opinion is irrelevant! In other words, if you're reading something that feels uncomfortable, that discomfort that you feel is your indicator that the source within you is not in agreement. Not necessarily of what's written, but of your perception of what's written. There are a lot of realities that are being lived in this physical time-space reality. And
there are not two of you, who are perceiving identically!
So what humans are commonly doing with each other, is that you yearn so much- you do! You yearn for someone to understand your perspective! And we want you to cut that out. Because in your trying to explain yourself to each other in a way, to get agreement from others- very often you are training yourself away from your own guidance system. You're training yourself away from your own expansion. And the more life causes you to expand, and the more you train yourself away from that expansion, the more uncomfortable you feel. And so let us say this to you:
We have never seen any of you pick up anything that has been written, created, produced by any other human that was in every case a perfect vibrational match to you, and what's in your vortex!
That isn't the premise that you came forth, into this physical body!
You didn't say "I'll go forth and I'll find the right path, and I'll get with the right pack, and we'll travel in the right circles!" -and we'll say, "...and do the right things. THAT is what you said! You said: "I'll go forth and I'll mix it up. And I will come to my individual awarenesses, because you have become who you've become, before you came into this physical body! There was already plenty in your vortex that lets you know who you are:
You are a LOVER. You were, when you got here!
And the first day that you found a reason to hate someone, you felt the discord of that hate. Because the source within you, no matter how justified you think you are in the pushing against of that injustice, or that thing that you did not want to see- the source within you will not join you in that hatred, you see. And so, this is a conversation that could go on for hours and hours and hours, because there are so many facets to the environment in which you live and so many premises that people are presenting from, and there is a whole lot that people are saying about non-physical, that is so far from what it really is.
The basic premise of most religions could not be more off from the way that it is!
Most religion has you hear, you'r being tested. None of that is true.
Most religion has you hear, you'r inferior to that which is supreme. None of that is true!
Most religion has you isolated and separated from that which is source, and condemned and punished for actions and behaviors. Source isn't doing any of that!
That's why in fact guilt even exists at all: You couldn't feel so bad, if source didn't love you so much!
What about that:
If source wasn't constantly loving you, you wouldn't feel so awful when you find a reason not to feel loved?
And if source wasn't constantly loving everyone else, you wouldn't feel so awful when you're blaming them, either, you see!
So, once you show yourself actively your own guidance,
once you stand in any moment in time and you say "here I am! And source, I know you have an opinion about this child that I'm looking at." And you feel yourself welled up with appreciation, you can feel that your opinion, your approach, your perception right here right now, is so in sync with the source within you, that you are full of the completion of that which is source. That's what positive emotion is!
The better you feel, the more you are completing or allowing the extension of source, right here and now, in this moment in time.
And the worse you feel, the more your desire to be that, is- but the more you are disallowing it, you see.
So we would graze our way across the libraries of your world and across the data fields of your world, we would look for resonance. We would be constantly looking for resonance, but we would not be doing what most humans do- which is exploring the manifestations. Most humans are running around, not even aware that they are vibrational creators, looking at the results of the vibrations that people have been offering.
And then letting their whole life be based upon those manifestations, so then they sort the manifestations in piles: "These are good ones, these are not so good, these are terrible". And, "our religion judges those manifestations as completely inappropriate, and those manifestation is better, and then we conjure some fictitious "Heaven", that is someplace else-
...when your Heaven or your Hell that you are living is your resonance, or your lack of it!
It's your alignment, or you're not!
It's your allowing of the source within you, now. Or not, you see!
Source is never departing from you!
You didn't lose your connection with source, when you came into this physical experience. Source came right here with you. But you can choose thoughts to pinch you off pretty good from it. And you can choose thoughts, that align you with it, right away, you see.
You can live a life of alignment- and you will discover Heaven on Earth.
And from our perspective, what Heaven on Earth really is, is sifting through some contrast and recognizing some negative emotion: That's delicious guidance. "I have guidance within me! I know that I'm off the track of something. But I also know, I gave birth to something more! And the source within me resonated with the more, and became it immediately. And the only reason that I can feel negative emotion right now, is because I expanded, and didn't go! -That's Heaven on Earth. And now, I'm consciously aware of my guidance system- now I can find thoughts that feel a little better. I can give myself some ease in relief!"
-You call that forgiveness. We call it coming back into alignment.
"It's the releasing of the resistance, and the resonance with the source within me. And now I'm back in resonance! And now, my grid is filling in, and now wonderful things are happening everywhere I turn. Sweet people talking to me, intellectual conversations going on, physical stamina and vitality, and flexibility is mine! A feeling of well-being, everywhere I look at is beautiful. I'm zigging and zagging with the best of life. I'm on that vortex that all good things are mine. And there people may be clamoring around, saying "hey, life isn't good! Life isn't good, life is a good, life isn't good..." but I don't hear them: I'm not in the vibrational vicinity of them! -I'm living pure positive energy.
I'm living life in the way that I came forth to live, and standing this example of well-being to others. And when others come into my experience, maybe they were born into my family, maybe I was born to them- maybe I married one of them, maybe I go to school with one of them... some of these clamoring in a vibration that doesn't feel so good. They're saying "hey you, what have you got your head in the clouds? What are you so happy about? You should be down here with us: Living life in the reality that we all live! You should be sifting and sorting through the stuff of life. And- you should be perceiving life more as WE perceive it." And we say: You can't perceive other than you perceive.
And when you tune yourself to the frequencies of well-being, well-being is what will be revealed to you, everywhere you go.
If we were standing in your physical shoes,
we would no longer sift and sort the piles of manifestation!
We would spend ALL of our conscious awareness in looking for the best feeling thought that we could find.
We would tune ourselves constantly to the frequency that allows well-being!
And we would stand as an example of that: So, that when those who see us, see us, they would understand that we are living the well-being that we have been talking about! Teaching to the clarity of our example as best you can. And, you never get it done!
You never get it done, and you cannot get it wrong. And the reason that you cannot get it wrong, is because it is never done!
So, let's say you're standing in a place and you don't feel so good, and with good reason. Something happened, you looked at it, it hurt your feelings. You're out of whack.
The very fact that you can feel negative emotion means, there is a love right now that you are denying.
You couldn't feel pain, if love were not there!
Don't you like knowing that? If there were not love that is more right for you, and more available to you- you would never feel loneliness. Loneliness only exists because you're denying yourself the alignment with what you want! Are you getting this?
From the youtube-clip Abraham Hicks - 2014 Confused About The Existence Of Heaven
My question is this- I've been reading a book called "The Urantia Book" which has been described as The Fifth Epochal Revelation, and there is a question... because you've mentioned previously that heaven doesn't exist. And so I don't know whether you're familiar with the book or the teachings of it...
We can feel the vibration of it, as you talk about it!
Mmhmm yeah. And I guess it... I just wanted to ask what your perception that is. Because it really resonated with me. But yet, it also, you know... your teachings obviously also resonates. I'm left a little bit confused about where the existence of heaven... I guess I'm asking it.
Well the nice thing is, our opinion of your opinion is irrelevant! In other words, if you're reading something that feels uncomfortable, that discomfort that you feel is your indicator that the source within you is not in agreement. Not necessarily of what's written, but of your perception of what's written. There are a lot of realities that are being lived in this physical time-space reality. And
there are not two of you, who are perceiving identically!
So what humans are commonly doing with each other, is that you yearn so much- you do! You yearn for someone to understand your perspective! And we want you to cut that out. Because in your trying to explain yourself to each other in a way, to get agreement from others- very often you are training yourself away from your own guidance system. You're training yourself away from your own expansion. And the more life causes you to expand, and the more you train yourself away from that expansion, the more uncomfortable you feel. And so let us say this to you:
We have never seen any of you pick up anything that has been written, created, produced by any other human that was in every case a perfect vibrational match to you, and what's in your vortex!
That isn't the premise that you came forth, into this physical body!
You didn't say "I'll go forth and I'll find the right path, and I'll get with the right pack, and we'll travel in the right circles!" -and we'll say, "...and do the right things. THAT is what you said! You said: "I'll go forth and I'll mix it up. And I will come to my individual awarenesses, because you have become who you've become, before you came into this physical body! There was already plenty in your vortex that lets you know who you are:
You are a LOVER. You were, when you got here!
And the first day that you found a reason to hate someone, you felt the discord of that hate. Because the source within you, no matter how justified you think you are in the pushing against of that injustice, or that thing that you did not want to see- the source within you will not join you in that hatred, you see. And so, this is a conversation that could go on for hours and hours and hours, because there are so many facets to the environment in which you live and so many premises that people are presenting from, and there is a whole lot that people are saying about non-physical, that is so far from what it really is.
The basic premise of most religions could not be more off from the way that it is!
Most religion has you hear, you'r being tested. None of that is true.
Most religion has you hear, you'r inferior to that which is supreme. None of that is true!
Most religion has you isolated and separated from that which is source, and condemned and punished for actions and behaviors. Source isn't doing any of that!
That's why in fact guilt even exists at all: You couldn't feel so bad, if source didn't love you so much!
What about that:
If source wasn't constantly loving you, you wouldn't feel so awful when you find a reason not to feel loved?
And if source wasn't constantly loving everyone else, you wouldn't feel so awful when you're blaming them, either, you see!
So, once you show yourself actively your own guidance,
once you stand in any moment in time and you say "here I am! And source, I know you have an opinion about this child that I'm looking at." And you feel yourself welled up with appreciation, you can feel that your opinion, your approach, your perception right here right now, is so in sync with the source within you, that you are full of the completion of that which is source. That's what positive emotion is!
The better you feel, the more you are completing or allowing the extension of source, right here and now, in this moment in time.
And the worse you feel, the more your desire to be that, is- but the more you are disallowing it, you see.
So we would graze our way across the libraries of your world and across the data fields of your world, we would look for resonance. We would be constantly looking for resonance, but we would not be doing what most humans do- which is exploring the manifestations. Most humans are running around, not even aware that they are vibrational creators, looking at the results of the vibrations that people have been offering.
And then letting their whole life be based upon those manifestations, so then they sort the manifestations in piles: "These are good ones, these are not so good, these are terrible". And, "our religion judges those manifestations as completely inappropriate, and those manifestation is better, and then we conjure some fictitious "Heaven", that is someplace else-
...when your Heaven or your Hell that you are living is your resonance, or your lack of it!
It's your alignment, or you're not!
It's your allowing of the source within you, now. Or not, you see!
Source is never departing from you!
You didn't lose your connection with source, when you came into this physical experience. Source came right here with you. But you can choose thoughts to pinch you off pretty good from it. And you can choose thoughts, that align you with it, right away, you see.
You can live a life of alignment- and you will discover Heaven on Earth.
And from our perspective, what Heaven on Earth really is, is sifting through some contrast and recognizing some negative emotion: That's delicious guidance. "I have guidance within me! I know that I'm off the track of something. But I also know, I gave birth to something more! And the source within me resonated with the more, and became it immediately. And the only reason that I can feel negative emotion right now, is because I expanded, and didn't go! -That's Heaven on Earth. And now, I'm consciously aware of my guidance system- now I can find thoughts that feel a little better. I can give myself some ease in relief!"
-You call that forgiveness. We call it coming back into alignment.
"It's the releasing of the resistance, and the resonance with the source within me. And now I'm back in resonance! And now, my grid is filling in, and now wonderful things are happening everywhere I turn. Sweet people talking to me, intellectual conversations going on, physical stamina and vitality, and flexibility is mine! A feeling of well-being, everywhere I look at is beautiful. I'm zigging and zagging with the best of life. I'm on that vortex that all good things are mine. And there people may be clamoring around, saying "hey, life isn't good! Life isn't good, life is a good, life isn't good..." but I don't hear them: I'm not in the vibrational vicinity of them! -I'm living pure positive energy.
I'm living life in the way that I came forth to live, and standing this example of well-being to others. And when others come into my experience, maybe they were born into my family, maybe I was born to them- maybe I married one of them, maybe I go to school with one of them... some of these clamoring in a vibration that doesn't feel so good. They're saying "hey you, what have you got your head in the clouds? What are you so happy about? You should be down here with us: Living life in the reality that we all live! You should be sifting and sorting through the stuff of life. And- you should be perceiving life more as WE perceive it." And we say: You can't perceive other than you perceive.
And when you tune yourself to the frequencies of well-being, well-being is what will be revealed to you, everywhere you go.
If we were standing in your physical shoes,
we would no longer sift and sort the piles of manifestation!
We would spend ALL of our conscious awareness in looking for the best feeling thought that we could find.
We would tune ourselves constantly to the frequency that allows well-being!
And we would stand as an example of that: So, that when those who see us, see us, they would understand that we are living the well-being that we have been talking about! Teaching to the clarity of our example as best you can. And, you never get it done!
You never get it done, and you cannot get it wrong. And the reason that you cannot get it wrong, is because it is never done!
So, let's say you're standing in a place and you don't feel so good, and with good reason. Something happened, you looked at it, it hurt your feelings. You're out of whack.
The very fact that you can feel negative emotion means, there is a love right now that you are denying.
You couldn't feel pain, if love were not there!
Don't you like knowing that? If there were not love that is more right for you, and more available to you- you would never feel loneliness. Loneliness only exists because you're denying yourself the alignment with what you want! Are you getting this?
From the youtube-clip Abraham Hicks - 2014 Confused About The Existence Of Heaven
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am

The Planet is not being destroyed!
It's being re-discovered.
Abraham Hicks