Quotes of Abraham Hicks Life Advice

Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
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Re: Quotes of Abraham Hicks Life Advice

Post by spiritualcookie »

When doing "Abraham Work" to align...

There's no right or wrong.
Just do your best to apply as much as you know
and don't beat up on yourself.

- Abraham Hicks

Thank you for this one FeelGood :heart:


Tell a story that feels GOOD rather than one that is True

Start telling a better-feeling story about the things that are important to you.
Do not write your story like a factual documentary, weighing all the pros and cons of your experience,
but instead tell the uplifting, fanciful, magical story of the wonder of your own life and watch what happens.
It will feel like magic as your life begins to transform right before your eyes, but it is not by magic.
It is by the power of the Laws of the Universe and your deliberate alignment with those Laws.

Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction]

Care for Yourself & for your Connection

If we were standing in your physical shoes, that would be our dominant quest:
Entertaining Yourself,
pleasing Yourself,
connecting with Yourself,
being Yourself,
enjoying Yourself,
loving Yourself.

Some say, “Well, Abraham you teach selfishness.”
And we say, yes we do, yes we do, yes we do,
Because unless you are selfish enough to reach for that connection,
you don’t have anything to give anyone, anyway.
And when you are selfish enough to make that connection—
you have an enormous gift that you give everywhere you are.

Excerpted from San Antonio, TX on 4/21/01, Daily Quote – January 19, 2024
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Re: Quotes of Abraham Hicks Life Advice

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Care about how you FEEL, first and foremost,
More than everything else, put together.

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes of Abraham Hicks Life Advice

Post by spiritualcookie »

Pamper yourself more.
Spoil yourselves rotten.
Refuse to do the things that aren't fun.
But whatever you're doing, make it fun.

- AH

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Re: Quotes of Abraham Hicks Life Advice

Post by spiritualcookie »

Make a decision
that nothing is more important
than that you feel good.

- Abraham


When you awaken in the morning, acknowledge that you have just re-emerged back into the physical, and immediately set forth the clear intent:

"Today it is my dominant intent to look for that which makes me feel good."

For as you feel good, you are in the place of positive attraction.
As you feel good, you are in perfect alignment with our broader perspective and greater intent.
As you feel good, only that which you consider to be good, can come unto you.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes of Abraham Hicks Life Advice

Post by spiritualcookie »

Jerry asks if Abraham could give us their own "10 commandments".

We have 10 good ideas.
We would not command anyone to do anything for a number of reasons.
They never listen anyway. (group laughter).

Rather than commandments, what we would offer are examples, in this case, verbal offerings, of that which we have found to be a very good way of life.

Commandments are usually offered in action form, are they not?

"Though shalt not kill" "Thou shalt not mess around with somebody else's things." (group laughter)

So a commandment is what NOT to do!

Rather than telling you what NOT to do, we will tell you what we DO. How's that?

1. Seek joy - first and foremost
2. Seek reasons to laugh
3. Seek reasons to offer words of praise - to self and others
4. Seek beauty in nature, beasts and other humans.
5. Seek reasons to love. In every segment of every day - look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of love.
6. Seek that which uplifts you.
7. Seek opportunity to offer that which uplifts another.
8. Seek a feeling of Well-being
9. Know that your value can only be measured in terms of joy.
10. Acknowledge your absolute freedom to do any of these things or to not do any of these things - for it is, without exception, your choice in every moment of every day.

That is the recipe for eternal joy.
And it will provide a format for a life of dramatic, magnificent creating also.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes of Abraham Hicks Life Advice

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Abraham mentioned that Esther and Jerry LOVED that this video got created- and so, they took it into their official youtube channel. Of course it's Abe-material, but the hilarious cut, together with music, was created by Vickie B., on her youtube-channel "ImVickieB"

"Get Happy!!"

...Have we made our explanation too complicated? ...(very negative voice) "I've been studying your work since 1993. I'm trying really hard to remember your words." and so we want to give them to you in an easier to remember format:

Get happy, in any way!

If you have to run away from home- do it.
If you have to go to the beach every day- do it.
Do anything that you can do, to get happy.

In most cases, it does not involve action. Because in most cases if you take action, in your effort to get happy- some boom drops on you. Like, you get fired, and then you don't have any money, or something like that.

Get happy in your MIND!
Find a way to make such peace with where you are, that you allow your gap to close:
THAT's what getting happy is. It's making peace with where you are!

Because, if you make peace with where you are, this vortex that is spinning will suck you right in, to the perfection of all of it. Get happy. Simplistic, we know! That's why we write so many books. But then, all of those books... you say: (nagging, negative voice) "ooouuooh there's so much to learn. Look at all these pages! This soooo much to learn. (Audience hilarious!) All of these emotions that I didn't even know that I had... all of these laws. All of these laws. Look at all of these laws!! Universal laws?? What the hell is vibration anyway? I don't understand. Ask and it is given? That's Bullshit! Where's my stuff? Where's my stuff?? I've been asking. Where's my stuff???"

-So we give you all of the words, and you say: "Waaay too many words!"
And we say: GET HAPPY! And you say: "Ooohhoo!! Too simplistic!" And we say: Really. REALLY all you got to do, is just find a reason to feel good!!

In other words, that conversation we just had- that was better than the whole seminar put together. You laughed, you know it's true! There isn't anything that is written here, that you didn't know the day you were born. We're just reminding you of it! You can tell every time you enter into a conversation, that you know isn't going well for you: You can feel it.

You can feel when you're defeating yourself.
You can feel when you're bolstering yourself.
You can feel when you're up lifting another!
You can feel when you're deflating to another.

You KNOW this stuff!! You know this stuff- you have just, over time, lowered your standards about how you're willing to feel.

You've gotten used to being ornery, you're not deliberate about feeling good, because you don't understand the power of feeling good, you see! We're not talking about laughing hee-haw off the wall.

We're talking about feeling interested in things!
We're talking about waking up and being glad that you're awake, and glad that you're alive: "I'm looking out across the landscape, and am wanting to see what's there!"
We're talking about seeing things and feeling interested in them!
We're talking about having a conversation with someone across the table, and devouring every word, and loving the conversation that you're having!
We're talking about looking into the eyes of children and babies and animals and lovers- and feeling the fullness of who you are!

We're talking about getting tuned in tapped in turned on, and seeing the world through the eyes of your total self, rather than this fragmented one, you see. Just chill out!!

from the official youtube-clip Abraham-Hicks - "Get Happy"
Abraham-Hicks Workshop, Los Angeles, California 8/17/08
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Re: Quotes of Abraham Hicks Life Advice

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

What is Appreciation? And how do you get there?

Now the question I have is - Appreciation. You've used the word a lot and other people have used it. But what is it, really? Because I - I did read the definition and it was something about "to see the nature of-", or to "increase the value of-", and I use appreciation a lot to turn downstream. And I just wondered if you would expand on that?

Well we are glad you looked it up! In the very literal sense, because to "increase the value of" is so inherent in what we're talking about, also! Now think about the contrast that you live, and the asking that you're offering, and the stream, that's moving. And then think about reaching for thoughts that feel better, and thoughts that feel better, until you truly come into a vibration of appreciation! And for sake of comparison, we would say the vibration of true love -that feeling of being in love, that feeling that you have sometimes, when you see someone and you just feel like you're moving through one another. The feeling that you have when you are looking at the innocence of a child, and feeling the beauty and power of that child.

In other words, love and appreciation are identical vibrations.
It's the vibration of alignment with who you are.
It's the absence of resistance.

It's the absence of doubt and fear.
It's the absence of self denial or hatred to others.
It's the absence of everything that feels bad, and the presence of everything that feels good!

And as you focus yourself more and more downstream, until you get in the vicinity of that love and appreciation- it just calls you to it, in a very powerful way. Conversely, let's talk about the difference between, let's say, gratitude and appreciation! Many people use them interchangeably. But we don't feel the same vibrational essence in them at all!

Because when you feel gratitude, often you are looking at a struggle that you've overcome, and feeling grateful. In other words happy that you're not still in the struggle, but you are still messing with that vibration just a little bit in that, you see.

In other words, the difference between inspiration which is being called to who you are, and motivation which is trying to make yourself go somewhere- that's a similar difference, you see!

And so, appreciation is that tuned-in, tapped-in, turned-on.
Appreciation is vibrational alignment with who I have become.
The state of appreciation is me, being in sync with the whole of that which I am!
Being in a state of appreciation is seeing whatever I'm looking at, through the eyes of Source.
And when you are in that state of appreciation you could walk down a crowded street with all kinds of things, that a lot of other people find reason to criticize or even worry about, and you would not have access to them, because your vibration of appreciation is picking out for you things of a different vibrational nature.

A state of appreciation is a state of godliness.
A state of appreciation is being who you really are.
A state of appreciation is who you were, the day you were born, and who you will be the moment you die.
And it would be if we were standing in your physical shoes, your quest in every moment.

But the tricky thing is -Joseph Campbell used the word bliss, and we think it's equal. Follow your bliss! Sometimes you can't get a whiff of bliss from where you are.
So we say, if you're in despair follow your revenge it's downstream.
If you're in revenge, follow your hatred- it's downstream!
If you're in hatred, follow your anger, it's downstream.
If you're in anger, follow your frustration! It's downstream.
If you're in frustration, follow your hope: It's downstream.
If you're in hope, now you're in the vicinity of appreciation!

Once you get into the vibration of hope, now begin making lists of things that you feel good about, and fill your notebooks full of them.
Make lists of positive aspects.
Make lists of things you love.
Go to the restaurant and look for you favorite things, and never complain about anything.
Look for the thing that you like the best, even if there was only one thing in all of it that you like- give it your undivided attention. and use it as your excuse to be who you are. Use it as your excuse to be who you are!

And as you use those things, that shine bright and make you feel good as your excuse to give your attention, and as your excuse to be who you are- you'll tune to who you are. And the whole world will begin to transform before your eyes. It's not your job to transform it for others! But it is your job to transform it for you.

We have enjoyed this interaction immensely. It is lovely to come together with those like you who are coming to know who you are! We are appreciating that which you are! And as we see you through our eyes of Source, we have to say to you: you have nothing to complain about, but there is nothing wrong with your complaining. Because, in your complaining you just launch more rockets! And you just make more vibrational escrow.

You just make the world a better and better place by living in it!
So you can't get it wrong and you never get it done.

And from our vantage point we feel only love and appreciation for your willingness to come and participate, and to take thought beyond that which it has been before. Not just in this forum, but in life itself. You know you can't get it wrong, and when you have your croaking experience you will then realize fully the value that you have offered to All-That-Is! And you will revel in it, and you will feel good about it. It is our desire, that you start feeling some of that now!

It is our desire that you start giving yourselves a break. Lighten up! Be easier on yourself and others. Look for things to love and appreciate, and find the true you, that came forth to live this life experience. There is great love here for you!
-And as always we remain blissfully, joyfully, appreciatively... incomplete.

from the official youtube clip APPRECIATION VS. GRATITUDE - Esther & Jerry Hicks
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Re: Quotes of Abraham Hicks Life Advice

Post by spiritualcookie »

Before going out anywhere, Pre-pave & Intend for setting good experiences

As you are going to a gathering where you are interacting with any other, set forth your intention to have a good time.

Start from the inside out.

Think in terms of how you are wanting to feel or be.

"I want to have a good time.
I want to be clear.
I want to feel good.
I want to feel strong
I want to feel sure
I want to..."

Talk about the things you are wanting to feel.
You can do it in seconds.

And then move into the areas of having:

"I am wanting to have conversations that uplift.
I am wanting to have..." whatever.

Whatever the occasion is, you would be better at knowing what you are wanting to have.

And then, having just set forth that much intention, you have enough momentum going toward the satisfying of you

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes of Abraham Hicks Life Advice

Post by spiritualcookie »

We could have boiled down all of these hours of babbling to you into one sentence, and that is,
"Seek that which makes you feel good,
and give your attention to that."

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes of Abraham Hicks Life Advice

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

How Self-Love works

Be nice to yourself!
Rest well.
Eat well.
Get out where beautiful things are!
Play with people who are fun.
Think thoughts that feel good.
Quiet your mind, every now and again.
Think nice things about yourself.
Think nice things about others.

Abraham Hicks
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