Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of Becoming a POINTER:
Pointing at- and Updating WHAT I WANT.

-carving out and getting clear about what I REALLY "care about",
-getting clear about where I point at- and probably activate the Absence of what I want.
-setting a Grid about the Essence of what I do want!

Day 27

HOW do I really "care about" being outrageously abundant, today?
I care about being WITHOUT RESISTANCE.

WHY do I care about that?
Because I want to feel good again.

-Where do I point at (and probably activate the Absence of what I want)?
I point at hate and disempowerment and rage!

What do I want to point at, instead?
I want to point at certainty. Joy, and ease and fun!

Telling the New Story, and Setting wanted Grids about the Essences of what I do want, in it
I let it ALL go! I give up. I think he is screwy, and that doesn't need to poison me. I let it go and stop trying. Source, please take me! Please, show me the wanted side. I am willing! I am willing. And I give up all MY attempts, in this energy.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of Becoming a POINTER:
Pointing at- and Updating WHAT I WANT.

-carving out and getting clear about what I REALLY "care about",
-getting clear about where I point at- and probably activate the Absence of what I want.
-setting a Grid about the Essence of what I do want!

Day 28

HOW do I really "care about" being outrageously abundant, today?
I care about it in totally, totally letting go the "how" and the "who" and the "when". I drop it.
I drop the resistances where I recognice them! :lol: And I am reallly good at it.

WHY do I care about that?
Because I want to feel good, period! :lol: and I want my stuff. :D

-Where do I point at (and probably activate the Absence of what I want)?
I point at joyful expectation! I point at ease. I like that.

What do I want to point at, instead?
I want to point at absolute knowing and certainty!

Telling the New Story, and Setting wanted Grids about the Essences of what I do want, in it
I totally trust source. I totally trust my body! I really fully wholly trust this game. I feel in trust, so deep, so certain! I feel this relief of not sweating any of the small stuff! I feel such relief in taking the help, and not feeling alone AT ALL. I love this relief of having such ease! I love the joy of being EASY, and feeling so well and clear and good in it! I came a long way. Boy, I did!! I am sooo proud of me. And, I am sooooooo CLEAR about that!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of Becoming a POINTER:
Pointing at- and Updating WHAT I WANT.

-carving out and getting clear about what I REALLY "care about",
-getting clear about where I point at- and probably activate the Absence of what I want.
-setting a Grid about the Essence of what I do want!

Day 29

HOW do I really "care about" being outrageously abundant, today?
I care about it in relaxing deeper into TRUST. I know, I don't know the best path! Source does. Source calls me. I trust that.

WHY do I care about that?
Because I want that emotion of trust. I want that SATISFIED, eager for more feeling.

-Where do I point at (and probably activate the Absence of what I want)?
I point at Expectancy.

What do I want to point at, instead?
I want to point at Eager expectancy rooted in KNOWING! I want to be wholly clear. I want to be CERTAIN. Fully, wholly relaxed and expectantly expect!

Telling the New Story, and Setting wanted Grids about the Essences of what I do want, in it
I relax into the delightful emotion of trust. It feels as pure healing. It feels as letting go of all resistance. It feels as, all is done, and I am to RELAX. And also, I may be fully wholly joyfully expect! It feels elated. It feels certain. It feels eager! It feels totally embraced in peace. It feels passionate! And totally assured. I SO LOVE THIS FEELINGS!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of Becoming a POINTER:
Pointing at- and Updating WHAT I WANT.

-carving out and getting clear about what I REALLY "care about",
-getting clear about where I point at- and probably activate the Absence of what I want.
-setting a Grid about the Essence of what I do want!

Day 30, last day of this challenge.

HOW do I really "care about" being outrageously abundant, today?
I care about it in the way that I "don't know", and so I let it go. I give up. I let source carry me, I allow what happens and relax.

WHY do I care about that?
Because I feel pain in all other ways that I feel into. I MUST let go.

-Where do I point at (and probably activate the Absence of what I want)?
I point at sadness, and hope that I feel for the long run.

What do I want to point at, instead?
I want to point at Certainty. I want to feel my full clarity and certainty.

Telling the New Story, and Setting wanted Grids about the Essences of what I do want, in it
I am on my way to mastership. I am on my way to bigness, to being a fully enlightened teacher. I know that this is "no masters degree" and that I will always human as long as I am in physical form ;) and that is ok. I know I am NOT held to "perfection"! And that feels so good. I love to know this! (It wasn't always the case!)
And in the same time, I am eager for the next step. I am eager to MASTER this. To ace it fully. I am good on my way, and still, there is a gap between me and what I KNOW that I want! And really, that gap makes me eager. It fires me up. I am curious for the solutions. I am eager for getting there.

:lol: And I know, when I'm there, "it will make me happy for the afternoon". I will have a jolly time with playing with my new toys, and then, life will go on on this higher, even more beautiful "normal". It is EASY to be satisfied here! And this satisfaction, I want for the next level as well! :D It will be higher. And I still want SATISFACTION on my basis! So, I will just continue doing what I do already- enjoying life as fully as I can and not let conditions throw me, as best as I can. I like having "given up" on the pushing and needing. I LET THAT GO.

I am free to thrive, NOW. I am feel to feel abundant NOW. I am free to love fullheartedly, NOW! AND I DO. I do! THIS IS NICE!

Thank you Abe, for teaching me- in this case also about the 30-day-challenges!
Thank you source for leading me!
Thank you me, who I am sooo willing and eager.
Thank you world for playing with me all the time!
Thank you LIFE, for being my playing field!! Thank you, THANK YOU. I feel so blessed.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of Becoming a POINTER:
Pointing at- and Updating WHAT I WANT.

-carving out and getting clear about what I REALLY "care about",
-getting clear about where I point at- and probably activate the Absence of what I want.
-setting a Grid about the Essence of what I do want!

Day 1

I liked this lay-out of last month a LOT. So I will continue on it, as long as I'm not inspired otherwise!

HOW do I really "care about" being outrageously abundant, today?
I care about it in finetuning my ability to let go of the stress, and to tust the process, and relax into the problems.

WHY do I care about that?
Because I want that peace. I want that EASE. This is the basis of ALL that I desire!

-Where do I point at (and probably activate the Absence of what I want)?
I point at Optimism.

What do I want to point at, instead?
I want to point at full blown, intense Certainty, Joy and Passion!

Telling the New Story, and Setting wanted Grids about the Essences of what I do want, in it
I need a basis of general wellbeing in this time. I reached high and far and burnt myself just a little within it. I know I am doing realllly good! And that is wonderful. Now I want my normal to be in happiness. I want this in EASE, in happy ease. Easy happiness. Loving, joyful, effortless joyful happiness! I reserve the specifics for later, and I look forwards to them. I look forwards to fascination and eager thrilled awe. And now, it's time to ground and care for the roots. All is very very very well! THANK YOU, LIFE!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of Becoming a POINTER:
Pointing at- and Updating WHAT I WANT.

-carving out and getting clear about what I REALLY "care about",
-getting clear about where I point at- and probably activate the Absence of what I want.
-setting a Grid about the Essence of what I do want!

Day 2

HOW do I really "care about" being outrageously abundant, today?
I care about it in relaxing into the pain of the absence. NOT pushing against, but embracing the pain and telling myself, that this is help on the way.

WHY do I care about that?
Because I love my dream. And I love myself.

-Where do I point at (and probably activate the Absence of what I want)?
I point at sadness. I point at disappointment.

What do I want to point at, instead?
I want to point at Knowing JOY. Knowing, certain clarity.

Telling the New Story, and Setting wanted Grids about the Essences of what I do want, in it
I so get it why I'm sad! This is big. My Vortex is huge. And I somehow look in opposite direction. Which is ok! I guess I came to try this all out. I came for MASTERING this! I came to really get a handle on it. It is A-ok. And, I am tired. I am dis-aligned. This is not who I really am!

I now KNOW that this is not "me". I now KNOW it!! :lol: Somehow this feels so funny. So... human. And also, I think, I am an adventurer! A pioneer. I am brave to have willingly agreed to this game. It is ok. I wanted this. But now, I want it differently. This is no option any more. Not any longer.

Arrrh, now I am in rage. :crazy: is this better?? Not if I was in disappointment, but yes, when I was in deep sadness. Well, I leave it all.

I promise myself, I will not waver anymore when it comes to being "ashamed" of abundance. I have a high level of abundance, and I am not going to belittle it anymore! I am standing tall from now on. I am about to LOVE abundance, nothing less. Now I relax. I relax and let go for now. I so love overflowing true abundance! I will be loyal to it from now on!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of Becoming a POINTER:
Pointing at- and Updating WHAT I WANT.

-carving out and getting clear about what I REALLY "care about",
-getting clear about where I point at- and probably activate the Absence of what I want.
-setting a Grid about the Essence of what I do want!

Day 3

HOW do I really "care about" being outrageously abundant, today?
I care about it FEELING my abundance. Celebrating it, generally, adoring it as highly as it feels good!

WHY do I care about that?
Because I LOVE feeling abundant! :hearts:

-Where do I point at (and probably activate the Absence of what I want)?
I point at positive expectation and happiness

What do I want to point at, instead?
I want to point at deepest pure BELIEF and KNOWING

Telling the New Story, and Setting wanted Grids about the Essences of what I do want, in it
I celebrate my abundance! I AM SO abundant in so very very many ways! I feel abundant in wonderful ways. I shed more and more my hesitance of talking about it, my "not wanting to come over as bragging". not confronting people. I stop holding back to fully BE my abundance! I sotp holding back m exuberance and joy and love for the abundant lifestyle. I exude abundance with and without words. I AM abundance, I radiate abundance. I stop completely to hold back and play small and hide under a bushel.

Ohh I love that!
Wide, light, glorious. Sparkling, beaming, singing out loud, dancing freely! EXPRESSING my love and my abundance and my joy about life widely and freely! I AM FREE. I am wide. I am open. I radiate my light. I am seeable. I am hearable. I am open. I am bold. I am rich. I am FREE.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of Becoming a POINTER:
Pointing at- and Updating WHAT I WANT.

-carving out and getting clear about what I REALLY "care about",
-getting clear about where I point at- and probably activate the Absence of what I want.
-setting a Grid about the Essence of what I do want!

Day 4

HOW do I really "care about" being outrageously abundant, today?
I care about it by enjoying so fully and thankfully what is!
I am SO thankful.
I am so thankful to be where I am, and to live what I live, and to have SO MUCH GOODNESS around me.

WHY do I care about that?
Because I want to be in this sweet energy!

-Where do I point at (and probably activate the Absence of what I want)?
I point at tiredness. Overwhelmed.

What do I want to point at, instead? + Grid
I want to point at true, pure JOY!

Telling the New Story, and Setting wanted Grids about the Essences of what I do want, in it
I let it ALL go! I let it all go and just rest in this thankfulness. In the love and ease and sweetness. JOYFUL thankful, deep loving TRUST! Joyful trust. Joyful ease. I trust and let all else go. I just focus on joy. That feels SO MUCH BETTER!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of Becoming a POINTER:
Pointing at- and Updating WHAT I WANT.

-carving out and getting clear about what I REALLY "care about",
-getting clear about where I point at- and probably activate the Absence of what I want.
-setting a Grid about the Essence of what I do want!

Day 5

HOW do I really "care about" being outrageously abundant, today?
I care about it by trusting source!

WHY do I care about that?
Because I love this ease of totally relaxing into trust. It feels sooo good!

-Where do I point at (and probably activate the Absence of what I want)?
I point at eagerness to trust. Deep willingness.

What do I want to point at, instead? + Grid
I want to point at joyful, full, whole KNOWING. I know. I deeply KNOW. I know. I know. I know. I know. It feels bold: I know. I KNOW.

Telling the New Story, and Setting wanted Grids about the Essences of what I do want, in it
I trust source! I trust my Vortex, and who-I-really-am, to KNOW where to go. I trust fully the communication between me and ME. I trust! I do already, in so big ways, and I so love that! I trust. I trust! I love to trust. I love to ponder that they love to be there, for me! Abe have said that source adores us, and I trust that, as well. I love being adored by source. I love being seen and fully wholly known by source. I love thinking that this part of me dwells in what I have created, and enjoys it so much, and calls me to it!

I love the sweetness of this process: Trust. Trust, Trust! Sweet wonderful happy TRUST. So cozy. So good.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of Becoming a POINTER:
Pointing at- and Updating WHAT I WANT.

-carving out and getting clear about what I REALLY "care about",
-getting clear about where I point at- and probably activate the Absence of what I want.
-setting a Grid about the Essence of what I do want!

Day 6

HOW do I really "care about" being outrageously abundant, today?
I care about it by TRUSTING source.

WHY do I care about that?
Because I want nothing more than this emotion of true, pure trust! I so enjoy trust. It is relief. It is letting go of all that is not mine. All that feels too heavy. All that feels as a burden. I let it go. IT IS NOT MINE. I just trust. I am innocent. I trust. I am loving, light, trusting. Like a child, I trust the Goodness, I trust mother-father-God. I trust in the goodness of the set-up. I trust.

-Where do I point at (and probably activate the Absence of what I want)?
I point NOW at ease and trust!

What do I want to point at, instead? + Grid
I want to point at Trust even deeper, as my normal. It will come. It comes with practice. I will go there, each day a bit. More and more in babysteps. I trust. I am ease. I am love. I am light. I trust.

Telling the New Story, and Setting wanted Grids about the Essences of what I do want, in it
I don't need to carry ANYTHING! I am not built for burdens. I am built for ease and joy and unfolding! I am built to be a Creator, to be a pointer, to be a God in human body. I am built to live happily ever after! I am built for Paradise on Earth.

This is only about choosing what I want, and training myself to TRUST it! To allow trust! Allowing trust. Allowing trust! Allowing trust! Letting go. Giving up all that is heavy. Just JOY! Joy, joy, easy joy. Love, fun, laughing, loving, joking, happy, joyful, light, EASE!

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