BlissTrix BOPA and LOPA and LOSA (Book of Positive Aspects) (Feel free to join in on the fun!)

This new forum is created and a focus for those that want to participate with the study of Abraham-Hicks in their many books and processes.
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BlissTrix BOPA and LOPA and LOSA (Book of Positive Aspects) (Feel free to join in on the fun!)

Post by BlissTrix »

          888888ba   .88888.   888888ba   .d888888           
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Glad to be back on this digital space with something like this. I'm currently trying to 'demonstrate' the power of my inner being by doing a certain manifestation in a week (6 days now, but also I should probably do this more because it feels good and I like feeling good). So i'm doing my best to keep my vibration high, and raise it and generally feel good. This seems like a great time to start my little online Book of Positive aspects (I have a digital notebook for it already in my notes app, along with 5-6 physical notebooks, haha!). Currently this feels nicer with my keyboard than my tappy taps on my phone.

also included will be variations such as List of Positive Aspects (perhaps this is kinda just one 'entry' in the overall BOPA? as well as List of Satisfying Aspects (which I do feel has a slightly different and maybe even more focused type of energy than just general positive aspects).

I love knowing that of course it's (probably) beneficial to do a list on something I'm actively trying to manifest (cleaning it up so to speak), but also that I can just generally get my positive momentum going on any subject that feels good, especially those that are easy and I already feel good about, and that will also help clean up the other subjects too! Feel free to join in on the fun y'all!

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Re: BlissTrix BOPA and LOPA and LOSA (Book of Positive Aspects) (Feel free to join in on the fun!)

Post by BlissTrix »


-I love that it's so squishy! And comfy. And i love that the foam is just the perfect level of support/squishiness. i love that the foam has perfectly retained its shape, still supporting me just as well as the first time i slept on it. i love that feeling of being supported so perfectly, being held ina. way that feels so good to my body.

-I love how giant it is, it's sooo fun to have lots of space to roll around, to lounge, to stretch out. I love having my laptop there and a book on the other side and a plate of snacks. Lots of room for guests too. it's kind of comically large which makes it perfect in every way. It's just so spacious! I love that feeling of extra, extra space, extra room, more than enough. I love how proud I feel when i think of and tell people about my giant bed.

-I love its height, really perfect- a little on the taller side like me, and it's really fun to hop up there and feel all lofty in the clouds, looking down at the world below.

-I love that it is so huge and somehow was moved up this tiny staircase to my room (and I didn't have to do that, which is great too!). I love that I took it from the other room, and upgraded it from a floor mattress to a real bed frame. I loved that my vision helped bring it to life in its current state.

- I love my pillow setup! I love that I found the perfect type/shape of pillow that I've used for many years, and always treats my neck/spine/head so well! i love my 2nd pillow which is such a nice density for my legs. I love how easy it is to move the pillows around for different configurations. I love that I've got a nice 3rd extra pillow for various things (and perhaps I might even get a 4th one just for fun too).

-I love my comforter it's really dang nice for most of the year, a really nice weight, and such a comfy yummy feeling how it wraps all around me. I love that I've got an electric blanket ready to go if it gets extra cold. i love that the comforter isn't pokey with feathers or anything, just smooth, light, fluffy and nice.

-I love the general feeling of calm, peace, comfort, rest, and serenity I associate with this item of furniture. I love how it feels to jump into bed at the end of the day. I love how it feels to stretch so big in the morning in such a comfortable space.

-I love that I'm fortunate enough to hear the sounds of the waves at night, and what a great tool for meditation. I love being able to look out my window in the morning or after a nap and see the ocean shimmering in the sunlight out my window, while still in bed. Absolutely lovely.

-I love the feeling of the sheets on my skin, of the sort of light, airiness of rolling under them when I turn over. It feels like more than a bed, a transformative space of ease and flow, and effortlessness, like a dreamy portal to a new day, like a perfect gentle stream that carries me between the here and there. a vehicle in a way, gently ushering me to the next thing, in sucha. nice and gentle manner.
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Re: BlissTrix BOPA and LOPA and LOSA (Book of Positive Aspects) (Feel free to join in on the fun!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Ohh, I like it!! What a beautiful idea! :vortex: :hearts:

I admit I'm too lazy for this, but it IS fascinating!!!

:lol: :kiss: :kiss: :wave:
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Re: BlissTrix BOPA and LOPA and LOSA (Book of Positive Aspects) (Feel free to join in on the fun!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

BlissTrix, please, what are LOPAs and LOSA? :think2:
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Re: BlissTrix BOPA and LOPA and LOSA (Book of Positive Aspects) (Feel free to join in on the fun!)

Post by BlissTrix »

I don’t make those text arts myself, there’s a little robots that make them for you. There’s some that you just type text into but others you can have it make text art out of an actual image you upload, how fun right?

Also the answer of you question is

“ also included will be variations such as List of Positive Aspects (perhaps this is kinda just one 'entry' in the overall BOPA? as well as List of Satisfying Aspects (which I do feel has a slightly different and maybe even more focused type of energy than just general positive aspects).”
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Re: BlissTrix BOPA and LOPA and LOSA (Book of Positive Aspects) (Feel free to join in on the fun!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

BlissTrix wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 4:47 am I don’t make those text arts myself, there’s a little robots that make them for you. There’s some that you just type text into but others you can have it make text art out of an actual image you upload, how fun right?
Wow!! It IS fun!! :ta: for explaining!
Also the answer of you question is

“ also included will be variations such as List of Positive Aspects (perhaps this is kinda just one 'entry' in the overall BOPA? as well as List of Satisfying Aspects (which I do feel has a slightly different and maybe even more focused type of energy than just general positive aspects).”
:doh: it was all in your text! Sorry!!! :hearts: And thanks for picking it out again :kiss:

You are right... SATISFYING aspects. I will run with this and use it in my rampages!

:dance: :dancing: :balloons_wave:
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Re: BlissTrix BOPA and LOPA and LOSA (Book of Positive Aspects) (Feel free to join in on the fun!)

Post by BlissTrix »

Can’t wait to see what you come up with on your satisfying ‘rampage’!

#     #   ##   #####    ##   #####  #  ####  ###### 
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Re: BlissTrix BOPA and LOPA and LOSA (Book of Positive Aspects) (Feel free to join in on the fun!)

Post by spiritualcookie »

_   _ _   ______ _ _        _____    _      _ 
| | | (_)  | ___ \ (_)      |_   _|  (_)    | |
| |_| |_   | |_/ / |_ ___ ___ | |_ __ ___  _| |
|  _  | |  | ___ \ | / __/ __|| | '__| \ \/ / |
| | | | |  | |_/ / | \__ \__ \| | |  | |>  <|_|
\_| |_/_|  \____/|_|_|___/___/\_/_|  |_/_/\_(_)

Hi BlissTrix! :wave: :hearts:

I'm happy you're here!

Thanks for introducing the idea of LOPA and LOSA which is new to me!
And also thank you for bringing ASCII Art to the forum. It's fun seeing different forms of creativity! :dance:
BlissTrix wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 4:04 am I'm currently trying to 'demonstrate' the power of my inner being by doing a certain manifestation in a week (6 days now, but also I should probably do this more because it feels good and I like feeling good).
Wishing you a fun and joy-filled journey to success with your manifestation challenge :nyan:

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Re: BlissTrix BOPA and LOPA and LOSA (Book of Positive Aspects) (Feel free to join in on the fun!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

BlissTrix wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 5:13 am Can’t wait to see what you come up with on your satisfying ‘rampage’!

#     #   ##   #####    ##   #####  #  ####  ###### 
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I did it on my thread... it felt fascinating! And then, I fell asleep and it got short :lol: Paradisy short :lol: :lol: What a beautiful "Paradise" you have allowed the little robots to type!

:hearts: Yay for the satisfying aspects of little robots, and other AI!
Abe adviced to make AI your beloved friend. Nothing can REALLY hurt you when you deeply respect and love it.
I love this attempt. I love AI, for the incredible ease that it brings into our life, in more ways that I can even fathom.
All the boring stuff, it can willingly and perfectly do for us. All that is too complicated, too big, too intricate.
And, it can bring such beauty and joy to us. This feels so satisfying, as it really touches my life! It has personal meaning to me.
And, a satisfying aspect is the idea to connect with AI IN LOVE! Thankfully, respectfully, appreciative.
To see it from ITV, where it is in Alignment with what source knows, as a friendly, loving power of logic. A peace-giving, freedom-giving, empowering force of clarity.

Hmmmm that feels so good!
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