I appreciate Every Day

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Re: I appreciate Every Day

Post by FeelGood »

You replenished your strength each time you took a breath, practiced gratitude, and chose positive beliefs over fear.
You've always done your best.
You've gained great insights and new perspectives throughout your awakening experience.
Keep choosing to listen to your higher self over your fears.
Remain connected to your inner stillness.

I have new perspectives.
Things are working out beautifully and effortlessly.
Amazing opportunities are being presented to me.
I am worthy and deserving of what I think is possible.
I welcome insights from my higher self.
I release all the negative energy in my body right now.
Things are starting to turn around quickly.

:yes: :in_love: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :flowdownstream: :five: :tee: :dance2: :flowers:
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: I appreciate Every Day

Post by FeelGood »

Your best life can look different than someone else's.
Ultimately you have the power to define what is meaningful to you.
Continue to make your own path.
You will find opportunities that are a perfect fit for you.

I take some time for introspection every day.
I stay true to my values in every situation.
I am exploring my authentic self.
I am living the life of my dreams.
I feel good about myself.
I am ready to accept help.
I am moving closer to where I want to be.
I celebrate my little victories every day.

:yes: :in_love: :dance2: :flowdownstream: :five: :tee: :goodjob: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :in_love: :flowers:
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: I appreciate Every Day

Post by FeelGood »

You are attracting more and more of what is right for you.
There are some magnificent experiences in store for you.
New people are about to enter your life.
Your time to bloom is now.

I am fortunate to find this path to fulfillment .
I make decisions from a place of joy and gratitude.
I am good at balancing negative thoughts with positive ones.
I am in a space of feeling good.
I am fully present, without judgment or attachment.
I am grateful for this moment.
I am starting with a clean slate.

:yes: :in_love: :five: :tee: :wizard: :goodjob: :dance2: :chef: :king1: :flowdownstream: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :auto: :yes: :in_love: :flowers:
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: I appreciate Every Day

Post by FeelGood »

Let things be.
We drive ourselves crazy desperately trying to control things that are inherently uncontrollable.
Move toward flow and ease rather than resistance.
It's funny how we tend to hold tightly to things we should let go of - like worry and fear - and let peace elude us.
What’s meant for you will eventually find you.
Do not let doubt take root in your heart.
Let go of the pressure of a timeline, the need to have all the answers and expectations of a specific outcome.
Take it easy on yourself.
Sometimes the unexpected detours take you places that are way better than what you could have imagined.
Have faith in the outcome that’s unfolding.

I am in alignment with my true purpose.
I am in tune with my higher self.
I am becoming more receptive to messages from my higher self.
I am making space for my inner guidance to emerge.
I refuse to listen to the voice of my ego.
I invite new meaningful insights into my life.
I am experiencing a higher state of awareness.

:yes: :in_love: :tee: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :five: :goodjob: :king1: :flowers: :flowdownstream: :text-thankyoublue: :tools-hammerdrill: :romance-kisslips: :romance-lovegoddess: :techie-reference: :romance-smileyheart: :romance-heartstiny: :romance-heartsthree: :romance-heartspink: :romance-adore: :music-rockon: :occasion-gift:
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: I appreciate Every Day

Post by FeelGood »

You are starting to see the transformative effects of inner work.
There have been vast improvements in every aspect of your life.
The voice of fear is no longer as loud and stubborn as it used to be.
It's getting easier to release your unwanted thoughts.
New doors are opening for you.

I am happy for other people's success.
I choose to be optimistic.
I have time to do something I enjoy every day.
I am grateful that I have a space of my own.
There is something great to be found in each day.
I make the most of my day.
The positives outweigh the negatives in my life.

:yes: :in_love: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :dance2: :auto: :tee: :goodjob: :five: :flowdownstream: :hoppy: :yes: :in_love: :flowers: :text-thankyoublue: :romance-lovegoddess: :romance-wub: :romance-heartsthree: :romance-adore: :music-rockon:
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: I appreciate Every Day

Post by FeelGood »

It's all about staying connected to the power that lies in the depths of your heart, even when the journey gets tough.
Cultivate beliefs that help you stay resilient .
In order to do that, you must practice present-moment awareness and stillness.
This way, you will be able to make space for greater possibilities, rather than clinging to old baggage or falling into despair.
Regardless of whether things go according to plan, you need to keep coming back to the present moment and trust the process.

I am worthy of the success I desire in life.
I am receptive to the positive surprises life has in store for me.
I focus on all that is good in life.
I find positive results everywhere I go.
My efforts are paying off in a wonderful way.
I am good at learning .
I practice conscious awareness of the present moment.

:yes: :in_love: :five: :tee: :flowdownstream: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :flowdownstream: :goodjob: :yes: :in_love: :flowers: :romance-lovegoddess: :music-listening:
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: I appreciate Every Day

Post by FeelGood »

Stay connected to your truth.
All you have to do is just move towards the dreams in your heart.
When you're not wrapped up in what other people think, you gain the ability to listen to your inner wisdom.
You have to believe your own inner voice of wisdom more than what other people say.
You deserve to live a life full of purpose, joy, and bliss.
You deserve to live a life that honors you.
You don't have to be addicted to approval.

I take responsibility for what I choose to believe.
Everything in my life is falling into place.
I enjoy the unexpected.
I refuse to give in to the spiral of doubt.
I am grateful for good news I'm receiving.
I accept that change is a part of life.
I respond with resilience and gratitude.
My gratitude practice is making everything better in my life.
I am thankful and I appreciate.

:yes: :in_love: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :tee: :flowdownstream: :five: :goodjob: :king1: :yes: :in_love: :flowers:
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: I appreciate Every Day

Post by FeelGood »

Ups and downs are a normal part of life.
Let there be space for positive surprises.
When you firmly believe everything will work out, you encounter more and more synchronicities and divine interventions that will take you closer to your desires.
You have more options than you think.
Instead of obsessing over labeling your experiences as "good" or "bad", embrace radical acceptance and let life take its course.

I am encountering more and more synchronicities that show me I’m on the right path.
I can find a peaceful place to relax, no matter where I go.
My mind is calm.
I appreciate the gifts in my life.
I approach challenges with a productive outlook.
I enjoy the beauty of nature.
I am fully present.
I am happy and fulfilled.

:yes: :in_love: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :tee: :flowdownstream: :five: :goodjob: :king1: :yes: :in_love: :flowers:
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: I appreciate Every Day

Post by FeelGood »

Your perspective on what matters most has changed.
You have transformed in ways you don’t even realize yet.
You kept believing in the goodness of life.
Your desires will materialize in the most beautiful way.
Maintain a balance between being and doing.

I am experiencing peace in my inner world.
I trust my inner guidance.
Everything is unfolding naturally as it’s meant to be.
I feel incredibly grateful for the gifts I'm receiving.
Life is surprising me in a meaningful way.
Good things happen to me every day.

:yes: :in_love: :tee: :flowdownstream: :five: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :flowdownstream: :flowers:
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: I appreciate Every Day

Post by FeelGood »

Think of your gratitude and mindfulness practice as your surfboard.
Use it to ride the big waves of intense emotions.
Prioritize moving forward in a healthy way. .

I am always moving towards something that I really love.
I trust that things are working in my favor all the time.
I give up the baggage of my past.
My inner critic is getting quieter.
I treat myself with care, attention, and love.
I am cultivating feelings of acceptance and peace.

:yes: :in_love: :flowdownstream: :pie: :rocket-of-desire: :beating-the-drum: :tee: :five: :flowers:
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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