I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Ohh what a weekend, and monday it has been! :hearts:
I am beyond satisfied- and I am thrilled for awesome solutions!

We celebrated SIL's birthday and, after several month, got to see our step-grandsons, again. To find out, at least one of them is in a terrible depression, and the other not far from that. So, what an opening of the time together! Well, nothing that we hadn't seen coming... and it is harsh contrast to watch beloveds steer into a brick wall and "ONLY" being able to send light and see a good outcome. Of course we had discussion until deep in the night. Of course we did funny, and thrilling things to lift up the minds.

And still, controlling our own mood on purpose is the almost "only" power we really have, while it is EVERYTHING. It's rare that people get sick "on an island". It is the whole system that's sick, in which children get sick. And so, there are thousands of strings that all really matter... and we can not control any of those, other than our own mood. I am so satisfied to KNOW that.

The aspects of this satisfaction are...
...clarity. I feel empowered! I feel in my driver-seat. I feel powerful and clear and certain. All of that feels so happy... and POWERFUL. In charge!

I feel hopeful. Because, when SOMEONE , aka, I, trusts that there is a solution and a bright, happy, stable, invincible outcome for this boys, that can give power to others in vicinity, then this paths exists, and those that desire to walk it have more power and light and ease. And, I lovingly let go of those that don't.

My son H. who visited at the WE, had driven his car into a mud hole in the night. They just set up the roof tent and had a wonderful sleep, and in the morning I found them in the depth of the forest and pulled them out, with the Jeep- between big rocks on one side and a steep cliff just 10 cm apart from the wheels on the other side... it was so satisfying!!

It felt incredibly satisfying to have had this contrast, and turn it not into a terrible problem, but an awesome adventure! It felt soo empowered, and giddy, and thrilled, and capable, and stable, and joyful!

After we triumphed and parted our ways, as soon I was home, 5 minutes later my son and my DIL where back on the doorstep! :lol: It had started to rain, and so they noticed that their window wiper-engine had croaked. So glad to know, in our yard are 4 more of this type of cars! :lol: So, after I cooked breakfast for all of us, my boys changed the window-wiper-segment, while we women went shopping and had so much fun with all the berries and wonderful fruit and whatnot!

I feel soooooo satisfied with the mood of my family! I am soo happy how we ENJOY helping each other out. How we enjoy our daily adventures. How we LOVE, and uplift, and totally NORMALLY embrace-what-is and in this, create what will come. It is sooo satisfying. And the aspects of this satisfaction are:

Trust. I trust my people to be there for me, and for each other. I trust our energy. We all have shown each other thousands of time: All for one, and one for all- and that is pure JOY. I trust that, I KNOW that. I have lived it all the time! Nothing less will do!
Fun! It is so much fun to be ITV, together! It is light, it is easy, it is normal! :lol: It is delightful. It is sweet and garnished with sillyness and laughter and jokes.
LOVE. It is lived unconditional LOVE! It is authentic. It is pure. It is real. It ges deep. It is tried and true. It is absolutely RIGHT! Nothing else would be!

I am SO HAPPY. I am, within all this contrast- some of it incredibly heavy contrast, so SATISFIED. I hold the vision of more!
I hold the vision of expecting MORE satisfaction as of this, same, but in more and even bolder wonderful translations!
I am eager to explore and witness the unfoldings!

They will be divine, god-sent. They will be totally clear. They will be delicious. They will feel light and blessed and deeply thankful and as surprising delight! Thank you! Thank you, life!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by spiritualcookie »

Sounds like a very eventful long weekend!
I'm so inspired by your positive focus, trust and clarity throughout it! :hearts:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

:romance-hearteyes: :vortex: :in_love:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Life goes on adventurously! :lol:

We took several steps to help the one boy heal, and it already showed him, smiling a few times, yesterday!
My son had the boys and my SIL help him dismantle a car- in Germany we call this "car-slaughter", and they were allowed to crash the windows and even the hood with hammers and crow bars. I never before saw all boys SO happy! :lol:

And then, he got his truck-project out and took us all for a ride over the dirt-road besides our village... what fun, what "freedom". It felt so satisfying.
The aspects of it where... feeling free. Feeling not held back by obeying the rules so very strictly. Doing what is fun- even it is NOT the norm! Yah, being unnormal! :D It felt unhindered. Open. Free!

The boys learned before to take out the parts that where still valuable and can be sold or re-used... and they all helped together. It was such joy to see their fascination and joy of being in this, with their father and the super-cool uncle! It was so satisfying! The aspects of this are, I am sooo proud of my son. I am so proud about what he knows and what he has mastered, and that he is so generous to share and teach, and open up pathways for those who want it, too. I was filled with so much love for all this boys and men! I feel so thankful that I own a place, where this is possible. I am so satisfied to witness the happiness. I am so thankful to be an intricate part of all of it! I am so proud that I was- and am a mother and Granny, who loves and understands and backs up the things that all this male beloveds enjoy so much!

We have 3 more days with the big boys... all of them will be filled with extra ordinary endeavors. I am so thankful and filled with love and joy- and so EAGER for what will come, more!


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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I thought it would be a busy day, with paddling on the lake with family, lots of cinnamon buns to bake, and a huge pan full of Asian stir-fry with peanut-gravy!
Then, it rained, and my daughter and her family made other plans. So I threw it all into the freezer, and thought, we'll have a very lazy day...
and now, my son H and my DIL- daughther of heart, drop by because the need some help, and they asked if they can sleep here on their way home. Of course! How nice!!! So, I drew (most of) the food out of the freezer again. But we DO have a lazy afternoon!

I am so satisfied.
It feels wonderful to be so flexible. I feel proud how easy I can handle this. I feel so happy, as I can be so completely unconditionally happy! I SO ENJOY ALL OPTIONS, no matter what!

I am so satisfied, because I LOVE the song of the blackbird, and in rain, it sings all day!
I am so satisfied because we transformed some of the meat that was thought for 11 people that I couldn't re-freeze into breaded Wiener Schnitzel, and some of the carrots into caramelized carrots with garlic, and it was SO yummy for lunch!
I am so satisfied because DH and I don't come to the same conclusion, but we so love each other, anyway.
Life is awesome!
And, the blackbird sings!!
And my roses start to bloom, and my lemon tree looks so very very pretty in my tine front yard!
And, the sun shines now, as well.

I AM SO HAPPY, and soooooo eager for more!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I am so satisfied. :hearts:
I am touched by the morning with my son and DIL. They SO enjoyed my fresh brewed peppermint-tea from my own garden. They so loved the freshly harvested chives. They loved our house and our sleepy village in the time of roses and full, lush, green!
The aspects of this deep satisfaction are... tenderness. Gentleness. Gentle deep friendlieness that is so much a part of my daughter of heart... and we, each time, sway in this loving gentle elegant energy! And then my son, the frisky eager joyful squirrel, dashes through and shouts some swearwords and is gone again :lol: and we laugh (we SO love him!) and continue our dance.

I am so happy that I could "rescue" them once more, as a certain adapter they needed to continue their journey did not fit. So they uploaded the parts they needed and I drove into the next city to get the adapter, and I found it in the 3. shop. Puh, almost the limit of my capability... and I felt SO SATISFIED I could help, anyway! The aspects are... pride. I AM PROUD I could help! Nobody else was there who could have done it. I am proud I was really helpful. And, I enjoyed the adventure, and the interaction, learning something useful I did not know before...

And it was so FUNNY!! :lol: I so love to be with this son! :hearts: I so love hos whimsical playfulness! I so love to watch him, being amazingly bodily capable. I so like being in love with him, when his wife shares the joy of loving him! :lol: It feels sooooo satisfying! :D

And tonight, we will baby-sit our little grandsons, so that the big grandsons can attend their very first "all you can eat" Asian buffet with their father and my daughter... I can imagine how much fun it will be for them! :hearts: I so love being an uplifter, who makes things possible! I so love to help out, when that makes dreams come true. It feels soooo satisfying. :hearts:

I am so happy in my life! Glad and happy and satisfied, and so EAGER for so much more!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Our garden pond

I so love the time of early summer! I love that it's warm, even it rains almost all day. I love how the birds keep singing! I love how the fragrances of the roses and the herbs are not diminished at all. I love drinking the rain from my roses, and how sweet and magic that tastes!

I AM SO SATISFIED. It is because of all this wonders of nature! It is because I FEEL surrounded by awe and wonder!

DH bring home our step-grandsons today, together with SIL. The terrifying depression of both boys still lingers, but their eyes glisten again, and they both smile a lot. IT DOESN'T TAKE MUCH! It takes being seen, being heard, and finding hope- and they got that in the last days. Now, DH will talk with their mother and stepdad, today, and we think, it will just take a small shift, some insights, some inspirations, and we pray for perfect timing and hearing all the inspirations. We trust that it will be wonder-ful, just as the last days. FULL OF WONDER.

So, so satisfying! Because, we all are in our driver seats. We have SO much power! We have SO MUCH impact, with so subtle tools. This is BIG! This is incredible. I am so blessed to KNOW that. And boy, do I know!

The "view" from the window in my bathroom is in the time of blossoming elderberry always "obstructed" :lol: ...and I so love that!

I am so satisfied with my growing CERTAINTY. I KNOW my power! I TRUST my power. I really, really do. It is big, and certain, and absolutely invincibly clear. It is satisfying beyond all words: THANK YOU, THANK YOU LIFE!!!!
I am so eager for more, more more of this!!

my peonies

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

field in my neigborhood

I am so satisfied, as I feel blessed in my life.
I am so happy! I wish all souls love and wellbeing and joy and ease! And, also, I don't want to go "down" when they are down. I want to ALIGN with source, not calibrate to disalignment... I want to live empathy and unconditional understanding and love, and be calm and clear and joyful in the eye of the hurricane- if there is one.

Yesterday, there was- due to heavy rains, a flood in several villages all around in Bavaria, even the Autobahn needed to be closed, and several streets turned into raging rivers. In my place, the sun was shining all day long, despite 30 minutes of rain, and it felt as a magic energy all around. I thought, the heavy rains that got forecasted, where a glitch! But later I learned that 15km further, a whole village got flooded. I am baffled that things can be SO close, together! And I am deeply, deeply thankful, and I feel blessed, that life is so light and easy, to me. SO thankful. So sure. So secure. So light. So easy!

DH brought back the Stepgrandsons, and the "family conference" with their mother went to very well! All thought, it was a very very precious, helpful get together! The kids themselves had almost forgotten in which stance they had arrived. Eyes sparkling, big smiles... Things can click into place SO FAST. I feel so thankful and blessed and filled with love to have been a witness! I feel so blessed to see- it can turn around on a dime, almost! Proplems can dissolve as ice in the sunshine. HOW BIG IS THAT. I am soooo thankful! I am so thankful to see the power, that lies in unconditional love, and unconditionally choosing what feels better, or even, what we realllly want! THIS STUFF WORKS!!

This is so satisfying!

I was bummed out today because of some really idiotic interaction. I had felt so disempowered- and then, I could let it go. Be in the calm eye of the hurricane. Be joyful, NO MATTER WHAT. :lol: I so embrace embracing the rage and the (vibrational) revenge and the anger... and then, being through and being free again! I so embrace my beloved F*-it thread! :lol: I so embrace the funny, p* and also wise collages that I did when I was in the mood, that I can now use. They SOOTHE me instantly! I so love to love IT ALL, even the rage! ALL IS WELL! IT IS ALL FOR ME! And that is deeply, deeply deeply satisfying!


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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Sun Jun 02, 2024 8:57 am Image
oh how beautiful the poppies are! and how lush and green the leaves! And all the textures! So pretty!
You truly are living in a little slice of paradise! :hearts:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

thank you! :hearts: :hearts: :vortex:

I am, and I see it!
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