Blue__Butterflies wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 5:59 pm
Q: Could you speak as to the validity and reliability of kinesiology?
A: No, because it isn’t any of our business.
If it’s working for you, it’s reliable and valid; end of story.
You don’t need our opinion.
We’ll tell you what it is, though.
When you believe something, it’s a form of alignment.
Q: Right. And to me, it’s almost an externalization.
If something comes to me, if I walk into the health food store and say: “OK, what’s going to help my cold?”
it’s going to come from an intuitive thing, and then I’ll go test it out.
I’m not going to go around the store testing everything.
So to me, it’s only as good as my intuition. It’s my Guidance.
A: We’ve sort of been on this subject all day here today in one way or another, haven’t we?
And the basis of this question is:
“Abraham, I basically don’t trust myself to know, so what contraptions or methods do you have which will help me know that I’m on the right track?”
And then we scream: “Have you heard nothing from us?!
You have Guidance within you that is letting you know!”
And it really does not matter what form it takes.
In other words, when you say:
“I want to know what’s best for me, please help me to know,”
you can identify any signal that you want,
and your Inner Being will play that game with you.
Q: OK. So, there have been double blind studies with kinesiology that don’t typically work well.
A: Excuse us, blah, blah, blah, blah - oh, you were speaking?
We are borderline mocking you.
And there is no real reason for that except that you don’t believe in the questions that you’re asking,
and so what’s the point of this conversation?
In other words, have you decided that this thing is invalid and you’re wanting us to substantiate the invalidity of it?
Q: I think that I listen to you when you say that individually, if you believe in it, it works.
A: So, do you want it to work?
In other words, the reason that we are approaching this in this way is because we really do not want to validate anything that needs validating.
In other words,
we want you to say “Abraham, I found this thing that works for me
and I don’t give a rip what you think about it.”
That’s really what we want to hear from you.
But what we hear from so many of you is
“Well I’ve found this way, and I think it’s the right way.
And I see these people over there doing something different,
and I don’t really approve of the way they are doing it.”
And we say: Do you realize that your disapproval of what they’re doing just messes up your Energy?
And then you blame your messed up Energy on them doing something different,
when your messed up Energy doesn’t have anything to do with them.
You’re just using them as your excuse for your messed up Energy.
And so, then we want to say to you,
just decide what you want and line up with it,
and use whatever way the Universe will yield to you through the crack of your least resistance,
the best path for you right here and now.
But then don’t get on your high horse and exclaim to the world that you have found the one and only path,
because there is not one and only one path.
There’s just the best path for you right now.
It’s really not different than Esther driving down the road, and us knowing there’s something in the road and steering her around it.
And then she could write a book - How to Steer Around This Thing in the Road’ -
“I was driving down Interstate 95 on my way to Boca Raton when there appeared a terrible thing in the road, and this is the way I steered around it.
And you’ll find it at mile marker 116 if you will look for it.
And so, always be on alert when you’re at mile marker 116
and then you will have the advantage that I had of steering around this terrible thing in the road.”
And people reading that would say
“Well, that’s sort of dumb because I really don’t think that thing in the road is still going to be there in the road a year from now.
So this book is sort of not very important to me.”
“No,” Esther would say, “this was an important thing.
It was given to me by God.
I know that you must know about this thing in the road at mile marker 116.”
And we say just give it a rest!
Everybody has their own Guidance System.
We really do not need to indoctrinate everybody with everything that we think is important.
We don’t know how you keep from just going out of your mind with all of the things that all of the people are wanting you to know and follow and eat and not eat and do and not do.
How do you even stand to stay in your lives?
“It’s this way, it’s this way, it’s this way, it’s this way, it’s this way.”
And we say just find something that you want
and sort of point toward it,
and just sort of start moseying down the road.
And if it brings you joy, move faster toward it,
and if it’s not so fun, choose something else.
But don’t make a big deal out of everything that everybody’s thought.
Esther walked into a bookstore and said
“This place is nuts - so many philosophies
and everyone’s sure that they have the one right thing.”
And all along, you have Guidance within you saying
“This is the best way from where you are right now,
but it’s not the best way for you forevermore
and it’s not the best way for everybody on the planet.
This is the best way for you right here, right now.”
When you get in sync with your Guidance,
there’s a tendency to say
“Oh, this works so well for me,
I need to tell the world.”
And we say, "...Or not!"
Let their Guidance tell them; let their Guidance guide them.
So, what we have going here is we’re just guiding you to Guidance.
We’re not the guidance to guide you, we’re just guiding you to Guidance.
Here is the sentiment that we would like to become rampant across your planet:
No matter who you’re interacting with,
we would like you to find some way of conveying to them
your appreciation of who they are and where they are right now.
We would like you to be able to express to them, whether you use words or just a glance of the eye,
“I love you where you are right now.”
And if you really want to follow it up and be a powerful beneficial influencer,
you might follow up with a glance or a vibration or words that go something like
“You will always find your path, and it will be different from almost anybody you know.”
And if you really want to follow it up, you could say
“And I know that you have Guidance within you that will always keep you going toward that which your life is revealing to you.”
And if you really want to follow it up, you would say
“And there is no one on the planet that you could adequately or accurately follow,
because you are carving out your own magnificent unique life.”
And if you really want to follow it up, you could say
“And you have Guidance within you that lets you know in every moment your relationship with your life as it is unfolding.”
And then you could go on to say
“You are Source Energy in a physical body who has come to let the contrast inspire you to becoming more. And a large part of you instantaneously became that more, and that part of you is now calling you forward.” And “You could use whatever method you want - call it gut instinct, call it Emotional Guidance, call it kinesiology - it doesn’t matter what you call it, you are being beckoned by that larger part of you toward that which you have become.”
And if you can get that across to yourself or to anyone,
then you or the one you got it across to is destined to live happily ever after;
to live the fulfillment of what you came forth to live.
And anything else, anything other than that,
anything that says there are rules that you should follow, and when you follow them, you’ll feel better, or you are supposed to be something that you’re not, or you are disappointing someone somewhere, or you’re not fulfilling your reason for being here - anything of that nature just separates you from the truth of who you are. Yes?
Q: Thank you.
A: Yes, indeed.
~ Abraham-Hicks, Boca Raton, FL 11/5/2005
Quotes on Alternative & Complementary Therapies
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
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Quotes on Alternative & Complementary Therapies
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
On Chakras
[In order to get in touch with your Inner Being and with the non-physical energy part of you,]
You do not need to know what colors the chakras are,
and where they are
and what they mean.
You have many points of alignment within your being.
Do not get involved with it consciously.
Let your Inner Being, that knows far more than your cosncious mind will ever know abotu this subject...
Let your Inner Being do it.
All you must do is quiet your physical.
Your Inner Being will do the rest.
- Abraham Hicks, 1988
[In order to get in touch with your Inner Being and with the non-physical energy part of you,]
You do not need to know what colors the chakras are,
and where they are
and what they mean.
You have many points of alignment within your being.
Do not get involved with it consciously.
Let your Inner Being, that knows far more than your cosncious mind will ever know abotu this subject...
Let your Inner Being do it.
All you must do is quiet your physical.
Your Inner Being will do the rest.
- Abraham Hicks, 1988
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4484
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
We'r not wanting to upset any teachers, that are wanting you take specific action. But we really want you to understand, that
YOUR BODY IS A CHEMICAL FACTORY, that is able to extract from your diet WHAT IT NEEDS, and wants.
Physicians and scientists have not even begun to explore the chemistry, that goes on in the digestive system! That chemistry is so much more by your vibration: Your mood or attitude, than it is by what you are eating, that it makes what you are eating IRRELEVANT!
Abraham Hicks, 2009
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Abraham On Chakras
Rather than even trying to describe these seven or eight or ten or twelve or how many chakra points; different people are approaching it in different ways; we would like to say to you, that you have trillions of cells and they are all energy points as well.
[When you hear about chakras,] we can see how it could become confusing, not just because there is so much variety in the way chakras are discussed, but because it's not easy to talk about energy in physical terms without applying some distortion.
[Rather than using chakras,] we think your emotions are an easier way for you to determine what your vibrational content is.
Here's the thing about the chakras:
You have trillions of cells and each one of them are a point of consciousness.
And each one of them (like you, as the captain of your ship so to speak) are having contrasting experiences and asking for constant improvement. And so when a cell asks for improvement, Source answers it and energy begins to move.
We think that these [chakra] points that different people have pointed out are points that they are more aware of, where they are blocking the energy from flowing.
[But] you don't have to teach your cells how to ask for energy.
And you don't have to teach Source Energy how to provide it.
[But you do have to teach yourself how to let go of resistance to that energy; ie you do have to teach yourself how to align]
[Theoretically, if you never learned the bad habit of creating resistance and becoming unaligned - in theory]
In fact you don't have to teach yourself anything about alignment if you haven't taught yourself how to get out of alignment.
You have deliberately subjected yourself to contrast and variety
for the purpose of the expanded idea.
But it can be problematic when the contrast helps you know what you don't want and you spend an inordinate amount of time beating the drum of what you do not want.
An ideal experience would be:
Contrast shows you what you don't want, helps you know what you do want,
and as soon as you know that, turn your undivided attention toward what you do [want] -
and you would have no blockage with chakras.
So it really doesn't matter in what way you are defining your resistance or your allowance.
It's only important that you recognize that you are allowing or resisting that the totality of who you are in any point in time.
We know that even the sensation of emotion - where do you feel emotion?
Sometimes you say I feel it in my gut;
Sometimes you say my head is spinning;
Sometimes you say my heart is hurting or my heart is opening;
And we just want you to realize that to try to pinpoint specific areas of your body and to try to organize the energy as it flows is [fine but not entirely necesary and as Abraham see it, it's] really going about it the hard way.
What we're really getting at here is that it's natural for the energy to flow through you and it's natural for you to allow it to flow. And when you do [let energy flow freely], you don't need to talk about chakras at all.
By the time you have stayed focused upon something [ - anything; a chakra, a flower; a sound of the air conditioning - anything] for as short of time as 68 seconds, you have a strong point of attraction going on.
A lot of people - whether they are understanding about energy or not - have learned that by finding something to focus upon, that takes your attention away from whatever it is that you were focusing upon that was causing the disallowance of the energy flow. It can be beneficial.
Almost every group or religion have symbols and processes that they are offering, and we want to say and it's never fair to put everything in one basket and throw one label on it, but for the most part, what these different symbols have done which have been beneficial, and people who have applied them, no matter what religious context they are applying them, will in a
majority of cases, tell you that they are getting positive results from them.
And the reason they are getting the positive results from them is because they are looking at something and they are giving it their undivided attention.
And in doing so they're withdrawing their attention from the resistant thing that was causing them to block their energy.
And then the energy begins moving again.
You see what we're getting at?
It is the focusing on something that is non-resistant in nature [that is helpful, which could be a chakra point, or could be anything].
And so if someone said to you: "if you will carry this orb in your hand and focus upon it it will bring you well-being" and you listen to that, and wanted well-being and believed what they said, and then focused upon it, there is an alignment that takes place that stops the resistance. And well-being begins to come in more abundance perfect.
It doesn't matter what you use is your excuse to allow the energy to flow. That's really our point.
- [,,,]
Religions for the most part are just a variety of methodologies that you've used to allow your natural well-being to flow.
And sometimes you're further from it and sometimes you're closer to it, and never are you all doing it in the same way.
We would, if it were not for the likes of you [the hotseater who asked specifically to hear Abe's opinion on chakras] - never utter the word "chakra" ever, because we think it is inconsequential and unimportant.
But we don't think it's wrong that you do.
If you find you could say: "I study the discipline of bellybutton focus and since my bellybutton is the sort of center of my being and since it was the tube through which I received sustenance before I was born I think it is sacred in nature and so whenever I have a problem I meditate on my belly button and it brings me into alignment!"
And we say: "well, if your belly button feels innocuous to you [why not put your focus there if that helps you align?]"
In other words if it doesn't have some deep-seated point of worry, and it does not matter...
[Another person might use a different point of focus like:]
"I find a flower in every carpet in every room and I focus upon that flower!"
And so someone says [something that takes you out of alignment eg]: "how's your mother?"
And I say: "(I want to stay aligned so) I'd rather think about this flower!"
[Or eg someone says something else problematic that takes you out of alignment eg]: "how is that job interview going?"
[And the focuser trying to align with wellbeing and energy flow would say:] "I'd rather think about this flower!"
In other words: Anything you used to focus upon that is not resistant in nature, will raise your cork [and help it float] - that's what meditation is.
We teach you meditation because it's easier to teach you to have "no thought" than to have "pure positive thought".
When you quiet your mind, you stop thought and when you stop thought you stop resistance, and when you stop resistance
your vibration raises. It's like holding the cork under the water - that's resistance - that's what negative thought is.
Let go of it [resistance].
[The cork,] it will always bob right back to the surface.
So any trick you want to put in your bag of tricks that causes you to focus, and no longer disallow the energy from flowing, is beneficial.
- Abraham Hicks
Rather than even trying to describe these seven or eight or ten or twelve or how many chakra points; different people are approaching it in different ways; we would like to say to you, that you have trillions of cells and they are all energy points as well.
[When you hear about chakras,] we can see how it could become confusing, not just because there is so much variety in the way chakras are discussed, but because it's not easy to talk about energy in physical terms without applying some distortion.
[Rather than using chakras,] we think your emotions are an easier way for you to determine what your vibrational content is.
Here's the thing about the chakras:
You have trillions of cells and each one of them are a point of consciousness.
And each one of them (like you, as the captain of your ship so to speak) are having contrasting experiences and asking for constant improvement. And so when a cell asks for improvement, Source answers it and energy begins to move.
We think that these [chakra] points that different people have pointed out are points that they are more aware of, where they are blocking the energy from flowing.
[But] you don't have to teach your cells how to ask for energy.
And you don't have to teach Source Energy how to provide it.
[But you do have to teach yourself how to let go of resistance to that energy; ie you do have to teach yourself how to align]
[Theoretically, if you never learned the bad habit of creating resistance and becoming unaligned - in theory]
In fact you don't have to teach yourself anything about alignment if you haven't taught yourself how to get out of alignment.
You have deliberately subjected yourself to contrast and variety
for the purpose of the expanded idea.
But it can be problematic when the contrast helps you know what you don't want and you spend an inordinate amount of time beating the drum of what you do not want.
An ideal experience would be:
Contrast shows you what you don't want, helps you know what you do want,
and as soon as you know that, turn your undivided attention toward what you do [want] -
and you would have no blockage with chakras.
So it really doesn't matter in what way you are defining your resistance or your allowance.
It's only important that you recognize that you are allowing or resisting that the totality of who you are in any point in time.
We know that even the sensation of emotion - where do you feel emotion?
Sometimes you say I feel it in my gut;
Sometimes you say my head is spinning;
Sometimes you say my heart is hurting or my heart is opening;
And we just want you to realize that to try to pinpoint specific areas of your body and to try to organize the energy as it flows is [fine but not entirely necesary and as Abraham see it, it's] really going about it the hard way.
What we're really getting at here is that it's natural for the energy to flow through you and it's natural for you to allow it to flow. And when you do [let energy flow freely], you don't need to talk about chakras at all.
By the time you have stayed focused upon something [ - anything; a chakra, a flower; a sound of the air conditioning - anything] for as short of time as 68 seconds, you have a strong point of attraction going on.
A lot of people - whether they are understanding about energy or not - have learned that by finding something to focus upon, that takes your attention away from whatever it is that you were focusing upon that was causing the disallowance of the energy flow. It can be beneficial.
Almost every group or religion have symbols and processes that they are offering, and we want to say and it's never fair to put everything in one basket and throw one label on it, but for the most part, what these different symbols have done which have been beneficial, and people who have applied them, no matter what religious context they are applying them, will in a
majority of cases, tell you that they are getting positive results from them.
And the reason they are getting the positive results from them is because they are looking at something and they are giving it their undivided attention.
And in doing so they're withdrawing their attention from the resistant thing that was causing them to block their energy.
And then the energy begins moving again.
You see what we're getting at?
It is the focusing on something that is non-resistant in nature [that is helpful, which could be a chakra point, or could be anything].
And so if someone said to you: "if you will carry this orb in your hand and focus upon it it will bring you well-being" and you listen to that, and wanted well-being and believed what they said, and then focused upon it, there is an alignment that takes place that stops the resistance. And well-being begins to come in more abundance perfect.
It doesn't matter what you use is your excuse to allow the energy to flow. That's really our point.
- [,,,]
Religions for the most part are just a variety of methodologies that you've used to allow your natural well-being to flow.
And sometimes you're further from it and sometimes you're closer to it, and never are you all doing it in the same way.
We would, if it were not for the likes of you [the hotseater who asked specifically to hear Abe's opinion on chakras] - never utter the word "chakra" ever, because we think it is inconsequential and unimportant.
But we don't think it's wrong that you do.
If you find you could say: "I study the discipline of bellybutton focus and since my bellybutton is the sort of center of my being and since it was the tube through which I received sustenance before I was born I think it is sacred in nature and so whenever I have a problem I meditate on my belly button and it brings me into alignment!"
And we say: "well, if your belly button feels innocuous to you [why not put your focus there if that helps you align?]"
In other words if it doesn't have some deep-seated point of worry, and it does not matter...
[Another person might use a different point of focus like:]
"I find a flower in every carpet in every room and I focus upon that flower!"
And so someone says [something that takes you out of alignment eg]: "how's your mother?"
And I say: "(I want to stay aligned so) I'd rather think about this flower!"
[Or eg someone says something else problematic that takes you out of alignment eg]: "how is that job interview going?"
[And the focuser trying to align with wellbeing and energy flow would say:] "I'd rather think about this flower!"
In other words: Anything you used to focus upon that is not resistant in nature, will raise your cork [and help it float] - that's what meditation is.
We teach you meditation because it's easier to teach you to have "no thought" than to have "pure positive thought".
When you quiet your mind, you stop thought and when you stop thought you stop resistance, and when you stop resistance
your vibration raises. It's like holding the cork under the water - that's resistance - that's what negative thought is.
Let go of it [resistance].
[The cork,] it will always bob right back to the surface.
So any trick you want to put in your bag of tricks that causes you to focus, and no longer disallow the energy from flowing, is beneficial.
- Abraham Hicks
- Paradise-on-Earth
- Plus Member
- Posts: 4484
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
He wants more muscles, and less effort in getting them!
Use the Power of your Desire:
Molding your own body
I guess my question that I've had is... I've been, I think, for the longest time, I have not been happy with my physical body. My physical body is perfectly healthy, there's nothing wrong with it! It runs fine. But I'm not happy with how it looks. A lot of times it's been with weight, and you know, a lot of times I felt kind of scrawny, and and so I've gone... I've lifted weights and I've done the action journey. And I've gone to really... I've gone to really try to make things happen. Really work really hard, to put on the muscle. And you know, bulk myself up, and I've been somewhat successful with that. But yet, you know... the whole time I'm doing it, I'm feeling that, you know... "I'm still weak. I'm still weak."
And I guess it's finally occurred to me, after listening to a lot of what you've had to say, that the reason I've had so much trouble is- I've been fighting it. Instead of- I guess, maybe taking part of the action journey, and lifting the weights, but at the same time thinking: "I'm strong!" I've been thinking "I'm weak, I'm weak, I'm weak, I'm weak!" and so, you know... I've had this idea that I can't look the way I want to look... you know, people have said "oh, your body frame won't support the way you want to look! You can't have this. You can't have that. And I've listened to them, which I think has been my biggest mistake! And so I guess, what my question is, is that:
-Can I actually transform into the body that I want?
If I can get myself into alignment- so even though I'm physically, you know, healthy- so it's not really like curing any kind of diseases. But it's actually just transforming the body into a shape that I would be very happy with?
Well, YES you can get to there, certainly!
And you- everything that you've said has come from a very wise place of understanding. There's not a lot that we can add to what you have already concluded, which is absolutely accurate. We'll emphasize it a little bit here, that when you say "I want this thing, that I do not have"- you are asking the stream to go, AND bucking it at the same time.
When you say "I want something that is impossible!" the split energy keeps you from being able to accomplish it. So when your mind is splitting energy, it does not matter what action you perform!
The action doesn't have a much enough leverage in it to overcome the split energy! So much so, that we'd like to make extreme statements and say things like:
A person who believes that a twinkie is unhealthy, should not eat a twinkie.
But if you understand (...) we would rather, that you eat a twinkie in joy, than that you... it's actually better for the overall physical condition, then that you eat food that you believe is healthy food in protest. Because split energy has so much power in it, you see! And so, imagine how much you can accomplish...! In other words, you have a very clearly focused, very well-managed desire. In other words, we can feel the clarity of this desire!
But you have a nearly equally focused doubt about your desire.
And that's what makes it all feel hard.
And that's why you're not taking pleasure in the action!
And it's also why you're not getting the kind of results that you would get,
if you could get your energy all moving in the same direction.
It seems that, you know I've gotten some results. But I feel like I could have gotten even more, with a lot less effort, had I let go of the resistance.
Well, what happens is- when you begin going with the flow, the effort becomes less of a factor.
In other words, Jerry and Esther were driving down a freeway the other night, and they noticed that there were some new barricades that had been built, in order to prevent people from crossing into the head-on traffic, and having head-on collisions. And Esther noted, that if a car were to lose control and bounce over against this series of wires that they'd placed, that the car would bounce back into this traffic. And Jerry pointed out, that since this traffic is already moving in the same direction, that even though the car is out of control- it entering traffic, that's moving in the same general direction that it is, is much less of a problem, than if it entered the the flow of traffic that was coming from the other direction.
And Esther said: "There's something in that, that Abraham needs to tell us about resistance! In other words, when the energy stream, when the stream of life, when the stream of desire is calling you this way, and you sort of kind of go, but not really- it's better than if you're going in opposition to it. But if you sort of kind of go, and you relax more, so that you really begin to go- until you finally let yourself... you stop dragging your feet in the water! You stop dragging your oars in the water. You stop dragging all of your things of resistance in the water. And you pull yourself, and you just really let yourself go with the flow... the more you're able to do that, the more you refine your thinking, then the better it all is!
So, certainly you are better off if you have a desire for a change in your body condition, and you are making some effort to accomplish it. You're better off in making that effort, than in making no effort. But what you are recognizing is: It ought to be easier for me, than it is. And certainly, when somebody tells you: "Oh, you can't have what you want!" -and you listen to them, as if they have some sort of credibility, then that's more than just dragging your oars in the water! That's when you suddenly turn around and start paddling in the opposite direction! And, you can feel,
-you can feel the intensity of really going with the flow: That's what passion is!
-Sort of going with the flow- that's what optimism is or hope is.
-Hardly going with a flow that's what hesitation and reluctance is.
-Not going with the flow- that's what doubt is and worry is.
-Really not going with the flow- that in fact, paddling in the opposite direction: that's what anger is.
-Really really not going with the flow... in other words you can you can feel the intensity of how you're placed in the stream by the way you feel!
The thing we always want to point out, and we've done it several times here today, but it really is something that we want you to hear, and really think about the combination of the pointed desire and the pointed belief, in relationship to the desire is, what equals what you feel. So there are a lot of people that could actually be getting better results than you are getting, who care even less about the body that they want. And that's what's bugging you! (HS: Yah, yah! Yah!!) But when you take all the information, and figure out what all of these pieces to the equation equal, you understand that somebody who doesn't want as much as you do, that has no resistance, is getting a lot better results- than somebody who wants as poignantly as you do, and has resistance.
Doesn't that explain a lot? Doesn't that explain why so many people seem to be thriving, who don't deserve it? Because, you think that their deservability is tied to their effort!
And we're wanting you to know that no deservability is tied to effort your you all deserve to have everything that life has caused you to want
But unfortunately, something that happens to everybody is, that it seems that the more you want something, the more you work against yourself. Because the harder you try and the more you see it is an ORDEAL that you must dig in and conquer, and triumph, over. And there's something about that conquering, digging in and triumphing over, that has you pointed upstream. That works really hard against you!
So, when somebody says to you: "Your whatever does not support the desire that you hold!" say to them:
"I know you mean well. Even though you're breaking my heart with your words! I know you may be well-meaning, but you, Sir, are misinformed. Because I now understand that, if this time-space-reality has the wherewithal to inspire a desire within me, that this time-space-reality has the wherewithal to deliver it to me.
So, if I can want it, I CAN achieve it. And I can achieve it easier, by not listening to your words, than if I listen to your words. So, I won't be asking for your commentary anymore. Because your commentary takes me upstream, which is counter to what I want."
It's interesting, because even in the building of a muscle, there is this human expectation of resistance! In other words, the trainers will tell you, that in order to get that muscle, you have to badger it into. And we say: But think about what's happening, in all of that, that you're calling resistance; is the focusing of the desire for the achievement of something.
And you got to give some of the credit to the power of the desire, you see!
So what we wish for you is a discovery of a training, that you will take pleasure in.
And it is our wish that you discover the enormous leverage in thought!
And we promise you, that if you keep this dream alive, and it's a powerful dream, that is very alive! -If you don't squelch it with contradictory thought, so you just continue to want as you are wanting, relative to this, and you find more downstream thoughts about it, you will begin to notice immediately physical responses to this powerful desire.
And there will come a time that you will be inspired to tell others what you figured out about this,
because the majority of the world- relative to physical fitness, and relative to physical well-being, is going about it in such a contradictive way, that they are well in spite of themselves literally. Literally!
from the clip How can I change my physical appearance using the Law of Attraction? | ABRAHAM HICKS
Even in the building of a muscle, there is this human expectation of resistance! In other words, the trainers will tell you, that in order to get that muscle, you have to badger it into. And we say: But think about what's happening, in all of that, that you're calling resistance; is the focusing of the desire for the achievement of something.
And you got to give some of the credit to the power of the desire, you see!
So what we wish for you is a discovery of a training, that you will take pleasure in.
And it is our wish that you discover the enormous leverage in thought!
And we promise you, that if you keep this dream alive, and it's a powerful dream, that is very alive! -If you don't squelch it with contradictory thought, so you just continue to want as you are wanting, relative to this, and you find more downstream thoughts about it, you will begin to notice immediately physical responses to this powerful desire.
And there will come a time that you will be inspired to tell others what you figured out about this,
because the majority of the world- relative to physical fitness, and relative to physical well-being, is going about it in such a contradictive way, that they are well in spite of themselves literally. Literally!
from the clip How can I change my physical appearance using the Law of Attraction? | ABRAHAM HICKS
Use the Power of your Desire:
Molding your own body
I guess my question that I've had is... I've been, I think, for the longest time, I have not been happy with my physical body. My physical body is perfectly healthy, there's nothing wrong with it! It runs fine. But I'm not happy with how it looks. A lot of times it's been with weight, and you know, a lot of times I felt kind of scrawny, and and so I've gone... I've lifted weights and I've done the action journey. And I've gone to really... I've gone to really try to make things happen. Really work really hard, to put on the muscle. And you know, bulk myself up, and I've been somewhat successful with that. But yet, you know... the whole time I'm doing it, I'm feeling that, you know... "I'm still weak. I'm still weak."
And I guess it's finally occurred to me, after listening to a lot of what you've had to say, that the reason I've had so much trouble is- I've been fighting it. Instead of- I guess, maybe taking part of the action journey, and lifting the weights, but at the same time thinking: "I'm strong!" I've been thinking "I'm weak, I'm weak, I'm weak, I'm weak!" and so, you know... I've had this idea that I can't look the way I want to look... you know, people have said "oh, your body frame won't support the way you want to look! You can't have this. You can't have that. And I've listened to them, which I think has been my biggest mistake! And so I guess, what my question is, is that:
-Can I actually transform into the body that I want?
If I can get myself into alignment- so even though I'm physically, you know, healthy- so it's not really like curing any kind of diseases. But it's actually just transforming the body into a shape that I would be very happy with?
Well, YES you can get to there, certainly!
And you- everything that you've said has come from a very wise place of understanding. There's not a lot that we can add to what you have already concluded, which is absolutely accurate. We'll emphasize it a little bit here, that when you say "I want this thing, that I do not have"- you are asking the stream to go, AND bucking it at the same time.
When you say "I want something that is impossible!" the split energy keeps you from being able to accomplish it. So when your mind is splitting energy, it does not matter what action you perform!
The action doesn't have a much enough leverage in it to overcome the split energy! So much so, that we'd like to make extreme statements and say things like:
A person who believes that a twinkie is unhealthy, should not eat a twinkie.
But if you understand (...) we would rather, that you eat a twinkie in joy, than that you... it's actually better for the overall physical condition, then that you eat food that you believe is healthy food in protest. Because split energy has so much power in it, you see! And so, imagine how much you can accomplish...! In other words, you have a very clearly focused, very well-managed desire. In other words, we can feel the clarity of this desire!
But you have a nearly equally focused doubt about your desire.
And that's what makes it all feel hard.
And that's why you're not taking pleasure in the action!
And it's also why you're not getting the kind of results that you would get,
if you could get your energy all moving in the same direction.
It seems that, you know I've gotten some results. But I feel like I could have gotten even more, with a lot less effort, had I let go of the resistance.
Well, what happens is- when you begin going with the flow, the effort becomes less of a factor.
In other words, Jerry and Esther were driving down a freeway the other night, and they noticed that there were some new barricades that had been built, in order to prevent people from crossing into the head-on traffic, and having head-on collisions. And Esther noted, that if a car were to lose control and bounce over against this series of wires that they'd placed, that the car would bounce back into this traffic. And Jerry pointed out, that since this traffic is already moving in the same direction, that even though the car is out of control- it entering traffic, that's moving in the same general direction that it is, is much less of a problem, than if it entered the the flow of traffic that was coming from the other direction.
And Esther said: "There's something in that, that Abraham needs to tell us about resistance! In other words, when the energy stream, when the stream of life, when the stream of desire is calling you this way, and you sort of kind of go, but not really- it's better than if you're going in opposition to it. But if you sort of kind of go, and you relax more, so that you really begin to go- until you finally let yourself... you stop dragging your feet in the water! You stop dragging your oars in the water. You stop dragging all of your things of resistance in the water. And you pull yourself, and you just really let yourself go with the flow... the more you're able to do that, the more you refine your thinking, then the better it all is!
So, certainly you are better off if you have a desire for a change in your body condition, and you are making some effort to accomplish it. You're better off in making that effort, than in making no effort. But what you are recognizing is: It ought to be easier for me, than it is. And certainly, when somebody tells you: "Oh, you can't have what you want!" -and you listen to them, as if they have some sort of credibility, then that's more than just dragging your oars in the water! That's when you suddenly turn around and start paddling in the opposite direction! And, you can feel,
-you can feel the intensity of really going with the flow: That's what passion is!
-Sort of going with the flow- that's what optimism is or hope is.
-Hardly going with a flow that's what hesitation and reluctance is.
-Not going with the flow- that's what doubt is and worry is.
-Really not going with the flow- that in fact, paddling in the opposite direction: that's what anger is.
-Really really not going with the flow... in other words you can you can feel the intensity of how you're placed in the stream by the way you feel!
The thing we always want to point out, and we've done it several times here today, but it really is something that we want you to hear, and really think about the combination of the pointed desire and the pointed belief, in relationship to the desire is, what equals what you feel. So there are a lot of people that could actually be getting better results than you are getting, who care even less about the body that they want. And that's what's bugging you! (HS: Yah, yah! Yah!!) But when you take all the information, and figure out what all of these pieces to the equation equal, you understand that somebody who doesn't want as much as you do, that has no resistance, is getting a lot better results- than somebody who wants as poignantly as you do, and has resistance.
Doesn't that explain a lot? Doesn't that explain why so many people seem to be thriving, who don't deserve it? Because, you think that their deservability is tied to their effort!
And we're wanting you to know that no deservability is tied to effort your you all deserve to have everything that life has caused you to want
But unfortunately, something that happens to everybody is, that it seems that the more you want something, the more you work against yourself. Because the harder you try and the more you see it is an ORDEAL that you must dig in and conquer, and triumph, over. And there's something about that conquering, digging in and triumphing over, that has you pointed upstream. That works really hard against you!
So, when somebody says to you: "Your whatever does not support the desire that you hold!" say to them:
"I know you mean well. Even though you're breaking my heart with your words! I know you may be well-meaning, but you, Sir, are misinformed. Because I now understand that, if this time-space-reality has the wherewithal to inspire a desire within me, that this time-space-reality has the wherewithal to deliver it to me.
So, if I can want it, I CAN achieve it. And I can achieve it easier, by not listening to your words, than if I listen to your words. So, I won't be asking for your commentary anymore. Because your commentary takes me upstream, which is counter to what I want."
It's interesting, because even in the building of a muscle, there is this human expectation of resistance! In other words, the trainers will tell you, that in order to get that muscle, you have to badger it into. And we say: But think about what's happening, in all of that, that you're calling resistance; is the focusing of the desire for the achievement of something.
And you got to give some of the credit to the power of the desire, you see!
So what we wish for you is a discovery of a training, that you will take pleasure in.
And it is our wish that you discover the enormous leverage in thought!
And we promise you, that if you keep this dream alive, and it's a powerful dream, that is very alive! -If you don't squelch it with contradictory thought, so you just continue to want as you are wanting, relative to this, and you find more downstream thoughts about it, you will begin to notice immediately physical responses to this powerful desire.
And there will come a time that you will be inspired to tell others what you figured out about this,
because the majority of the world- relative to physical fitness, and relative to physical well-being, is going about it in such a contradictive way, that they are well in spite of themselves literally. Literally!
from the clip How can I change my physical appearance using the Law of Attraction? | ABRAHAM HICKS
Even in the building of a muscle, there is this human expectation of resistance! In other words, the trainers will tell you, that in order to get that muscle, you have to badger it into. And we say: But think about what's happening, in all of that, that you're calling resistance; is the focusing of the desire for the achievement of something.
And you got to give some of the credit to the power of the desire, you see!
So what we wish for you is a discovery of a training, that you will take pleasure in.
And it is our wish that you discover the enormous leverage in thought!
And we promise you, that if you keep this dream alive, and it's a powerful dream, that is very alive! -If you don't squelch it with contradictory thought, so you just continue to want as you are wanting, relative to this, and you find more downstream thoughts about it, you will begin to notice immediately physical responses to this powerful desire.
And there will come a time that you will be inspired to tell others what you figured out about this,
because the majority of the world- relative to physical fitness, and relative to physical well-being, is going about it in such a contradictive way, that they are well in spite of themselves literally. Literally!
from the clip How can I change my physical appearance using the Law of Attraction? | ABRAHAM HICKS
- Paradise-on-Earth
- Plus Member
- Posts: 4484
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
How to allow miracles within your body
(The differences between sensations and pain)
Now, what about parts of my body, that are not youthing? They're they're getting older. I mean, can I use this method that you're teaching us about being in the feeling state, uh, create regeneration of parts of my body? Such as gray graying hair, wrinkles... I've had a hysterectomy. I have a bad knee or shoulder. Can I...
You can! But not from that vibrational feeling place that is there! And, in other words, what we're getting at is this: Jerry and Esther were in New England last fall. And as they walked, and drove through the extraordinary color of these aging leaves, we did not hear them or any other standing under the trees demanding, that they'd be screen spring green, again! Everyone seemed to accept the natural cycling of the leaves. Now as you understand that you are more like the tree than you think... in other words, as the tree drops its leaves, and they become new again...
Esther said, she would like to be a chicken. Because she can't tell her little spring chickens from the old chickens because every year, they all get new feathers. She said: "Ladies should have feathers! Every year, we would get new feathers!" ...well, what we are getting at here, is that the cells of your body are continually regenerating. And if you could find yourself appreciating the spring and the summer and the fall and the winter of your experience, then in that appreciation, you would regenerate the cells. And that which you are wanting, as youth, would would be maintained eternally! In other words, you can't tell the old wolf from the middle-aged wolf. They are as agile and as clear-minded, you see!
So the answer there is continued appreciation, to keep the valve open? (Abe: yes!) and create whatever it is I want to create in my body- whether it's a healing of a joint, or coloring of my hair...?
Yes! As you acknowledge the beauty of your hair, even if it is gray- in that vibration, your valve is open. And then your truer wanting is satisfied. As you want your hair to be different than it is, and in that lackful mode you look- then vibrationally, you close the valve that could allow it to be different.
So the key is: how do I look at a wrinkled face and feel appreciation?
How do I feel prosperous when my checks are bouncing?
How do I feel well, when they tell me I have cancer?
And we say: You must not put so much credence upon the current condition! And you should let your vision be dominant.
And when you are able to look and see what you are wanting to see, rather than what everybody else sees- then you have the true vision of energy flow. And that's when you begin to create miracles, and we're not kidding you about it!
In other words, that's when the physical manifestation that defies all of the properties of your physical laws, begin to take place!
It's because your knowing has superseded the vibrational habit of thought that is physical perspective. And has entered into the realm of the broader awareness.
And that's where the pain from the knee joint disappears? (Abe: Yes!) -When I've achieved that?
The pain from the deep joint disappears, when you open your valve and acknowledge that the cells are doing their work. It's a very subtle difference between that which most of you call sensation, and pain. So what happens is- let's say that you have an injury to a leg, or or you're just out of balance for some reason. You... you twist... One day somebody gave Esther a hug that was so tight, that it separated one of her ribs. And so, as she has this this sort of pain in in her side, what is her first thought: "Something's wrong!"
Well, what the pain was, was non-physical energy knowing that there is something out of whack in her body, (and) going right to work!
And so, the cells in that part of body are on active duty! The cells in that part of her body are vibrationally asking for non-physical energy. And if Esther, in feeling the sensation, would relax and say:
"Ah! Help is on the way! All is well here. I feel this sensation, and what it means is, the cells and that right part of my body are acting much stronger. And they are summoning non-physical energy!" -and she would relax into the pain, rather than tensing against it!
Then she would allow the cells, and the non-physical energy to do their work. And that, which we would call a near-instant-healing!
You're sitting on an airplane. Somebody next to you is hacking, coughing, dripping, dribbling this virus. This person coughs into the air, and you inhale the virus into your body. When that happens, the cells of your body, in that part of your body, know that the intruder is there! And right away, begin to vibrationally respond to it. They vibrationally ask for non-physical energy to compensate.
So, the cells are asking, and the non-physical energy is answering. Now, if you're basking, if you are having a wonderful time, if you're appreciating, if your valve is wide open- then the communication between the cells and the non-physical energy is perfect. That virus is dealt with instantly! You don't even know it's happened. And you continue to thrive.
But if you're ornery, if the flight attendant has made you mad, if you are angry about something, if you are on your way to a funeral, if you are in a negative state of mind and you ingest this virus, without even being aware of it- then, as the cells are doing their part, and the non-physical energy is doing its part, you're setting up a resistance. So, as you set up a resistance, the cells work harder. The non-physical energy works harder! You set up more resistance! Then you have that, which you call sensation or pain. And then you say: "Um... something's wrong!" -and in the moment you identify something negative, and you turn your attention to it- now the cells are working harder! The non-physical is working harder. But you've got an iron door closed. So, when you feel pain, what we would encourage you to do is, say:
"Ah, this is good! The cells know what they're doing. The non-physical energy knows what it's doing!
And this thing that I have once called pain, I'm now going to call "help on the way." And in the same way that I would relax, and allow my mother to take a sliver out of my hand- even though I didn't really like it, I'm going to relax and allow these little psychic surgeons to deal with my body, on a cellular level!"
If you will allow the psychic surgeons to do it, there will be no scars. The resiliency of your body will be near perfect! If you go to the physician, it's like turning a chainsaw loose. In other words, the comparison of allowing the cellular surgery and the physical surgery is a big difference!
from the youtube clip I want to be beautiful again
I want to be beautiful
(The differences between sensations and pain)
Now, what about parts of my body, that are not youthing? They're they're getting older. I mean, can I use this method that you're teaching us about being in the feeling state, uh, create regeneration of parts of my body? Such as gray graying hair, wrinkles... I've had a hysterectomy. I have a bad knee or shoulder. Can I...
You can! But not from that vibrational feeling place that is there! And, in other words, what we're getting at is this: Jerry and Esther were in New England last fall. And as they walked, and drove through the extraordinary color of these aging leaves, we did not hear them or any other standing under the trees demanding, that they'd be screen spring green, again! Everyone seemed to accept the natural cycling of the leaves. Now as you understand that you are more like the tree than you think... in other words, as the tree drops its leaves, and they become new again...
Esther said, she would like to be a chicken. Because she can't tell her little spring chickens from the old chickens because every year, they all get new feathers. She said: "Ladies should have feathers! Every year, we would get new feathers!" ...well, what we are getting at here, is that the cells of your body are continually regenerating. And if you could find yourself appreciating the spring and the summer and the fall and the winter of your experience, then in that appreciation, you would regenerate the cells. And that which you are wanting, as youth, would would be maintained eternally! In other words, you can't tell the old wolf from the middle-aged wolf. They are as agile and as clear-minded, you see!
So the answer there is continued appreciation, to keep the valve open? (Abe: yes!) and create whatever it is I want to create in my body- whether it's a healing of a joint, or coloring of my hair...?
Yes! As you acknowledge the beauty of your hair, even if it is gray- in that vibration, your valve is open. And then your truer wanting is satisfied. As you want your hair to be different than it is, and in that lackful mode you look- then vibrationally, you close the valve that could allow it to be different.
So the key is: how do I look at a wrinkled face and feel appreciation?
How do I feel prosperous when my checks are bouncing?
How do I feel well, when they tell me I have cancer?
And we say: You must not put so much credence upon the current condition! And you should let your vision be dominant.
And when you are able to look and see what you are wanting to see, rather than what everybody else sees- then you have the true vision of energy flow. And that's when you begin to create miracles, and we're not kidding you about it!
In other words, that's when the physical manifestation that defies all of the properties of your physical laws, begin to take place!
It's because your knowing has superseded the vibrational habit of thought that is physical perspective. And has entered into the realm of the broader awareness.
And that's where the pain from the knee joint disappears? (Abe: Yes!) -When I've achieved that?
The pain from the deep joint disappears, when you open your valve and acknowledge that the cells are doing their work. It's a very subtle difference between that which most of you call sensation, and pain. So what happens is- let's say that you have an injury to a leg, or or you're just out of balance for some reason. You... you twist... One day somebody gave Esther a hug that was so tight, that it separated one of her ribs. And so, as she has this this sort of pain in in her side, what is her first thought: "Something's wrong!"
Well, what the pain was, was non-physical energy knowing that there is something out of whack in her body, (and) going right to work!
And so, the cells in that part of body are on active duty! The cells in that part of her body are vibrationally asking for non-physical energy. And if Esther, in feeling the sensation, would relax and say:
"Ah! Help is on the way! All is well here. I feel this sensation, and what it means is, the cells and that right part of my body are acting much stronger. And they are summoning non-physical energy!" -and she would relax into the pain, rather than tensing against it!
Then she would allow the cells, and the non-physical energy to do their work. And that, which we would call a near-instant-healing!
You're sitting on an airplane. Somebody next to you is hacking, coughing, dripping, dribbling this virus. This person coughs into the air, and you inhale the virus into your body. When that happens, the cells of your body, in that part of your body, know that the intruder is there! And right away, begin to vibrationally respond to it. They vibrationally ask for non-physical energy to compensate.
So, the cells are asking, and the non-physical energy is answering. Now, if you're basking, if you are having a wonderful time, if you're appreciating, if your valve is wide open- then the communication between the cells and the non-physical energy is perfect. That virus is dealt with instantly! You don't even know it's happened. And you continue to thrive.
But if you're ornery, if the flight attendant has made you mad, if you are angry about something, if you are on your way to a funeral, if you are in a negative state of mind and you ingest this virus, without even being aware of it- then, as the cells are doing their part, and the non-physical energy is doing its part, you're setting up a resistance. So, as you set up a resistance, the cells work harder. The non-physical energy works harder! You set up more resistance! Then you have that, which you call sensation or pain. And then you say: "Um... something's wrong!" -and in the moment you identify something negative, and you turn your attention to it- now the cells are working harder! The non-physical is working harder. But you've got an iron door closed. So, when you feel pain, what we would encourage you to do is, say:
"Ah, this is good! The cells know what they're doing. The non-physical energy knows what it's doing!
And this thing that I have once called pain, I'm now going to call "help on the way." And in the same way that I would relax, and allow my mother to take a sliver out of my hand- even though I didn't really like it, I'm going to relax and allow these little psychic surgeons to deal with my body, on a cellular level!"
If you will allow the psychic surgeons to do it, there will be no scars. The resiliency of your body will be near perfect! If you go to the physician, it's like turning a chainsaw loose. In other words, the comparison of allowing the cellular surgery and the physical surgery is a big difference!
from the youtube clip I want to be beautiful again
- Paradise-on-Earth
- Plus Member
- Posts: 4484
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
You want to be an Advocate to the wanted,
not a protester for unwanted.
Abraham Hicks
- Paradise-on-Earth
- Plus Member
- Posts: 4484
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
Your deliberate decisions that you speak to your cells,
gives them knowledge of your desires that overrides any negative beliefs or expectations!
Many of you assign all of the thinking ability of your being to your brain.
That is not an accurate assumption! For we have not that clump of physical stuff, and yet we still think, regarding your bodies, it is not just your brain that transmits and receives thought.
Literally every cell of your body has the ability to transmit and receive-
if you do not make decisions about what you want, then the cells of your body, literally every part of you, receives influence or direction from whatever mass consciousness speaks.
That's why doctors have concluded that diseases are hereditary. Because the cells of the infant body were communicating with the cells with the sick parents body, or with the worrisome thoughts of the sick parent. Babies not thinking about being sick, but receiving on some level about it. And receiving the result of that, because the conscious decision was not stronger.
A few years ago Jerry and Esther climbed the mountain. It was great fun, and on the following day, Esther could not get out of bed!
A few days ago, they climbed another mountain. Only this time, instead of Esther's body responding to mass consciousness or to Esther's old beliefs about the way her body responds to that sort of strenuous ordeal, Esther stood at the bottom of the mountain and said, speaking to her body:
"Are you all listening? It is my intent to climb this mountain. And I'm wanting you to receive the perfect amount of blood and energy and oxygen in order to do it with efficiency, and with effectiveness, and with fun and furthermore, tomorrow morning when I wake up and I'm wanting to feel very good! Are you listening to me?" she said again and again. She stopped along the trail, and spoke to her body!
And on the following morning when she awakened, she opened her eyes and was delighted as she bounced from her bed to find not one bit of soreness! Why? Because she made the decision consciously, to override old beliefs or mass consciousness, regarding this issue!
Now the reason we tell you this story is, because we are wanting you to understand that there is great power in decision, and that you do not have to let the evidence that others have created and are living, the physical evidence of disease, or poverty or whatever they are living- you do not need to let that affect your experience!
Because it is not evidence that has anything to do with you. It is only evidence of that which they have attracted by virtue of the balance of the thought that is within them. You are following us? It is our very strong wanting, to bring each of you to the place of knowing that you have control of your own experience and that it is not difficult to have it. That it is only a matter of you, deciding what you want, and really believing that your decision carries enough weight, that it can be your experience.
from the youtube-clip Abraham Hicks - RAMPAGE - TELL YOUR CELLS WHAT TO DO! With music (No ads)
gives them knowledge of your desires that overrides any negative beliefs or expectations!
Many of you assign all of the thinking ability of your being to your brain.
That is not an accurate assumption! For we have not that clump of physical stuff, and yet we still think, regarding your bodies, it is not just your brain that transmits and receives thought.
Literally every cell of your body has the ability to transmit and receive-
if you do not make decisions about what you want, then the cells of your body, literally every part of you, receives influence or direction from whatever mass consciousness speaks.
That's why doctors have concluded that diseases are hereditary. Because the cells of the infant body were communicating with the cells with the sick parents body, or with the worrisome thoughts of the sick parent. Babies not thinking about being sick, but receiving on some level about it. And receiving the result of that, because the conscious decision was not stronger.
A few years ago Jerry and Esther climbed the mountain. It was great fun, and on the following day, Esther could not get out of bed!
A few days ago, they climbed another mountain. Only this time, instead of Esther's body responding to mass consciousness or to Esther's old beliefs about the way her body responds to that sort of strenuous ordeal, Esther stood at the bottom of the mountain and said, speaking to her body:
"Are you all listening? It is my intent to climb this mountain. And I'm wanting you to receive the perfect amount of blood and energy and oxygen in order to do it with efficiency, and with effectiveness, and with fun and furthermore, tomorrow morning when I wake up and I'm wanting to feel very good! Are you listening to me?" she said again and again. She stopped along the trail, and spoke to her body!
And on the following morning when she awakened, she opened her eyes and was delighted as she bounced from her bed to find not one bit of soreness! Why? Because she made the decision consciously, to override old beliefs or mass consciousness, regarding this issue!
Now the reason we tell you this story is, because we are wanting you to understand that there is great power in decision, and that you do not have to let the evidence that others have created and are living, the physical evidence of disease, or poverty or whatever they are living- you do not need to let that affect your experience!
Because it is not evidence that has anything to do with you. It is only evidence of that which they have attracted by virtue of the balance of the thought that is within them. You are following us? It is our very strong wanting, to bring each of you to the place of knowing that you have control of your own experience and that it is not difficult to have it. That it is only a matter of you, deciding what you want, and really believing that your decision carries enough weight, that it can be your experience.
from the youtube-clip Abraham Hicks - RAMPAGE - TELL YOUR CELLS WHAT TO DO! With music (No ads)
- Paradise-on-Earth
- Plus Member
- Posts: 4484
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
How to not needing Glasses anymore?
(Esther, performing "the Impossible")
I've worn glasses since I got out of college, and I'm wondering how can I see better? How can I see without my glasses? What can I do so, that I can improve my vision, like... it's a muscle that can be enhanced? So, is there any way where I could eventually either eat more carrots or do more eye exercises, right so I could see better, and maybe not even use these... is there a possibility of curing or bettering my eyesight?
Yes there is.
The most important thing to understand about any desire that you hold is, that it's all about focus.
And it's interesting that we're talking about eyes and focusing at the same time, that we're talking about vibrational Focus! So the thing that is interesting about the way you feel about it, and even about the things that you said about it, is as- you took your glasses off. Your belief and expectation is that you could not see as well! And so, of course, have you noticed these differences? Have you noticed that when you are tired or even, you might say when your eyes are more tired, that your vision is more blurred? And have you noticed that when you wear your glasses, that your eyes do become dependent upon them?
In other words, the lenses do the focusing, so that your eyes can become lazier. That's why your prescriptions usually, as you go through time, become stronger and stronger. It isn't necessary that your eyes change! They just do, because you don't give them a reason to focus in the way they are capable of doing!
Don't you think that's an interesting thing? And so, behind everything... now we know, there are a lot of physical people and a lot of physical places- mostly optometrist offices who would disagree with what we've just said. Because they are looking at the results. They're looking at the manifestation of people's vision! They're not looking at the vibrational reason for it. They're not looking for the vibrational Focus. They're not looking for the emotional Focus! They're just looking for the results of whatever is going on.
And so, it would be helpful to begin saying things such as: "I'm really appreciating these lenses, which help me at times to focus more clearly. And then occasionally, don't put them on, and expect the same thing of your own eyes! The best example that we have of this to give you: Esther and Jerry moved from Arizona to Texas, and it required a new driver's test. And therefore, a new eye examination. And Esther looked into the little Contraption, and she said: "This is broken!" because the last time she looked in it, things were much clearer.
And so, the nice woman explained to her: "Well, no problem! If you can't see clearly, we'll- just come back. But in the meantime go get some glasses, so that you can see what's here." And Esther thought "that seems like a lot of trouble!" so she said to us: "Abraham, can you see can you see what's in here?" and so we just tipped her head a little bit this way, and a little bit that way. Asked her to breathe deeply, and look again- and she read the letters off from inside of the contraption.
And Esther was astounded by the experience!!
Because she knows they are the same eyes! It's just different point of focus, you see what we're getting at!?
So we can tell you're not really having any of this, yet. Because it feels like, there's something that you need to be doing that you're not doing! But you just haven't looked at it this way- before your beliefs get in your way! And there is a common belief that your eyes get worse as you get older, or "how you explain, Abraham that some of you are born with better vision than others!?" -In other words, sometimes children at an early age- we know, we know, we know! There are all kinds of manifestations that you use as your justification, to not have things the way you would really like them to be.
But you ask this question: How could I see more clearly through these eyes? -That's what we heard you ask. And the answer to that is, first understand that you can expect that it is possible! Don't get all excited, all at once. Don't try to be healed suddenly! It's not like that. Just care about your focus, sometimes, when you look at things. It depends upon what else is going on in the atmosphere also. And we want to say to you, that the new lights, that you are putting in your homes, are of a different vibrational frequency, and they make it more difficult for you to see, have you noticed?
And all of you are putting more strain on your eyes, as you are reorienting yourself to the world within the little thing in your hand, rather than the world out there. We're surprised you can see anyone's face, anymore- unless it's on Facebook! (laughter) And so, it really is a matter of using your eyes in a broader way. Look out into the distance, every day! Look up close, every day! In other words- in the same way you said, "eat carrots"- that's always nice. "Eye exercises?" Yes, yes! Use your eyes to focus! But dependency on the lenses will keep you from deliberately focusing your eyes and then your vision, most likely, will require more and more focused lenses. [Applause]
I do get that. I do.
from the youtube clip "Should I Eat More Carrots Or Do More Eye Exercises? Say This To Stop Wearing Glasses. ~Abraham Hicks"
(Esther, performing "the Impossible")
I've worn glasses since I got out of college, and I'm wondering how can I see better? How can I see without my glasses? What can I do so, that I can improve my vision, like... it's a muscle that can be enhanced? So, is there any way where I could eventually either eat more carrots or do more eye exercises, right so I could see better, and maybe not even use these... is there a possibility of curing or bettering my eyesight?
Yes there is.
The most important thing to understand about any desire that you hold is, that it's all about focus.
And it's interesting that we're talking about eyes and focusing at the same time, that we're talking about vibrational Focus! So the thing that is interesting about the way you feel about it, and even about the things that you said about it, is as- you took your glasses off. Your belief and expectation is that you could not see as well! And so, of course, have you noticed these differences? Have you noticed that when you are tired or even, you might say when your eyes are more tired, that your vision is more blurred? And have you noticed that when you wear your glasses, that your eyes do become dependent upon them?
In other words, the lenses do the focusing, so that your eyes can become lazier. That's why your prescriptions usually, as you go through time, become stronger and stronger. It isn't necessary that your eyes change! They just do, because you don't give them a reason to focus in the way they are capable of doing!
Don't you think that's an interesting thing? And so, behind everything... now we know, there are a lot of physical people and a lot of physical places- mostly optometrist offices who would disagree with what we've just said. Because they are looking at the results. They're looking at the manifestation of people's vision! They're not looking at the vibrational reason for it. They're not looking for the vibrational Focus. They're not looking for the emotional Focus! They're just looking for the results of whatever is going on.
And so, it would be helpful to begin saying things such as: "I'm really appreciating these lenses, which help me at times to focus more clearly. And then occasionally, don't put them on, and expect the same thing of your own eyes! The best example that we have of this to give you: Esther and Jerry moved from Arizona to Texas, and it required a new driver's test. And therefore, a new eye examination. And Esther looked into the little Contraption, and she said: "This is broken!" because the last time she looked in it, things were much clearer.
And so, the nice woman explained to her: "Well, no problem! If you can't see clearly, we'll- just come back. But in the meantime go get some glasses, so that you can see what's here." And Esther thought "that seems like a lot of trouble!" so she said to us: "Abraham, can you see can you see what's in here?" and so we just tipped her head a little bit this way, and a little bit that way. Asked her to breathe deeply, and look again- and she read the letters off from inside of the contraption.
And Esther was astounded by the experience!!
Because she knows they are the same eyes! It's just different point of focus, you see what we're getting at!?
So we can tell you're not really having any of this, yet. Because it feels like, there's something that you need to be doing that you're not doing! But you just haven't looked at it this way- before your beliefs get in your way! And there is a common belief that your eyes get worse as you get older, or "how you explain, Abraham that some of you are born with better vision than others!?" -In other words, sometimes children at an early age- we know, we know, we know! There are all kinds of manifestations that you use as your justification, to not have things the way you would really like them to be.
But you ask this question: How could I see more clearly through these eyes? -That's what we heard you ask. And the answer to that is, first understand that you can expect that it is possible! Don't get all excited, all at once. Don't try to be healed suddenly! It's not like that. Just care about your focus, sometimes, when you look at things. It depends upon what else is going on in the atmosphere also. And we want to say to you, that the new lights, that you are putting in your homes, are of a different vibrational frequency, and they make it more difficult for you to see, have you noticed?
And all of you are putting more strain on your eyes, as you are reorienting yourself to the world within the little thing in your hand, rather than the world out there. We're surprised you can see anyone's face, anymore- unless it's on Facebook! (laughter) And so, it really is a matter of using your eyes in a broader way. Look out into the distance, every day! Look up close, every day! In other words- in the same way you said, "eat carrots"- that's always nice. "Eye exercises?" Yes, yes! Use your eyes to focus! But dependency on the lenses will keep you from deliberately focusing your eyes and then your vision, most likely, will require more and more focused lenses. [Applause]
I do get that. I do.
from the youtube clip "Should I Eat More Carrots Or Do More Eye Exercises? Say This To Stop Wearing Glasses. ~Abraham Hicks"
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4484
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
You all wonder: "Abraham, how long do I have to do this crap?" (meaning the vibrational practices, as meditation, scripting, basking, focusing on what you do want...)
And we say: "REALLY??? This, that feels sooo good, you'r putting a time-limit on it?"
Because, when you'r putting a time limit on how long you'r gonna do this, before you'r getting (to your goals),
then you'r not really doing this in the way we'r encouraging you to do this!!
Abraham Hicks
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