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Re: Contrast

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I love your post, Jenny Lee! :hearts: This "Been there, done that, came out of it" -energy is SO helpful and uplifting!

And I also love that you mention the path of least resistance! :thumbup: So many people are under the impression they would need to be "perfect", or that even Abe would teach that. But, NO, to the contrary!

While the Law of Attraction is absolutely invincibly stable, we humans are NOT. Which both is a good thing! :D
So much better (and more relief-giving, joyful and healing) than trying to do it all rigidly "right", all the time, just take the very next, very EASY, small but relief-giving Babystep. Be it scratching and yelling, standing your point, or pulling back and hiding under your blanket, distracting, offering an excuse, calling someone out... it ALL has it's perfect place! And then the next better feeling step, and somewhen the next- on a literal path of LEAST resistance. Not perfect, but "better". Or: "Less crappy" than an hour ago! :lol:

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Re: Contrast

Post by Dogan »

If my body and mind also are reflections of my vibration, then my actions and thoughts might also be my reflections of vibration. So, in a sense, i may not be the thinker and the doer, but a finder of a vibrational frequency state that builds its own thoughts and actions through my body. That might be what many eastern masters mean when they say "you are not the thinker, you are not the doer, you are the watcher".

It might be like what they mean by me being the watcher or the awareness, like i am the receiver in abraham's terms, or the relaxer, and then i become the thoughts and deeds, and the version of me myself, that is vibrating at the frequency i'm vibrating at, by being the one who just relaxes, in a sense, and lets the flow take him, in a sense, like me not being the direct creator, or controller, of my inner organs, kinda.
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Re: Contrast

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Dogan wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:31 am If my body and mind also are reflections of my vibration, then my actions and thoughts might also be my reflections of vibration. So, in a sense, i may not be the thinker and the doer, but a finder of a vibrational frequency state that builds its own thoughts and actions through my body. That might be what many eastern masters mean when they say "you are not the thinker, you are not the doer, you are the watcher".
I'm not deeply familiar with this way of thinking...
but I don't think that this CAN be fully true! (And even if religions or schools of thought are ancient, it mustn't be that they are fully "right"! In some cases they clearly are distorted...)

YES, our mood -to a certain extent- influences our thoughts. YES, LoA brings us- in a sort of way you could call that instant-karma, always back what we had put out. BUT we have the freedom to react in other ways than we did before (or as we watch others react): To choose different and new thoughts, deliberately, on purpose, by choosing deliberately a different approach on our focus. And that influences our actions. Otherwise we would be totally unfree puppets on strings. We would not be Creators. And that is not the case!
It might be like what they mean by me being the watcher or the awareness, like i am the receiver in abraham's terms, or the relaxer, and then i become the thoughts and deeds, and the version of me myself, that is vibrating at the frequency i'm vibrating at, by being the one who just relaxes, in a sense, and lets the flow take him, in a sense, like me not being the direct creator, or controller, of my inner organs, kinda.
Again, this is true in some way. Some people live like they would be a thrown rock, all their life- they only observe (=watch) what is, and react in always the same way to what happens. This is a highly unconscious and uncreative way of living, a life "by default". But because you are not only the watcher or receiver, you also are the chooser of thoughts and moods and focus- and so, in this, you can purposefully change what-was. But no matter if you do it unconsciously/by default, or consciously on purpose: YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY!

Including the health (or lack of health) of your inner organs. Including what thoughts and emotions (=indicators of your thoughts) come to you tomorrow, including how people see you.

"You are so free, you can chose bondage" (Abe)
So: You don't need to only observe/watch! You can, but you can deliberately choose WHAT you observe, and how you, then, deal with the observed, as well.
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Re: Contrast

Post by Dogan »

I screamed at them and said some pretty negative words a few days ago, and now i'm feeling kinda worried if there might be some legal etc repercussions. But at the same time i have some kind of a knowing that it is all meaningless, and that it is all managed by the law of resonance. It is like law of resonance actually is the law, and everything else kinda is like holographic reflections, or symbols, of the main law of vibration.

It is like it is all about the vibrational essence of being, and that i, in some sense, can slowly soothe myself and release my stress like in the idea of the panama canale, like the locks being released one notch at a time. It is like i can even find myself in some parallel universe, a parallel timeline, notch by notch, in a sense, even. Getting ready to be ready to be ready, in a sense, i guess.
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Re: Contrast

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Dogan wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 1:19 pm I screamed at them and said some pretty negative words a few days ago, and now i'm feeling kinda worried if there might be some legal etc repercussions. But at the same time i have some kind of a knowing that it is all meaningless, and that it is all managed by the law of resonance. It is like law of resonance actually is the law, and everything else kinda is like holographic reflections, or symbols, of the main law of vibration.

It is like it is all about the vibrational essence of being, and that i, in some sense, can slowly soothe myself and release my stress like in the idea of the panama canale, like the locks being released one notch at a time. It is like i can even find myself in some parallel universe, a parallel timeline, notch by notch, in a sense, even. Getting ready to be ready to be ready, in a sense, i guess.
Sounds good, to me! How does it feel to you? :hearts:

(and, of course, that is changing. The more "ready" you get, the better you feel!) :thumbup:
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Re: Contrast

Post by Dogan »

Thought and feeling are important, no doubt about that. I wanna go beat my neighbor, but that wouldn't be downstream for me, i guess. In ask and it is given, abraham says that even if you are in prison etc it doesn't matter, you are at the perfect place on your journey to where you want to be, maybe that applies to me also, very interesting.

When i said the last thing i said now, my eyes went to this icon: :naughty: It is weird, it is like my doubt got translated visually by me as this icon. And, of course, timing of law of attraction is creepy sometimes. I've been taking antidepressants for a while, and today i took more than i take usually, maybe that's inspiration. And is it really the pills that make me feel the way i feel, or is it just a cooperative component that comes as a part of the momentum?

Maybe nothing makes me feel anything, it is all just me doing it to me. I once had a dream where i smoked some weed and it made me high. The presence of my neighbor makes me feel not so good at all though, i hope i am another person who abraham talks to, and what i need to do is to work on my thought vibration also, instead of needing to go somewhere else to be able to be downstream.

Say there is a woman who is being beaten by her husband, as an example. Does she also need to work on her thought vibration first to be able to get to what she wants? To be able to receive the help she wants, or to be able to find the inspiration to leave etc, whatever she has put in her vortex. I mean, is it always and always and always about finding thought alignment first, and then your thought alignment inspiring you?

Otherwise i get angry and gather momentum on a low frequency, and then it tends to turn into punching some people around etc, as abraham says. Stressful vibration of mine gathering momentum and me being enraged. Or me being paranoid etc. I create weird rules for myself, somehow i have become those ideas, like an idiot, in a sense. I say to myself things like "i need to leave the house at 21:36, and it will be kinda problemmatic if i leave at, say, 21:39". Things like that. Different numbers meaning different things, some lucky, some unlucky.

And then i think like might all rules and laws be that meaningless actually at its basis, like a policeman coming and warning me for leaving the house at 21:39 instead of at 21:36, in a sense. I think like might all rules be as absurd as that at its basis, and it is just that we have evolved as this universe in a different way. The idea of everything being mental, being thought vibration at its basis makes me think things like that, i guess. But my stupid neighbor still makes me feel anxious.
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Re: Contrast

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I like how you ponder- and in this FEEL around, what lets you resonate, and what you want to ponder longer. That is such a good thing!
Dogan wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 6:45 pm
Say there is a woman who is being beaten by her husband, as an example. Does she also need to work on her thought vibration first to be able to get to what she wants? To be able to receive the help she wants, or to be able to find the inspiration to leave etc, whatever she has put in her vortex. I mean, is it always and always and always about finding thought alignment first, and then your thought alignment inspiring you?
That is the purest and fastest way to get what you desire.
But of course, we usually "get there" on a very patched road, sometimes taking 3 steps forwards, and 4 back. You get what I mean? Abraham call that, that we have a "mixed bag of marbles", we have so many circumstances and active topics in our life. With some we are in maybe high alignment- with some we are at "blah", and with some others probably really OOTV. The ones where we are in Alignment can soothe and inspire those parts where we are off. OR, mess them up! You decide, where you focus- and how.

The clue is to ask you how what you look at or think about, FEELS to you after you looked and thought. THAT is your divine guidance, and it always is right (for YOU, here and now! You can't know about others, and in a minute, what you feel can be different! Because it is always right on point.). So, how did you feel when your eyes went to the :naughty: -icon?
How did you feel, before?
How did you feel after pondering your change might just be because of the pills?

Be aware of how you feel, when. The emotional indicator of "how you are doing" is INSTANT. It doesn't indicate what you are thinking tomorrow! It is indicating it, NOW. ...Realizing this stops the doubt in you eventually, and brings you clarity! And then, more and more, step by step, drop what feels bad, and follow what feels (at least) as relief!

"When you hav 10 topics and everything is really fine on 9 of them, but you are focusing on the 1 that is out of whack- that will mess up all the 9 other ones.
And when you have 9 topics that all are totally messed up, but 1 that goes good and you focus on THIS 1, all the messed up will come into Alignment."

Otherwise i get angry and gather momentum on a low frequency, and then it tends to turn into punching some people around etc, as abraham says. Stressful vibration of mine gathering momentum and me being enraged. Or me being paranoid etc. I create weird rules for myself, somehow i have become those ideas, like an idiot, in a sense. I say to myself things like "i need to leave the house at 21:36, and it will be kinda problemmatic if i leave at, say, 21:39". Things like that. Different numbers meaning different things, some lucky, some unlucky.
How does it FEEL when you do that?
And then i think like might all rules and laws be that meaningless actually at its basis, like a policeman coming and warning me for leaving the house at 21:39 instead of at 21:36, in a sense.

"Meaningful" does not get defined intellectually. Some of this "magic rules" might have given you some relief at some time. So, they where good for you, THEN!
But, maybe, they only hold you back and choke you, NOW. They -maybe, became a burden, they don't feel like relief or even really good, anymore. Get aware of this, and drop or follow accordingly. :hearts:
I think like might all rules be as absurd as that at its basis, and it is just that we have evolved as this universe in a different way. The idea of everything being mental, being thought vibration at its basis makes me think things like that, i guess. But my stupid neighbor still makes me feel anxious.
Sure he does, because you have TRAINED to feel anxious when you think about him. Now the angst comes as a Pawlowian reflex. But, you can train this out, again! You can -each time you feel the angst, turn around and say "now I bless him, instead". And send him a cloud of light and joy. When you (authentically!) do that, your angst MUST go away.
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