Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

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Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I just came across this clip, and I resonate so intensely with it. Maybe others enjoy it as well! :hearts:

What Kryon says about the True Jesus and his relationship with Joseph- and about Glastonbury
(With some Thoughts about Celibacy and Sex)

Let us begin by telling you, this is a story of Jesus and his uncle Joseph.
And it's historic, and it's filled with information that might be questionable, so questionable it is, that we are going to call this channel the Blasphemy channel.

Dear ones, I want to set the record straight: Those who study the history and are invested in a very pure way to the research, may disagree. For over 2,000 years or more it's very difficult to verify some of the things I may say! And yet, there is a beauty in this story, and the story makes sense. It's filled with logic, human nature... and Truth.

Let us begin by telling you, this is a story of Jesus and his uncle Joseph. Now right away, there would be those who would question the relationship between Joseph and Jesus, and they would say: Well, there is no proof that Joseph was related to Jesus! So I shall stop looking for proof, and look for things that are self-evident. Things that make sense within the story, that actually took place. And as I tell you this, I will remind you of this- of why we tell you a truth that even though there is no linear proof, is absolutely true, intuitively. You'll see in a moment, there's questions whether or not Joseph visited this area (Glastonbury) at all before that time, which he was told to come and set up a small church for his nephew.

But dear ones, he not only visited! He visited often. You see, Joseph was an abundant man, and his trade was importing. And he came to this this place you call England, for the idea of trading in a metal, a metal that Palestine did not have. And on several occasions, he brought his nephew. They loved it here! Not only were there beautiful things here to see and to trade and discover. But think of where they lived, and where they had come from! And now think of the lushness of this place. The beauty here, and the crystalline grid!

We have told you of the power of the crystalline grid being higher here, than almost anywhere else in the planet, on this node. And it creates specific energies here, that humans and Consciousness are attracted to! It explains the things that are around here, which are distractions to the actual energy of the place. There are many who are attracted here, and they have no idea why. And they arrive, and then decide for themselves what is here, set up shop and you can see it in the village. But the truth of what really happened here goes beyond the crystalline grid. But that's one of the reasons, Joseph was attracted to this place.

Dear ones, historians will question whether he was ever here. And yet, the relationships he made here during his visits actually set up the reason why he had land here, while he was given the opportunity to do what he did. That's intuitive, that's common sense, that's self-evident- because when he did come here, he had no trouble fitting in and doing the things he wished to do as a merchant, who was known.

Let me just discuss yet again what has been called The Missing Years of Jesus.
Two days ago, I told you these were not missing years! These were boring years. There were no records at all of what Jesus did, because he did nothing that was spectacular to anybody! There were no healings, there were no sermons. There was nothing out of the unusual, because this man, this Jesus, did not yet take his mantle! He didn't go through his time of questioning of what was correct, or not. He was not there yet! That came later.

That came later, where he lived- as he slowly realized, who he was, and picked up the mantle, that he became the master of love that changed the planet. But in those missing years it is self-evident, is it not? He was not recognized. Nobody recognized him from the manger-scene! No one knew him. Not really! These were the years where he grew up. Now, here's the blasphemous part, are you ready:

The man Jesus was not celibate! He did not know who he was, or why he should be. Celibacy, dear human being, is an invention of humans to claim purity and a little suffering, because the suffering is: It takes you away from that which is beautiful and normal. Celibacy actually creates dysfunction and unbalance! Do I have to tell you more? ...And you know this. And you see this! This is an invention of men. There was no thought that he would be celibate! One of my partners favorite sayings was given by a Christian minister as he talked to the young people in front of him. And he said these words: "Sex is one of the most horrible, dirty, filthy things on the planet. And you should save it for somebody you love."

-Does this ring with common sense? It does not! It should be self evident, that the relationships that are intimate between two human beings in love, is sacred. Is beautiful, is normal, designed in the beauty of the Creator. Now, that is blasphemous to many! The man Jesus was very normal, until he took the mantle and became what you know him.

...We go to the information that we have started to give you, and we enhance it in the upper room, in what you call "the Last Supper" in the final day before the crucifixion. There's all manner of speculation it has been enhanced and enhanced and enhanced because, now you know it was "the Last Supper". But the apostles didn't! And Jesus told them through the discourse of what you read, for they all wrote about it, or many. He tried to tell them what was going to be, but they didn't believe this! They were at the top of the celebration of the master, and who he was, and what he had done. And the idea that the next day, he would be taken out, was not in their consciousness! They did not understand, even during the betrayal, even during the first communion. It was not obvious- it was simply another drama, another situation. They did not understand what he was saying!

Let me give you something else controversial: That supper was not something extraordinarily special! It was Passover: They were all Jewish, and they did what they always did! This was not set up by Jesus as a special time: "Come, be with me, because I'm going to tell you I'm leaving". It was a Passover, where they broke unleavened bread, and they did what was absolutely normal at that time. But he tried to tell them. They didn't believe it! They didn't understand, they didn't get it. And guess who was not there? Joseph.

So the idea that he grasped the chalice and took it away quickly- common sense: He wasn't there. The idea that at this normal Passover dinner, that that would have been cherished or put away or was not there... there wasn't somebody who realized everything, and stuck it in their bag, so that it could be purchased later as the legend has it! It was not done. We've given you that story- you can you can listen to it, earlier, later, whatever you wish.

Here's what I want to tell you, when the man was put upon on the wood. It was very interesting, was it not, that none of his Apostles or followers were there. Where were they? This took them completely by surprise! They were blindsided and only in retrospect did some of them realize, he was saying goodbye! Where were they? Most of them were afraid. They were hiding, first of all. They had been seen in public with an alliance with the master. The worst thing they could do, is show up at the crucifixion, and be identified and taken away. That's not what they wanted! They didn't show up. Only the relatives and the immediate loved ones were there.

Whatever you've been told- that's who was there, and that was Joseph, his uncle. Relatives were never questioned! Known loved ones at a crucifixion were never seen as those of interest to the law. They were expected to be there! Because these are the ones who would eventually take the bodies off of the wood, and take them to the tombs- and that was Joseph. So, yet again, common sense would tell you who Joseph was, not even at the Last Supper, but in love with his nephew. His nephew had accompanied him many times! They had plans, perhaps even to live here, in this lush place, where the crystalline grid is so powerful! So powerful.

What happens next, I have not discussed with you. These are simple facts that you should know, and they are facts which can be researched and discovered. In those things you call the Dead Sea Scrolls, it has been written, dear ones. But not necessarily part of what you've been told. We told you that even this day, there is a law in Israel, because it was never removed, that says: It is against the law to crucify after sundown. It is part of the Jewish law, it is there and so you know that all bodies were taken off the wood, before- or Sundown. But this day, they were taken off even earlier, because of dignitaries coming to town. And those in charge did not want that to mar the image on Golgotha, as the dignitaries would come into that street.

So, Jesus body was removed even earlier. And the one who was there, waiting, was Joseph, his uncle. Wouldn't have mattered how early or late, Joseph was was there. And what happened next, you should remember and realize about Joseph: He took the body off of the woods. There were helpers. There always were, like there are helpers in grave sites. There are helpers, but Joseph, he helped manage this, and where they took his nephew next, you should know: His nephew did not have a tomb yet! Wasn't old enough. Didn't have abundance. That's something you purchase! You purchase it in advance, like some of you will purchase grave sites in advance. Joseph, an abundant man, had a tomb, very very close to the hill where this took place. And Joseph took his nephew off of the wood and Joseph took his nephew to his own tomb that he had purchased. and had. That was Joseph's tomb.

Beautiful that love of that relative! Of that man, for his nephew. Where were the apostles? Where were all the followers? The only other relative, the only other loved one was named Mary. And she was there, too. Not questioned at all, because those in the area knew who she belonged to. That's the story, but you're in Glastonbury! What does this have to do with that? ...And here it is: The legends are correct. Joseph came back here. He came back to this spot where his nephew loved, where the crystalline grid was strong, where he felt the lushness of the earth; to build an oratory, a chapel, a prayer place, that would become a legend and reality.

The First Church of Christ in honor of his nephew, he built. This you'll hear the guides say many things today. And point out where this was, and what was destroyed and what was rebuilt all accurate and true but it all started with Joseph and here's what I want to tell you this First Christian Church is nothing at all like what became! Because Joseph did not set up his chapel and the church of his nephew showing any crucifixion there was no man on the wood. There were no symbols of sorrow and suffering! There was bright colors. There was prayer, and there was celebration and the celebration was the teachings of Jesus Christ.

And his death didn't mean what it does, today! Today when you walk up to so many organizations that would say they are Christ you walk in and it's dark and there is the wood and there is the man who suffers almost in eternity. For hundreds and hundreds of years. That was not present in the First Christian Church! Because Joseph knew, the teaching of his nephew is what the world needed to hear! The crucifixion- it was too bad. But it wasn't the Crux of everything, like it is today.

Joseph had a nephew who taught about the joy and the beauty and the love of God!

And that's what Joseph put here. Bright colors, singing, prayer to a God, that was the God of Love.
Not the God of Law!

This is an important part of the story, that changed the planet. And as you walk this place... Legends of course, they will occur! There's even a place supposedly where King Arthur is buried one of many places where King Arthur is buried. I will call this place convenient abundant bones, and the guides may tell you some more: It's sacred ground. -It really is not! Only does the crystalline grid remember it so well. But this is where Joseph came to honor his nephew, and he did it right. And so it is.

from the youtube clip "The Real JESUS and how his life was! Kryon's Revelation"
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Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

This touched me deeply, this morning. The "Council of Light", channeled by Sara Landon, are (maybe besides Kryon) the nonphyical teachers that speak most about "the Great Shift" aka "the Time of Awakening".

Why would we choose a difficult- or a life of suffering or abuse?

Well, first off, you chose to come forth to Earth at this time, because

it's the best thing going on anywhere,
as this is the time of the Great Awakening.

The greatest elevation of consciousness that has ever occurred in any lifetime!
And is happening at an expedited rate.
You are going to see your family, your friends, people you never imagined,
awaken to the truth of who they are.
Which is occurring because of the elevation of consciousness!

So you came forth, to first go through your own Awakening.
And then, to move into your own realization, to elevate your own Consciousness,
and positively contribute to the collective raising of Consciousness.

You didn't come here to re-write some terrible karmic wrong that you have done in the past.
You didn't come here, because you were forced to to learn lessons.
You came here as a sovereign, divine, empowered Master-Being,
who chose to come forth and be on Earth at this time,

to create your own experience of Heaven on Earth.
To have your own Grand Adventure-

knowing that all that you experienced, would contribute to the potentials and the possibility
for all of humankind to live in Pure Love, Freedom, Joy, Peace, Abundance, Well-being...
if it is each person's choosing.

from the youtube clip "The Council’s Mind Blowing CHANNELING! With @Saralandonlife"
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Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

This touched me deeply, as I just listened to an interview with Jim Parsons (who also plays Sheldon Cooper in Big Bang Theory).

Jim Parsons on the Gift of Heartbreak

It's not only that you need to risk getting your heart broken, in order to live a full, rich life.
It's really that you will get it broken, by having a rich, full life!

And that, only by breaking your heart in that way, do you open to... to the possibilities that you can have. The amount of love you're able to give, and receive, for others, for yourself.

You wouldn't wish a tragedy of this, or a sadness of this, on anyone and yet, I would wish a life changing journey on everyone.

Jim Parsons,
from the youtube clip "Jim Parsons Reflects On Coming Out, Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon & More | Them"
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Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

"The Definition of Manifestation" by Bashar

The definition of manifestation is NOT bringing something to you, you don't have. It's making visible what's already here- by matching its frequency. You already have everything you need! You just don't know it, yet, because you can't see it
- because you're not the wavelength of it. Yet it's important to understand, that that's a very important distinction in the idea.

And the definition of manifestation, number two:
Many people on your planet use this concept of visualization to manifest things, and that's all well and good as a permission slip. Many of you are not using visualization in the most powerful way you could be! If you have a visualization of what you believe is the ideal reality- that's all well and good. But that visualization, that picture of seeing yourself in that ideal reality- number one- needs to be seeing yourself after the fact of that reality, happening.

Because you know, that once something has already happened- that's a very different energy than waiting for it to happen, isn't it!

So, have the energy that it's already happened!
You're already living it. It's already there!
Feel and see yourself in that visualization, already living that, and feel how exciting that is to you.

As soon as you reach the peak of excitement in seeing that visualization, utterly totally absolutely drop the picture.

Don't insist on it, looking anything like the picture!! The only purpose for the picture that your physical mind created, was to get you into the state of excitement, that's equivalent to whatever the manifestation actually needs to be. Now, sometimes it might coincidentally look very similar to the picture you had. But more often than not, it will look nothing like it! In fact it will actually look many times better than you imagine!

So if you understand that that visualization is just a symbol of the reality, a symbol of the manifestation, and you just let the energy stand and drop the picture, then the higher mind can actually take that spot that you just created, that vacuum you just created; and fill it with the picture, with the reality, with the experience that actually is representative of the state of excitement that the picture helped you generate.

That's how you use visualization!
Because the idea is, -and the reason this works is, because your physical mind has no idea how something actually might happen. It's not built to know how something might actually happen! And what it thinks of, as the absolute pinnacle of existence from the higher mind's perspective, might be just the beginning! And it could actually give you something many times greater than you were capable of imagining with the physical mind.

So if you understand that the visualization that your physical mind is capable of generating is actually a limitation on how magnificently the manifestation could happen- you would drop it like a hot potato. Because you don't want to limit the way it could happen, if you know it could happen many times more powerfully- would you not?

So don't think that you have to maintain that particular image! Just let it generate the excitement.
Hand the excitement over to your higher mind, let the higher mind bring you whatever it needs to bring you, and always assume that the next thing that happens is part of your excitement! Part of the path, of leading you to everything you need to be led to. Give it a positive meaning- and you will see that it will have a beneficial and positive effect. That's how it works.
-Does that help you?

Bashar, channeled by Daryl Anka, in the youtube clip
"The definition of the manifestation"
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Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 1:15 pm "The Definition of Manifestation" by Bashar

The definition of manifestation is NOT bringing something to you, you don't have. It's making visible what's already here- by matching its frequency. You already have everything you need! You just don't know it, yet, because you can't see it
- because you're not the wavelength of it. ...

visualization... needs to be seeing yourself after the fact of that reality, happening.

Thank you so much for sharing this brilliant quote! I love it! :in_love:
It's just what I needed to hear today! :hearts:
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Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 6:04 pm Thank you so much for sharing this brilliant quote! I love it! :in_love:
It's just what I needed to hear today! :hearts:
Isn't it!! :hearts:
I was sooo thrilled. It's perfectly Abeish- but with this small twist in how it's delivered, that lets *me* FEEL and understand the thing in new ways....
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Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

MONEY IS SPIRITUAL AND SACRED (by Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka)

The idea of functioning holistically -this is an issue on your planet now. That has to do with exchange of information and the idea of its connection to money: Many people on your planet are going through transformations, having to do with the concept of information. Many people on your planet are hungry for information. There have been expressions on your planet, that all information ought to be free.

The great secret is, that all information is already free.
As we have said, information- like fruit, is already free if you pluck it directly from the tree! But if you ask another to perform the service of plucking it for you, there is nothing negative about those individuals asking for the idea of money in exchange for the service. Money is not an evil!

Many individuals have completely misunderstood us when we talk about the idea of abundance, simply being the ability to do what you need to do, when you need to do it.

This idea, while it opens the door to other ways that things can occur synchronistically, without necessarily involving money; does not in any way shape or form exclude money as one of the ways, in which abundance can be expressed on your planet! All of our tools and techniques are always inclusive, never exclusive. Some individuals even go so far as to attempt to convince other individuals that there is something inherently wrong with money. As if in- and of itself it had some sort of negative vibration.
-It does not!

from the clip MONEY IS SPIRITUAL AND SACRED | BASHAR | Darryl Anka
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Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

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The Interaction between Human-You and your Soul

While our words to you are important,
this is a vibrational experience of remembering the truth of who you really are; why you are here; and all that you intended, when you chose this magnificent life experience. You never intended to navigate through your human experience without direct guidance, communication and information from your soul!

The grander part of you, that is always connected to Source/ God/ the Divine/ All that Is/ your Soul... is always one with the power that creates worlds. And most importantly, the power that creates your world: Your Soul, is always focused on you, guiding you. In every moment! And has the grandest perspective of your human experience.

It knows the dreams in your heart, because it placed those dreams in your heart!

The things that you love, the things that bring you joy... they will lead you to the experience of your Soul's highest desires, in form.
Your soul is the part of you that is always in a state of pure love. Pure potential, infinite possibility, and ultimate expansion, your journey through this human experience contributes to the expansion of your soul, and the journey it is on. And so, when you connect to your soul to receive the highest guidance, it allows your life experience to be so much more fun, so much easier!

There is a harmony you live, in the flow. There is truly an experience of "Oh, that feels so much better! Oh, I can feel that there's more to me! Oh, I can feel that there's more going on here!"

Your human's job is the Adventure. To have fun, to do the things that bring you joy, to do the things that you love, to create the things you want, to create, to experience the freedom and the abundance and the well-being, that is all here for you.
Your Soul's job is the Divine, or orchestration. Your Soul's job is to bring forth the energy, that is you! The light, that is you, which is that light and energy that's always guiding you.

Your soul is always one with the higher self of everyone else, too!

Your soul is never separate from anyone or anything, anywhere. And so, if you're looking to come into harmony or guidance for questions you have, about relationships with other people- whether they are living, or those who have made their transition- your soul is that direct access point to everything and everyone!

And your soul has so much love and reverence for you, dear Master!
You answered the call to come forth, to this human experience. To be part of the Great Awakening of your beloved human family, that is unfolding on Earth at this time! You are so guided, so supported, so very loved! Your soul and all of us here, in the higher realms, have such great reverence for you! Eager in every moment to offer you the highest perspective. A grander viewpoint, a new awareness. And the guidance and the messages- so that you can create Peace, Harmony, Joy, Love, Abundance, Well-being and Beauty!

So, that you can experience absolute Freedom to create your reality, the way you want it to be. To live your life fully! To love fully. And the Freedom, to be all that you are! But all that you are includes the immense love of your soul. Receive! Receive, receive the guidance! Receive the messages. Receive the love! Receive the love that is here for you!

Your soul has never judged you.
Never abandoned you. Never left you behind! Has spent every moment of your incarnation, focused upon you, offering you a grander perspective.- Responding to you, supporting you, loving you, guiding you.

Allow the guidance from your soul, to make your human experience so much more harmonious and fun, the way you intended it to be! We are always with you. We are always available able to you. You are us, we are you. Welcome home! Welcome home, welcome home dear Master, to The Knowing of all that you are you are: Everything you wish to be, you already ARE.

We love you. We love you. We love you! And with that, we are complete.

The Council of Light, channeled by Sara Landon,
from the youtube-clip "Receive Guidance from Your Soul - Journey of the Master Podcast"
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Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Humanity, please help Manifesting the new Timeline with Abundance for All!

I am T'eeha of Arcturius. I will speak with you now.

Today, we in the Council of Five greet you with the angelic vibrations of love and light in these times of transformation and truth. I hope to bring a message of understanding and empowerment, particularly as you navigate your financial shifts and resets on the horizon. It is important to note, that what has been named The Great Reset among your collective, is deeply connected to your spiritual evolution and the collective ascension of humanity!

You will soon have the opportunity to align the physical manifestations of your world with the higher vibrations of Love, Equality and Abundance that emanate from the Divine.

We in the Council of Five, encourage you to gather together where you can, and visualize the activation of a financial system that transforms Humanity into an era of prosperity for all. The more you engage in this visualization, the more likely you are to anchor in the positive timeline of the quantum organic reset. We also encourage you to share this message with as many light workers as you can, as the power of collective manifestation is your most potent tool.

Many of you have sensed a disparity in your world.
A misalignment, where wealth and resources are unevenly distributed. The potential for a Quantum reset offers an opportunity to correct these imbalances and create a system that supports the well-being of all not just a select few! Remember, beloved ones, that everything is consciousness: The reason that things are the way they are, is that it is still in humanity's consciousness. And the way you correct it is thus: Observe the situation without assigning it as good or bad. Let the energy move through you. Do not resist it, as this simply elevates its quantum signature.

Once you feel balanced in your emotional body, visualize Source- Creator working in everyone's lives, providing abundance in all areas.

We hope that this little practice will help you understand, that these shifts begin within each of you. Your personal transformation and alignment with Divine Truth, truth and abundance will reflect and manifest in the outer world!

Tune into the omnipresent energies of the Divine, flowing through the Universe, reaching your planet to support this monumental shift! These energies carry frequencies of balance, fairness and prosperity for all. As you open your hearts and align with these divine qualities, you become conduits for these energies, helping to anchor them into your reality. Deny anything that isn't the core truth of existence, and remember you can deny with resistance- or you can deny with love, but not both. Allowing energies to pass by with a neutral observance, and then following through with Creator-light, transforms the energy. Misaligned energies will simply bounce around the collective mind, until they hit up against a wall of light or truth. This truth in your consciousness will dissolve the lies instantly, when you use the process we have just outlined!

Dearest star seeds, during this time it is vital to maintain a state of trust and inner peace. Fear and anxiety about material needs can create blockages that prevent the flow of universal abundance into your life! Remember, you are not physical beings limited by material constraints.

You are powerful spiritual beings- capable of creating and experiencing abundance in all forms!

from the youtube-clip ***HUMANITY'S GREATEST TEST APPROACHES*** | The Arcturian Council Of 5 - T'EEAH
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Re: Inspiring Non-Abe Quotes

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

July 2024:
Lightbringers, be the bridge into the New World!

Dearest starseeds of Earth, I am Laayti,
and I am very pleased to be with all of you today. We hear your requests and understand your desire to see, and be part of, the changes in your world. You are the catalysts for transformation, questioning everything, and envisioning a peaceful harmonious world: This is the future you are moving towards!

Some of you are already feeling this new world in your minds, bodies, emotions and energy fields. They are not escaping reality, but creating a new one! Building a bridge, with their bodies, energies, and psyches. Those of you who are awake have a vital role on Earth! You are here to light the way, guide others, lead by example, and open doors that would otherwise stay closed.

You are capable of this and are fulfilling your role! Your presence is more critical now than ever. Be the light bringers!
Understand that you are all one, on earth. And there is no need for division! Demonstrate what is possible, by sharing your stories and gifts, taking leaps of faith and pursuing your true calling.

Become the healer, coach, guide or channeler you know you are!
Don't wait for permission, or an invitation. Following your heart means, following your inner guidance. Living your truth, and aligning with your Soul's purpose in Source. Everything you offer has value! And every moment on Earth is of service. You are experiencing many shifts, some more evident than others. Cleansing your physical and energetic bodies might not be pleasant, and you may not understand why it's happening. However, it is for your benefit.

You have been preparing in various ways to embrace the new energies of the second half of your year. These energies are designed to propel you into new experiences, abilities, gifts, and more ET-contact! You are ready. And now is the time to start receiving these energies- leading to energy surges. More intuitive insights, guidance and inner impulses directing you on specific paths. You are stepping up as the light workers and leaders of the new Earth!

You have always known you are to build the new Earth!
You must live your truth without hesitation. Pursue your ideal reality with confidence. Take leaps of faith, and recognize the expanding Consciousness, and awakening people, and your role in this process. Choosing freedom is a choice you must make! Until you realize it energetically, you might continue to choose bondage, or contraction.

The July energies are about expanding into your true self: A being of immense Freedom.
These energies will help you find the vibration of Freedom within you. Receive these energies from us, the Sun and Mother Earth. To benefit from these energies, take moments to relax and open up to them. Adjust yourself! Talk throughout this month, to remind yourself of these energies and the truth that you embody.

Freedom- you are here to experience freedom, and liberate yourself from the limitations you accepted in this lifetime. Deep down, you have always known how to be your true self, even if those around you don't understand your interests. Follow your inner guidance! It's only a matter of time now, starseeds!

Arcturian Laayti,
from the youtube clip ***NEW ABILITIES, GIFTS & ET CONTACT*** | The Arcturians - LAAYTI
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