Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 10

What do I see, in this moment?
I see me, LOVING the dream. Chewing the dream, googling the dream, adoring the dream, FEELING the dream- and then, starting to doubt it will be.

How does this feel?
It feels terrible. It feels like running into a wall.

What does Source see?
Source sees and knows that I came to be an ambassador of Abundance! Source whispers to me: "IMAGINE IT. That is your job, this is your calling, this is what you came to master. IMAGINE your Truth, of huge, awesome abundance, and allow yourself to live it and teach it through your living, laughing, loving, appreciative example."

How does THAT feel?
It feels like healing! It feels like moving into my true place. It feels as huge, huge relief.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I resonate so intensely with this words, and this meaning!
I came to be a living, breathing, charming, happy, joyful, inspiring example of BEING BOLDLY ABUNDANT... OUTRAGEOUSLY Abundant!!

I cam to break the old paradigm of being meek and minimalistic and under the radar. I came to play it BIG.
I came to enjoy a big splash, and take my beloveds with me!
I came to be a teacher- and teach through the clarity of my example.
I came to ENJOY life, every moment of it!
I came to adore humanity, to love my people, to appreciate the game, to co-create with planet Earth and hundreds, thousands, of like minded souls!

I CAME TO BE HAPPY, no matter what. I came to play. I came to eat, I came to savor! I came to adore and to love and to laugh. I came to sense and feel and be wowed by all of it. I came to be thankful! I came to love the new paradigm into place. I came to be "lazy", but fully aware and so eager to lend my magic touch wherever I go, the touch of deep appreciation, of humor, of joy, of THANKFULNESS and awe.

I came to be delighted by life!! :vortex:

"can I imagine?"
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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 11

What do I see, in this moment?
I see myslf, resonating in such a wonderful, loving, happy, joyful way with the dream! I breathe deeply, and take in the salty air. I feel like my cells are lighting up! I feel like I walk straighter, I stand taller, I feel filled with power and eagerness. I feel ALIVE. I feel fascinated. I feel eager. I feel frisky! I feel lively. I feel such joy.

How does this feel?
It feels like wonderful Alignment! It also feels a bit insecure, how long this will last. I am not rock-stable, yet. It is still conditional.

What does Source see?
Source sees and knows that I want I came to live BIG.
Source knows and sees that I have to overcome my greatest fears with this!
I have to step out into the light and be fully visible.
I came to be totally authentic, and to teach by my own example.
I have to heal- and leave behind what was.
What was was big as well. It was terrible. It was crippling. And now, I want to turn it all around and live the GREATNESS of it!
Source knows the RIGHTNESS of all of it. Source know, it is all FOR ME. It had to be this way, and all is oh so very well!

How does THAT feel?
It feels like challenge. It feels like assembling myself in a new way. It feels like slowly slowly unfolding. It feels like being VERY aware and totally willing, while still in a sort of curse. I shed that curse. Step by step, day by day, year by year. I do whatever it takes, as long it's connected to love! It feels conscious. It feels on purpose. It feels wide awake. It feels absolutely knowing. It feels as WILLINGNESS.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I am willing to live in the light! I am willing to stand tall. I am willing to shed what is over, and doesn't serve anymore. While I appreciate each tiny bit of contrast that brought me her. No, it's good. Now, we're done.

I am willing to play my role! I am willing to shine my light. I am willing to shine, myself! I am willing. I am willing! I am free and I feel my power, and I so feel my love, and I so feel my thankfuless for all the amazing goodness and joy and ease. I am thankful for it, beyond words, now already! I am so thankful how daredevils have built so far! I am so thankful for all the awesome beautiful concepts that others before me, have loved onto Earth! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU LIFE!!!!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 12

What do I see, in this moment?
I see a pretty disabled woman who has trouble breathing, moving and properly digesting...

How does this feel?
It feels DISABLED. It feels hindered. It feels sometimes very sad. It feels not as who I REALLY am!

What does Source see?
Source sees and knows who I really am. And I remeber so much of it from my youth! I could run as the wind, while carrying my colleague. I could climb trees and steeples. I could ride horses and bikes. I could easily lose weight... I was so flexible, I could almost tie myself into a knot, without problems! And THAT is what I loved. I felt close to me. I felt light and lighthearted. I felt fit and eager and ready to go! I did pay a high prize, though: I NEEDED to do all of that, as others expected it of me, and I wasn't confident enough to say "no".

How does THAT feel?
It feels as a mixed message: I got FREEDOM.
I know how awesome and powerful it felt to move freely. But I also felt bondage and pressure to do what others wanted.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)

I SO LOVE to know and remind myself that *I* create my own reality!
I CHOOSE. Nobody else.
And I am capable of saying no, thank you!
I don't need the approval or even getting understood, by others. I came to prove to MYSELF (and those who care for it), that I can shift around the greatest "impossibles". I did that all my life, and I don't wanna stop that before I got my big checks!! :lol:

I want to experience triumph of achieving my "impossible" dreams.
I want to UNCONDITIONALLY have amazing fun!
I want to live happily ever after, without a single thing needing to change!
AND I also want to see things change, boldly.
I want to have back my beautiful, slim, capable, sturdy, super-strong body!
I want to do all sorts of hilarious shenanigans with it- FOR MY JOY AND FUN AND PLEASURE!
I want to have fun, FUN, FUN FUN- No matter what others think! :hearts:

I want to say no, and I want to say yes, COMPLETELY to my own liking. Not because I'm disabled.
I want to feel this most awesome power and this wonderful wonderful freedom!
I WANT TO BE fully in charge and KNOW it! Easy, loving, laughing, happy, in beautiful, beautiful ALIGNMENT with Source!

16 years old, climbing into the highest trees with my brother... :hearts:

my son, having stolen my wheelchair and trying to escape with it... :D

I achieved to get into the Abraham- HS, thinking this mantra: "I just want to have fun!"
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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 13

What do I see, in this moment?
I see me, not "living out", not going out into all this fascinating calling situations.

How does this feel?
It feels held back. It feels on pause. It feels quite sad, when I look there.

What does Source see?
Source sees and knows who I really am! Source knows the intensely successful, highly revered business woman!
Source knows the generous, loving, highly educated mother and granny that invites her family into the most wonderful, inspiring, thrilling places- physically and spiritually!
Source knows the artist and Lebenskünstler, the stunningly beautiful lady, that lives a dreamlife with her beloved mate, as globetrotting teachers of life- themselves deeply, deeply feasting on Paradise, every day.
Source know the vital, sexy, lively, eager, super healthy woman that I truly am!!

How does THAT feel?
It feels as ME. It feels SEEN! I see myself. I LOVE myself. I understand myself. I revere myself. I applaud myself. I SEE ME how I really am. That is so satisfiying! That is so healing. That feels so good.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I trust source to bring me wherever I need to be, day by day, and inspire me to what it takes, that I AM who I really am.
I do it already. I have transformed in such manyfold ways! I LOVE who I became! I molded my Paradise! I allowed my unfolding. Now I am eager for more!! I expect all those everyday miracles to happen even more, even bigger, even more magic and bold and intense. I SO LOVE MY LIFE! And I KNOW it becomes more, all the time. And that is beyond satisfaction: It is bliss. It is delight. It is pure thankfulness.


my own painting, named "trust in miracles"
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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 14

What do I see, in this moment?
I see me, knowing and loving my dreams so much! I ooze love for them! I am so... in love. I love love love love love my desires!

How does this feel?
It feels sweet. It feels so close to them, close in my heart, close in my mind, close in love. It feels as being with them. CLOSE. One. One, in sweetest wonderful Alignment. It is all there, energetically, and so much of it physically, also. I am with my "leading edge of thought"! I am with them.

What does Source see?
Source sees and knows this to be so very very true! This is who I really am. Source are the embodied dreams and desires. As Abe say, Source-Me BECOMES the desire fully. God KNOWS my dream, but only I can physically allow it to be! Only I can allow it's fulfillment. My desire wants to fulfill. My desire wants ME; "the last holdout", :lol: the last thing missing in the completion. I GET IT! And I relax! I relax and love and desire in deep deep deep LOVE.

How does THAT feel?
It feels as pure BEINGNESS. It feels wide and peaceful. It feels as absolute trust....

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
...I trust! I trust my Source. I trust God. I absolutely trust. It feeels so good! Total trust in perfect timing. Source, you carry me! Source, you know. I soooooo trust you! I fully wholly trust you. I LOVE this stance: SATISFIED beyond words, and eager for more! I AM EAGER, in most joyful anticipation! AND I am sooo soooo soooo sooo satisfied.


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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 15

What do I see, in this moment?
I see tiredness. I see less than that I truly want.

How does this feel?
It feels frustrated. It feels tired. It feels somehow sad.

What does Source see?
Source sees and knows the wholeness of who I really am!
It's all there and will not go anywhere. And I will just relax and let it happen. No reason to feel even worse. :D

How does THAT feel?
It feels better! It feels as smiling. :)

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
...I came to master this sh*. I came to get it on it's feet. And look, how well I'm doing! I am ITV MOSTLY! I am happy, and satisfied, most of my time. That is enough! That IS enough. I mean this. I feel this. I feel the soft shivers of unconditional love for myself. All is well. Soft kitty, small kitty! :D I embrace my beloved quotes and feel the power of them running through me as a joyous thrill. I embrace the beauty of abundance. I embrace who I really am. I embrace this GOODNESS of life. I embrace myself. I embrace those wonderful lovable daredevils outside in my court, who work and play and live their life, and stand their emotional hickups, and DO IT ALL SO WELL!!!

THANK YOU all, for being in this, with me, together! I love you all SO much.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 16

What do I see, in this moment?
I see me, having significant overweight.

How does this feel?
It feels just not like "being me". Of course I know, this is the exact "mirror image" of how I feel and how I vibe, and I appreciate the feedback! And still, it just does not "feel right". I am OFF. It feels frustrating and disappointed, and sad.

What does Source see?
Source sees that WHAT I WANT IS THERE, and it probably is even much better than what I can conjure!
Source sees what and who I rally am, and when I don't catch up with that, I MUST feel miserable. It couldn't be otherwise!

How does THAT feel? [/b]
It feels so much better. As, I don't have to "do it" and bang it into shape in any way. I just have to ALLOW it, and it will become all by it's own. I just allow what is already there to BE, to be seen by me, to embraced by me, to enjoyed by me!! That feels awesome. That feels far beyond hope. That feels like eagerness and happy, fascinated anticipation!! I WANT TO LIVE THIS!!

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
...I can have even so much better than what I am able to fathom! I can, and I SHALL be complete. "Who I really am"! Looking at me, and noticing the joy, that source has when they look at me! Sharing sources love for me. Source adoration for me, Sources understanding of who I really am.
I am so eager to witness the unfolding of this!
I am so curious, how sources solutions will look!
I am expecting a fantastic, fascinating journey! I KNOW that this is possible! I so enjoy KNOWING this!!
It feels awesome. It feels as such fun. It feels so RIGHT! THAT is how things are supposed to be!

I want to have this wonderful unfolding!
I want to live this. experience this!!
I want to fully embrace and expect and attract this, each day new wonderful results, and newness to embrace and love and enjoy!! THIS IS how I want to live this!


"The Definition of Manifestation" by Bashar

The definition of manifestation is NOT bringing something to you, you don't have. It's making visible what's already here- by matching its frequency. You already have everything you need! You just don't know it, yet, because you can't see it
- because you're not the wavelength of it. Yet it's important to understand, that that's a very important distinction in the idea.

And the definition of manifestation, number two:
Many people on your planet use this concept of visualization to manifest things, and that's all well and good as a permission slip. Many of you are not using visualization in the most powerful way you could be! If you have a visualization of what you believe is the ideal reality- that's all well and good. But that visualization, that picture of seeing yourself in that ideal reality- number one- needs to be seeing yourself after the fact of that reality, happening.

Because you know, that once something has already happened- that's a very different energy than waiting for it to happen, isn't it!

So, have the energy that it's already happened!
You're already living it. It's already there!
Feel and see yourself in that visualization, already living that, and feel how exciting that is to you.

As soon as you reach the peak of excitement in seeing that visualization, utterly totally absolutely drop the picture.

Don't insist on it, looking anything like the picture!! The only purpose for the picture that your physical mind created, was to get you into the state of excitement, that's equivalent to whatever the manifestation actually needs to be. Now, sometimes it might coincidentally look very similar to the picture you had. But more often than not, it will look nothing like it! In fact it will actually look many times better than you imagine!

So if you understand that that visualization is just a symbol of the reality, a symbol of the manifestation, and you just let the energy stand and drop the picture, then the higher mind can actually take that spot that you just created, that vacuum you just created; and fill it with the picture, with the reality, with the experience that actually is representative of the state of excitement that the picture helped you generate.

That's how you use visualization!
Because the idea is, -and the reason this works is, because your physical mind has no idea how something actually might happen. It's not built to know how something might actually happen! And what it thinks of, as the absolute pinnacle of existence from the higher mind's perspective, might be just the beginning! And it could actually give you something many times greater, than you were capable of, imagining with the physical mind.

Bashar, channeled by Daryl Anka, in the youtube clip
"The definition of the manifestation"

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 17

What do I see, in this moment?
I see and feel this:
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 3:56 pm I don't have to "do it" and bang it into shape in any way. I just have to ALLOW it, and it will become all by it's own. I just allow what is already there to BE, to be seen by me, to embraced by me, to enjoyed by me!! That feels awesome. That feels far beyond hope. That feels like eagerness and happy, fascinated anticipation!! I WANT TO LIVE THIS!!
I am so eager to LIVE this, and experience this, to dig this deeper!!

How does this feel?
It feels EAGER! It feels expectant. It yearns for more momentum! :D

What does Source see?
Source sees this to be true! When something feels REALLY good... it is what source knows. It is, what source feels. It is what source calls me towards- to become whole, ALIGNED with source again.

How does THAT feel?
It feels sweet and fully relieved. It feels wonderful.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I love to FEEL myself into the vision that source holds for me!
I feel my beautiful, slim, well shaped, silky flexible joyful body. So capable of bending and moving, so powerful, happy and glowing in liveliness! Running, skipping, dancing, strutting, flexing! :lol: It is smooth and fresh and vital and happy, happy, happy! It feels energetic. It feels wonderfully shaped. When I look at it, I feel the big, big YES. It oozes energy. It flows love. It sparkles joy. It is full of light and life-energy. It so enjoys LIFE!

And now, I float with that. I leave the details all to source. Source know to surprise and delight me. My cells are capable of EVERYTHING. I expect miracles! I expect awe. I expect the flow of steady newness. I expect the flow of joyful becoming. I expect an awesome unfolding! I expect me to be in ohh and ahh! I expect this to be more joy, more fascination of witnessing the new results, every day. I expect this to become more and more and more magic beingness! I so look forwards to so much more, while I am SO HAPPY now!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 18

What do I see, in this moment?
I see that I am EAGER to pull off "a big Splash". I CAME for that. I wanted to master humanity, and I guess, I brought myself quite willingly into some "unwanted" situations"- SO THAT I COULD MASTER THEM! :lol:

How does this feel?
It feels hilarious. It feels EAGER. It feels empowered, and free, and happy, and as having BIG momentum behind me! It feels POWERFUL!

What does Source see?
Source sees that to be true!! Because it FEELS SO GOOD!!! So I am certain, source laughs and smiles with me, and know exactly where to take the next steps. And they see "the big splash". They see me achieving triumph! They see me, getting it fully. They KNOW it is done- as they stand in the middle of done-ness! YES, I came for this!

How does THAT feel?
It feels awesome! It feels on top of the game! It feels triumphant, already. :D It feels elated!! IT FEELS SO GOOD!

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I am so glad I am finally so clear about this ! :D I am so eager for every tiny wonderful step. I am so eager to see evidence rolling in- not because I would need it, but because it is such a wonderful part of the game!! :hearts: I am eager and thrilled by being here. Abe are right, "figuring it out", getting the small bits on the path is ALL THE FUN!!! I AM HAVING SOOO MUCH triumphant fun, NOW!!! I am so thankful to be in this part of the journey, now. It feels so lively! It feels so passionate. It feels so sweet, and so happy, and so delighted! I am so THANKFUL to be here! Can it get any better!!?? :lol: I guess, yes! And I am eager for that, more, more more!!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 19

What do I see, in this moment?
I see a woman who has SO MUCH FUN! I see how drawn I am to joy, and to opportunities, and to happiness, and the desire to have others happy, as well. I see how in love I am with the planet, with the materials of Earth, with the seasons, with nature, with people, with the weather, with the colors, with the sensations of our body. I LOVE IT ALL. I am so thankful to be physically focused! And in all of that, I SO LOVE my body.
I am in awe about it's functioning and it's capability and it's astounding wisdom and balance. I totally trust my body. I LOVE and adore my body, especially IN all the hardships that it has to deal with, due to my resistances. I am so very thankful that it does cope! I am deeply willing to do what it takes that my cells, my body, my system can shine and breathe and be fully what it desires to be!

How does this feel?
It feels as LOVE. It feels as big, big appreciation.

What does Source see?
Source sees it the same way. And, source also knows- I'm not resistant on purpose. Source guides me "above and around" all my resistances, and if that's necessary, through it, but in the most effective way, with preparing me beforehand. I deeply trust source, as well! I FEEL that all that happens is FOR me. I feel such thankfulness for the love of source. I feel seen, and known and lovingly held the light for.

How does THAT feel?
It feels like Clarity and security. It feels safe. It feels loved. It feels at home. It feels Certain. It feels worthy.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I love that I have allowed such a wonderful stable, ITV-basis for my desire to change my body. I feel solidly grounded in trust, in love and belief. I really trust the set-up! I really trust my body. I really trust source! I REALLY trust love and joy. This feels as an amazing foundation. I feel like I am building on solid rock. That feels aware and capable and empowered! I am EAGER to see the next steps that source will bring me to. I know, source will lead my focus. Source has endless ways to get me where I need to be: AND I AM WILLING.

("Who do I want to be?")

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