Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 20

What do I see, in this moment?
I see the contrast between what-is, and what I desire to be- aka, what I know to be "who I REALLY am".

How does this feel?
It feels somehow calling. It doesn't feel bad anymore! It feels inviting. It feels calling. It feels like a fun journey. It feels eager. It feels fascinating! I want to figure it all out: who I want to be, and why, and in which specific ways! This feels fantastic, really. It feels as the BEST imaginable road trip! :lol:

What does Source see?
Source sees me eagrly, passionately, unfold. Source knows my triumph, that is CERTAIN! Source know I'll be backed up and lead and guided PERFECTLY, all the time. I will be put where I can see, and I will be noticed when I miss something. I will be all the time PERFECTLY guided.

How does THAT feel?
It feels like Certainty! It feels... invincible. It feels wonderful! It feels safe and secure. It feels EASY. It feels thrilling and calling and wonderful! It feels as a wonderful, wonderful trip, ahead.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I CAN have whatever life (and source) have laid into my heart! Better said, I OUGHT to have!! :lol: That always was the plan. It always was the idea. And now finally, I UNDERSTAND. Intellectually I grabbed this LONG AGO. But now, now, I UNDERSTAND. This is easy. Joy, joy, joy, joy!! Love and appreciaion. Thankfulness. Savoring. Awe. Beautiful life, beautiful life... MORE of those!!!


(who do I want to be?)

(a watercolor-painting from me)
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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 21

What do I see, in this moment?
I see how I want to do really, REALLY novel, huge things. I want to master, deeply KNOW, experience and teach by example what humans REALLY can do! I want to help the liberation of humanity! I want to truly deeply really help humans to GET WHAT IS THEIR BIRTHRIGHT, what they came to live, and what would help all of us to be so much more happy and in Alignment.

How does this feel?
It feels Passionate! It feels as my true calling. It feels totally certain. I am in such deep, deep, deep LOVE for it.

What does Source see?
Source sees this triumphantly true! Source agrees! Otherwise, this couldn't feel So good!

How does THAT feel?
It feels like zoomed in to the truth. It feeös right. it feels as, no question about this!

My work today is, to do nothing, and not feel guilty.
Talking myself to feeling good.
Ease up, and let myself feel good.
I like knowing, that this is my work!

Happy where I am, and eager for the Vortex
to take me, where I want to go.

Abraham Hicks

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
It is SO easy. And it is so delightful, and joyful, and exactly what I WANT to do!I praise who has this set up!! :D


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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 22

What do I see, in this moment?
I see me so in love with the joy of being incarnated. I am in love with being physical, and having physical family, that I am extra focused upon. I am in love with the joy that comes with being physically focused, and the curiousity, and interest for new and maybe even more fun and delicious adventures. I see how I LOVE what makes physical life so especially good. I see that I care for all of it.

How does this feel?
It feels vulnerable, but especially, it feels rich and blessed and specifically blessed!

What does Source see?
Source sees the beauty and goodness of all of it. Source wants us all to unfold within this games, and enjoy them fully. Source know, that "Materialism is the leading edge of Alignment". Think about it: When you line up, thoughts become things. Isn't that awesome!

How does THAT feel?
It feels like Awe. It feels as absolute clarity.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I dream the stories of having my family with me, on the most meaningful physical journeys. I dream of being so close to those that I love most, and share the experience, the food, the love, the stunning insights, the beautiful satisfactions.
Per example I SO LOVE MY DAUGHTER. I am so very very meaningfully close with her! I want to be with her when I travel the world! I want to give her a lift when she is asking for it, but more than anything- I want to be in her awe, in her joy, in her appreciation, her giggle, her happiness and eagerness! SHE IS SOO OPEN TO JOY!

I want to see in her face the appreciation of living her dreams! I want to see her feeling so fulfilled. I want to be with her when she clicks in higher and higher! I want to introduce my grandsons to so much joy and ease and wonder. I want to back up my SIL in his knowing and power and joy. I love them all so much, and it feels sooo good to be with them. Co-creation at it's best!


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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 23

What do I see, in this moment?
I see me, "getting" the premise of "Materialism is the leading edge of ALIGNMENT" deeper.
It, literally, is the opposite of what we got taught!
And then, also: "Reinkarnation is the leading edge". Again, this is the same: Coming into physical form.

And also, "when you line up, materialization happens". Again, the same. OF COURSE I have heard (and understood) :lol: that, before!! But now, it becomes MORE. I get it deeper, or higher. That is soooo thrilling.

How does this feel?
It feels elated! It feels as triumph! It feels CLEAR. It feels enlightened!! :D

What does Source see?
Source sees me, getting it and they smile. They celebrate with me! Abraham say, when I am elated, THAT is how Source feels. In my elation, I get to feel who I really am- I AM with Source!

How does THAT feel?
It feels soooo joyful! It feels so thankful. It feels ALIGNED! It feels calm within me, in deepest peace. I am having tears, now. I am so so so thankful to be here and GET this. I feel elation and thankfulness and love, and KNOWING. I always, always KNEW! All that BS never resonated- it made me feel fear and anger. And now, I understand this, too: THIS was the reasn it all got mixed up, so that we can KNOW the right from the wrong!

Now we can FEEL it. We can differentiate by our own KNOWING. Ohhh sigh. This is so big. And, I love the physics SO much! They are WITHIN Source. Physicality and materialism work INSIDE God. They are a game to understand God! And, they are AWESOME. Thank you, thank you life!!

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I KNOW the Rightness and Goodness of Physicality and "Materialsim"! I KNOW the goodness of being in a body and having all this high contrast. It is guidance to really, REALLY be in aware, deliberate, conscious ALIGNMENT! When you aren't in balance with your body and your desires- you are off balance with God.
IT ALL IS AN INDICATOR to really REALLY be in Alignment with myself! It is the High School of Alignment! Truly, I GET THAT!!!
:D Only those that don't understand this lament it! :hearts: Only those that have no clue want to get out of it. Or spit on it. THIS FEELS SO SPOT ON!!! And, I always knew. Now I KNOW. And now, I can love them, instead of fight them. WOW.

I am SO THANKFUL. Thank you Life!! THANK YOU; I SO LOVE TO BE INCARNATED!! Warts and all!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

How do Desires and Enlightenment go together?

My first question is about enlightenment. I've been studying a lot of different teachers, and a lot of them talk about enlightenment. And some of them talk about how all the desires we have on the physical level- you know some of them say, it's fine to have them... but...

Good!! Because you can't help it! The entire universe is established, to provide them!! You are on the leading edge of thought! You better get in the flow of that!

Right. Some of them say, behind every physical desire is this deep longing for... they have different names for, but what many call enlightenment. And I want to understand this more, but...

Oh, we can tell you here!

but, the other part about it... some of them say, when you... when you get into this state, then you no longer need to incarnate. And wonder about that and I also wonder, IS enlightenment just alignment- what you speak of?

First of all, let us tell you, we have to say to you that
there is nothing that could be less accurate than the statement, that incarnation is for the less enlightened. Because: Incarnation is the leading edge!

Where do they get this stuff??

Well these are these are other channeled... a lot of others channel themes, too, and I wonder!

There is not a shred of evidence, anywhere in your universe, to support that! -Let's talk about what enlightenment is.

Enlightenment is the allowing of the light.
Enlightenment is the allowing of the energy, that is source!
Enlightenment is the raising of vibration.

Enlightenment is what we've been talking about here: It's moving up this vibrational meter, you see, and so- one day, we were visiting with someone
who proposed a similar situation. And they were talking about someone who had counseled them to release their desires, because their desires were heavy and bulky by by the perspective of this counselor. And they were encouraged to release their desires for these worldly things, and we said:

"And what what is the reason for you to do that? Why are they encouraging you to do that?" and they said: Because then, I will be more enlightened." and we said: "And then what?", and they said: "and then, I will feel more joy!" and we said: "Is not joy a desire?"

-Is not joy the ultimate desire, you see?

And so, you can't have it both ways. You can't say, well... it's well we acknowledge that there are a lot of physical humans that are trying to make it, uh, both ways, by making the list of appropriate desires here. And the list of inappropriate desires here! But desires are either appropriate or they are not.

And we have to say to you, desire is the first summoning of that which is source!

It is inherent in the eternalness that we all are. In fact, it is so significant that all of you said: "I want to go forth into this contrasting time-space reality, so that the desire can be inspired within me. And when it is born, whether I speak about it or not, there will be summoning power on my behalf, that occurs. In other words, the Universe is established this way, and the greatest grief that we see anywhere in the Universe is right here, in this leading edge, human-dom-physical experience, where people are trying to resist the desires that are naturally born!

from the youtube clip: True Enlightenment- Abraham Hicks
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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 24

What do I see, in this moment?
I see me, dreaming of a Ganges-River cruise through Bangladesh, neighbor to India. It resonates SO deeply within me. I want to feel the colors, the sounds, the fragrances. I want to taste the food. I want to look the people in the eyes and love them. I want to embrace this fascinating country. I want to BE there.

How does this feel?
It feels CALLING. It feels so as a matter of course. The call is so intense, and so clear and intense! And not going feels terribly wrong.

What does Source see?
Source sees that I AM there! Source knows where and who I belong, here and now. Source is so much better in this deciphering than I am.

How does THAT feel?
It feels CALLED. It feels asked out. It feels bold and intense.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I Trust my calling. Source has placed this rocket of desire into my soul. Source feeds me informations. Source WANTS me to go, and see and feel and love and GET it. Source can deliver ALL the goods that are required! But I have to, finally, come through the door. And I can. I trust sources guidance! Step by step. I trust. I follow. I surrender. And I am HAPPY on my journey, there!


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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 25

What do I see, in this moment?
I see me, opening up, gently and organically, to the New and the next steps.

How does this feel?
It feels easy. It feels friendly. It is KNOWN by me. It is coming organically, in the right pace and the right way.

What does Source see?
Source sees this to be right: It feels so good. This is within divine guidance.

How does THAT feel?
It feels clear. It feels so friendly. It feels so soothing. It feels open, wide and light.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I am willing to go further and fuller, in this way! I am willing and open to MORE of this beauty!

July 2024:
Lightbringers, be the bridge into the New World!

Dearest starseeds of Earth, I am Laayti,
and I am very pleased to be with all of you today. We hear your requests and understand your desire to see, and be part of, the changes in your world. You are the catalysts for transformation, questioning everything, and envisioning a peaceful harmonious world: This is the future you are moving towards!

Some of you are already feeling this new world in your minds, bodies, emotions and energy fields. They are not escaping reality, but creating a new one! Building a bridge, with their bodies, energies, and psyches. Those of you who are awake have a vital role on Earth! You are here to light the way, guide others, lead by example, and open doors that would otherwise stay closed.

You are capable of this and are fulfilling your role! Your presence is more critical now than ever. Be the light bringers!
Understand that you are all one, on earth. And there is no need for division! Demonstrate what is possible, by sharing your stories and gifts, taking leaps of faith and pursuing your true calling.

Become the healer, coach, guide or channeler you know you are!
Don't wait for permission, or an invitation. Following your heart means, following your inner guidance. Living your truth, and aligning with your Soul's purpose in Source. Everything you offer has value! And every moment on Earth is of service. You are experiencing many shifts, some more evident than others. Cleansing your physical and energetic bodies might not be pleasant, and you may not understand why it's happening. However, it is for your benefit.

You have been preparing in various ways to embrace the new energies of the second half of your year. These energies are designed to propel you into new experiences, abilities, gifts, and more ET-contact! You are ready. And now is the time to start receiving these energies- leading to energy surges. More intuitive insights, guidance and inner impulses directing you on specific paths. You are stepping up as the light workers and leaders of the new Earth!

You have always known you are to build the new Earth!
You must live your truth without hesitation. Pursue your ideal reality with confidence. Take leaps of faith, and recognize the expanding Consciousness, and awakening people, and your role in this process. Choosing freedom is a choice you must make! Until you realize it energetically, you might continue to choose bondage, or contraction.

The July energies are about expanding into your true self: A being of immense Freedom.
These energies will help you find the vibration of Freedom within you. Receive these energies from us, the Sun and Mother Earth. To benefit from these energies, take moments to relax and open up to them. Adjust yourself! Talk throughout this month, to remind yourself of these energies and the truth that you embody.

Freedom- you are here to experience freedom, and liberate yourself from the limitations you accepted in this lifetime. Deep down, you have always known how to be your true self, even if those around you don't understand your interests. Follow your inner guidance! It's only a matter of time now, starseeds!

Arcturian Laayti,
from the youtube clip ***NEW ABILITIES, GIFTS & ET CONTACT*** | The Arcturians - LAAYTI

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 26

What do I see, in this moment?
I see me, choosing ABUNDANCE as the object of my attention.

How does this feel?
It feels RICH!!! :lol: ABUNDANCE... what a wonderful sound. It feels as a friend. It feels empowering. It feels free. It feels so playful! It feels as a child on Christmas Eve. It feels RICH, in all ways! Rich inside. Rich, and capable. Free to make choices to my liking. Liberated to be who I really am. Free. Wide. Open. So full of joy and expectation of goodness!

What does Source see?
Source sees all of ths to be true. Source cheers me on.

How does THAT feel?
It feels carried. It feels backed up. It feels expectant! It feels free and happy and wonderfully good! It feels WORTHY. It feels natural. As, of course! It feels right. IT FEELS HAPPY.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I KNOW I am supposed to be or do or have everything I desire! I am born for this. And I specifically am born to live this as example for those in vicinity. I can do this! I am eager to do this! I feel so free and clear and ready to do this!
I am so eager to do this. But in all of this I know: I AM ABUNDANT.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 27

What do I see, in this moment?
I see me, enjoying the RIDE- since 52 years! :lol:

How does this feel?
It feels BOLD. It feels experienced. It feels quite a lot KNOWING! It feels confident. I LIKE to know what I learned in this. I feel STABLE. I feel more certain and sure than ever! I LIKE how much I have turned around my trajectory! I LIKE how "seasoned" I am!

What does Source see?
Source sees me with big pride. Source knows, I did well! Source has no rush of time. Source was always within me, and knows exactly that I gave it my best. Source loves me. And I FEEL that. I am so absolutely certain of it.

How does THAT feel?
It feels loved and understood, and seen, and cared for. Source has put all these desires into my heart, and it feels elated and divine and RIGHT. It feels guided.
:lol: :lol: And it does NOT feel as the path that a mere human would choose! But, it feels better. So much more achieved and stable and DEEP.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I am a multimillionaire in the making- I always was. My journey is VERY consistent when I look at it from where I am!
I am a multimillionaire, training for a HAPPY ending (or better said, a happy beginning of my New Life!)
I AM an energetic multimillionaire all my life.
And I so love the journey I had with this. I always was guided, but I had to experience so much before I could come into Alignment physically.
I am "there" since I can think.
Now I am there-er :D I LOVE how much more I really, REALLY understand about BEING rich. BEING free. BEING empowered. BEING worthy. BEING invincible and eternal!

This was SUCH an awesome journey, and I wouldn't give up one day! IT WAS MY JOURNEY! It was perfect, perfect for me- to learn what works for me and what not, what I like and what not, how I want to play and how not... I leanred so much of WHO I AM! I became so much more clear and so much more molded! I hear from Abe, that source within me drank it all and grew because of it! I hear from Abe that source learn through humanity and our contrast about LOVE!

I feel such satisfaction in all of this. All of this, always, was right. And I am absolutely willing to let Source navigate further, and to simply trust, while I LOVE MY DREAMS. I LOVE MY DESIRES. I LOVE THE DREAM IN MY HEART.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 28

What do I see, in this moment?
I see me, so eager to "get it all". To APPRECIATE what-is, FULLY!

How does this feel?
It feels BLESSED. It feels immensely thankful!

What does Source see?
Source sees how much there is, totally available to me, that I don't see, that I don't embrace, and wants me to get it! Source leads my attention to that, all the time.

How does THAT feel?
It feels seen and known and cared for. I feel safe and secure, and fully understood and backed up.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I don't care how long it takes. THIS IS AN AWESOME JOURNEY! I tend to say, "the longer it takes the more fun I have." (Abe). I AM SO SATISFIED!! I am so satisfied, with this unfolding. I am eager for more- and more comes, all the time. I just focus on the good, and more good comes! I feel stable, as well. I feel in peace, in this. I feel wonderful. I am so blessed. THANK YOU LIFE!!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 29 day left...

What do I see, in this moment?
I see me, on my journey to eternally more, while I want to be happy NOW.

How does this feel?
It feels natural. It feels right. It feels "healthy". It feels SATISFIED!

What does Source see?
Source sees this as me: I will NEVER be "finished", and we all really like that! Finished would mean, endedness, and nobody wants this- at least not when they are ITV! :lol: But I can be happy as a clam ON MY ETERNAL JOURNEY.

How does THAT feel?
It feels as the best of all worlds. It feels as lively, real, wonderful, fully-fleshed, hilarious, awesome, fantastic, imperfect PARADISE ON EARTH.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I CAN have it all! And I will only be happy, if I relax into the not-yet-having-it-all.
Happy where I am, eager for more! On and on and on and on!
Completely imperfect where I am, and having fun with it!
SO rich and free and powerful already- on the way to eternally more.
Happy, happy, happy happy... dead! (Somewhen! And knowing- this is not the end but the beginning for much more....) :hearts: :vortex:

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