Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 30 ...the last one of this "challenge"! :hearts:...

What do I see, in this moment?
I see me, wanting nothing as much as to APPRECIATE.

How does this feel?
It feels as the very best thing in the world! Appreciating is elation. It is LOVE. It is freedom. It is power. IT FEELS SO GOOD! It is resting in the peace of divine truth. Appreciation is who I really am.

What does Source see?
Source sees this as pure truth, and that is why appreciation feels soooo good: Source is with me, on this. THIS is ALIGNMENT.

How does THAT feel?
It feels ...sooo appreciativ. :D It feels wonderful. It feels friendly. It feels warm. It feels so sweet and good. It feels sunny. It feels GOOD! It feels SO good.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I ALWAYS can appreciate. :lol: SOMETHING will be around that I can appreciate! At least, remember! :lol: I AM FREE! I CAN appreciate. Appreciation is always there for me. I LOVE appreciating. I love the freedom to choose what feels SO good: Appreciation.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I AM READY for the next step!
I am ready for another 30-days. I am EAGER to practice what my intuition has brought me in the last days! :woohoo: :hoppy:


I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 1

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to carry all this over-weight. It feels so very heavy and burdened and unneccessary. I don't need it, anymore. It takes up so much space and energy, that I would love to exchange with freedom, and liveliness and beauty!

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I would like to have wiggle-space. :D Room to bend and bow and do awesome stuff. Energy to DO stuff. Energy to freely squander on learning physical skills, and to express myself!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want to be toned and beautiful and slender and slim! It feels as being VERY close with me. Being "in touch" with myself fully, wholly. Close, incarnated. In closest touch with who I really am.

Why do I want to line up with it, and how would that feel?
I want to line up with it, because I feel so far away from me. I am not in Alignment. I am not like a bold, ONE. I want to be whole and WITH ME. WHOLLY. ME, in BEINGNESS. It feels like shedding what isn't me. Letting it go. It feels so easy. It feels as liberating myself. It feels as letting go of what burdened me, and what crippled me. It feels as "not carrying it, any further!" It feels sooooo incredibly good... sweet and loved and known and understood! It feels LIGHT. It feels flexible. It feels free of burdens. It feels delightful! It feels so much more as "I".

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says:
You can have it, in a steady, awesomely easy flow. You can have it under all circumstances. Just don't doubt it. Expect it. Get a scale- not to torture yourself, but to enjoy the tiny steps. Expect weightloss all the time. Just expect it, visualize it, be joyful in it's anticipation! IMAGINE, and ENJOY.

Thank you :hearts:

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 2

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to still feel lack. It feels like chasing, hunting... and still staying empty. It is not Alignment!

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I would like to feel FULFILLED. I want to embody and BE Abundance, and Fulfillment, and Satisfaction! That would feel full. Unconditionally satiated. Satisfied where I am while still eager for more...

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want to KNOW the stance of Abundance. I don't need physical abundance for it, or so... I guess... I want to LIVE it. BE it. Line up with it totally and completely, no matter the conditions!

Why do I want to line up with it, and how would that feel?
I want to, because that will feel good! It will feel FREE and fulfilled and awesome, and SATIATED. SATIATED! Whole. Happy, complete- for now! SATISFIED. Fully and wholly satisfied.

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says:
We will send you countless opportunities to FEEL that, and maybe a short eye-twitch in the moment it arrives! ;) :hearts:

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 3

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to feel held back. It feels dissatisfied. It feels stagnant and hungry and frustrated.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I would like to feel FREE to do or be or have whatever I desire, in the moment. I want to feel FREE! It feels liberated to my true power.

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want a ton of money, to book a ton of cruises and events! :D That would feel awesome and exciting. That would feel LIVELY. That would feeling as life, flowing through me.

Why do I want to line up with it, and how would that feel?
I want to break free! I want to liberate myself. It would feel ALIVE. It would feel able, instead of dis-abled ;)

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says:
Enjoy it all VIBRATIONALLY. You should know! :lol: (YEAH I do!!!) But pull the stops that you glue on stuff. Do NOT say "but..." any more. Do your visualization for the pure fun and drop out the "but", COMPLETELY.

I say:
-Yah, that is so true! I am on a new level where I can do that so much more than ever. I'll do that! I'll do that.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 4

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to- per example, not be able to share my son spontaneously. It feels disabled. It feels hindered. It feel not free.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I would like to feel absolutely free! Absolutely capable to be or do or have whatever life causes me to desire, NOW! It feels fascinating. It feels eager. It feels blessed! It feels lively and free and fresh and powerful!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want to attend with all our family a trip to Goodwood revival, soon. I want us to dress up. I want us to see the french coast, and have the road-trip in ease and leisure, and do the ferry from Calais to Dover, and enjoy the English South coast, and enjoy Brighton... and have AMAZING access to the Revival, with wonderful rendezvouses and experiences! I want us all to have a fascinating, easy, comfortable, fantastic experience. I want us all to have SO MUCH FUN, and so much laughter and shared joy!

It feels as elation. It feels amazing. It feels relaxed. It feels delicious! It feels on top of the world! It feels SO HAPPY, and at ease, and blessed!

Why do I want to line up with it, and how would that feel?
I want to be ME. I want us all to be who we really are! I want us to be in this together: Co-creation in divine wonderful wonderful ways.

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says:
You absolutely can have this. It always can get even better! There can be flights over the canal, there can be afternoon teas, there can be hilarious fun in dressing up. There can be rendezvouses you wouldn't believe, now. But it is all lined up, already. Just trust, and allow it to be!

I say:
-Ohhh, I can do that! This feels SO GOOD. YES I can relax into the trust, expectation and joy of thinking there! THIS FEELS SO GOOD!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 5

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to feel hamstrung. I don't want to feel held back so massively. I don't want to be so far from who I really am. It feels like choking. It feels like not getting air anymore. It feels disabled. It feels unfree. It feels so sad. It feels like having lost big pieces of myself. It feels like having crippled my potential, my true beingness.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I would like to liberate myself, or be liberated. I want to be LIGHT. I want to feel flexible and light and free. I want to shed all the unneccessary. I want to be free of burdens that are not really mine to carry. I want to be ME. It feels liberated. Free, light, powerful, enabled. ENABLED. ENABLED. Able, free, in ease and light energy. Easy, light energetic joyful skipping, radiant, cheeky, beautiful, curious, eager, fresh, lively, happy, active!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want to be the weight and form that is in my Vortex. I want to look- and feel "on", tuned in to source aka my Vortex, "turned on" by life, by MY ALIGNMENT. I want to reflect this Alignment in all who I am. I want to express the Alignment with my dreams and desires in my physicality. It feels elated. It feels free and open, and expectant of awesome, magic, delightful surprises! It feels like God, walking on Earth, having fun!!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says:
You are so very very right in all of this. And of course, this is what is to happen, in the moment you let go of your resistance. It will be fast, it will be VERY fast, and completely easy, and absolutely unmissable. Just stop saying "but".

I say:
I can do that. Please, remind me when I do it! :D Please, guide me. I so WANT to do that.

Me... being cheeky, flexible, lissome, lively, open, eager, light, ENABLED! Tapped in, tuned in, turned on!
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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 6

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to feel disempowered about what manifests, and what not. I don't like to feel at merci. It feels powerless. It feels in-souvereign. It feels as the opposite of who I really am.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want to KNOW my power! I want to KNOW who I really am, and radiate it in every cell, and every thought, and every deed. It feels divine. It feels free. It feels full and whole. It feels powerful. It feels wonderful. It feels as who I really am. It feels right. It feels satisfying!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want to be in charge of my manifestations, specifically. I want to "wave my wand", or POINT at what I want, and it becomes. Because I say so. It feels souvereign. It feels in my power. It feels clear. It feels mighty. It feels tre. It feels real. It feels in Alignment. It feels as it should be. It feels AWARE. It feels in contact. It feels CONSCIOUS.

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: That is how it is supposed to be. You needed to get here by your own wanting. You wanted to KNOW this desire. You wanted to be aware of this. Now you are. Now you will click into full Alignment, all by itself.

I say:
Thank you! Thank you. I trust that. I relax into that.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 7

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to feel below my potential. I don't want to miss fulfillment that I could enjoy.
It feels sad. It feels un-fulfilled. It feels besides who I really am. It feels hungry.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want to boldly ALLOW myself whatever life has caused me to desire! I want to step out of my own way. I want to not give a rip what others say. I want to be flamboyant. I want to be excentric. I WANT IT TO DO MY WAY!
It feels as light! It feels glamorous. It feels not held back one bit! It feels awesome. It feels intense. It feels confident. It feels as doing it MY way!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want to KNOW Who I am, and express it: I am rich. I am unique. I am special. I am a head-turner, in the very best way. It feels in my power! It feels powerful. Wonderfully empowered. It feels able. It feels delightful! It feels as soaring. It feels as knowing who I really am. It feels as being ME.

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says:
That is the way you'r supposed to feel! And you have always brushed this under the rug. You have not owned your power, your greatness, your freedom, your WORTHINESS to have everything you desire! You have played small. You have not shined your light. You are supposed to be so beautiful and powerful and special as you feel this calling within yourself. EVERYBODY is unique, but not everybody has your calling. You are one of those that must be seen- for the best reasons: You are a teacher. You are a lightbringer. You are a wayshower. You are a guide- for others who want the same, to follow your example. YOU MUST BEE SEEN.

I say:
I resonate with this so much! Thank you. Thank you! Please guide me further!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 8

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to ask myself all the time, if I have done stuff wrong- or good enough. I give it what feels best to me, every day. So, "what do I do wrong"?
It feels as a catch 22. It feels without solution. It feels crazy.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want to TRUST. I want to wholly "give it up to source". I relax and enjoy life (=I step out of my own way) and trust God to bring it to me, and to inspire me, call me, when I should be needed.

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want this feeling of "all is well". I want to KNOW that I am guided to be at the right place in the right time, and meanwhile, my joy is to be HAPPY, no matter what! I want to trust the Goodness and the Ease of life. It feels totally reliefed. It feels wonderfully accomplished. It feels light. It feels right. It feels easy!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: Exactly, that's it. You have the joy that you came for AND you are stepping out of your own way when you simply care for being happy! Now, now, now, now...Trust that we do it all in the perfect time, the perfect pace, the perfect ways- so that the divine solutions play out. We KNOW you! We ARE you. You are known, inside out, with all the perfect delicious wonderful details. Just GET HAPPY and be in vibrational ciscinity!

I say:
I can do this! This resonates sooo joyfully with me! THIS IS IT. THANK YOU.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 9

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to fret each time some of my beloveds behave strangely, or does something not nice- OOTV-stuff. It feels petty. It feels painful. It gives me fear. It feels powerless.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want to have my default in relaxing into what source knows! It feels as huge instant relief. It feels free.

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want me, to be in love, NO MATTER WHAT.
I want to see the beauty, the Goodness, the Gods in physical form! I want to give the benefits of the doubt, always! I want to wait for sources inspiration, before I make decisions, or draw conclusions. I want to see the full picture, and I want to feel so highly ITV unconditionally, that I can love- and smile through everything. Authentically, lovingly. FREE and, in the end, in all of my love.

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says:
We'll ALWAYS guide you! We now when there is openness. We are aware. Trust!

I say:
I will do this. Please wake me up in a clear way! Thank you!

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