I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2024 2:54 pm
I finished decorating the birthday-cake for my little grandson, today. The cake is lopsided in all directions, but he wanted a chocolate-cake and asked for his favorite color (all his brothers have 1 clear most loved color), he said: "ALL OF THEM!!" :lol:
...My daughter asked for a cake without any cream, in this extremely hot weather. So, I made my own version of Sacher-Kuchen. Chocolate cake with lots of real chocolate in the batter, in 4 layers, all filled with apricot-jam and Marzipan, covered with more Marzipan and more real chocolate.
Looks beautiful and sounds amazingly delicious! :hearts:
You amaze me with your dishes that sound to me so complicated yet you make them with such ease and joy! :hearts:
...I am so eager for his fotos when he will take the ferry tomorrow, from Calais (France) to Dover (United Kingdom)!!! And then he will have an overnight-stay in Brighton (which is one of my bucketlist-points!!)! I asked him to take a picture of the Pavillion at night...
I am so EAGER to hear his adventures that he will have on the Festival of Speed, in Goodwood! It is one of the most famous events for classic-car enthusiasts. Oh, I would have LOVED to come with him!!
Oh! I hope he has fun in Brighton! I've only been there twice so I don't know it well but from the times I have been there I felt like it's one of my most favourite places in the whole of the UK because it's particularly picturesque in places, so he's chosen a good place to visit! :) :hearts: Hope he enjoys it despite the stereotypically British summer of cool weather, wind and rain! :lol:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2024 7:23 pm Looks beautiful and sounds amazingly delicious! :hearts:
You amaze me with your dishes that sound to me so complicated yet you make them with such ease and joy! :hearts:
:hugging: :vortex: :hearts: Thank you!!!
It is really totally easy, just lots of good ingredients, and piling them on top of each other :D :hearts: ...easier than assembling a sandwich, really!
Oh! I hope he has fun in Brighton! I've only been there twice so I don't know it well but from the times I have been there I felt like it's one of my most favourite places in the whole of the UK because it's particularly picturesque in places, so he's chosen a good place to visit! :) :hearts: Hope he enjoys it despite the stereotypically British summer of cool weather, wind and rain! :lol:
Thank you so very very much!
This sounds AMAZING. I only "know" Brighton from the novels of Georgette Heyer, we read them to the children (those without scenes of war) when they were young and they loved them. My son was totally stunned when I told him that he picked his stay where the Royal Pavillion is, that he heard so much of, in his childhood days! He totally would have missed it :D ...I just now messaged him your description and he says, that now he looks forwards to it, even more!

He chose Brighton not really to visit it, but because it was the closest place to Goodwood for getting an available hotel-room for 2 nights. His true destination is the famous race-circuit where the Earl of March gives each year 2 amazing and very famous Festivals for the lovers of classic (race-) cars, classic airplanes and (race-) motorbikes: "Festival of Speed" in summer, and in autumn "Goodwood Revival" (which totally is on my bucket list. Including getting dressed up in the style of 40'ies, 50'ies or '60'ies! It's HUGE spectacles with lots of races in all sorts of ways, and my son got gifted with an invitation to Lord Marchs buffet-pavillion. This is SO amazing! Money can't buy this. Literally. But he will make some time to enjoy Brighton, also!

...pictures of earlier "Festivals of Speed" in Goodwood
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Satisfied and eager for more-
in my daily Vacation-Mode!

Day 30

...This is the last day where I want to deliberately train myself to feeeel in Vacation-mode.
I LIKED that, and I think, I could establish it more than a bit, within me! :hearts:

So, I really never want the Vacation-mode to end. My whole life is supposed to be chilled out, and free, and eager, and open, relaxed, in joyful anticipation for more, while heavenly satisfied where I am.

All of my family celebrated my youngest grandsons 3. birthday via whatsapp, this morning. He got voice-messages and pictures, and his parents showed them to him, and of course he got presents! Jana says, he felt so happy and celebrated!

...just 3 years ago...

...and today!

I ponder how birthdays went before we all had cellphones and messenger-apps... we got letters and parcels, if we where lucky. Things have become so much more close and full and fast and "real"... even they seem to be more vibrationally. I LOVE how it became! I LOVE how we all had so much fun together this mornings, even being 100eds of km apart. I love how the new children grow up, expecting all of this!

I am SO SO SO satisfied. DH and I watched a wonderful long blessed clip yesterday evening about river-cruising on the Amazon. Another bucket-list item for me, and I FEEL, I come close to KNOWING... we will do it. Isn't that amazing!?
What options! What a time, where such things are fathomable! I am so so so incredibly satisfied to be able to think and dream and expect such a thing!!

And then, my son F came in again with another video-call where he took us with him on a stroll through Lille, France, and finally "looked outside" of his hotel-room, down over the city in the fading daylight... it felt magic. It WAS magic, how we "went with him", accompanied him connected by sight and sounds and our talking, and saw through his eyes... I feel so blessed. I feel so loved. I feel so much love! I am so thankful!

"being" with my Felix in Lille...

Special "Vacation-mode"-moment, today:
DH and I drove through a misty foggy "surreal" world towards the train station,this morning. From all the rain of the last days it is all humid, the forests ooze fogs, as it is becoming really hot again. It makes for AWESOME scenes... surrounded by white opak veils, or just watching the mists down in the valleys... I feel so satisfied by the incredible, steady, while always changing beauty that surrounds me! :hearts:

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...so many delightful paths that I've been on... :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 1

I LOVE Abe's quotes about enjoying the journey.
I LOVE when things are not going "normal". I LOVE surprise and delight!
I LOVE to have it unique! It is a scam anyway to think that anything would be "normal" :lol: :lol: it is all unique!!

I am satisfied the way my completely "unnormal" life goes!
I am eager for endlessly more of it- as long as I am in Allowing-mode. And in Appreciation-mode. EVERY thing has a wanted side, and I can find it. I like, reallly like easy to like circumstances! I Love it being easy. I love joy. I love comfort. But when life dishes out "adventurous" and "tricky" and "hard", well, lets see the wanted sides of it and ENJOY it, anyway. In hindsight, it is always so worth it! :D So why not love it in the first run?

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...so many delightful paths that I've been on... :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 2

I am so incredibly blessed with this weekend!
It feels as if "worlds" would intertwine...
I live my analog physical wonderful life, enjoying summer to the fullest, my beloved mate in all his glorious physicality, our time together, the sunrays on the skin, the fantastic sundays breakfast-picnic, with fresh buns and chocolate croissants, and sweet delightful French blue cheese and smoked chicken thighs (sigh!! :hearts:) and Italian salami with fennel and awesome fresh raspberries and peaches and fantastic fresh brewed coffee... while we look out into a beautiful landscape in our wonderful beloved home country.

I live the awesome vibrations of youtube and the internet, with stunning reports of breathtaking countries and voyages and cruiseships and hotels and genius people that are so engaged to make the world a better place, in endless ways! I hear interviews of scientists, entrepreneuers, engaged lightworkers, channelers and interviewed nonphysical guides and -extraterrestrials and -sages!

And I connect with all my beloved children via whatsapp, telephone and videocall, and we share our hearts. Beloved Felix has taken us with him on new video calls through Brighton, Goodwood, and this morning, he invited us to a stroll in the ferry-harbor of Dover. We chat and I hear the seagulls cry over heads... and he shares how a seagull tried to steal his hotdog from him, but he didn't let it go- and he scared her away with his umbrella, finally! :lol:

screenshots I snatched from the videocall from Brighton... and F's Porsche in front of his Hotel

F's pictures from Goodwood

the ferry in Dover, towards Calais, coming in... and going out with F, also...

I feel BLESSED. I feel so deeply, deeply thankful! I feel showered with goodness and joy and loving care. I feel as the happiest bug in all the Universe! :lol:
...and now, I share my thoughts and emotions "vibrationally" with hundreds of people that I don't know and might never meet or know about, but I feel connected with in love and trust, here on this Forum. I think, this "wandering through the roams of reality" with "absent" beloveds is AMAZING!! Nobody would have guessed any of this when I was a child. This world has- in my lifetime- experienced such amazing expansion!!

And I know in my bones, there will be more. And I am sooo eager to see and witness and CREATE it! We live the planetary transformation into Paradise on Earth... and while it may ruble a bit here and there, when we keep focusing on what we enjoy and love and want to see more of, I trust the CERTAINTY of it becoming very, VERY soon.

I am sooooo satisfied!! And SO eager for more! :vortex:
Thank you, thank you, thank you, life!!!

watching the sunset from my "home-hilltop"
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...so many delightful paths that I've been on... :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 3

I ponder "the paths" I've been on. I explored so many stances of human life! With being 60, I have so much life to look back at. I feel blessed with all of it.

I feel that we humans still hunt for the outside-successes, "my job, my title, my house, my car, my boat, my body, my family, my mate..." and all of this is precious. I want it, too! But, we go over board with it. Some dreams just seem to run from us (and YES I agree, it's because we are no match, yet)... and we feel like a failure. This is NOT what life really means. What LIVING really means.

THE JOY IS IN THE JOURNEY. There is joy to own, while we "hunt"! There is fun in missing the target, AGAIN. There is grandeur, in failing BIG. There is triumph to be had, when we "get" it! There is orgasmic joy, and awe and deep, deep deep satisfaction, when we are in Alignment and "on a strike"! There is tears and being mixed up and dis-appointment and being devastated, when we are betrayed. There is so much pain.

It ALL makes up a fulfilled life! I don't want to miss a beat, of all of it.
We didn't come only for the sunny days, the lollipops and roses! We also came for the silky dark nights, and the moonlight and the stars. We came for the soft veils of fog in the early mornings, and the rain painting circles in the pond... the hailstorms and the thunderclaps. We came for birth, becoming, beingness and disintegration. It all has it's time, it all has it's very special WONDERFUL gifts, and it's special beauty! Life includes saying good-bye and changing form, completely. The Tarot-card of Death lies in the very middle of the deck... without death, we would never know what life really is.

I take a knee and bow before contrast... contrast, that makes us able to have preferences, choices and, so, creativity. We all came as CREATORS. And who could create without having seen all colors, all materials, all the techniques that can be used to allow BEAUTY. And GOODNESS. And ...ultimate, satisfaction. And then, change again. Life is strange, life is cruel, life is AWESOME. I so love my rich, full, whole, precious LIFE!

blossoming vine in my entry...
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Mon Jul 15, 2024 8:37 am THE JOY IS IN THE JOURNEY. There is joy to own, while we "hunt"! There is fun in missing the target, AGAIN. There is grandeur, in failing BIG. There is triumph to be had, when we "get" it! There is orgasmic joy, and awe and deep, deep deep satisfaction, when we are in Alignment and "on a strike"! There is tears and being mixed up and dis-appointment and being devastated, when we are betrayed. There is so much pain.

It ALL makes up a fulfilled life! I don't want to miss a beat, of all of it.
We didn't come only for the sunny days, the lollipops and roses! We also came for the silky dark nights, and the moonlight and the stars. We came for the soft veils of fog in the early mornings, and the rain painting circles in the pond... the hailstorms and the thunderclaps. We came for birth, becoming, beingness and disintegration. It all has it's time, it all has it's very special WONDERFUL gifts, and it's special beauty! Life includes saying good-bye and changing form, completely. The Tarot-card of Death lies in the very middle of the deck... without death, we would never know what life really is.
Your words are so beautiful they give me goosebumps :hearts:

Your purple dewy flowers are so pretty too! :in_love:

I enjoyed experiencing Brighton through you via Felix! :lol:
Good for him holding onto his hotdog!! :lol:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Mon Jul 15, 2024 5:31 pm Your words are so beautiful they give me goosebumps :hearts:

Your purple dewy flowers are so pretty too! :in_love:

I enjoyed experiencing Brighton through you via Felix! :lol:
Good for him holding onto his hotdog!! :lol:
:hearts: :hearts: :ta: :romance-heartsfade: :vortex:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...so many delightful paths that I've been on... :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 4

I love to ponder, that I am not "right or wrong", but ON MY PATH.
And every step that I take, serves me- in SOME way. I can't get it "wrong"! :lol: That really, REALLY is soothing and satisfying!!
My soul sent me here to find fulfillment and joy, and it had a certain desire to begin with: Becoming ME, more, becoming more aware, more knowing, more clear.

Walking MY path is my purpose. Having as much joy on MY way is my ultimate fulfilling, and it is soooo not of interest what others think!
MY PATH. MY life. Completely incomparable.
Completely irrelevant to many many others- while, for some, such joy and such inspiration. AND THAT IS ENOUGH.
I LIKE that. It feels so good, that my purpose is to have MY FUN!

And to drop what doesn't feel good, here and now, for ME. Because- for ME, it is off. Here and how. :lol: I soo like that!! And I am so eager to allow all things that feel joyfully calling, to me!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...so many delightful paths that I've been on... :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 5

"I ENJOY my journey"... what does this mean?
It means, to make peace with what-is, and -solely!- ENJOY the beautiful wonderful pieces of it.

Such a strange concept, still, after 15 years of studying Abe. :lol:
It is the straight opposite of what I had ingrained. I had ingrained, that "only dead fish go with the stream", aka- you need to go against the current to do it right! And oh, what a heavy, hardship-burdened life I lived.
I had ingrained that I need to be "super fast and super efficient, work hard especially at topics I'm not good at, and if I don't do it myself- nobody will."
-I will not even BEGIN to put all of this right! :lol:

We all got taught the opposite of what really would work. We learned it from each other, and it's sticky, I still have parts of it within me, and really I KNOW what Abe teach, and I WANT to let go of it. ...Should I crawl under a rock and be ashamed and never raise my voice again, especially not as a teacher???

:lol: :lol: NOOO!!! We all teach best what we need to learn ourselves! ...And the best teacher is the one who did so many mistakes themselves, that they became compassionate, and KNOWING of what doesn't work. If only they dare to be real and open about where they are. ...The old paradigm doesn't allow mistakes or imperfection (which both is literally impossible, so- you need to lie). The new paradigm embraces the PATH, on which you are- per se- not "there yet". And, we really never are finished, ever...! As there is always more...

I feel SUCH satisfaction in pondering this friendly, respectful, humorous thoughts. YES, I can smile about myself! YES, I can embrace myself, having f* up in big ways, once more... There are endless ways of ENJOYING f* up!! :lol: Laughing about it, learning from it, being nicer to yourself because of it... CELEBRATING IT. I remember as we lost our 5. child to preterm birth... we CELEBRATED. We celebrated this life that didn't choose to live with us, we celebrated the clarity that this was over and there was no fear of losing anymore. We celebrated LIFE. We celebrated our family and thanked the little soul to have inspired us so mightily, for some time...

We can always celebrate the Goodness that is in EVERY MOMENT, in every condition, in every thing and every one.
We have the choice to see life as good or bad, in every second, new and new, now and now.

I am so thankful for every day.
I expect miracles, all the time.
I get miracles, all the time, and I REALIZE them! I am so thankful. I am so satisfied. I am soo eager for more! I SO LOVE TO LIVE!!!

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