Appreciation of My Life

Appreciation is the highest form of vibration. This is the place to express your appreciation and amp up your vibration.
Jenny Lee
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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »


16, July

My niece likes pink. I notice that she has strong passion for visual beauty and I can see that through the toys she buys and the games she plays. Those pens she chooses do look attractive. I have never been a so-called girlish person. I have no interest in pink stuff and dolls; I rarely wear skirts or high heel shoes. So obviously she has very different preferences than I do. And recently, I am glad to become more and more allowing and opening up. When I notice very different styles and preferences in other people, I feel interested and sometimes even want to explore a bit. I clearly know that diversity makes the world a beautiful, fun, interesting place. There are still lots of people choosing paper books,while I like reading e-books. There are people who are fond of collecting material creations that one can touch with hands, while I prone to enjoy creations in digital forms or thought forms. I appreciate beautiful material objects but I rarely have strong desires to own and collect them. Go back to my niece. She has already shown many of her preferences and I respect them. I like that she is good at pleasing herself. When she gets together with my nephew who is the same age, they can happily sit together, watching the same cartoon; or they just talk and laugh. They have their own unqiue connection. She likes saying "thank you," and she likes praising people. She would say to my mom, "Grandma, the dumplings you make are so delicious!"

I like taking long night walks in the open air on the neat streets. I like raising my head and observing the tall, lush camphor trees who have been standing on the main street for many years. I like looping a beautiful song and letting my mind naturally respond to it with thought or images. I like observing cute creatures on the road or in the shops. I saw a beautiful, round cat last night who was licking a green plant his owner put in her clothes shop. I like standing along the river and looking at the curves of the mountains on the other side. I saw a grandpa holding his granddaughter, spinning and dancing a waltz. Often, when I walk back home, I would feel inspired to listen to Abe on sepcific subjects. And last night, I listened to them talk about genius, physical pain and hell yes inspirations. I know when to listen to which feels best to me at the moment. As I came close to the Luckin, I went in and got myself a cup of iced Americano.

My parents bath my little niece every day. They put herbs in the tub which can enhance her skin conditions. They make perfect matches. She, this little angel, easily puts a big smile on their face. And they give her very thorough care. They tease her, making her giggle. They take her out for fun. They keep her safe and comfortable. They take her to explore new environments.

Jenny Lee
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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »


17, July

I had an evening walk last night, and I met my primarily school classmate with her son. We had a lighthearted chat and I felt glad seeing her doing well.

I see happiness, smiles and love in this family. Again, my little niece was so happy seeing me, EVERY TIME, yesterday. She grinned, revealing her two cute little teeth, as soon her eyes met me. She giggled. She gurgled. This angel brought great happiness to people around her.

I like coffee. I am glad to easily get fresh ground coffee. I often enjoy iced coconut latte in the daytime and may buy iced Americano after supper. I can buy through the delivery app and within 20 minutes, the coffee will arrive at the door. At night, I would walk and buy a coffee when I am going back home. I would put my thermos in the messenger bag and so when I get home, I can still slowly sip the iced black coffee when I do what I like on the computer. Because the thermos works wonderfully and almost all the ice cubes are still there in the cup.

My brother is a loving father. He makes long plans. As soon as my nephew is big enough to go around, they take him out for fun, travelling around. He would explore toys kids like, and he would play those complicated ones slowy in front of my nephew so that he can observe clearly every step of the process. He would piece together the Legos, and my nephew would put his head very close to his father and enjoy observing the magical process of small parts becoming a meaningful object. Every time, when a movie fit for kids comes out, my brother and sister-in-law would take him to watch...

My parents are patient, allowing and loving. They are good at comforting little babies, rarely getting impatient. They are good at teasing them into loud laughter. They are very willing to do those so-called trivial, repeated things, like changing diapers, preparing the milk, etc.

It's interesting to see the difference between celebrity weibo chaohua and cp weibo chaohua. In the former/forum about a specific star, lots of the contents are repeated compliments of the star. People are just copying and pasting those words. While in the latter/forum about the cp, most of the contents are very creative. They are new novels or fan fiction, mv edits, paintings and the comments are fresh new thoughts from people's minds, not the copying and pasting stuff. And of course, I am glad to visit the latter, read novels, join the discussions, favorite, and leave genuine comments.

I like walking in the open air while listening to Abe talk about the subjects I am most interested in.

~Last night, Abe said that in most cases, when people say they should quit the job to do a specific thing, they are actually not in alignment. They think that it's the job that hinders them, but often if they quit the job, the thing they think would come naturally wouldn't, because it's about vibrational alignment, about inspiration, about one's state of being. Their state of being doesn't change, and so the inspiration doesn't come. The best choice is: Stay where one is, if there is not a hell yes inspiration of leaving, and make the best of where one is, feeling as good as one can, using any reason. If leaving is the logical next step in alignment, then the hell yes of leaving would come at the perfect timing, and then one can just leave. And the leaving contains eagerness of the new. If it is not a hell yes, then it's a hell no.

Jenny Lee
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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »

Pre-paving and Remembering

Ask and it is IMMEDIATELY given, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS. All things are possible. And I am opening up my mind about the possibilities. Sometimes, I can just go very general, just knowing ALL THINGS are child's play for Who I Really Am and not going into any detail.

I like making money related activities as fun games as much as I can. This would be extremely beneficial. I had learned to enjoy making budgets and saving money for certain payments. One thing I am sure, these activities make me feel lighthearted, knowing that I am taking good care of my finances, and I rarely owe other people money. I like that. For now, I still like having no debts at all. It's very interesting, because you can complain the whole process, or you can appreciate youself by saying things like: I am glad to take full responsibility for my finances; I am glad to practice desired and beneficial self-discipline; I feel happy being able to think so specific about money, about numbers with such a lighthearted attitude; I am glad to ponder long plans, I'd assume I will continually live in this physical body, and therefore I would keep on needing and wanting certain things, and so I would buy yearly stuff when it offers satisfying discounts, because I know based upon my self-knowledge, I would efficiently use it on and on.

Jenny Lee
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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »


18, July

The breeze is caressing the skin. Tree leaves rustle. Pleasing birdsong is near. Someone is playing the piano, and the melody is soft and smooth. Surprisingly, the elegant fox barks just like her playmate, the dog. It's a beautiful world. The mysterious bird, or not actually, the paradise flycatcher visits the garden with its waving, weightless, semi-transparent tail. Truly, here is heaven on earth.

Cicadas are chirping outside the window, while poetic lyrics are being sung by the singer and enjoyed by me through my earphones. I sit comfortably in the cool space before my computer and eagerly start my day with appreciation. I always own abundant free consecutive time to search for the best-feeling objects to appreciate in the morning. I can stop my typing fingers at any time, and close my eyes, to let the music or the quietness inspire my new thought. This process feels delicious.

I like walking in the outdoor spaciousness at night. My mind is extremely robust and busy, reading something on my phone while pay some attention to the surroundings to keep the body safe. Striding in the green park energizes me. My body likes and benefits from exercising. When I feel too hot, I can easily stop and find an indoor space to rest for a while. I walk into the perfectly temperatured KFC and sit for a short while there. It would be very nice to have iced coffee as my company when I get home, so I buy iced coffee and pour it into my thermos on my way home.

Jenny Lee
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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »


19, July

I was listening to Abe talk about our relationship with each other and how others' reponses indicate our vibe. When we hold guilt or the mentality "I'm to blame" in our being, then we keep on meeting people, known or unknown, who blame us even without any logical reasons. Vice versa. I went to the beverage shop to get a cup of iced Americano. I took with me my thermos. The shop assistants were really busy, but still the young man asked me whether I wanted more ice cubes. At first, I was busy pouring the coffee into my cup and as I finished, I began to walk out when the boy, though treating other customers, still noticed me, raised his voice and asked me again about the ice cubes. I was a bit surprised, turned around, smiled and said no. I felt gald to meet such an attentive salesclerk, while remembering that this was actually an indicator of my good-feeling vibe.

I like knowing that when I mainly focus upon even just one good-feeling subject and feel good, all other subjects in my life would start getting well. I get up with a clear and fresh mind and eagerness in the morning. I like starting my day with music and the practice of appreciation. I have my own lovely space which is bright, cool and quiet. I put on my earphones, laying my fingers on the keyboard, and search and wait for appreciating thoughts to appear. My body works extremely well for me. I feel comfortable from head to toe. I can easily focus with high quality. My fingers fly on the keyboard when I think and write. Every day, every part of my body is asking for more and better, and in my alignment, my body IS getting better and better. All things are possible for my body. The key to be healthy or get better physically, is to feel as good as I can, USING ANY REASON. When I feel good, regardless of the reason, the channel between Source and my body is wide open, and every part of my body benefits. I am free flowing, physically. I can move around as I like. I walk fast and I often take long walks in good weather. I see clearly. I hear clearly. I speak clearly. My stomach and bowels process food and beverages wonderfully. I breathe smoothly. So, thank you, My heart, lungs, eyes, ears, nose, hair, brains, throat, vocal cords, kidneys, liver, stomach, bowels, skin, blood vessels, blood, bones, ligaments, tendons, glands, spleen, etc.

It's a wonderful time for me to remember truths about human bodies. Always, the perfect body, the healthy and beautiful body in my standard, IS PRESENT for me in my Reality, and is forever calling me to it. It's only about alignment or not. It's that simple. My body is extremely flexible, resilient and adaptive. My body adapts positively to new environments within days. It only takes three days for my body to smoothly let go of the old and adapt to the new if we can stay in alignment. So theoretically, when we know this and keep aligned in the process, we can let go of a habit/an addiction successfully within days. While in reality, we can give ourselves more time to shift, patiently. And we can pre-pave ourselves by remembering this and trusting this until it becomes our belief when we still have the habit. We imagine what would we feel and do when that habit or addiction is not in our lives anymore. We in advance, remind ourselves to not be influenced by any other thoughts, any other's opposite oppinions about this. We can prepare as fully as we can and this would make the adapting process more efficient.

Jenny Lee
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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »

Remember, repeat, highlight and pre-pave

We all want harmony and wonderful co-creation no matter how we behave on the surface, how we seem to not get along. I see great harmony in the family. We share the housework willingly. We support each other...

When we don't care who take the credit, we would be a greater value to each other. This is a big shift for human beings, because human beings want to be clear about who helps whom, who contributes the most, and how a situation is just or unjust.

Fear attract life experiences which cause fear. So one may feel fear because of a piece of news about a murder, and then he/she may attract weird experiences such as meeting/feeling ghosts which seemed to come from nowhere, but actually these expereinces come/manifest because of the fear. The murder case causes fear, as well as the latter. Sometimes, we don't need to waste our time to figure out the specific reasons; just know that all the what-is is responding to our active vibes/emotions.

So, emotions caused by certain life experiences would cause seemingly irrelevant manifestations, but THEY ARE INTIMATELY RELATED, VIBRATIONALLY AND EMOTIONALLY. So insecurity caused by other reasons could also create financial deprivation, but not when you are sure of your financial freedom and abundance. As for money and finances, in most cases, it would be very beneficial to figure out ways to feel better and better about the specifics of them, because they really appear too often in our lives and therefore play an important role in our general vibrational tone. It would be very nice if we can have fun with money management. It would be extremely helpful and uplifting when we can feel good about receiving money, spending money, managing money, making budgets, thinking about debts, noticing others' abundance or poverty, paying back debts and so on. So, I can easily lay out specific thoughts as follows:

I appreciate money for buying me what I desire. I appreciate money for helping me live a comfortable, convenient and fun-filled life. I appreciate money for buying me wonderful electronic products--such as computers, laptops, tabloids, smartphones, mobile discs, earphones/headphones, etc.--which play such important roles in my life. I use my computer and/or laptop every day, reading, watching, listening and writing. I appreciate myself for knowing my priorities and making financial budgets according to them, so that I can continually enjoy the best-feeling experiences on and on. So I always continue my music app vip, because I love music, I enjoy music every day and I like listening to songs with high quality. I woud buy yearly vip from baidu netdisc app, because I prefer digital contents and this app allows me to store and transfer videos, audios, e-books easily and efficiently among all my electronic equipment. I don't buy new clothes often because I don't have strong interest in them; I feel satisfied when I have enough clothes and shoes to go around. I like spending my time in my favorite cafe and I do. I appreciate money for easily letting me have my lovely cafe times.

I like being a natural bargain attractor. I appreciate the discounts or coupons I easily get which allow me to have wonderful products and services of the same quality with much cheaper prices. For example, certain bank apps would just offer me a lot of discounts ro cash reductions. I just need to make some clicks. Especially one bank app and I even don't own its physical card--I just applied for a digital card...

Jenny Lee
Posts: 219
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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »


21, July

It's hot outside but the inside space is cool. I live in a place having clear four seasons. Every season has its unique beauty and atmosphere. Like now, I can enjoy the chirping of cicadas and coolness coming from modern technology. I hear stories about some alien planet which has the same temperature every day wherever, but I don't feel that as attractive at all. I am alright taking a short walk on hot summer days and glad that soon I can go back home with iced coffee. In summer, I enjoy iced beverages much more than other seasons. As for winter, the northern parts are very different from the southern cities. I went to a farway northern city years ago, the temperature was much lower than my hometown, but it didn't feel that cold actually. It seems that dry cold is a bit more comfortable damp cold I was used to. The colors in the nothern winter are quite simple, not like jiangnan which is always colorful with lush green tress and bright flowers all seasons. However, both are charismatic to my eyes. I stayed in the buddhist temple for a week and there, I quickly adapted to its daily meals. Its staple food is steamed buns coupled with a lot of fried vegetables. No meat. And I have been a person who can happily live without any meat. So the temple meals were a wonderful match to me. I enjoyed every meal there. Though the teachings were not a match to me, I reaped so much pleasure in that village, especially people there. The abbot highly valued physical labor and was building a lecture house, so we would spend some time clearing up the base. A lot of villagers would automatically come to help. They were kindhearted, chatty and liked making friends around.

Jenny Lee
Posts: 219
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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »


23, July

~ I like listening to cicadas. Their chirping is rhythmic and gives me satisfaction. And it is a unique form of mediation.

~ I so appreciate the conversation between the mechanic and Abe. When I think about an activity and a skill I have, soon after I said in my mind, "I'm good at it," I began to think that what if others don't think so. Interesting. Who gets to judge? Who gets to evaluate? I remembered this conversation and asked myself, "What if I insist on the statement 'I'm good at it?' regardless of what any other says about it?" What if I am not gonna change this thought at all, no matter what? What if I don't care about any other's opposing thought? It seems that at least I'd feel better. I'd be confident. That doesn't mean I would stop there, not moving forward. I would still get better, do my best to feel good and follow my inspiration when it comes, on and on. So,

Yes. I am good at it. I am enjoying doing it. I have direct access to Infinite Intelligence. I can directly connect to non-physical masters of any subject I am interested in. I often receive inspirations and aligned impulses. I often act upon them immediately. I feel good in the process and I feel good in observing the results.

~ I am glad that more and more I can see the charisma of unconditional alignment and allowance. Specifically speaking, I like people who are fully responsible for their states of being, not needing any other to change anything in order for them to feel good. I would like to get better at this and I would like to hang around with this kind of people more. People like this respect others' uniqueness and are powerful enough to maintain their stability and lightheartedness under all kinds of conditions. When these like-minded people get together, often the synergy would be greater and the interaction would be more fun.

Nowadays, the trope such as "If you really love me, you should change for me, or you should be willing to comprimise for me," feels off to me more and more. I don't want to sacrifice myself or change my desires/hobbies/preferences for any other person, and I don't want any other to do so for me either. It feels suffocating; it's the opposite of synergy. It's martyrdom. When I think that others should change something in order for me to feel good, I can deliberately let go of this thought by pondering: So do I want to change what I don't want to change in order for them to feel good? If I don't want to do this, then don't require others to do so. Be fair.

Jenny Lee
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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »


about relationships

Who I Really Am is a pure lover. Who I Really Am LOVES every one and ONLY focuses upon positive aspects and the Vortex version of anyone I am focused upon now. This is the basis. When I don't see other people through my Inner Being's eyes, I don't feel good, I am not aligned, no matter how right/justified I feel.

When people I care about are in difficulty or in a sorta needy place, my Inner Being is not blaming them, pitying them, or cutting tie with them. My Inner Being persistently focuses upon their wellness, happiness, abundance, independence, their solutions and answers, etc. I am guided to take PoLR action. I am guided to take inspired action. I am always called to hold the big picture of them. That being said, first and foremost, I myself should be in alignment as much as I can. Otherwise, I have nothing beneficial to give to any other.

The path of least resistance action could be: give or lend money to people, physically take care of people, give the space for them to complain or even vent, while at the same time knowing that this is temporary, their Inner Beings are strongly calling them to alignment, to their true power, to their mental and physical health, to their abundance, to their desired relationships, etc. I am called to move in the direction of being Jesus-like: So persistently KNOW the wellness of his patients, though they might be complaining about their illness and obviously showing their illness, that in his presence, their illness can't abide in and just disappear. One who is in alingment is more powerful than millions who are not.

Jenny Lee
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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »

Remember, highlight, and pre-pave

I was eating supper out with the big family. My nephew was sitting next to me, and the adults were commenting that he was living in his own world and so he would not immediately reply when they call him. When they spoke, I didn't feel comfortable, but later, I understand that actually this is his advantage. He naturally has the ability to ignore unimportant words and coversations from the outside. He is daydreaming. But if I ask him about what he loves, he would immediately response. And actually, he would take initiative to show me the phone when he is playing the game, explaning the characters and how to play the game. And I would be happy talking to him, asking him questions and noticing his big bright smile on the face. I like knowing that when he is in alignment, he has continually attracted aligned co-operative components to him. I don't need to worry about him. He is much more aligned than all adults in his life. He is happy and passionate. He is able to stay in alignment when others are nagging. He is good at daydreaming. He naturally and stubbornly follows what interest him. And all the Inner Beings of this family are focused upon his absolute wellbeing. His parents' Inner Beings, our Inner Beings and his Inner Beings are all focused upon his happiness, health and abundance. Think about THE POWER.

Obviously, my brother is a loving father. I like focusing upon his Vortex as a purely loving father. I could easily remember that he would buy toys, explore how to play them and then demonstrate the whole process for my little nephew. And my nephew would almost put his eyes onto his father's hand when he was pieceing Legos. My brother got better and better at changing diapers, feeding him milk, bathing him and comforting him to sleep. He made and still makes holiday plans to take him out for fun. And yes, he has his own preferences in terms of buying my nephew cool clothes and shoes, especially sneakers. He likes seeing his son looking handsome. I am glad to notice that still on my brother and my sister-in-law's phones, there are a lot of games my nephew likes playing. They let him play these games. As for me, I often don't wait for him to sorta beg me, I just hand my phone to him, letting him search and play.

Anyway, as for relationships, the process is actually quite simple: As much as I can, focus upon the positive aspects and the Vortex version of the people I care about. Like what Abe suggested to a politician: Not just focus upon the best you can be, but also focus upon the best they/all the people can be, and the most they can receive in their alignment.

I can focus upon any experience of any time--the past, the now or the future/the Vortex, if it can enhance my appreciation and love for somebody. And it's very clear that Abe would suggest the Hotseater remember the past, good-feeling experiences to feel better about their family members. I remember clearly that months ago, when I felt annoyed with my mom, I soon got myself back into appreciating her, just because I remembered the days she spent with me in the hospital. She was so patient, allowing and encouraging. She was never impatient. She didn't blame me a bit for the boring, long days in the small hospital. I myself couldn't be that patient, allowing and considerate. Her support meant so much for me then and there. And I would like to be a person who also can support my beloved ones like this. And after that deliberate remembering, my attitude shifted and the annoyance disappeared.

Yes. Sometimes, memory can make a big difference, though my Inner Being is always looking forward and moving forward.

All things are possible. If I can imagine the best case scenarios, activate the desired good feelings and then let them go without taking score too soon, feeling glad that at least I feel good in the time of imagining, then this process would be extremely beneficial for me. So:

All things are possible. We all have alignment almost on a daily basis. When we are all in alignment, our togetherness would be wonderful. We respect each other. We allow and understand each other. We speak nicely to each other. We have jokes to please each other. We genuinely and naturally praise each other. We share the same space in great harmony. We willingly support each other...
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