Abraham Hicks Quotes on Depression & Sadness
- spiritualcookie
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Abraham Hicks Quotes on Depression & Sadness
HS: My question has to do about mental health. When people are depressed, how do they align themselves correctly and get out of things like depression?
Can you put the emotional scale on the screen?
So take a look at it: depression where is it [on the emotional guidance scale]?
So the emotional scale: We've marked 22 stops on it.
And the most disconnected is number 22.
So 22, see, that's where fear and depression, despair, powerlessness are.
And that's the furthest from your Inner Being that you can be.
In other words, your Inner Being is up here, in all these Good Feeling places.
And so what that depression is:
It's something that you have a habit of focusing on that has you pinched off from your true resources.
So that's why you're depressed: Because you're not flowing.
And so what you do about it, is you try to find the best-feeling thought that you can find.
But most people don't know that, because most people don't know that there's a vibrational universe, and that they are vibration.
They know when they're happy and they know when they're not.
But most people can't quite make the association between what's causing what.
You can sort of kind of connect the dots but most people believe that the circumstances that they are living are unchangeable,
or that the people that have the power to change [circumstances] aren't changing them, and because they haven't accepted their [own] ability (- even, you might call it
their responsibility -) to adjust their own vibration, they don't do it.
And then the Law of Attraction just brings them more of the same,
until they begin to really feel defeated,
because they see others may be living better, but not them.
From the Youtube Clip: From the clip: Abraham Hicks 2023 - Depression and mental disabilities The law of attraction
Can you put the emotional scale on the screen?
So take a look at it: depression where is it [on the emotional guidance scale]?
So the emotional scale: We've marked 22 stops on it.
And the most disconnected is number 22.
So 22, see, that's where fear and depression, despair, powerlessness are.
And that's the furthest from your Inner Being that you can be.
In other words, your Inner Being is up here, in all these Good Feeling places.
And so what that depression is:
It's something that you have a habit of focusing on that has you pinched off from your true resources.
So that's why you're depressed: Because you're not flowing.
And so what you do about it, is you try to find the best-feeling thought that you can find.
But most people don't know that, because most people don't know that there's a vibrational universe, and that they are vibration.
They know when they're happy and they know when they're not.
But most people can't quite make the association between what's causing what.
You can sort of kind of connect the dots but most people believe that the circumstances that they are living are unchangeable,
or that the people that have the power to change [circumstances] aren't changing them, and because they haven't accepted their [own] ability (- even, you might call it
their responsibility -) to adjust their own vibration, they don't do it.
And then the Law of Attraction just brings them more of the same,
until they begin to really feel defeated,
because they see others may be living better, but not them.
From the Youtube Clip: From the clip: Abraham Hicks 2023 - Depression and mental disabilities The law of attraction
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
What to do when you're in a bad mood (eg feeling sad / depressed)
We've been saying to parents for a long time, or to anyone who wants to Mentor anyone:
When you're in a bad mood, own it.
And say: "I'm in a bad mood.
That's not going to get me anywhere."
To whoever is in the room [say], "Excuse me, I'm going to go off.
I'm going to do whatever I can do to get feeling better.
Maybe I'm going to put my feet in the pool.
Maybe I'm going to wade in some water in a ditch.
Maybe I'm going to take a nap.
I'm going to do something to change my focus, and see if I can't get feeling better."
And when you do, and you feel better,
then you re-enter the room.
And it's obvious that you went in there and you did something different, and now you are different.
From the Youtube Clip: From the clip: Abraham Hicks 2023 - Depression and mental disabilities The law of attraction
We've been saying to parents for a long time, or to anyone who wants to Mentor anyone:
When you're in a bad mood, own it.
And say: "I'm in a bad mood.
That's not going to get me anywhere."
To whoever is in the room [say], "Excuse me, I'm going to go off.
I'm going to do whatever I can do to get feeling better.
Maybe I'm going to put my feet in the pool.
Maybe I'm going to wade in some water in a ditch.
Maybe I'm going to take a nap.
I'm going to do something to change my focus, and see if I can't get feeling better."
And when you do, and you feel better,
then you re-enter the room.
And it's obvious that you went in there and you did something different, and now you are different.
From the Youtube Clip: From the clip: Abraham Hicks 2023 - Depression and mental disabilities The law of attraction
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Reach for the next levels up on the Emotional Guidance Scale, upwards from Depression
If you're in a state of depression, which is [level] 22 [on the Emotional Guidance Scale]...
really close to that is guilt and unworthiness, jealousy is not too far from that...
Rage; we recommend rage! (audience laughter)
Well the reason we recommend it is because it's a practiced-go-to.
It sure feels better than depression and powerlessness. You got to admit it don't you?
You ever just been furious about something?
Wouldn't you rather just be furious, than afraid?
When you think about it?
So there are a lot of people that would say: "oh no no.. no don't go there."
We say: "Go there! Go there!"
Self-interest matters.
They don't want you to go there because they don't want you to take your rage out on them, or even more Revenge.
We like Revenge even better than rage. (audience laughter)
Because now you're getting some of your power back a little bit.
We don't really encourage you to take the action..
Just think the thoughts for a little while.
If we were to ask you to go from despair or depression or powerlessness to Joy,
first of all you're nowhere near Joy.
You couldn't find that,
But you could find something that feels a little better and feels a little better..
And so our encouragement is reach for the best feeling thought that you can find.
And when you find it, notice that you feel better,
and be glad that you focused,
and that you accomplished that.
And it's our promise to you, you can work your way out of anything!
An Example of climbing up the EGS from Depression:
Just play with us for a little bit.
Let's say that you are in true depression, and depression is on one end of the stick: as
terrible as you can feel, and on the other end - your inner being is all the way over there in Joy.
But your inner being isn't going to present to you a scenario to take you all the way to Joy.
You're not even in the vibrational vicinity of it, [so] the Law of Attraction is not going to bring you to anything close to that [from where you are.]
But your inner being could help you to focus on Worthiness,
And that's an improvement.
So your inner being could actually focus with you on "why you don't like yourself"
and you could remember for a little bit that you had somebody barking at you all the time when you were little about how you didn't count for anything, and that if you keep going like that you're not going to make anything happen.
And somebody just kind of was after you all the time.
So now it's an improvement maybe too slight to be noticed, but it is a vibrational Improvement.
And once you get there now you're Inner Being is going to offer you a thought about Jealousy.
"Look at that person. They clearly had a better home life than I did.
It's not fair!"
Well it's not Joy. It's not contentment. But it sure feels better than that depression that you were feeling not long before.
Your inner being knows where you are.
Your inner being always knows where you are in relationship to where you really want to be.
And it's always calling you to the next logical step,
to the path of least resistance.
So now you're in jealousy. Not a pretty look but it's valid.
And you're justified.
Your life sucks and theirs doesn't!
In other words that's how you feel as you're focusing in this moment.
So now there's Hatred:
"I hate that that happened to me and not to them!
When I get rich and you get poor...!"
Feels better! It feels better!
And can you feel how since there's no judgment about the rightness or the wrongness of these emotions that these emotions are valid accurate indicators of your vibrational
point of Attraction - which is everything?
So on up to Discouragement and Blame and Worry... [and ever more upwards]
From the Youtube Clip: From the clip: Abraham Hicks 2023 - Depression and mental disabilities The law of attraction
If you're in a state of depression, which is [level] 22 [on the Emotional Guidance Scale]...
really close to that is guilt and unworthiness, jealousy is not too far from that...
Rage; we recommend rage! (audience laughter)
Well the reason we recommend it is because it's a practiced-go-to.
It sure feels better than depression and powerlessness. You got to admit it don't you?
You ever just been furious about something?
Wouldn't you rather just be furious, than afraid?
When you think about it?
So there are a lot of people that would say: "oh no no.. no don't go there."
We say: "Go there! Go there!"
Self-interest matters.
They don't want you to go there because they don't want you to take your rage out on them, or even more Revenge.
We like Revenge even better than rage. (audience laughter)
Because now you're getting some of your power back a little bit.
We don't really encourage you to take the action..
Just think the thoughts for a little while.
If we were to ask you to go from despair or depression or powerlessness to Joy,
first of all you're nowhere near Joy.
You couldn't find that,
But you could find something that feels a little better and feels a little better..
And so our encouragement is reach for the best feeling thought that you can find.
And when you find it, notice that you feel better,
and be glad that you focused,
and that you accomplished that.
And it's our promise to you, you can work your way out of anything!
An Example of climbing up the EGS from Depression:
Just play with us for a little bit.
Let's say that you are in true depression, and depression is on one end of the stick: as
terrible as you can feel, and on the other end - your inner being is all the way over there in Joy.
But your inner being isn't going to present to you a scenario to take you all the way to Joy.
You're not even in the vibrational vicinity of it, [so] the Law of Attraction is not going to bring you to anything close to that [from where you are.]
But your inner being could help you to focus on Worthiness,
And that's an improvement.
So your inner being could actually focus with you on "why you don't like yourself"
and you could remember for a little bit that you had somebody barking at you all the time when you were little about how you didn't count for anything, and that if you keep going like that you're not going to make anything happen.
And somebody just kind of was after you all the time.
So now it's an improvement maybe too slight to be noticed, but it is a vibrational Improvement.
And once you get there now you're Inner Being is going to offer you a thought about Jealousy.
"Look at that person. They clearly had a better home life than I did.
It's not fair!"
Well it's not Joy. It's not contentment. But it sure feels better than that depression that you were feeling not long before.
Your inner being knows where you are.
Your inner being always knows where you are in relationship to where you really want to be.
And it's always calling you to the next logical step,
to the path of least resistance.
So now you're in jealousy. Not a pretty look but it's valid.
And you're justified.
Your life sucks and theirs doesn't!
In other words that's how you feel as you're focusing in this moment.
So now there's Hatred:
"I hate that that happened to me and not to them!
When I get rich and you get poor...!"
Feels better! It feels better!
And can you feel how since there's no judgment about the rightness or the wrongness of these emotions that these emotions are valid accurate indicators of your vibrational
point of Attraction - which is everything?
So on up to Discouragement and Blame and Worry... [and ever more upwards]
From the Youtube Clip: From the clip: Abraham Hicks 2023 - Depression and mental disabilities The law of attraction
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Abraham on Bipolar Depression
Hotseater wants to know what to tell someone who has been diagnosed with bipolar depression.
So you be that person for a minute, and we would say to you:
"Everyone's bipolar!
Because everyone has an Inner Being who is in ecstasy and love,
and everyone pinches themselves off from it, which is Agony and Defeat.
Now maybe you don't have those strong shifts...
But every subject is really two subjects: "wanted" and "absence of it".
[The two bipolar poles]
It's just the way that it is.
From the Youtube Clip: From the clip: Abraham Hicks 2023 - Depression and mental disabilities The law of attraction
Hotseater wants to know what to tell someone who has been diagnosed with bipolar depression.
So you be that person for a minute, and we would say to you:
"Everyone's bipolar!
Because everyone has an Inner Being who is in ecstasy and love,
and everyone pinches themselves off from it, which is Agony and Defeat.
Now maybe you don't have those strong shifts...
But every subject is really two subjects: "wanted" and "absence of it".
[The two bipolar poles]
It's just the way that it is.
From the Youtube Clip: From the clip: Abraham Hicks 2023 - Depression and mental disabilities The law of attraction
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Abraham on a Diagnosis of Clinical Depression by Professional Psychiatrists
HS: okay um one of my very good friends - she's very very depressed um clinically depressed and been on drugs since she was 20 and now she's 40.
Abe: Now stop for just a moment and think about [that]:
Very depressed:
So this is your marble in your bag about her.
That's going to get you nowhere.
You said "clinically depressed". That means it's validated.
There's probably a certificate somewhere that validates that seriousness, which justifies why you believe it so much.
But what if she's just somebody on the emotional scale that has the ability to move up?
And she does! Everyone does!
If you know someone who is depressed, try to activate your happiest memories with them to align with that version of them
Is she [Hotseater's friend who was diagnosed with clinical depression] ever fun?
HS: She is fun.
Abe: Pick that marble up and put it in your bag, and activate in your mind things that she does that are fun or funny.
And get that going in you.
Get those juices flowing.
That could be enough, you see.
You can't think about that [negative version of a person] and that [positive version of a person] at the same time.
What you're thinking about is "Fun!".
Can you remember something that was fun or funny that she did?
HS: Absolutely!
Abe: Tell us.
HS: We were standing - she was on a roof. And I was standing on a ladder. And she's
much taller than me, and I couldn't reach, so she grabbed me and pulled me onto the roof!
Abe: So not only is she fun she's Brave.
And not only is she Brave, she cares about you.
So now you got three really good marbles in your bag.
And she's strong and she has good balance and good motor skills and she's trustworthy. She could have thrown you off the cliff -
But now look at all those marbles that you've got activated/
And now play that over in your mind a little bit, and think about it,
and tell the story to others all the time. And let that be the story that you think of, and [let that be] the story that you tell for just a little while.
And then go and engage with her and watch what happens.
You've activated something specifically significantly improved from the way she normally saw herself.
Discover your power in that.
It works. we're not kidding you. It works.
Now is it your job to gather Marbles,
and go visit her, and gather Marbles and go visit her and gather Marbles and go
visit her.
But it's your job to align with your inner being and so if you're going to think about her, you darn well want to have the right marbles in your bag if you're going to think about her.
From the Youtube Clip: From the clip: Abraham Hicks 2023 - Depression and mental disabilities The law of attraction
HS: okay um one of my very good friends - she's very very depressed um clinically depressed and been on drugs since she was 20 and now she's 40.
Abe: Now stop for just a moment and think about [that]:
Very depressed:
So this is your marble in your bag about her.
That's going to get you nowhere.
You said "clinically depressed". That means it's validated.
There's probably a certificate somewhere that validates that seriousness, which justifies why you believe it so much.
But what if she's just somebody on the emotional scale that has the ability to move up?
And she does! Everyone does!
If you know someone who is depressed, try to activate your happiest memories with them to align with that version of them
Is she [Hotseater's friend who was diagnosed with clinical depression] ever fun?
HS: She is fun.
Abe: Pick that marble up and put it in your bag, and activate in your mind things that she does that are fun or funny.
And get that going in you.
Get those juices flowing.
That could be enough, you see.
You can't think about that [negative version of a person] and that [positive version of a person] at the same time.
What you're thinking about is "Fun!".
Can you remember something that was fun or funny that she did?
HS: Absolutely!
Abe: Tell us.
HS: We were standing - she was on a roof. And I was standing on a ladder. And she's
much taller than me, and I couldn't reach, so she grabbed me and pulled me onto the roof!
Abe: So not only is she fun she's Brave.
And not only is she Brave, she cares about you.
So now you got three really good marbles in your bag.
And she's strong and she has good balance and good motor skills and she's trustworthy. She could have thrown you off the cliff -
But now look at all those marbles that you've got activated/
And now play that over in your mind a little bit, and think about it,
and tell the story to others all the time. And let that be the story that you think of, and [let that be] the story that you tell for just a little while.
And then go and engage with her and watch what happens.
You've activated something specifically significantly improved from the way she normally saw herself.
Discover your power in that.
It works. we're not kidding you. It works.
Now is it your job to gather Marbles,
and go visit her, and gather Marbles and go visit her and gather Marbles and go
visit her.
But it's your job to align with your inner being and so if you're going to think about her, you darn well want to have the right marbles in your bag if you're going to think about her.
From the Youtube Clip: From the clip: Abraham Hicks 2023 - Depression and mental disabilities The law of attraction
- Paradise-on-Earth
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What Tears are: Releasing of Resistance.
"The Relief-Factor"
HS ("Scott", a former Abe-Forum-moderator, who was epically often in the HS and almost regularly gets into the HS 2x, within a WS):
I'd like to have you talk about The Human Experience of tears.
And I'm curious about it, because they come in all sorts of forms- whether people win the lottery, or they go bankrupt, or a baby is born, or someone dies. Tears seem to be a somewhat Universal expression for a wide range of emotions! Could you explain the commonality in that experience?
The commonality is this:
There is release, every time. Release of what?
Release of resistance- every time.
Now there is a variable here. But usually the amount of Tears is proportionate to the amount of release. So, think about the examples that you offered here!
Someone dies- well that one's easy. Enormous relief or release. And if you have been close to the one who is making their transition, and you've watched them struggle, suffer, struggle, suffer, struggle, suffer... and then you see, in a moment that struggling- suffering stop. Sometimes if you are vibrationally in alignment with who you really are enough, so you can feel the Ecstasy that they feel as they release into non-physical! But at a minimum you're experiencing the relief of watching the suffering stop, you see.
In moments of extreme joy it is an abrupt focusing from something less joyful into something more joyful. As Jerry and Esther were driving from where their monster-bus is parked to the hotel yesterday, their car was closed up, and no outside air was coming in, or very little. And Esther said to Jerry: "I'm getting the vibration of orange blossoms, even though I haven't seen them! And I don't think I'm smelling them yet, but at some level I'm beginning to smell them!" and Jerry is sniffing and Esther's sniffing, and they're pretty sure they're not actually smelling them yet- but at some level they were receiving the vibration of those orange blossoms. Which was bringing up some memory of something wonderful.
And when Esther got out of the car, to go into the 7-Eleven to buy the bottle of water, tears filled her eyes, as her lungs were filled with the real life fragrance undeniable of orange blossoms! In other words- "I wasn't imagining it!" she thought. There it was, now! -Seems silly to be so moved and so touched by something, but what it was, was an awareness of something lovely, and an expectation of having a manifestation of it. And then, the realism of the manifestation of it! -Even something like that can bring a sensitive one to tears of appreciation. Which were relief, from what? Now this is what we're talking about! In that relief-factor, you see!
And this is the reason this question is so magnificent, because it gives us an opportunity to talk about the relief-factor. No matter where you are, along the emotional scale, you talk about things that should make you sad, making you cry, and things that should make you happy, making you cry. And we say: It's all about the relativity of moving from one vibration to another.
And so, the more sensitive you are to vibration, the more that relief-factor would play in.
There are people who cry at everything! -Esther watches people win money on game shows, it makes her cry. She likes the feeling of them, moving into a new place in their personal manifestation, you see. So, sensitivity to vibration could make you cry easily.
Or, jumping a big vibration and having a big wad of release could make you cry.
Okay. My other question is...
That was really good!! Did you write "really good, really really good, important!!"? (laughter)
"The Relief-Factor"
HS ("Scott", a former Abe-Forum-moderator, who was epically often in the HS and almost regularly gets into the HS 2x, within a WS):
I'd like to have you talk about The Human Experience of tears.
And I'm curious about it, because they come in all sorts of forms- whether people win the lottery, or they go bankrupt, or a baby is born, or someone dies. Tears seem to be a somewhat Universal expression for a wide range of emotions! Could you explain the commonality in that experience?
The commonality is this:
There is release, every time. Release of what?
Release of resistance- every time.
Now there is a variable here. But usually the amount of Tears is proportionate to the amount of release. So, think about the examples that you offered here!
Someone dies- well that one's easy. Enormous relief or release. And if you have been close to the one who is making their transition, and you've watched them struggle, suffer, struggle, suffer, struggle, suffer... and then you see, in a moment that struggling- suffering stop. Sometimes if you are vibrationally in alignment with who you really are enough, so you can feel the Ecstasy that they feel as they release into non-physical! But at a minimum you're experiencing the relief of watching the suffering stop, you see.
In moments of extreme joy it is an abrupt focusing from something less joyful into something more joyful. As Jerry and Esther were driving from where their monster-bus is parked to the hotel yesterday, their car was closed up, and no outside air was coming in, or very little. And Esther said to Jerry: "I'm getting the vibration of orange blossoms, even though I haven't seen them! And I don't think I'm smelling them yet, but at some level I'm beginning to smell them!" and Jerry is sniffing and Esther's sniffing, and they're pretty sure they're not actually smelling them yet- but at some level they were receiving the vibration of those orange blossoms. Which was bringing up some memory of something wonderful.
And when Esther got out of the car, to go into the 7-Eleven to buy the bottle of water, tears filled her eyes, as her lungs were filled with the real life fragrance undeniable of orange blossoms! In other words- "I wasn't imagining it!" she thought. There it was, now! -Seems silly to be so moved and so touched by something, but what it was, was an awareness of something lovely, and an expectation of having a manifestation of it. And then, the realism of the manifestation of it! -Even something like that can bring a sensitive one to tears of appreciation. Which were relief, from what? Now this is what we're talking about! In that relief-factor, you see!
And this is the reason this question is so magnificent, because it gives us an opportunity to talk about the relief-factor. No matter where you are, along the emotional scale, you talk about things that should make you sad, making you cry, and things that should make you happy, making you cry. And we say: It's all about the relativity of moving from one vibration to another.
And so, the more sensitive you are to vibration, the more that relief-factor would play in.
There are people who cry at everything! -Esther watches people win money on game shows, it makes her cry. She likes the feeling of them, moving into a new place in their personal manifestation, you see. So, sensitivity to vibration could make you cry easily.
Or, jumping a big vibration and having a big wad of release could make you cry.
Okay. My other question is...
That was really good!! Did you write "really good, really really good, important!!"? (laughter)
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4484
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
Don't have the conversation!
Don't ask what's wrong.
Don't worry about what's wrong.
Pull as quickly as you can away
from any thought that is giving you
the feeling of frustration.
Abraham Hicks
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
You may be one who cannot remember the last time you felt good about anything.
Through the circumstances of your life that you have been observing,
you may have developed a set-point that hold you consistently out of range of your connection to Well-Being. (...)
The only thing that matters is that you CONSCIOUSLY discover some relief, no mater how slight it is. And that you understand that your relief has come in response to some deliberate effort that you have offered.
For when you are able to find relief, then you have regained creative control of your own experience, and then you are on your way to wherever you desire to go.
- AH
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Emptiness occurs when you Believe Something Your Inner Being Knows Isn't True
There is no greater emptiness in all of all that is, (...)
than the emptiness that humans accomplish on their own
when they conclude something that just isn't so.
That's what loneliness is;
That's what depression is;
That's what every horrible feeling emotion is.
And then they get all sure of themselves:
"I feel so terrible, I must be right!
I feel so terrible I must be right about this!"
Know for sure but when you're feeling terrible, for sure you're not right about whatever it is you're thinking about while you're feeling terrible.
You could not be more wrong.
You could not be more off base.
You could not be more out of kilter.
But you get to create your own reality.
You get to deprive yourself of as much of that -
or allow yourself as much of that -
as you choose, you see.
Because you have the free will to choose it; to allow it to be it; to have it ; to pinch it off.
- Abraham Hicks
From the youtube clip: "Abraham Hicks ~ WHY Do I FEEL So EMPTY"
There is no greater emptiness in all of all that is, (...)
than the emptiness that humans accomplish on their own
when they conclude something that just isn't so.
That's what loneliness is;
That's what depression is;
That's what every horrible feeling emotion is.
And then they get all sure of themselves:
"I feel so terrible, I must be right!
I feel so terrible I must be right about this!"
Know for sure but when you're feeling terrible, for sure you're not right about whatever it is you're thinking about while you're feeling terrible.
You could not be more wrong.
You could not be more off base.
You could not be more out of kilter.
But you get to create your own reality.
You get to deprive yourself of as much of that -
or allow yourself as much of that -
as you choose, you see.
Because you have the free will to choose it; to allow it to be it; to have it ; to pinch it off.
- Abraham Hicks
From the youtube clip: "Abraham Hicks ~ WHY Do I FEEL So EMPTY"
- Paradise-on-Earth
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- Posts: 4484
- Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:19 am
It's ok to be annoyed!
Nothing is more annoying than to be in a place of feeling not very good-
and have some bright eyed, bushy tailed person trying to fix you!
Abraham Hicks
Nothing is more annoying than to be in a place of feeling not very good-
and have some bright eyed, bushy tailed person trying to fix you!
Abraham Hicks
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