Practice a little every day

This new forum is created and a focus for those that want to participate with the study of Abraham-Hicks in their many books and processes.
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Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

The last time I did a practice diary on here was so effective in helping me keep a good habit going, so I thought I'd give it another go with a more general Abraham Practice thread 😊

In this thread, I intend to do at least one Abraham practice a day. It can be meditation, it can be reading some Abraham quotes, or doing an Abraham process like an appreciation or setting intentions. This is a diary of my Abraham-inspired work to help raise vibration steadily.

Here goes! :hearts:

PS If anyone wants to drop in to say hi or make a comment, you're very welcome to! :wave::heart:

spiritualcookie wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 3:09 pm
Why we do the processes, a reminder:

The purpose of each process is to:
- Raise your vibrational frequency. (...)
- Release your resistance (...)
- Find the relief from resistance (...)
- [Find] an improved feeling (...) to improve my emotional set-point. (...)

A deliberate utilization of these processes will help you move your Emotional Set point and therefore change your point of attraction.

You will begin to observe immediate improvement - even on your first day of the application of these games.

And with more practice, you will improve your point of attraction on every subject of your life.

- Abraham
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 1:

✅ Read some uplifting Abe quotes today from our wonderful collection here on the forum. It often puts me in a better mood reading Abe! 🥰

✅ Looked at some feel-good pictures on pinterest :banana-linedance:
There are so many talented artists making such beautiful, inspiring artworks! I so appreciate those who add inspiring words to their art too with the aim of uplifting, inspiring and helping others :hearts:

✅ Did a little bit of intending throughout the day :character-yoshi:
It always make me feel more powerful, more deliberate and more in control of my reality when I intend :wizard:
I am intending perfect health
I am intending relaxation
I am intending to allow wellness and wellbeing to flow to me with ease as I relax more
I am intending to feel good
I am intending to remember to breathe deeply, and ease and relax my muscles
I am intending to feel a little better all the time
I am intending to raise my vibration bit by bit
I am intending to create a reality around me that is full of pleasant, feel-good experiences to observe
I am intending to find the beauty and fun in things
I am intending to find things to appreciate all around me
I am intending to see the good
I am intending to feel inspired
I am intending to feel uplifted more and more
I can do it! :hearts:

✅ Appreciation for the song: Hoe by Nielson & Miss Montreal
I've enjoying having this song stuck in my head all evening so thought I might as well do a little appreciation for it :lol:
I love how it feels cute, light-hearted and fun ~
I love how it feels upbeat and lively :)
I love how catchy it is!
I love the two-part duet harmony bit at the end - I love how harmonious their voices are; how well they fit together ~
I kinda love that I don't understand the words! :lol: so I can just enjoy the tune - the energy of it - more purely!
I love how it's gentle and kinda soft; happy in a calm way ^_^
I love how it makes me feel a little more light and upbeat too! 🎵
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 2:

I am intending to take time to tune in
I am intending to breathe deeply and relax my body often
I am intending to use the moments of time between activities to tune into my heart and my Inner Being to ask for guidance: What is my highest excitement right now? What can I do that will serve me and All That Is the most right now? That will be for the highest good?
I am intending to breathe out any tension
I am intending to feel ease and calm
I am intending to tune into lightness, brightness and happiness
I am intending to see beauty all around me
I am intending to see kindness and love all around me
I am intending to see the good all around me
I am intending to feel good
All is very well :hearts:

I so appreciate witnessing my mum's magical psychic moments.
Today I was telling her about a plastic-free brush I was gifted made of materials I hadn't heard of before, and she asked: "Is it made of sisal?" And I said, "Yes! How did you know? What even IS sisal??" And she said "I don't know - I just saw the word "sisal" written in my mind's eye!" It's so cool! I love her gift! 🥰
I love knowing that it's possible to be psychic!
I love knowing that it's possible to receive information that's new to you from Source directly!
I love knowing that I'm related to someone who has this gift - it helps me believe that maybe I can do it too! :youbetcha: :rocket-of-desire: :angelic-whiteflying:

- I liked that I managed to be disciplined at breakfast time and stick to my morning intentions :clap:
- I enjoyed my little exchange with Elke, learning interesting new things. I love the feeling of discovery and the feeling of sharing lovely energy when we chat :in_love:
- I liked being able to help my mum with the cooking today - it feels good to be helpful :)
- I liked being able to add comments that felt of value :hearts:
- I liked that the inspiration came to me today for marketing strategies I haven't thought of before :)
- I liked that the veggies I picked from my garden today were so BIG! It's satisfying when they're giant sized! :lol:
- I liked seeing my tromboncinos growing.. growing.. growing! The biggest one is nice and chunky! At least 40cm if not more! I'm looking forward to picking our first one tomorrow and tasting it! :dance:
- I like that I was gifted some pretty shirts today. I'm looking forward to trying them tomorrow! :happy117:
- I liked discovering a new product today for washing the dishes with! Who knew scourers could have handles! :lol: I love these kinds of little everyday expansions! I'm excited to try it out!
- I loved discovering that there is such a thing as tomato seed oil today!
- I liked how easy it was to do my work today and how I got so much done :thumbup:
I love seeing the to-do list shrink as I get through it! It's very satisfying!
- I like feeling that doing this Abe work is helping already! I already feel lighter, brighter and like my vibration is raising. I felt it already after just one day of doing the work! It's magical! :wizard:

- I am intending feeling good
- I am intending a relaxed, easy, cosy, comfy, good night's sleep :)
- I am intending that the things I'm waiting for will drop into my inbox just as I wake up, with perfect timing. I love this idea of creating a reality of perfect timing. I like the idea of sleeping peacefully, trusting in this perfect timing of arrival. That would be so nice!
- I am intending waking up feeling good in my body, feeling in a good mood, in a good set-point for the day
- I am intending seeing my vibration raise bit by bit every minute, every hour, every morning, every day, in every way :hearts:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 3:

Good morning!

I am intending to have a good, feel-good day today :)
I am intending to feel good in my physical body
I am intending perfect health
I am intending feeling relaxed in my body; in my gut; in my muscles
I am intending seeing the good all around me
I am intending easily tuning into fun and laughter
I am intending tuning into joy often
I am intending tuning into appreciation often
I am intending finding magic, surprise and delight
I am intending experiencing joyfully interesting, useful things
I am intending experiencing satisfaction often
I am intending to keep to my goals with lightness and ease
I am intending to have a good day ☺️


- I appreciate the facebook group that makes me feel like we're all in this together. The discord group too, and the group on reddit. i appreciate how people are so willing to share, give tips and help :hearts:
- I appreciate that I'm part of this system that allows new discoveries every day! It's so fun discovering new things, new brands, new artistic creations, new inventions. I love this opportunity for expansion every day.
- I appreciate my steady dedication to being part of this system.
- I appreciate my new calendar. The header is so pretty with such beautiful colours! Just bathing in these pastel colours feels so uplifting and soothing to me every time I look at it. I'm so happy I changed it!

- It was fun picking the tromboncino today. It feels like it grew a couple of inches overnight! :lol: It was huge! 19 inches! And it felt so full of life-force, so firm, so healthy, so vibrantly deep green!, so full of goodness, full of sunshine and nutrition. I'm looking forward to tasting it for lunch tomorrow.
- It was exciting picking my first ever home-grown carrots today! They were so cute and small! :lol: It felt exciting getting to taste them too! They were so sweet and potent! Almost as if they were already flavoured with parsley and dill even though they came straight from the ground! It's so much fun having tasting experiences like these.
- I so appreciate the internet and chatGPT for answering any questions I have, from question on carrots to anything really! It's so amazing and useful and nice to have expert advice on hand with such swiftness and ease.

- I appreciate that it's such a nice day today. The sky is blue, the sun is shining, it's a pleasant temperature, the trees are softly undulating their leaves in the breeze, a few fluffy cotton-wool clouds sit quietly on the horizon. It feels peaceful. It is quiet in the neighbourhood. It feels nice :)
Just as I write this, a little child walking past my window with her mother is shouting Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!, just as I was observing how quiet it was :lol: The timing makes me laugh! And like a passing cloud, the child has been placated by its mother's attention and all is quiet and peaceful again :)
- I appreciate feeling the soft breeze on my skin
- I appreciate the golden nature of the light - I always enjoy the light at this hour
- I appreciate the deliveries I received today - it always feels like opening up presents! :D
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 4:

I am enjoying looking for good morning images on pinterest ^_^
There is such an abundance of creativity, beauty, colour and good intentions on there.
I look outside my window for things to appreciate:
The sky is as clear as can be; a smooth sky-blue as far as the eyes can see. I like this clarity. I like what it symbolises too :)
The leaves are still; the air is calm. The leaves, a lush, healthy green, exuding life force. I like seeing this bit of nature outside my window.
A magpie chatters softly on a faraway branch, a crow caws, blue tits chirp and titter, a lone wood pigeon sings its distinct morning greeting - signs of life abound all around. Life force is vibrating all around.
A boy leisurely, slowly rides his bike down the street soundlessly.
It is peaceful, still, quiet.
All is well in my body; all feels calm and well there too
All feels well.

I like having all these options.
I like having this buffet before me that I can pick and choose whatever I want and leave whatever I want
I like that I was given this gift - that I attracted this gift! It is quite an amazing bit of LOA evidence :)
Thinking about it, it's funny that I attracted this one beautiful gift, and now I've attracted it for a third time! And each time it's a better and better version! It's like now that I know it's possible, it comes so easily! LOA for sure!
I am so lucky! I am so fortunate! I love that I am attracting such wonderful things into my life with so much ease :hearts:
I wonder if I manage to win the lottery one of these days, then I'll start winning it repeatedly too, feeling how possible it is! :lol:

I like noticing art all around me. It is everywhere! On the cup on my table, on the graphic design on my body lotion label. The lamp here was thoughtfully sculpted, designed, like an art sculpture, thoughtfully considered to look just as it does. Every item has a person's creativity behind it: the colour chosen, the shape chosen: Hundreds of hearts behind the contents of things in one room. We truly are all inter-connected; we are touched by hundreds of people's lives, thoughts and care, even whilst being alone in a room. It's quite wonderful to think! We're always being supported by this interconnectedness. We are always being helped by it.
And just as I write this, I'm getting the song lyric in my head:
"I look above
And I know I'll always be blessed with love" :hearts:

I liked seeing her make the effort to be positive today :in_love:
She did so well!
I liked seeing her giving compliments
I liked seeing her seeking out those things to appreciate - and saying them out loud! Sharing these nice things with me! Giving the positivity air time. So good!
I liked the feeling it created in the air when I heard her appreciations
I liked the feeling it created in me when I heard her appreciating
It felt sweet, and uplifting and cute
I felt proud of her for doing the work! Applying what she knows. I loved witnessing it! :eusa-clap:

I'm happy I got to clean and organize my wardrobes today - it feels satisfying having everything more tidy.
I'm happy I got to taste my tromboncino today - it was so much tastier than regular courgettes and made my veggie mix extra delicious!
I'm happy I got through some work today too - It's always satisfying and relieving to get it done.
I'm happy I sold a new design for the first time today - it's always satisfying to see people finding something new I've made, and liking it enough to buy it :)

I loved the appreciation post from BlueGlassButterflies today. What a sweet appreciation! And it echoes my feelings so well also! :hearts:
It will be so nice to see more people finding the forum, posting, asking questions, playing, interacting ~
It will feel so lively and full of interest, helpfulness, kindness and inspiration.
It is already full of these qualities with the small community we have here ( :wave: :hearts:) And how lovely it will be to grow these things and have even more people enjoy them too! :cute:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 5:

✅ Reminder of an Abe Rampage for Mornings:
spiritualcookie wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 11:08 pm Example of a Morning Pre-paving / Intending for a Good Day

This is a new morning
This is a new day
This is a new vibrational point of attraction
This is a new beginning
This is me new into the world
This is me choosing my vibrations more deliberately
This is me in this good morning being aware of the way I am feeling
This is me being in touch with my emotions
This is me in my good morning, being aware of the value of my emotions
This is me, new in this day with a vortex full of all kinds of things
that are readily - even immediately - some eventually - all eventually - available to me
This is a really good day
This is the beginning of me deliberately tuning myself to the frequency that allows my receptive mode
This is me in my new day, in this good morning, allowing myself more than ever before to be in the receptive mode: The receptive mode of everything that I've intended, everything that I've asked for, everything that I've put into the vortex - all that I've become. Full alignment with all that I have become.
This is a good day
This is a new beginning
This is a new beginning for me

From the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks - 10 Minute Morning Meditation For A Great Day! - Manifestation, Law of Attraction

✅ Did some Abe reading :)
I'm re-reading Ask and it is Given to remind me of the Processes, and am making little quote arts with my favourite quotes to hopefully help promote this forum a little to get the word out there that we're here. I'm enjoying the process of reading, taking in Abraham's wisdom and resonant teachings, and picking out my favourite bits to add here to the quotes sections, and to the picture-quote-art.

Today I made these 2:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 6:

- Today I intend to keep to my lettuce goal :lol: I can do it! :hearts:
UPDATE: I did it!! yay! :dance:
- I am intending breathing deeply often
- I am intending feeling relaxed in my body
- I am intending noticing the good all around me
- I am intending taking a moment to really take in the good and give it some appreciation :)
- I am intending to feel the love in my heart
- I am intending to feel interest and flow
- I am intending to have moments of fun and laughter
- I am intending to express my playfulness
- I am intending to have a good day :)

Today I noticed something: There are some activities that for some reason, they can easily switch on a tense / frantic trigger. Things like washing your face - there are people who for some reason do it really hard and frantically - as if the soap has a time limit and the faster and harder you do it the better :lol: Or vacuuming with my handheld vacuum - with the machine making a huge noise, there is an urge for some reason to match the loudness of the machine with rougher movements. I noticed today that if I'm deliberate about slowing down, breathing, relaxing while doing these activities; deilberately being gentle; being really conscious about it and not letting the pre-programmed urges to take over - I feel so powerful! In the soft gentle slowness - in the deilberateness, it feels really really good! I feel really in control of my vibration and it feels wonderful! I wonder what other activities there are where I'm pre-programmed for a less-than-feel-good habitual response that I can be more deilberate about to make them more relaxed and more feel-good! It'll be fun to practice this! :) :hearts:


Just saw this beautiful pattern and wanted to do a little appreciation on it:
I love how soft the colours are.
I love how it feels so harmonious and balanced.
I love how the orangey pinks and greens complement each other so beautifully
I love how it makes me feel summery
I love how alive and lively it feels, in a soft, gentle way
I love how feminine it feels
I love how pastels feels so soothing and calming
I love thinking of the artist that made this and how much joy they had in picking the colours, painting each shape, thinking what goes next to what - how satisfying that must have been seeing it all come together so beautifully :)
So pretty and beautiful and full of good vibes and artistic talent - I love it :hearts:


I'm so proud of myself for keeping to my lettuce goal! Yay! My body feels better for it! :hearts:
It was fun trying out the new art pens
I'm happy the work on the house is coming to an end, and that the painted surface looks so nice now : )
I loved the youtube email manifestation I received today sending me free stuff!
And I loved the synchronicity of it happening just as I was doing work on the forum about manifesting abundance in unexpected ways!
I loved the feeling of organizing the Beliefs quotes with an index. It feels so good to make things easy to find.
I'm happy the hot weather felt tolerable afterall : )
I enjoyed watching the movie No Strings Attached :) It felt good and hopeful seeing that even a character that's far from perfect, and who faced a lot of challenges had her happy ending. I love movies with happy endings - especially those that are well-acted like this one.
I enjoyed finding out that Inside Out 2 has come out ~ and I enjoyed feeling the baby spark of desire be born to watch it.

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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:55 am
- Today I intend to keep to my lettuce goal
If this is no secret, please reveal what a lettuce goal is! :lol: :hearts:
There are some activities that for some reason, they can easily switch on a tense / frantic trigger. Things like washing your face - there are people who for some reason do it really hard and frantically - as if the soap has a time limit and the faster and harder you do it the better :lol: Or vacuuming with my handheld vacuum - with the machine making a huge noise, there is an urge for some reason to match the loudness of the machine with rougher movements. I noticed today that if I'm deliberate about slowing down, breathing, relaxing while doing these activities; deilberately being gentle; being really conscious about it and not letting the pre-programmed urges to take over - I feel so powerful! In the soft gentle slowness - in the deilberateness, it feels really really good! I feel really in control of my vibration and it feels wonderful! I wonder what other activities there are where I'm pre-programmed for a less-than-feel-good habitual response that I can be more deilberate about to make them more relaxed and more feel-good! It'll be fun to practice this! :) :hearts:
Never thought of that... That is an awesome train of thoughts! I like that!! Very inspiring! :ta: for sharing!!
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:15 am
spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:55 am - Today I intend to keep to my lettuce goal
If this is no secret, please reveal what a lettuce goal is! :lol: :hearts:
I struggle a bit with overeating, especially things that are crunchy / crispy snacks. So I'm trying a new goal that when I feel like eating something with that texture I'll eat some crisp lettuce instead haha! :lol: Hopefully it will still have that sense of crispy satisfaction to it!
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

:clap: :hearts: That is sweet!! :hearts:

While *I* LOVE getting reminded that it is not about calories (or even food, at all)... just about our belief... (Hoping not to drag down your challenge!!?) :shifty: :kiss: :kiss:

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