Day 4:
I am enjoying looking for good morning images on pinterest ^_^
There is such an abundance of creativity, beauty, colour and good intentions on there.
I look outside my window for things to appreciate:
The sky is as clear as can be; a smooth sky-blue as far as the eyes can see. I like this clarity. I like what it symbolises too
The leaves are still; the air is calm. The leaves, a lush, healthy green, exuding life force. I like seeing this bit of nature outside my window.
A magpie chatters softly on a faraway branch, a crow caws, blue tits chirp and titter, a lone wood pigeon sings its distinct morning greeting - signs of life abound all around. Life force is vibrating all around.
A boy leisurely, slowly rides his bike down the street soundlessly.
It is peaceful, still, quiet.
All is well in my body; all feels calm and well there too
All feels well.
I like having all these options.
I like having this buffet before me that I can pick and choose whatever I want and leave whatever I want
I like that I was given this gift - that I attracted this gift! It is quite an amazing bit of LOA evidence
Thinking about it, it's funny that I attracted this one beautiful gift, and now I've attracted it for a third time! And each time it's a better and better version! It's like now that I know it's possible, it comes so easily! LOA for sure!
I am so lucky! I am so fortunate! I love that I am attracting such wonderful things into my life with so much ease
I wonder if I manage to win the lottery one of these days, then I'll start winning it repeatedly too, feeling how possible it is!
I like noticing art all around me. It is everywhere! On the cup on my table, on the graphic design on my body lotion label. The lamp here was thoughtfully sculpted, designed, like an art sculpture, thoughtfully considered to look just as it does. Every item has a person's creativity behind it: the colour chosen, the shape chosen: Hundreds of hearts behind the contents of things in one room. We truly are all inter-connected; we are touched by hundreds of people's lives, thoughts and care, even whilst being alone in a room. It's quite wonderful to think! We're always being supported by this interconnectedness. We are always being helped by it.
And just as I write this, I'm getting the song lyric in my head:
"I look above
And I know I'll always be blessed with love"
I liked seeing her make the effort to be positive today
She did so well!
I liked seeing her giving compliments
I liked seeing her seeking out those things to appreciate - and saying them out loud! Sharing these nice things with me! Giving the positivity air time. So good!
I liked the feeling it created in the air when I heard her appreciations
I liked the feeling it created in me when I heard her appreciating
It felt sweet, and uplifting and cute
I felt proud of her for doing the work! Applying what she knows. I loved witnessing it!
I'm happy I got to clean and organize my wardrobes today - it feels satisfying having everything more tidy.
I'm happy I got to taste my tromboncino today - it was so much tastier than regular courgettes and made my veggie mix extra delicious!
I'm happy I got through some work today too - It's always satisfying and relieving to get it done.
I'm happy I sold a new design for the first time today - it's always satisfying to see people finding something new I've made, and liking it enough to buy it
I loved the
appreciation post from BlueGlassButterflies today. What a sweet appreciation! And it echoes my feelings so well also!
It will be so nice to see more people finding the forum, posting, asking questions, playing, interacting ~
It will feel so lively and full of interest, helpfulness, kindness and inspiration.
It is already full of these qualities with the small community we have here (
) And how lovely it will be to grow these things and have even more people enjoy them too!