Practice a little every day

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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:23 am crispy satisfaction
I thought about it... what IS crispy satisfaction? WHY do we want it? (I know, there are whole businesses about measuring and matching the perfect satisfaction of crunch... textural and sound-related) But what really IS IT ABOUT that we "desire"? :think:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:56 am While *I* LOVE getting reminded that it is not about calories (or even food, at all)... just about our belief... (Hoping not to drag down your challenge!!?) :shifty: :kiss: :kiss:
For me it's not about the calories. My body has become very reactive to food in recent years (food allergies / heartburn) and these snacks set off all sorts of undesirable physical symptoms for me so I want to try and replace them with something my body likes more (and that I have more positive beliefs about, that I BELIEVE it will be better for my body) - but it's hard because the desire for these "bad for me" foods is so strong!

Back when I was meditating and asking Source questions, I asked about what these physical symptoms to food represent - why I got them. The answer I got was:
The things I react to are things I feel guilty about eating on some level. (eg chocolate, snacks, eating beyond the amount I know I should eat).
i think these things are not good for me - yet i eat them anyway. That is why they're giving me symptoms.
- you must relax
- not feel guilty about what you eat -

How can i not feel guilty about eating things i think are unhealthy for me?
let go of beliefs about which foods are good for you.
Believe what you choose IS good for you.

How can i believe this?
It's split energy you have.
You like a food, yet you think it's not good for you.
This causes tension.
let go of the tension.
make peace with all foods! Make peace with them!
it is all ok.
you are ok.
all is well.
enjoy your food
enjoy your choices - whatever they are with no split energy
This is all very well to understand intellectually - but I have not yet mastered feeling good about "unhealthy" food choices. Still some work to do on this - and to be honest - I'm not quite sure how to work on this! How do you believe that something you already believe is bad for you, is actually ok for you?
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:59 am I thought about it... what IS crispy satisfaction? WHY do we want it? (I know, there are whole businesses about measuring and matching the perfect satisfaction of crunch... textural and sound-related) But what really IS IT ABOUT that we "desire"? :think:
I have thought about this too! I read in a book by Doreen Virtue that crispy crunchy cravings represent frustration. As we CRUNCH! it gets out some of the frustration :lol: This resonated with me.

Of course, the key is to work on soothing the frustrations, soothing and shifting the beliefs - that is the true work.
But until I manage to shift my beliefs, and shift vibrationally, at least I can try to manage symptoms in other ways.
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 1:04 pm
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:56 am While *I* LOVE getting reminded that it is not about calories (or even food, at all)... just about our belief... (Hoping not to drag down your challenge!!?) :shifty: :kiss: :kiss:
For me it's not about the calories. My body has become very reactive to food in recent years (food allergies / heartburn) and these snacks set off all sorts of undesirable physical symptoms for me so I want to try and replace them with something my body likes more (and that I have more positive beliefs about, that I BELIEVE it will be better for my body) - but it's hard because the desire for these "bad for me" foods is so strong!

Back when I was meditating and asking Source questions, I asked about what these physical symptoms to food represent - why I got them. The answer I got was:
The things I react to are things I feel guilty about eating on some level. (eg chocolate, snacks, eating beyond the amount I know I should eat).
i think these things are not good for me - yet i eat them anyway. That is why they're giving me symptoms.
- you must relax
- not feel guilty about what you eat -

How can i not feel guilty about eating things i think are unhealthy for me?
let go of beliefs about which foods are good for you.
Believe what you choose IS good for you.

How can i believe this?
It's split energy you have.
You like a food, yet you think it's not good for you.
This causes tension.
let go of the tension.
make peace with all foods! Make peace with them!
it is all ok.
you are ok.
all is well.
enjoy your food
enjoy your choices - whatever they are with no split energy
This is all very well to understand intellectually - but I have not yet mastered feeling good about "unhealthy" food choices. Still some work to do on this - and to be honest - I'm not quite sure how to work on this! How do you believe that something you already believe is bad for you, is actually ok for you?
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:59 am I thought about it... what IS crispy satisfaction? WHY do we want it? (I know, there are whole businesses about measuring and matching the perfect satisfaction of crunch... textural and sound-related) But what really IS IT ABOUT that we "desire"? :think:
I have thought about this too! I read in a book by Doreen Virtue that crispy crunchy cravings represent frustration. As we CRUNCH! it gets out some of the frustration :lol: This resonated with me.

Of course, the key is to work on soothing the frustrations, soothing and shifting the beliefs - that is the true work.
But until I manage to shift my beliefs, and shift vibrationally, at least I can try to manage symptoms in other ways.
I have to run, but I needed to say, how much I adore that you go so lovingly and wise into this.
:D :D Ohhh how I know the difference between theory and results!!! :crazy: :wtf:

You are sooo right. We can approach "the issue" with humor (and lettuce) as long we'r not totally clear... and you just CANNOT command clarity :doh: :lolno:
It is this crappy "go ITV, and then"!!!! F*... :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wishing you so much joy and delicious crunch on your journey! :hearts: :hearts: You are awesome!
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 1:04 pm I have not yet mastered feeling good about "unhealthy" food choices. Still some work to do on this - and to be honest - I'm not quite sure how to work on this! How do you believe that something you already believe is bad for you, is actually ok for you?
I searched through the Beliefs quotes in search of the answer:

Abe say:


Your limiting beliefs are a lie.
Anything is possible


[When you take on a limiting belief in order to harmonize with others' beliefs of "what's accepted as true"]
always be aware of whether you're harmonizing with others at the loss or expense or sacrifice, of harmonizing with who you really are!



As the emotion that you feel is positive, continue the process of thought,
and as the emotion that you feel is negative, release the thought immediately.

If you allow the "guidance" from your Inner being to assist you
rather than listening to the varied opinions and beliefs of those who surround you -
you will have a much faster, clearer growth experience.

- Abraham 1987


When a belief that is not in harmony with your Source Energy is activated,
you'll get that funny feeling in your stomach.
And as you get that funny feeling in your stomach, what it is telling you is:
This thought in this moment does not match who you are
and what you are wanting.



use your focus - call it willpower if you want -
and stop making sentences that work against you.


As Jesus said, turn the other cheek, and allow that vibration to become inactive again,
while you are tuning your vibration to that which feels better.



We really think it would be a wonderful idea
if you could break your addiction to beliefs that don't serve you,
which just means, for a very brief period of time,
use your focus - call it power if you want -
and stop making sentences that work against you.

- AH




"There's plenty of money! The money is here. The things are lined up. The resources are in place. Circumstances and events have been arranged! The money is here. The money is here! Look over here! (...) "There's plenty of money! Nothing has gone wrong. Everything that you want is lined up for you! Whenever you're ready, it's right here for you! There's nothing you need to do. You've done all the work. All you need to do, is relax and allow what you want, to flow into your experience!" (...)

And the way you know that you're moving in the direction, is because things start lighting up for you. Meaning, that they begin feeling really really good to you, when you get on this track of following the trail, that has been pre-paved by you, and being tended by the Source within you, and is calling you toward what you're wanting!
You feel energized. You feel enthusiasm! (...)
The downstream statement always feels like relief. (...)
It doesn't always feel like sunshine, lollipops and roses. It doesn't always feel like the best-feeling thing that you've ever felt! But the downstream thought, from where you stand, always feels better.



You alter your beliefs by applying new or additional thoughts to those beliefs [that you already have]
until you have molded them into that which you now prefer. (...)

A belief is a creation, and a creation is never complete.
You mold your belief - or your creation of thought, which is a belief -
by applying new thought to it.
And once you have done that, it will no longer hinder you,
for now you have changed it.



A belief is only a practiced vibration.
IOW once you have practiced a thought long enough,
then, anytime you approach the subject of that thought,
the Law of Attraction will take you easily into the full vibration of your belief.



When your desire is sufficient enough,
what you believe becomes not a big factor. So, when your desire is strong,
it will override belief. (...)

[Sometimes you have a] desire that is not strong enough to override belief.
in other words: You have not allowed it to get enough momentum that it overrides belief.
We want you to be those who are practicing the enhancement of desires.

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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 1:04 pm
How do you believe that something you already believe is bad for you, is actually ok for you?
To *me*, I love to "feel it out".

What feels good, IS good. -Abe

...And when something feels bad, it is not what source know to be true. Source is not with me, on this thought or belief. I practiced that since years, and now, believing what feels good IS good, comes totally easy to me... maybe that helps, also? :hearts:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 7:30 pm
spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 1:04 pm
How do you believe that something you already believe is bad for you, is actually ok for you?
To *me*, I love to "feel it out".

What feels good, IS good. -Abe

...And when something feels bad, it is not what source know to be true. Source is not with me, on this thought or belief. I practiced that since years, and now, believing what feels good IS good, comes totally easy to me... maybe that helps, also? :hearts:
It also somewhat complicates things when your body doesn't feel good in response to certain foods anymore - so even if it tastes good and feels good in your mouth while you eat it - it later doesn't feel good in your body. I guess this a typical result of split energy! "I like it BUT!"

I don't know how to stop this cycle of getting symptoms from foods apart from avoiding the foods that cause symptoms for now, and maybe try to re-introduce them at a later point when the subject is less charged and I've gathered some belief that "I'm stronger now, so maybe I can handle it now".
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by FeelGood »

spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:23 am
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:15 am
spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:55 am - Today I intend to keep to my lettuce goal
If this is no secret, please reveal what a lettuce goal is! :lol: :hearts:
I struggle a bit with overeating, especially things that are crunchy / crispy snacks. So I'm trying a new goal that when I feel like eating something with that texture I'll eat some crisp lettuce instead haha! :lol: Hopefully it will still have that sense of crispy satisfaction to it!
I can totally relate to this. I love my carrot slices for that good refreshing crunch, even though I can only eat a handful in one day. Over the years my vibration actually changed how I feel about food. I no longer crave sweets or fatty foods, I enjoy a wide range of foods that upon looking at it fit the food charts as to what is healthier.
I love to look at sweet treats and heavy, rich foods but my choices are simpler; and it happened for me without fighting it.
The same with exercise; I'm lucky enough at 72 to be able to exercise daily for about an hour a day. Sometimes it's all at once, other times it's broken up during the day.
Again, it all happened for me; I just have new desires that after-all are working for losing and maintaining a weight I delight at. I love to step on the scale now every day and in the past I couldn't even look at the scale.
We are all different in how we get what we want. I was a heavy child and I tried everything to lose weight but now it's fun and easier.
I do enjoy smaller servings now than ever before, and I eat thin slice, low sodium sourdough bread and wheat pasta mixed in with my veggies and butternut puree with a tsp of honey instead of rich sauces. I eat low sodium crackers. What ever I can to get satisfied and still feel good. I always hated a food hang over and still do.
Because of my childhood heavy times I became a person who tried to make satisfying substitutes and a mind set of eat to live not live to eat, but I struggled a lot then slowly my mind and body decided what to do and it is so satisfying on every level
I'll have some cheese, frozen yougurt, a very small piece of cake a few times a month, but I don't crave these things like I do the lean food choices.
I do get hungry sometimes after I just ate and remind myself that it's normal to be hungry and many people are hungry so it's not abnormal. I do lots of loving self talk to myself and I think about food a lot but that's ok too.
I don't think Abe care how we go about it as long as we feel good and are happy with our choices.
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by FeelGood »

spiritualcookie wrote:
It also somewhat complicates things when your body doesn't feel good in response to certain foods anymore - so even if it tastes good and feels good in your mouth while you eat it - it later doesn't feel good in your body. I guess this a typical result of split energy! "I like it BUT!"

I don't know how to stop this cycle of getting symptoms from foods apart from avoiding the foods that cause symptoms for now, and maybe try to re-introduce them at a later point when the subject is less charged and I've gathered some belief that "I'm stronger now, so maybe I can handle it now".

This happened to me in 2020 after I retired. Certain foods just didn't want to digest for me , even apples which I love and are healthy, also I slowly began losing the weight and feeling better when I found new things to eat.
In the end I'm happier with my lower weight and feeling better.

Oh, and I have tried lettuce on and off for a few years and it still doesn't want to digest for me so now I'm trying broccoli and alfalfa sprouts.

Oh, and I love retirement but maybe it was giving up the known for the unknown so I keep having to "give up" on some foods. I just know I accept it with love and move forward with experiments.

I hope it's ok that we are discussing on your work thread 💖
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

FeelGood wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:36 pm

I hope it's ok that we are discussing on your work thread 💖
...yes, Cookie, I hope this, too! Please tell us, if not :kiss: I love reading you and dear Lemon, and to be inspired by you! :ta:

FeelGood/Lemon, :hearts: I love pondering your light, peaceful, and even playful attitude that you describe, and that I sense in you. Not being attached to a specific outcome or something "known" feels so free and easy. While it isn't always THAT easy to hold, and balance, while life stirs and things happen, right?
Allowing "to be moved"....

Abes quote comes to my mind, "Allow what is, and watch what happens"... so light, and free of resistance.

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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by FeelGood »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 4:57 am
I also love to read your pages and see how happy you are and still doing your work here. I think it's the work we do that makes it much easier to go with the flow of the twists and turns of life.

When I am not able to eat what looks like it would be fun I think back on my life and how many of those things I have eaten and got pleasure from and so I am satisfied that for now I had enough of that. If my digestion decides to allow those things again I'm sure I'll indulge again. Till then I live well with what my digestion wants.
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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