Practice a little every day

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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 10:09 pm
It also somewhat complicates things when your body doesn't feel good in response to certain foods anymore - so even if it tastes good and feels good in your mouth while you eat it - it later doesn't feel good in your body. I guess this a typical result of split energy! "I like it BUT!"
Oh, I hear you :roll: :hearts: ...Abe called it "Buyers remorse", and as they described it, it clicked for me.

Cravings are food-inspiration!


I had to make peace with the idea that our cravings are not necessarily bad (other than when they feel bad!). The body knows what it needs, and translates it into a craving, with which it can deal in the most aligned way. But we think we (or some random "experts") know better... and that makes the split energy and the guilt.
We are soooo used to feel guilt and shame and even think it would be kind of a virtue... so that it sometimes feels normal to feel guilty and we don't realize it. It certainly flew under *my* radar for a long time! I didn't notice when the shift within me happened from the joy (of the food in my mouth, or the joyfully bought item), into the shame that I "shouldn't have done it". And so, I couldn't stop it.

Abe teach that we can't feel both at the same time. When we are inspired to eat something and feels delicious, it will NOT be bad for us. But the "remorse" in pondering and "knowing it is bad" kicks us OOTV, eventually. THAT is the point to catch myself (=where the mood changes), to "give up" and "give in to what is" and trust the solution is there, and soothe myself, and remind myself that what felt so good some minutes ago didn't become bad all of a sudden, by a trick of whatever.

At least, that's how *I* now deal with this... and while I don't yet lose weight, it keeps me happy and holds the intolerances that I had suffered from mightily in earlier years, at bay or even completely away in most cases.

(I wish I had the quote at hand where Abe stated that the detriment of alcohol or tobacco, on a scale of 0-100 -100 being very detrimental and 0 being not detrimental at all- would be 4. And guilt would be 99!)
spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 10:09 pmI don't know how to stop this cycle of getting symptoms from foods apart from avoiding the foods that cause symptoms for now, and maybe try to re-introduce them at a later point when the subject is less charged and I've gathered some belief that "I'm stronger now, so maybe I can handle it now".
I see you strong, clear and in wonderful self-love! :hearts: :vortex:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

FeelGood wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 5:18 am
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 4:57 am
I also love to read your pages and see how happy you are and still doing your work here. I think it's the work we do that makes it much easier to go with the flow of the twists and turns of life.

When I am not able to eat what looks like it would be fun I think back on my life and how many of those things I have eaten and got pleasure from and so I am satisfied that for now I had enough of that. If my digestion decides to allow those things again I'm sure I'll indulge again. Till then I live well with what my digestion wants.
Wow. I love that! I got chills reading it. So wise, and so friendly with yourself! :vortex: :bow-yellow:

YES, I so agree... I can do fine without "doing the work" for some time, but after a while I really WANT it. I am not religious and never did "service" as in a church, but this practice, this deliberate focus for the sake of training myself into the right mood and becoming more aware and more thankful for what I may have missed... it is "SERVICE" indeed, isn't it? Service for the beloved, what I desire, for what I love... and it connects me with Source/God. Which feels soooo good.

Yes, exactly, and it trains us into the good mood, being our normal... so that we are "tethered" to the high flying discs, as Abe had put it some times! :hearts:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 10:09 pmI don't know how to stop this cycle of getting symptoms from foods apart from avoiding the foods that cause symptoms for now
...You inspired me to transcribe this (official) clip :hearts: I understand that you are not about losing weight, but Abe say, the process is the same in EVERY case of physical problem, as for every sickness. I hope it helps!

Working hard to control your body...?
Dis-Ease is the reason for EVERY illness or physical dis-balance

(Being Upstream or Downstream around losing weight and your body)

Um, so, as I'm listening to you, I'm thinking okay... I've got the relationship. I've got the money flow. You know, life is good in so many arenas! Now I want to learn how to turn downstream with my body. So, what I've noticed first of all, it feels like all my life, I've done everything I could possibly do- and it just keeps getting worse! So, I've done every diet. I've taken every pill. I've read every book. I've...

But, but... when we... let's talk about this, just for a moment: Because, "I've done every diet", now just in in the context of Upstream/Downstream, "I've done every diet"- which way should we point?
(HS: Up.) -Up! "I've take taken pills"... did you take diet pills...?"

HS (laughing):
Oh I took every...

Abe (tuning into the fun, moving Esthers hand either left or right to show "upstream" or "downstream"):
Which way are they?

HS: Up.

Abe: "Read every book..."

HS: Up. Worked out... you know, not just worked out but... but, I've bought every piece of workout equipment! (Esther swinging her hand into "up", audience hilarious).

So, now... you say... but here's the really good news! In all of that (pointing "up"), there is the realization of what I'm wanting! So you must understand- whether you can feel it or get a sense of it, of what's percolating over here for you, in vibrational Escrow! In other words, with all of that focus and all of that energy and all of that desire, that... in other words, when you really really really want something, and someone said to us one day, "oh Abraham I don't want that. I've already got that." -and it was laughable to us, because people associate wanting with that feeling of not having! And the reason that they do is, because

when you want something that you're not letting yourself have, and you really want it, you can really feel it, you see.

So what we want you to realize is, that there is a really positive side to that feeling. Which means, there's something really... in other words, your river is really flowing strong in this way! Otherwise you wouldn't be feeling that. Which means, when you do find the way to turn and go with it, the results will come readily for you! You have to know, that different people have different results from food. Because you see people eating much more than you eat, who are slender, and in the body condition that they want. So you have to know... and you say, well, it's metabolism. We say blah blah blah blah blah!

Whatever you want to call it- it is the energy-balance in your body!
And so, it does not matter how much you do, if you're vibrationally pointed upstream.

-You'r Doing isn't going to get you the results.
-That's why your metabolism is slow,
-that's why your body holds on to what you do not not want: You're pointed upstream in it, you see!

So, once you start playing the game... so you're downstream, downstream, downstream, downstream, downstream... then not only will the inspiration about what to do be easier and easier, but you're going to discover that you don't have that many things you have to do differently. Because the things you are doing differently have got you in a different vibrational stance. And that different vibrational stance is causing your response to food to be different, than it has been before!

Your metabolism will kick up when you're pointed downstream, we're not kidding you.

Resistance bogs everything down that's why all heart disease, that's why strokes, that's why every disease, that's why every sickness that every single person has ever lived, no matter how severe or slight it might be, is always about vibration, that's pointed upstream. It's always about that vibrational tug of war! Doctors only recently are beginning to understand the stress effect, relative to diseases! And it is EVERYTHING.

Disease: Dis- ease! Disease... dis- ease. Dis- ease, you see!

But it's all right. It feels like if you really really want something, so the energy is really really moving fast.

Yeah. And I the harder I try, the worse it gets.

And that's the feeling that we're... that's the feeling that we want you to identify here! "The fact that I'm trying so hard means, I'm really pointed upstream. So,

It isn't that there are certain foods that you must eat, and therefore you will get results.
It is that you can't eat something that you believe will make you fat, and be slender!

In other words, it's about your vibrational energy balance. So as you start doing those things that you believe that you need to do, and you do them with ease, your resistance begins to resolve. And so, then what happens is:
-more ideas flow to you.
-people send you recipes.
-you find new products.
-you begin to get results!
-you begin to notice that the weight is coming off.
-you begin to get into the flow of it.
-you begin to feel better, your energy increases.
-you want to move more,
-and then you get on the scale which you haven't done for 30 days...

...and you say, "wow, 15 lbs! And I wasn't doing any of that hard stuff! I was doing only the stuff that felt good, and looking at the results I'm getting!" ...and we say: the results that you will get are because of your energy alignment.

But... so let's talk about the components of this process. What really is it? What is the getting-out-of-debt-process about? It's about using action to improve vibration. And we think it is a good human technique, because what you usually hear from us is: clean up your vibration, and don't act, and then follow through with inspired action.

But this these things that have you by the throat, these things like your body... you know your body is a hard thing to control when it gets out of balance! So, how your body looks and how your body feels is a big part of your vibration. And the same thing with money: Money affects you all day every day, and so when you apply these actions that make you feel a little better, what happens is: The action then drives the improvement in the energy. And the Improvement in the energy then inspires more action, and the action drives the improvement in the energy, and more improvement in the energy,

and then you start feeling motivated from the inside, and motivation from the inside.

It's what we call inspiration. And the big thing is, and we say this relative to every subject you have: to leave everybody else out of the equation! Because it doesn't matter how somebody else looks, or how much they eat, or how much results they get from what they do- none of that is relative to you. (...) Esther remembers going out to dinner with some dear friends, years ago. They went to a wonderful Indian restaurant in San Francisco, and Esther's beautiful friend... she looked like a model, from head to toe, ordered two complete meals and ate them herself. And then ate dessert, and then everybody else's dessert that didn't finish it.

And Esther said to her: "I hope you understand, that we can no longer be friends!" and Gloria said to Esther: "Food is my friend!" and Esther said: "Well, it hates me, it just hates me!" And that's really the point that we're wanting to make:

In other words- you have to come into alignment! You have to!
You must be your friend.
You've got to start doing things that make you feel better!

And that's where this "keeping my promise to myself" comes in. And the promise to myself is:
When when you're not happy in your body with the way it feels, or the way it moves ,or the way it looks- you're launching further and further rockets. So the worse you feel in your body, the more you ask for, and the higher your standards become. and so you've got a fabulous thing going on over here (in the Vortex) that you've got to get up to speed with! Because you're creating your own tug of war, and this process will cause you to ease that tension between the two, we promise you! It will shift your vibration. And when your vibration shifts, your body will become the way you want it to!

And here, here's the part we really want you to understand.
So, being slender and fit the way you want to be, is over here (in the Vortex). aAd where you feel like you are is over here, we want you to realize that turning like this (downstream)- because you did something on that, is enough!!

In fact, it's not only enough- it's all you can do! And it's not only all you can do- it's enough. But it's not only only enough... IT'S ALL YOU CAN DO! But it's not only all you can do, it's enough. But it's not only enough it's all you can do! (Laughter). In other words... you've got to make peace with all that you can do.

And when you make make peace with all that you can do, by keeping those commitments... ah, you just start floating along! You feel better and better. You're getting the results, and then it becomes a non-issue, and then one day, not very long from now, you'll sit in this chair and you'll say: "I've got the relationship. I got my body under control! And, Abraham, this week I won the lottery!"

from the (official) youtube clip "Abraham: NATURAL WEIGHT LOSS - Esther & Jerry Hicks"
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

FeelGood wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:36 pmI hope it's ok that we are discussing on your work thread 💖
Yes absolutely! I'm happy we have a place to chat :) :hearts:

quite a lot to reply to :lol: - replies coming soon :hearts:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

I loved reading your experiences FeelGood - it made me feel less alone - thank you for sharing :in_love:
FeelGood wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:36 pmThis happened to me in 2020 after I retired. Certain foods just didn't want to digest for me
Same timing for me - 2020! It started for me when covid started!
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) they teach that too much worry, overthinking and stress weakens the digestive system specifically.
FeelGood wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:36 pmCertain foods just didn't want to digest for me
I know this isn't Abe-ish as it doesn't treat the vibrational root cause, but did you try digestive enzymes or boosting stomach acid to help? Raw fruit and veg are notoriously harder to digest than cooked ones. I always digest extremely well-cooked veggies in soup better than I do raw ones. Baked apples too - easier to digest than raw ones.
FeelGood wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:36 pm I love retirement but maybe it was giving up the known for the unknown so I keep having to "give up" on some foods.
oh that's interesting. I guess retirement is a kind of giving up on certain things you used to do, and here it's giving up on foods you used to have. I see the vibrational parallel.

It sounds like you're addressing it in textbook Abe fashion of doing your best to accept it with love, making peace with what is, relaxing into it, and moving forward. I wonder what more we have to do to no long have to give up on these things.
Maybe to vibrationally get to a place of not feeling like we're giving up on anything?
How do we get there?! :lol:
I guess flowing with inspiration, following our desires as best we can, following our inner guidance.. Not giving up on our desires. And of course addressing any resistances and limiting beliefs that may be there.
FeelGood wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:29 pmslowly my mind and body decided what to do and it is so satisfying on every level
It's encouraging to hear how things fell into a satisfying place for you - it makes me feel like it is possible : )
FeelGood wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:29 pmI do get hungry sometimes after I just ate and remind myself that it's normal to be hungry and many people are hungry so it's not abnormal.
That sounds like a helpful way to soothe :hearts:
I use the mantra "A little Hunger is Healthy!" which sometimes helps - though sometimes a bigger part wants to rebel against it and says "But I WANT MORE!" :lol: It's a challenge every day!
FeelGood wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:29 pm I do lots of loving self talk to myself and I think about food a lot but that's ok too.
I don't think Abe care how we go about it as long as we feel good and are happy with our choices.
I relate so much. I want to do more loving self-talk too. This is so helpful for me to hear :hearts:
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Re: Practice a little every day

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Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 5:23 am.Abe called it "Buyers remorse"
I never thought of remorse over eating too much being like buyer's remorse - but you're right - it is kind of similar! :lol:
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 5:23 am it sometimes feels normal to feel guilty and we don't realize it.
I don't think I realized it until this conversation! :lol:
Time to put some Pine for helping deal with guilt into my Bach flower remedy mix! :lol:
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 5:23 am Abe teach that we can't feel both at the same time. When we are inspired to eat something and feels delicious, it will NOT be bad for us. But the "remorse" in pondering and "knowing it is bad" kicks us OOTV, eventually. THAT is the point to catch myself (=where the mood changes), to "give up" and "give in to what is" and trust the solution is there, and soothe myself, and remind myself that what felt so good some minutes ago didn't become bad all of a sudden, by a trick of whatever.
This is helpful - thank you :hearts:
Now it's just the small matter of ingraining this belief so strongly that there is zero doubt in my mind at all and my body believes it fully too! :lol:
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 5:23 amI see you strong, clear and in wonderful self-love!
aw :in_love: thank you :hearts:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

:woohoo: :hearts: :hearts: (and yayy for Bach-flower remedies!!!) :thumbup: :thumbup: :grouphugs: :happy117:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 10:14 am...You inspired me to transcribe this (official) clip
Thank you SO so much for transcribing this! Such a perfect quote! So helpful! :in_love: :flowers: :jumphug:

Abraham's words are already coming true!
what happens is:
-more ideas flow to you.
-people send you [Abraham transcriptions].
:lol: :hearts:

What I get from the quote is:
It's a matter of finding downstream thoughts as much as possible, which will help create a different vibrational stance. Turning downstream is the key! It's ALL I need to do! 💡 :dance: :dance2: :hearts:

What are some examples of downstream thoughts?
Soothing thoughts, like:
- I'm figuring this out
- I can ease the tension on this - I can ease this tug of war between unhelpful beliefs and what I am wanting.
- There are still lots of things I can eat that are satisfying
- I appreciate that I still get lots of things to enjoy
- "Food can be my friend" :lol:
- I can apply whatever actions I need to apply right now that help me feel a little better -
whether it's Bach flower remedies, whether it's choosing to eat things that I have a strong knowing that my body will respond happily to, whether it's moving to lift stagnant energy / qi, whether it's doing the Abraham work ~ soothing, appreciating...
and whatever the action, if it helps me feel better, it's going in the right direction :hearts:
- I can go with the flow of what I think I need to do and relax into that
- I can do it bit by bit.
- when I apply these actions that make me feel a little better, the action then drives the improvement in my energy. I love knowing that!! :hearts: And the Improvement in the energy then inspires more action, and the action drives the improvement in the energy, and more improvement in the energy,
- I often feel like I'm getting stronger and stronger
- If I have some unhelpful beliefs in place, that's ok - I am where I am, and I can go from here.
- I can add new ideas and build and strengthen new, more helpful beliefs.
- I don't have to get to 100% belief right this red hot minute. I can take my time to get there. Bit by bit. Step by step. Build it up gradually.
- I can work on my general alignment and get inspirations that will help me with this issue too without me even having to try hard to treat it directly.

Thank you Elke! :hearts:

:banana-rainbow: :banana-dance: :banana-rainbow: :banana-dance:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 7:

✅ Read helpful Abraham Quote from Elke :hearts:

✅ Did some important aligning work on food with the help of FeelGood and Elke :hearts:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You are awesome, dear friend! I LOVE that its so helpful to you!!! And I adore how you immediately dance with it, so wise, so eager, so OPEN!!!

:text-woo: :romance-heartbeating: :romance-hearteyes: :romance-heartsfade:
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