Practice a little every day

This new forum is created and a focus for those that want to participate with the study of Abraham-Hicks in their many books and processes.
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by FeelGood »

Hi cookie, I drink about 3-4 oz aloe vera [total] spread out 2-3x a day. I tried many things although I always explore the root source of the treatment to make sure it's not something that doesn't agree with me :lol: Many herbs and teas disagree with me. I eat TUMs antacid to help manage the symptoms too. I'm definitely not going to suffer while I wait to allow :lol:
I agree about cooked veggies, carrots are the only raw veggie I eat. There's way too many fruits and veggies that disagree with me one way or another...I eat a lot of oatmeal and tofu, asparagus, green beans, lean chicken or turkey, this great lavash bread from Atoria, or a no salt premade taco shell for fun :D . I buy canned butternut squash by the dozen. I can eat honey. also cantaloupe and watermelon. It's so funny that when I first got this affliction I had to eat other foods that now don't agree with me....hahaha, but my basics had held fast. As long as I can eat something I'm happy. :D
The doctors would want to stick tubes and cameras into me I'm sure but that's not the answer for me so far.
I can see that stress affects us all in one way or another through our physical or mental health so as I try new ways of managing my symptoms I let myself off the hook of blame since not too many people escape it. Even Esther was envious of her friend who could eat so much so I don't ever judge myself or my ability to "allow" in my life. Even Jerry got sick, so it seems logical to do the best I can and learn to accept , continue to believe that there is a way for me and flow in ease some how.
My Mr. has had health problems since 2013 and poor soul it's one thing after another so that does affect me also; he still gets a lot done even in his pain. We work well together somehow. Again it's a matter of not blaming anything but accepting and loving and trusting . It appears as though most ppl have their contrast on this physical plane so I count my blessings that what we both have is manageable while we move through things.

That being said, I hope we all find relief for what ails us πŸ’–πŸ‘ :king1: :grouphugs:

I agree with what you say here
I guess flowing with inspiration, following our desires as best we can, following our inner guidance.. Not giving up on our desires. And of course addressing any resistances and limiting beliefs that may be there
I'm glad you brought up the lettuce goals too, I also wondered what that was so thankyou to Poe for asking :wave:
I think you are both managing the twists and turns of your journey in such an awesome way :text-thankyoublue: :text-thankyouyellow: :text-thankyouyellow: :romance-grouphug: :music-rockon: :happy-bouncymagenta: :grouphugs:
We are all taking the bounce so very well :yes: :yes: :yes: :in_love: :in_love: :in_love: :flowdownstream: :hoppy: :flowers:
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈πŸ₯°πŸŽ΅πŸ’–πŸ’° :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by FeelGood »

I also wondered if I wanted to lose the extra weight so much that my stomach said "ok, here ya go". hahahaha :lol: :lol:
Because of how careful I've had to be I got an extra boost in the weight loss and now I am trained to eat less......hahahahaha.......
Like I've heard so long, "be careful what you wish for". To me that means "focus on".
Anyway, at least it's fun to look at the scale now thanks to my stomach training me how to eat. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈πŸ₯°πŸŽ΅πŸ’–πŸ’° :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

FeelGood wrote: ↑Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:54 pm , I drink about 3-4 oz aloe vera [total] spread out 2-3x a day. I eat TUMs antacid to help manage the symptoms too.
ahh aloe vera and TUMs - yep - the lifesavers of those with GERD & heartburn :lol: and "as long as I can eat something I'm happy" - I can soooo relate!
FeelGood wrote: ↑Wed Jul 31, 2024 10:24 pm I also wondered if I wanted to lose the extra weight so much that my stomach said "ok, here ya go". hahahaha :lol: :lol:
Because of how careful I've had to be I got an extra boost in the weight loss and now I am trained to eat less......hahahahaha.......
Like I've heard so long, "be careful what you wish for". To me that means "focus on".
Anyway, at least it's fun to look at the scale now thanks to my stomach training me how to eat. :lol: :lol: :lol:
haha I know what you mean. I never knew my stomach COULD be flat until I got GERD. I thought that a little sticking out belly was just my natural shape haha :lol:

Thank you for sharing your calming, soothing words, and the wisdom of your journey of making peace with your situation. :hearts:

Gosh.. it's tough when our unruly thoughts / beliefs / vibrational tendencies create health problems for us and our loved ones. But at least we've got a few tools in our belt to try and make everything a little better; a little easier to handle with grace; trying to look for the silver linings where we can. And who knows, maybe we'll get there and these tools will help us get back to perfect health! I'd love to believe that can be :hugs:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 8:

βœ… Read a LOT of Abe today!
I like the added clarity it gave me.
I like how it filled in some gaps.
I like how even though I've read it before, it felt fresh and new and some aspects still surprised me! :lol:
I like feeling like things are filling in.
I like feeling like I'm getting a better grasp on things.
I like the feeling of understanding. It is so delicious!
I like the feeling of everything fitting together so nicely.
I like how it all makes so much sense.
I like knowing that I can utilise this information to guide my life and experiences in an ever more positive, more feel-good direction :hearts:

I liked the hours at work today :thumbup:
I liked seeing the USD to GBP Chart today which is good news for my USD earnings : )
I liked that I had time to fix my window sunscreen thingy today so now it works better than ever before :dance:
I love upgrading my things so they work beautifully and look nice too!
I like feeling handy!
I like feeling capable of making things better!
I like that I managed to choose balance well today : )
I like that more people are finding and buying my graphics lately : )
I liked hearing YK's thoughts today ~ I like that he's making youtube videos on topics that are of interest to me.
I liked seeing my housemates joking around and sharing good vibes together - I love seeing their lightness. I like hearing laughter in the house.
I love that she's trying and doing so well at being more deliberate about her vibe :hearts:
I liked learning that chatGPT seems to have read some Abraham books when I asked it to state its sources for the question I asked it on Abraham's teachings
I like knowing that the heat wave is ending very very soon!
I like how much cooler it is now that it's night time : )
I like my new microfibre bedding ~ I'm looking forward to its softness tonight : )
I like that Simon added the emoticons to the smilies list! Thank you Simon! :hearts: :muscle-flex-small: :superhero: :money-bag-gold-small: :money-bag-small:

βœ… Made some Abe quote graphics :)
I made these 4 today:

If anyone feels like sharing them on facebook groups, reddit, twitter/ x, instagram, discord... anywhere! - to help promote the Abeforum so we can bring in more forum friends - please do :thumbup:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 9:

Today I am intending feeling good in my body
I am intending perfect health
I am intending to be strong, stable and sturdy! :lol:
I am intending to have lots of energy, feeling energized, fresh and vibrant
I am intending feeling relaxed whilst also feeling vibrant :)
I am intending breathing deeply
I am intending noticing the good around me
I am intending an easy flow
I am intending an easy, light knowing of what I want to do as I go from activitity to activity with ease, fun and flow
I am intending easy inspiration to come to me
I am intending being in touch with a knowing of what I am wanting at every stage of the day
I am intending a feeling of certainty and clarity
I am intending feeling lots of moments of joy
I am intending lots of moments of smiles, lightness & laughter
I am intending light-heartedness
I am intending pointing downstream with ease :)
I am intending an easy, fun flow downstream in all I do :hearts:
Have a beautiful day everybody!

- I SO appreciate the heatwave has ended. I'm so looking forward to a more comfortable temperature tomorrow.
- I appreciate my big bottle of water that has kept me nice and quenched all day 😊
- I appreciate the cool breeze coming in through the windows now that it's evening
- I appreciate the delicious smell of barbecue that wafts through the air - yum!
- I love seeing people enjoying the weather - enjoying the summer with barbecues - and sharing the joy through smell waves!
- I appreciate the refreshing, clean, fresh joy of washing off the sticky heat after a hot day!
- I liked picking the veggies from my veggie plot today! They were soo satisfyingly chunky and big! especially the tromboncino!

Here we have from top to bottom: a tromboncino squash, a zephyr squash, a white zucchini and a Romanesco courgette / zucchini

It was fun seeing the little beads of water well up along the perimeter of the cut-surface as the xylems still flows because it is so fresh! Like little diamond beads catching the light.
- I'm glad we made the veggies - it feels good to know there's an abundance of delicious good food in the fridge for a couple of days.
- I appreciate that I got a good amount of work done today
- I appreciate that I got a nice-looking speaker on my review list today and am looking forward to its arrival tomorrow 🎢 It'll be fun to test it out!
- I like the smell of my new shampoo! It smells so deliciously like honey! I love how I would never ordinarily order something like this, thinking honey-scented stuff isn't usually to my taste - and yet now it's in my hand, under my nose, I like it a lot more than I thought I would! :lol: I like giving things a chance and being pleasantly surprised by them :)

For tonight, I am intending feeling well, feeling good in my body, and nice and relaxed.
I am intending having a pleasant evening
I am intending having a really good night's sleep
I am intending feeling well-rested and refreshed in the morning
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by FeelGood »

cookie, very cool quote graphics πŸ‘πŸ’πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈πŸ₯°πŸŽ΅πŸ’–πŸ’° :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

:hearts: :dancing: :text-thankyouyellow:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 10:

I am intending to feel strong, steady and stable
I am intending to feel centered
I am intending to breathe deeply
- As I breathe out, I am intending to breathe out any negativity, any heaviness, and anything that doesn't serve me, for the Universe to take and transform into more positive things
I am intending to feel relaxed
I am intending to feel like I have perfect timing
I am intending to trust in the perfect timing of the Universe
I am intending to have trust that Source is looking out for me, is supporting me and is helping me
I am intending to feel grounded
I am intending to be heart-led
I am intending to feel good
I am intending to see the good in those around me
I am intending to see those around me through an open, loving heart
I am intending to feel lucky!
I am intending to be filled with feelings of appreciation often
I am intending to be filled with feelings of love often
I am intending to have a good day :hearts:

- I appreciate that after a night's sleep my mouse magically decided to start working properly again! :lol:
I love it when things magically fix themselves! It makes me feel like everything is working out for me!
- I appreciate that the temperature is so comfortable and pleasant :) I love the cool breeze
- I appreciate that he kept an eye on things for us : )
- I appreciate that he came to me and wanted to spend time with me - that was sweet πŸ₯°
- I appreciate his gentle, pure smile and gentle energy πŸ₯°
- I appreciate the magical healing power of lavender essential oil that soothed my skin so swiftly, took away the redness and closed up the scratches after the handling of thorny squash plants. 30 minutes after it happened and there is almost no sign that anything happened now! I so appreciate the gifts the plants give us to helping us feel better and heal ourselves. It is amazing how something from nature can work to heal our bodies so well! I love this harmony with wellness; this harmony with soothing and bringing things to happy balance.
I also so appreciate my body's healing abilities! I love seeing it be so efficient and quick at healing something so that it literally feels miraculous! I love seeing this evidence before my very eyes! :wizard:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

DAY 11:

I am intending perfect timing today - being in the right place at the right time, resulting in surprise and delight :)
I am intending an easy, calm heart
I am intending feeling good
I am intending seeing things that feel magical :) I love seeing magical manifestations! They are so much fun!
I am intending feeling that the Universe is on my side
I am intending feeling that everything is working out for me
I am intending feeling a heart full of appreciation and love
I am intending feeling lighthearted often
I am intending feeling easy and light
I am intending feeling a sense of flow
I am intending flowing downstream with ease and fun
I am intending enjoying the company of those around me, feeling great love and appreciation for them
I am intending seeing the good in everything around me with natural ease
I am intending seeing through happy eyes! and a happy mind :)
I am intending feeling inspired often
I am intending feeling a delicious inner pull to do from a place of inspiration
I am intending feeling comfortable, healthy and strong in my body
I am intending to feel full of life force and a beautiful vibrant energy
I am intending to choose joy
I am intending to choose calm
I am intending to choose love
All is very well :hearts:

This popped up on my facebook memories this morning; an image I posted in 2009!
A good reminder to do the vibrational work to raise your vibration : )


I appreciate the progress I made today

I liked the synchronicity of receiving that Thank You note from the purchase I made, that read
"See the good in every perspective" - when I'm often intending "I am intending seeing the good in everything around me" :D It's such a like-attracting-like match!
thank you note.jpg
and I also loved that the same thank you note said: "Good attracts good" which is another match!
It's so unexpected for a company selling computery-related stuff to have such spiritual messages :lol: I love it! :hearts:

I like the synchronicity of the yellow-coloured theme of this post :lol: My morning graphic happened to be yellowish, now the thank you note - and also all the smileys! :D
I like this symbol of harmony - how everything fits together so nicely, easily, comfortably, aesthetically :hearts:

I loved seeing the beautiful photos on instagram and learning about wild carrots / Queen Anne's Lace and how pretty and interesting-looking their flowers are! :hearts: :wave: I adore seeing photos that show an artistic eye!

I loved sitting together and watching a movie together : ) It's interesting how sitting side by side, focused on something other than each other can still feel bonding - I guess it's the energetic proximity and the joined focus on the same thing that is bonding in some way : )

I love our closeness πŸ₯°

I loved seeing the love shining in her eyes πŸ₯°

I loved that he wanted to share his experience so thoroughly through the video call - it's nice how he wants to include us and make us feel like we're there with him. :hearts:

I liked the perfect timing of just as he finished the video call, I got the work call so that I could do both leisurely without one impacting the other : )

I'm proud of myself for figuring out how to use the new speakers all by myself!

I like the quiet peacefulness of the neighbourhood at night-time - it's so nice that all is so calm.

I like that I just looked at the clock exactly as it turned 12:00! I love seeing evidence of perfect timing! :D

I love how when I sat down to write appreciations, I thought I'd have nothing to write - and now somehow I've written quite a lot! :lol: Once the ball starts rolling, momentum takes hold I guess!

And now, I am intending a good night's sleep, feeling good, feeling peaceful, feeling relaxed, sleeping well; sleeping easy ; and waking feeling bright, fresh, refreshed, energetic, strong and eager for the day ahead :hearts:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 12:

I am intending to eat a small breakfast. When I get breakfast right, I often set the good tone for the rest of the day : )
I am intending to have a good day : )


I appreciated seeing clips of the men's Olympics triathlon yesterday. I liked seeing the smoothness of their transition from water to air; as if it is effortless to go from one thing to the next without pausing. I liked the seeming effortless of it. Resistance-free. And imagining their strength to make it look so easy! I liked seeing them on their bicyles. Their legs, circling so smoothly, so gracefully, so elegantly - like a mixer churning the smoothest, silkiest batter. I enjoyed seeing their bodies working so perfectly; so efficiently; so elegantly; so beautifully. I love witnessing bodies that are powerful and strong, full of energy, endurance and capablity. It is so inspiring what we humans are capable of. I love knowing this kind of power, strength, and energy level is potentially within all of us with the right mindset and training! : )

I appreciate the lush green bushiness of the trees outside my window. They are so abundant with leaves! So rich with green! There are thousands of them! It made me curious to ask chatGPT how many leaves a tree usually has - apparently, for a tree the size of the one outside my window, it could be between 100,000 and 500,000! It reminds me of those "How many jelly beans in a jar" games :lol: I wonder what the correct figure is! I like the feelings of curiosity and wonder that spark within me. It feels like life flowing. It feels like interest and wonder and a light, easy desire.

The leaves curiosity also reminds me of a happy memory: sitting in on the grassy square, looking up at the leafy trees in pleasant company; and him telling me his magical gift since childhood was to be able to count leaves on trees. I loved how unusual his talents were! I loved how he could play piano with his hands behind his back :lol: I loved how he unapologetically accepted his quirks and shared them so openly. I loved his subtly child-like showy-offy energy that was quite endearing. I loved his accent! :lol: I loved how unusual and special he was! I loved his confidence and friendliness. I loved that he made me feel accepted, appreciated, desirable and strongly wanted. I loved his sense of humour and that he could make me smile and laugh so easily! I appreciated his freedom to be and do whatever he wanted, so loudly and unapologetically! I loved his playful energy ~ I loved his magnetism that physically drew me to him so powerfully it was hard to resist.
I loved his outside the boxness, and unpredictability in his way of thought ~ I loved how the words from his mouth were impossible for me to anticipate! I loved how his words sparked such interest and inspiration within me. It felt like a lighting up from the inside. It felt stimulating! It felt fun and bubbly and effervescent. It felt exciting!
I loved that he pushed me to push my own limitations and limited boundaries - to expand beyond the fences and walls delineated by society. It felt like an adventure!
I loved meeting such extraordinary people : )
It was fun discovering they are out there ~ and discovering how lovely they are; how kind and open and inclusive and wanting to be together. I loved discovering my own loveability : )

I appreciated that we had so many gem squashes to pick today! I love seeing the plants being so abundant and plentiful! We picked 5 today and plenty more on the plants still. I love knowing also that they will replenish and there are still lots more to come : )

I appreciate the delicious warm aroma of the gem squash baking - it smells sweet and inviting as the squash sugars caramelize - yum! The whole house smells delicious! I love seeing them go all glossy and shiny as they bake too!

I appreciated seeing him make the ice cream. I loved seeing the beautiful glossy vanilla cream. It looked soooo enticing! I'm happy I got so much joy just from looking at it! Seeing it swirl deliciously and he stirred it; seeing it form a gorgeous rounded heap on a spoon, shiny and glossy in the light.. it was so satisfying seeing it! :hearts:

I'm happy I received the inspiration to search for the keywords that led me to find exactly what I wanted with beautiful ease! And I was so happy to find such a huge abundance of choices available to me! I am eager to try some of them : )

I appreciate that all is very well.

I appreciate that I am surrounded by loving people with beautiful, kind hearts :hearts:

I appreciate that I'm sleepy right on cue! I am intending a very good, relaxed, pleasant, refreshing, healing night's sleep : )
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