Quotes on Rebelliousness

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Quotes on Rebelliousness

Post by spiritualcookie »

See also Quotes on Freedom

Rebelliousness comes from feeling a lack of Freedom

You are such a freedom seeker. [...]

As you see anyone that you describe as rebellious - and it is predominantly the teenagers that you give that label to - they are experiencing the same thing:

They seek freedom so much, and as their freedom is continually squelched, they find themselves rebelling, because it is their passion for freedom that keeps coming to the surface, very powerfully, as they are feeling lack of it. [...]

You do not have a reason to feel rebellious when you feel your absolute freedom and when you understand that your behaviour is not linked to any other.

- Abraham


Rebelliousness could stem from a desire to Grow

The children are drawn to [things] in masses because of the negative attention to it.

All you have to say to a little one is, "There is something you should not see or do" and they will find a way to see it or do it.

For they are not wanting to miss anything.

Their eager little minds are seeking growth, you see.

- AH
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Honor others (and yourself!) for following their inner, unique guidance!
(Dealing with Pain, with gay people, with all sorts of Uncontrollables and "disorders"...)

We're visiting with a woman one day who had pain in her body and she said: "Abraham, how can I think positive thoughts when my body hurts so much? And we said: "we know what you're living is what it is. But there's a difference between having pain in your body, and feeling fear- and having pain in your body and feeling hope.

And the difference between fear and hope is the vibrational difference between recovery or not.

In other words, we were trying to teach her how to quantify the journey between sickness and wellness. How to feel her way, you see, where most people aren't encouraging anybody to feel their way into vibrational alignment, in order to have a better life! They're trying to teach them, they're trying to motivate them to respond to this rule, and to respond to this law, and respond to this disapproval or this approval.

So it is rampant in this civilization today- it is rampant almost nobody is listening to their own guidance!
Almost nobody is deliberately closing their gap.
Almost everybody cares what somebody else says or thinks, about what they're doing!

And so many people are coming forth, saying "well, try this one on, because this is an orientation that was set forth, before I came forth into this physical experience! And I can't change it, even if you want me to", you see. And so, there are all kinds of ornery little buggers being born- and we don't mean that from our point of view. We mean:

Pioneers of deliberate, powerful creation.
Teachers to the core of their being!

But they're being greeted by those who are immediately slapping labels on them. Like, oh there are so many. Like nonconformist with lots of different labels... "uncontrollable". Uh, "you have this disorder and this disorder and this disorder and this disorder!" -and we say:

Yay for the disorders! All of these disorders coming forth! The non-conformist coming forth, to teach unconditional love!

You see... and so, it is so delightful when you are able to assist someone. It's a great gift you give to someone, when you say:
"Well this is what is. And I'm not going to change it, so that you can feel better! This is what is."

And it's a hard thing to do, because you want them to be happy. So, when Kate wants to come to see Esther, and Esther really wants Kate to come- but Esther's got a big long list of things that she needs to do. So, Esther says "be better if we don't do it today!" and Esther hears the disappointment in Kate's voice. It's hard for Esther not to change something, to make Kate feel better. Because Esther would run over herself with the bus, if she thought it would make Kate feel better. But we want Esther to let Kate work it out on her own! And, she would, every time.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

full interaction of the quote above

What is up with Homosexuality?
(Most gay people come as teachers of unconditional Love!)

I only have 84,000 questions...

Well we only have one answer, so give us your best. (laughter)

Okay great. Um, I've heard you speak often about sexuality, and one of my... one of several questions is: Where do gay relationships, gay love, gay sex fit into broader perspective with the whole scheme of things?

Well, that subject fits in just like every other subject- that you are the creator of your reality.
In other words, we're going to come fully around all of this, but we we want to say -as a basis of this-, that humans, through time, in their not-conscious alignment with who they are, are often looking for someone to establish a set of rules that they can follow, in their desire to be righteous or good.

And that set of rules does not exist from a non-physical perspective!
In other words, there is not a set of rules.

You have not been sent here into this physical environment, to identify the rules and to keep them. And it's good for you that that isn't the case, because you have a real scrambled set of rules going on on your planet right now! In fact, you're killing each other in record numbers today, over your arguing about who's got the right set of rules!

-When what you came forth understanding is, that you are pure positive energy.
-And you came forth into this physical environment, wanting the variety to cause you to give birth to desires!
-And you knew that your joy was only dependent upon your coming into alignment.

You knew, that your fulfilling of your reason for being was only dependent upon you, coming into alignment with who you really are! So, you may have noticed that there are many beings coming forth- in the last generation or two, and even more in these powerful days- of energies, coming forth from Source, who are in a stronger way determined to be unconformable. Because, so much of the world says: "I see that condition and it makes me feel pretty good. So I would vote for a lot more of that! And I see that condition, and I don't like the way I feel- so I would not vote for that. So we need to change all of these conditions, to be what make me feel good, so that I can feel better." -A very conditional love, that is impossible!

Unconditional love says:
"I see conditions that I prefer. And conditions that I don't prefer.
And my feeling of love, my feeling of alignment, my alignment itself, is dependent only upon the direction of my thoughts.
I do not need to control conditions, in order to come into alignment!"

But of course everyone wants to feel better, don't they? So, there are huge numbers of people on the planet today, who even though many of them are speaking unconditional love, they don't understand it at all. Because they're still trying to change this condition and this condition- so that they can have a better feeling response to it you know?

You've really reached the place of being an allower, when you're able to allow those who aren't allowing you.

So there are people coming forth, energies coming forth into human form, in record numbers, who come with this determination to be unconformable. Meaning, that -no matter how much you need this condition to change so that you can feel better- this is not a condition that's going to change, so that you can feel better!

"So, if you're going to feel better, you're going to have to change the way you are looking at things.
Because I'm not going to be the reason that you feel better!"

So, children are coming forth... gay children are coming forth, autistic children are coming forth, with all kinds of what humans want to call maladies, that we call determination to be secure in their teaching of unconditional love.

A man said to us one day, years ago: "Abraham, why why would I come forth intending to be gay? Why would I bring all of this grief to myself? My mother hates me. My father hates me. I have a hard time!" -and we said: "How do you feel about your mother?" and he said: "I hate her, too. I hate her, because she hates me." And we said: "So, neither one of you are coming into alignment with who you are! And you're using each other as your excuse, why not to come into alignment.

When what you've come forth to teach is: Alignment, anyway.

What you've come forth to teach is: "I can align with the source within me, regardless of what those outside of me are reflecting back to me. And this is the most significant thing about this! Almost everyone, even those who've been listening to us for a while, cannot separate how they feel about things from how other people feel about things.

So, most people... in other words, almost the first thing you do with your children is: You teach them patterns of behavior, that make your life better or that you think will make them have an easier time in the society in which they will live. And as you convince your children, that they should do what you want them to do: "you should do what makes them feel better", rather than what closes their gap for them!

In early ages you teach them to listen outside of themselves.

That's why we have a room full of people in every city that we visit, who are accustomed to listening more to what's coming from another person... in other words, approval is so meaningful to you, when it comes from other people. And disapproval is so meaningful to you, when it comes from other people.

And we want that disapproval or approval, that comes from other people- even if it's your mother!- to not matter to you as much as the way you feel!

And that's what we said to this man, "that's what you've come forth to teach!"
You've come forth to teach. Because when you say to your child: "You need to do such and such, so that I will feel better"- then you set them up to listen to another and another and another. Until before long, most everybody is more interested in what everybody else thinks! And then they've lost track of their ability to quantify their journey.

We're visiting with a woman one day who had pain in her body and she said: "Abraham, how can I think positive thoughts when my body hurts so much? And we said: "we know what you're living is what it is. But there's a difference between having pain in your body, and feeling fear- and having pain in your body and feeling hope.

And the difference between fear and hope is the vibrational difference between recovery or not.

In other words, we were trying to teach her how to quantify the journey between sickness and wellness. How to feel her way, you see, where most people aren't encouraging anybody to feel their way into vibrational alignment, in order to have a better life! They're trying to teach them, they're trying to motivate them to respond to this rule, and to respond to this law, and respond to this disapproval or this approval.

So it is rampant in this civilization today- it is rampant almost nobody is listening to their own guidance!
Almost nobody is deliberately closing their gap.
Almost everybody cares what somebody else says or thinks, about what they're doing!

And so many people are coming forth, saying "well, try this one on, because this is an orientation that was set forth, before I came forth into this physical experience! And I can't change it, even if you want me to", you see. And so, there are all kinds of ornery little buggers being born- and we don't mean that from our point of view. We mean:

Pioneers of deliberate, powerful creation.
Teachers to the core of their being!

But they're being greeted by those who are immediately slapping labels on them. Like, oh there are so many. Like nonconformist with lots of different labels... "uncontrollable". Uh, "you have this disorder and this disorder and this disorder and this disorder!" -and we say:

Yay for the disorders! All of these disorders coming forth! The non-conformist coming forth, to teach unconditional love!

You see... and so, it is so delightful when you are able to assist someone. It's a great gift you give to someone, when you say:
"Well this is what is. And I'm not going to change it, so that you can feel better! This is what is."

And it's a hard thing to do, because you want them to be happy. So, when Kate wants to come to see Esther, and Esther really wants Kate to come- but Esther's got a big long list of things that she needs to do. So, Esther says "be better if we don't do it today!" and Esther hears the disappointment in Kate's voice. It's hard for Esther not to change something, to make Kate feel better. Because Esther would run over herself with the bus, if she thought it would make Kate feel better. But we want Esther to let Kate work it out on her own! And, she would, every time. She'd be upset for a minute, but it's her nature to feel good. So she wouldn't be upset for very long!

But this is a bigger issue: You can't change gayness to please another, right? And so, what a gift of unconditional love you bring with that. You say:

"Here I am. Take it or leave it, it's up to you. Be unhappy with me as I be, or be happy with me as I be. But I be as I be! This is my gift to you, you see!"

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Being Happy
is a VERY PERSONAL thing,
and it really has NOTHING to do with anyone else.

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You want to be an Advocate to the wanted,
not a protester for unwanted.

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Rebelling when you feel others pushing-against...

Um, my friend- she doesn't drink alcohol. Um, most of the time when I've been around her, I wanted to really drink up. I don't know why!? Um, in the past I've had a label as a rebellious spirit. Maybe that's why? But I don't understand why, cuz usually when I'm around my other friends, we have a great time and there's not that thing. But every time my girlfriend from AA comes down, I have to obliterate myself until I am sick the next day, and I'm looking like a jerk to her, and she thinks I need to go to AA, but when I'm around my other friends I can have a great old time, and have a couple drinks and I'm... what IS that???

Law of Attraction is a very powerful thing, is it? In other words, she has activated within herself, big times, a vibration of pushing against alcohol. So when she comes close to you, she activates that vibration of pushing against within you, too! It stirs up your defensiveness, and then you rebel.

from the youtube-clip "Talk to Your Cells, Will Change Your Life! 🧬Abraham Hicks 2024"
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

To find a pleasing match,
you have to be pleased.

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

There are no lessons to be learned.
Only life, to be lived!

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