Practice a little every day

This new forum is created and a focus for those that want to participate with the study of Abraham-Hicks in their many books and processes.
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 13:

✅ Read some Abraham to help uplift and raise my vibration.
It helped a little :)


- I loved tasting the gem squashes today. They are sooo delicious!

- I appreciate that we cooked together - I like the feeling of support, sharing the responsibility, and the feeling of togetherness.

- First time growing carrots - I appreciated seeing what my carrots looked like when I dug them up this morning. I enjoyed the element of surprise, not knowing how long the carrot is going to be from the little bit poking out the top of the soil until you pulled the whole thing out.
I appreciated that they tasted different from supermarket carrots: sweeter and more floral! They reminded me of a dessert with rosewater or orange blossom water. Very interesting!
I appreciated that their terpenoid bitterness (a factor of their variety - and their young age) was almost imperceptible after cooking them.

- I appreciated receiving the wonderful tv show & movie recommendations from FeelGood :dance: I'm excited to find them and try them out! I love discovering new great shows! I love finding things that grip my interest and are fun to watch! I love knowing there are so many great creations out there! And I so appreciate all the creators that make these things for us to enjoy 😊

- I appreciated seeing the manifestation of the mirroring of my thoughts back to me via someone's facebook post today. It's incredible how the universe delivers like-thoughts back to you! I love seeing these confirmations that the LOA is absolutely real and works! I like feeling that I've put my faith in the right place.

- I appreciate that my pantry is now fully stocked with all the goodies I want ; )
It makes me feel safe and secure knowing everything I want is in the cupboards within easy reach.

- I appreciate that today was mostly a day-off. It's nice to have a break : ) It feels like having a space to breathe. Like having a space to stretch and re-align.

- I appreciate Esther for writing the Abraham books which help uplift my vibration a little and help me feel a little bit more aligned. I appreciate having easy access to her books :hearts:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I so appreciate reading you and floating along your words of appreciation!
It feels so light and easy and buoyant and certain and secure and happy and GOOD... thank you, Cookie, for being who you are and sharing and radiation light, interest and friendliness!

...So appreciated! :kiss: :vortex:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

:in_love: :hoppy: :grouphug: :hugs: :in_love: :dancing:

Day 14:


I'm glad another 2 tromboncino female flowers opened up today for pollination so they'll be ready to pick in a little over a week :D

I'm glad I found all those American snack foods that tick all the boxes of what I'm looking for! I'm so excited to try them when my relative comes to visit from the States! :dance: I so appreciate his desire to want to bring them for me! :hearts:

After perusing Nutrition Facts list of USA products where each product had nutrients listed per different serving size - I'm extra appreciative how in the UK all Nutrition Facts are given per 100g so it's so easy to compare products side by side!

I liked my chat with chatGPT today which helped me clarify and understand some things : ) It's so useful!

I appreciate my wonderful ears that can hear tiny subtle things like the lightest rain falling outside.
I love that tinkling sound - it's so soothing : )

I appreciate my wonderful tastebuds for being so smart and being able to discern flavours and ingredients in things so beautifully without being told what's in it!
This is such a fun game for me! I love how it makes me feel so accomplished when I get it right :glasses-still: :lol:

I appreciate the useful things I ordered today ~ I look forward to feeling them in the flesh, exploring them and trying them out : ) I look forward to receiving kind help from my techie loved ones with the more technical ones if needs be :lol:

I liked learning a little about gem stones today - learning about the chemical composition of spinel vs sodalite vs lapis laazuli vs emeralds, rubies etc etc.. I loved the expansion of learning that there is little difference between sand and quartz! and that scientifically speaking, rubies and sapphires are the same mineral - corundum - both made of alumina and oxygen. I love feeling interest and fascination! It feels like flow and movement and expansion.

I appreciate having my favourite shows to watch so I always have a sure-fire backup of something to watch that I know I'll like. I like how it feels familiar and cosy and comforting watching characters you know and love. Equally, I love trying new things and discovering I love something new and find a new favourite! A new thing to love; new characters to get to know and appreciate; a new thing to find familiar and cosy and comforting : )


I loved that Sheila86 reminded me of all the new things there are to appreciate! The ever-expanding list of fun and cool stuff to explore! :hearts:
Sheila86 wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 4:47 am I love it how life always brings forth the next thing or event to look forward to.
yesss! :dance:
I love this point! :hearts:
new movies; new tv shows / seasons; new books published; new artists pop up; new musicians release new albums; another Olympics; another world cup; another wedding/ birthday / festival / holiday / Christmas / vacation trip, another youtube video released, another Abraham arrival in Europe - there's always something to look forward to! :in_love:
Yes spiritual cookie! I love what you wrote!
Don't we live in an abundant universe??? :)
New movies to watch. New books to read. New vacations to plan. New recipes to try out. New foods to taste. New restaurants opening up. Technology advancing and giving us even more improved tech to play with. New paintings to paint.

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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by FeelGood »

cookie, my favorite movie today was 'A Greek Recipe for Romance' on Hallmark channel. It's like I took a 2 hour vacation to Greece with great food. :D

also good 'All Summer Long', Hallmark movies.
'Loves greek to me' is also another summer time favorite, hallmark channel.
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

FeelGood wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 10:44 am cookie, my favorite movie today was 'A Greek Recipe for Romance' on Hallmark channel. It's like I took a 2 hour vacation to Greece with great food. :D

also good 'All Summer Long', Hallmark movies.
'Loves greek to me' is also another summer time favorite, hallmark channel.
oo I'll add them to my watch list! Thank you! :hearts:
I love the 100% guaranteed feel-good element / happy ending nature of Hallmark movies :D
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 15:


I'm glad I got around to fertilizing all my plant babies today : )
It'll be nice seeing them become a nice lush dark green in response; seeing them feel happy, vibrant, and full of life force.

It was nice sitting together with the family and chatting for a bit 🥰
I love how we bounce off each other so well, building better ideas with everyone adding something positive to the subject. I love the expansion it gives. I love the feeling of co-creation. I love the feeling of mutual love and respect. I'm so glad my soul chose to be part of this family! :hearts:

I appreciate the manifestation today: Last night my brother asked me if a certain brand of goods ever comes up on my review list for my product reviewing job. I told him I've seen this brand come up several months ago, so I imagine it can come up again in the future. Then today, this exact brand we talked about came up on today's review list!

I appreciate the occasional laugh I get when browsing Amazon, when sellers from other countries use words that are unexpectedly funny, like this puppy dog toy that "screams while walking" :lol:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

:lol: :hearts: :thumbup:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 16:

Did some intending just in my head this morning :)


- Transcribed the youtube clip FeelGood posted, and got the benefits of absorbing Abe's awesome energy, clarity and wisdom :thumbup:

- Continued reading Ask & It is Given :hearts:
I love how since enough time has passed since my last reading of it, it feels fresh and new again! :lol:
I love how I can read the information from a different setpoint than I read it last time because I'm in a different place today. : )


I appreciate he so lovingly delivered the snacks to me today! :hearts:
I appreciate he carried them all this way, and truly went out of his way to do this for me!
I appreciate how genuinely happy he was to do this; to want to make me happy; how he delivered it with such a huge, happy smile! He's so sweet and has such a good heart 🥰

I appreciate I got to taste new things thanks to his delivery! I looove tasting new things!
I appreciated the delightful crunch and the freshness & newness of the flavour : )

I appreciated seeing the floral arrangement she made. The orange one was so pretty! I love seeing how talented she is with artistic and creative things :hearts:
It's nice how her hobby fills the house with colour and flowers!
I liked hearing her express her desire to make a new painting for the house.
I love feeling her eagerness, her happy desire, her inspiration ~
I'm so eager to see her next creation! I love seeing new art! It fills me with appreciation for the colours, the shapes, the subject-matter - how it all fits together so beautifully - the balance and harmony of it all.

I appreciate that my morning intentions to feel good today came true :vortex-small:


For tonight, I'm intending feeling relaxed, easy, and comfortable in my body.
I am intending a cosy lovely night's sleep, feeling good and sleeping deliciously wonderfully!

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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 17:


I appreciated seeing this cool, unusual flower today!

I appreciate my gardening group and the lovely people in it who take the time to share what they grow like this. I love that their photo posts are a kind of appreciation for them; wanting to share the joy : ) I love discovering new things like this that I've never seen before! Such an interesting flower!
Apparently it's a "Collarette dahlia", a variety called "Night Butterfly" or two similar ones called "Bumble Rumble" and "Fashion Monger". I so appreciate google's image search that helped me find its name!

I liked discovering this XXL Dahlia too!

("Emory Paul Dahlia" and "Winkie Colonel Super Size Dahlia")

I appreciate we ticked another thing we wanted to do off the To Do list today :) It felt satisfying crossing it off and being able to put it behind us now.

I appreciate seeing that me and Y are on parallel paths.
It feels nice to see him develop ~ It feels nice to see him interested in the same things that interest me ~ I like receiving reading recommendations from him; he has such good suggestions ~ I've loved reading some of the books he's enjoyed too ~ like Sonia Choquette's Diary of a Psychic ~ It feels good hearing him describe his journey, his learnings; his discoveries; his personal development; his manifestations, his expansive experiences. I love how much he shares. I love it when people share of themselves so openly, so freely, so authentically. And I love that he always answers questions and is responsive to my comments - I appreciate this kindness. It's nice I found a way to be able to communicate with him in a way that's comfortable to us both : )

I liked bringing some humour and playfulness to the work facebook group and enjoyed everyone's joyful response and appreciation : ) I love tapping into my playful side!

I appreciate the work hours were fantastic hours today! I appreciate the alert group that lets me know of any changes. I like feeling like I'm in the loop; up to date; in on the latest developments. It feels good feeling informed "live" how things are going : )

I appreciate that my sifting and sorting power is becoming more sure and more discerning.
I appreciate that it's becoming easier to let go of things I don't need because I'm becoming more discerning. It feels like a type of clarity and certainty which feels good. Almost like a type of confidence : )

I appreciate that she cooked for us today ~ I appreciate her caring and dedication; her commitment and desire to help; her desire to ensure everyone is happy and healthy, taken care of and provided for :hearts:

I appreciated hearing that cute "How we met" story today. I love these kinds of stories! They're so interesting and feel-good. How people open their hearts to one another; see the best in one another and fall in love ~ it's always lovely to hear! 🥰
OH! instant manifestation! Right after typing this appreciation, I went back to reading the next bit of the book in Ask and it is Given, and it just happened to be the part of the book where Abraham describe Jerry and Esther's falling-in-love story! :lol: What a fun, instant bit of Law of Attraction manifestation! :in_love:
spiritualcookie wrote: Sat Aug 10, 2024 10:21 pm A Dream was the Catalyst to Esther Manifesting her Relationship with Jerry!

Many years ago, Jerry and Esther were mutually involved in a business enterprise, but they were not romantically involved.
They felt appreciation for one another, but there was not a romantic feeling because neither of them would allow themselves to have that.
Each of them, due to circumstances and beliefs, had not even tiptoed into that arena of thought relative to one another.

One night, Esther dreamed that Jerry (she saw him clearly) kneeled by her bedside and kissed her on the cheek, very much like the fairy tales that she had heard as a child.
and when he touched her on the face with his lips, an extraordinary feeling began surging through her - a feeling of exhilaration, a feeling that all was well, a feeling beyond description.

It was a feeling that she had never experienced asleep or otherwise.

And when she awakened, she could not stop thinking about that dream, and she could never again think of Jerry in the way she did before her dream.

This dream left a feeling in her that she had not known before. It was so delicious that she tried to dream it again and again!
And if she was not able to dream it, then she would just try to remember it.
She wanted to recapture the feeling of that dream.
And that vibration was the catalyst that brought them together.

Esther had been thinking things like: I want to live happily ever after; I want a partner who appreciates me; I want a joyful life experience.
As Esther had been thinking those things, even though she was living the lack of much of it, her Inner Being, hearing her wanting, offered her something visual and sensual. Something tangible enough so that she could not forget it - and something potent enough that it kept calling her. And as she flowed Energy toward it - oh, what a productive segment of time that was!

- Abraham, Ask and it is Given, pg 197
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Oh wow, this was sweet to read. Thank you especially for reminding me about "Esthers dream"... I needed to hear it!
Have a wonderful day! :hearts: :wave:
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