Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 20

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to feel on hold. I don't want to feel in a stance of cessation, standstill. It feels dead. It feels stuck. It feels powerless. It feels too calm.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want PASSION! I want fun and laughter and liveliness! I want movement, and FLOW. I want to feel a satisfying, bold UNFOLDING. It feels as liveliness! It feels eager! It feels extremely satisfying! It feels as a rush. It feels right! It feels in Alignment. It is in touch with who I really am. It feels wonderful. It feels triumphant. It feels adequat. It feels POWERFUL.

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want my 3 hearts-desires to unfold, to become and to manifest fully and wholly. I want to own them fully and grow into never again going back. It feels like giant relief! It feels light. It feels as alignment. It is clicking. It is "coming home" and becoming new. It feels like, a new life! It feels wonderful. As bliss and awe and wonder. It feels delightful. It feels as shedding a curse. It feels rejuvenated. It feels liberated. It feels healed.

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: Yes, come this way! Come this way. You thought you would need to stand still in stagnance. But that was NEVER the case. And as you know, your life hasn't been stagnant, ever! Indeed, you chilled out and calmed down first time in your life 4 years ago. But we called for your attention with Chronic Fatigue, Asthma, a full Burn Out, High Blood Pressurebefore... and now with COPD.

The key-sentence is:When you "stand still" and allow life to turn on it's own, and you smell the flowers, and love all there is... THEN things happen. And, congruent with your dreams, you have HUGE manifestations ahead of you, that you have no idea of, yet. So, relax into a sweet, relaxed, first time in your life authentically PEACEFUL stance, and everything will unfold.

I say:
Thank you SO MUCH!!! Thank you.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 21

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to feel this meager, hollow disalignment. It feels meh. It feels somewhat ok. It doesn't hurt. But there is no JOY in it! No movement, no eagerness. I want MORE.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want to feel fully wholly alive! I want to LIVE. I want to celebrate every moment and feel deep love for those that share the world with me!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want this rich SWEETNESS of life. I want awe and goodness, spread thick on my daily experience. FULLNESS. LOVE. WHOLENESS. EASE! Excitement, joy, fun, happiness! Joyful adventure. Surprise and delight. LIGHT! LOVE! JOY!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: Just keep doing what you do and drop the doubt whenever it comes up. Just drop it. Never fight it. This will be easy, from now!

I say:
THANK YOU! I will.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 22

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like "to wait". It feels boring. It feels somehow hollow. It feels not really feeling real time, actively eager... It feels as not "being there". It feels as not in Alignment. Half.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want to be fully THERE, all the time, no matter what: Each moment as whole and sweet and delicious and unique and to be celebrated!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want to feel rich and eager and alive and free and giddy NOW, and NOW and NOW!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: Just be! You notice how fast that went, just now. It is always that easy- and we know you know! Just allow it to be an ongoing feast of happiness!

I say: I'll do! I LOVE THIS. Thanks for the reminder! :in_love: :vortex:

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 23

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to displeased. I don't like to be in dis-alignment. It feels empty and hollow. It feels bad. It feels not as who I know I can be and feel. It is not the fullness of who I really am.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want full joyful eager, lively alignment! It feels ALIVE. It feels fresh. It feels inspired. It feels eager and filled with energy. It feels easy. It feels de-lightful. It feel wonderful! It feels warm and cozy and natural and normal. It is so LIVELY and free and fresh!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want to KNOW the next passionate steps. I want to be drawn and clear. I want to feel specifically clear about what I am allowing. It feels happy and humorous. It feels delicious. It feels calling and clear and wonderful!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: This is the EASE we want you all to feel- and follow unconditionally, joyfully. No matter what.

I say:
I get it. There is some fear involved to get it wrong. Now, this is about TRUSTING that good feels good, and I can do that.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 24

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to mock myself, to not be proud of what I do. It feels off. It feels like, I am missing the point... Source ALWAYS loves us. ALWAYS understands when we are not inspired/lost/"lazy". There are always GOOD reasons for it, and I am missing the point. I really do.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want to be ON POINT! I want to fully and wholly UNDERSTAND myself and others! (at least, when that joyfully calls!) I want to be "the love that I came to be", even somebody behaves as the very worst douchebag. I want to be the love that I truly am. That feels wise. That feels clear. That feels right. That feels friendly, as healing and mending what belongs. I want that.

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want to love in X situation! I want to find relief for X and not strangling him :x I still want to be in love. In love, looking at him? Or can I soften that? Of course I can. I can give him the benefit of the doubt. I can understand that he is in fear, underneath all of it. And this fear feels terrible. So, Yes. I wish him light and healing. Light and happiness. Light and goodness. Light and ease. Light and ease. Light and ease.

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: It's ok! :hearts: And it's enough. All is well.

I say:
Thank you! Thank you. Please help him!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 25

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to feel "iffy". I don't want this powerlessness and feeling as a puppet on strings, not in my divine power to create what I desire!

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want to be EXPECTANT of all the wonderful things I desire for me and the whole world. I want to be wholly, fully, joyfully expectant of what I have asked for!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want to deeply trust and expect that the shift into the "New Earth" will be very sweet and smooth. I expect an awesome, wonderful, elating, AWARE shifting-experience for myself. I expect that it will be the perfect experience for each single one! But for myself, I want to realize it while it happens. I want to feel proud and triumphant! I expect an awesome feeling of liberation. I expect sort of a quantum-leap, but a very smooth one for all of us! I expect huge surprise and indescribable delight! I expect a true Paradise. I expect love and humor and joy and ease and liberation. I expect loving humbleness and deep respect. I expect to be seen for what I truly desire. I expect to see others true intentions, and I expect awe about all of it!

I expect Paradise on Earth. I expect a love we didn't know before to be the basis of our life. I expect JOY as the daily song in our all hearts. I expect all of this, and it feels wonderful.

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: That is what is your destiny!

I say:
I deeply, deeply embrace it NOW!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 26

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to not yet be THERE. It feels like missing out on a big one. It feels like not being complete. Not in Alignment. Blocked off.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want to REALIZE how much I am there, already! I want to feel "at home" unconditionally. That feels so much better. Open. Triumphant, even! It feels like having built ALL MY LIFE. It feels meaningful. It feels organic. It feels like "perfect timing" by the Universe. It feels like, it's building all on it's own! It feels like, we all want to be ready to be ready, and there is some time and trial and error involved... All want to be clear, and all want to be satiated with what they have done all on their own!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want this to be a paradisy haven, and also a wonderful bouncing-off-point. I want it to be a gathering place that feels like holidays, and also the perfect buisiness-place. I want it to be family, and also each ones unique nest for their very own! I want it to be "everything can, while nothing must. I want it to be fun and whimsical, and also stunningly beautiful. I want it to be totally unique- and also one big awesome harmony.

I want it to be togetherness and being on my own. I want it to be one for all, and all for one! With mountains and forests and lake and creek, with small castle and cottages and masses of flowers. I want it to be playground and park, showroom and exhibition, collection and fairytale- environment. I want it to be all kinds of workshops, and Cafè and Chocolaterie and Diner and 5 star-food-Bistro, and I want it to be secluded and a place for hermits as well.
It feels incredibly RICH! It feels cozy and adventurous and wonderful and light. It feels amazing! It feels filled with light. It feels sooo creative and inspired, and inspiring! It feels so WONDERFULLY GOOD!

It feels like: "Let go and let GOD. It feels like deep trust and deepest KNOWING. It feels like called to hold the vision. It feels like, I did this work all the time, all my life, and it is paying off! It is becoming. It is close, while it IS, already, and we all know it!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: You got that! It IS, and it is coming, inevitably, in greater ways than you can fathom. It will knock your socks off!

I say:
I look forwards to that!! :lol: :hearts:

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 27

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to "only dream" without things, boldly unfolding. It feels stuck. It feels disempowered. It feels disappointed. It feels sad...

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want to RECOGNIZE the wonderful flow and triumph THAT IS THERE: I want to "get it". I want to feel the flow of joyful unfolding. I feel the joyful fast momentum, flowing without hindrence, without resistance. It feels wide and open. It feels sweet. It feels like ALLOWING. It feels delicious! It feels happy. It feels lively. It feels eager and passionate. It feels so good and ALIVE!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want to see the scale moving DOWN :lol: I want to see physical evidence. I want to dance and skip! I want to sleep wonderfully. I want to see the money amassing in my account. I want to see the stuff, and touch it!! I want to feel exhilaration. I want to book the cruise. :D I want to have the date in the travel-agency, and sign the contracts! YES, and it feels EAGER. It feels wonderful! It feels high on life. It feels free and happy and expectant and wonderful and FLOWING!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: You really can have all of this! TRUST. It is trust. Belief in what your dreams are! You can do that!

I say:
Yes, and it really is fun to get closer to understand it even more! :in_love: :money-bag-gold: :hoppy:

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 28

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like having -maybe- missed my idea of "speaking into existence" that I CAN do or have what I want. I did this "work" with great joy and love and it feels like I have soothed me on all fronts, and that is good. But I might have missed to really work specifically on this TOPIC and I did want to do this. It feels as a missed opportunity. So, really, I want to do this in the next month!

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want to SPEAK MY DESIRES into existence. Just as the quote says. That feels sharp and on point. It is not general but specific. That feels right!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want to see movement on my dreams! I want to flow, in ease, in what I really desire. I want to feel "I did that". I want to FEEL the movement.

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: That's wonderful. You got our impulse! Please, start it today!

I say:
I'll do! :hearts:
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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 1

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to invite my family, and especially my son H., who always dreamed of that, to an awesome trip to Hawaii! Complete with transportation, and island cruise, and the TIME to do 3 weeks vacation.

...I can afford that! I can buy that! ...It feels AWESOME. It feels BIG. It feels logical! :vortex: It feels awesomely in Alignment- juat as I always wanted it to be! It feels as coming home. It feels as BEING ME. It feels so harmonious and normal and RIGHT!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want us all to go LAZY. I want us to take our time.
And also, I want us to experience amazement! I want us to embrace ABUNDANCE, fully and wholly. I want us all to live PARADISE!
I want us to lay on the golden, and white, and green, pink and BLACK beaches!
I want the kids to play, and the grown ups to play, too.
I want all of us to have a car, and be able to do research whenever they want to!
I want us to experience Waikiki Beach, and the Grand Royal Hawaiian!
I want us to have banana-bread from the stalls along the way to Hana...

I want us to scuba dive. And to have a wonderful, really good local food and explore the newness!
I want my beloved H "to have the most delicious mangos all day"!
And I want us all to have fantastic fruit all the time, and fantastic seafood... and PARADISE....
I want us all to buy hilarious wonderful Aloha Shirts and take pictures, and bring them home... :hearts:
I want us to feel loved, surprised and delighted beyond all expectations!
I want this to be a Paradise-experience, that will carry and inspire us, for years!

...I can afford that! I can buy that! And that feels sooooo good. It feels rich. It feels so abundant! It feels elated. It feels happy! It feels like being on top of the world, and all my beloveds with me. It feels so sweet. It feels as pure wonderful fascinating loving harmony and ALIGNMENT!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says:

That is how it is supposed to go! Easy. Delightful. Certain. Lovely beyond what you all expected!

I say:
THANK YOU!!!! I KNOW. I will have it. I will live it!

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