
Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You get what you expect, have you noticed that?
You expect to survive, and so you do.
You expect to have a roof over your head, and so you do.
You expect to live alright, and so you do!

But you don't expect extraordinary things, so they don't come!
You don't expect magnificent money to flow into your experience, and so it cannot get in.
The only thing that comes to you is what you are expecting to come to you!

Abraham Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »

When what you want
and what you expect
are all going in the same direction,
you are so powerful
that nobody can dissuade you.

- Abraham
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Everything is ALWAYS working out for you!

We want you to always (or to try to begin to) assume,
that it is working, it is working, it is working!

"I just can't see where it is going.
But it is working- because it is ALWAYS working.
It is always working:
The Universe is always yielding to me
in the best possible way, that I allow right now."

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Rather than saying "I never have enough money",
you say instead: "I look forwards to having more money."

That is a very different story.
A very different vibration, and a very different feeling.
Which will, in time, bring you a very different result.

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

"Today, I will focus on what I want,
and trust that the Universe will bring it to me."

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

The evidence does not support your belief.
The evidence was CREATED by your belief!

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

If you really want something
and you hold yourself in a place of powerful expectation,
the Universe will yield the cooperative components to you.

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Something that isn't coming-
it only means one thing:

"I'm a match to my OLD BELIEF,
not a match to my NEW DESIRE!"

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Appreciate as much as you can,
and KNOW FOR SURE, that you are just beginning

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Your deliberate decisions that you speak to your cells,
gives them knowledge of your desires that overrides any negative beliefs or expectations!

Many of you assign all of the thinking ability of your being to your brain.
That is not an accurate assumption! For we have not that clump of physical stuff, and yet we still think, regarding your bodies, it is not just your brain that transmits and receives thought.

Literally every cell of your body has the ability to transmit and receive-
if you do not make decisions about what you want, then the cells of your body, literally every part of you, receives influence or direction from whatever mass consciousness speaks.

That's why doctors have concluded that diseases are hereditary. Because the cells of the infant body were communicating with the cells with the sick parents body, or with the worrisome thoughts of the sick parent. Babies not thinking about being sick, but receiving on some level about it. And receiving the result of that, because the conscious decision was not stronger.

A few years ago Jerry and Esther climbed the mountain. It was great fun, and on the following day, Esther could not get out of bed!
A few days ago, they climbed another mountain. Only this time, instead of Esther's body responding to mass consciousness or to Esther's old beliefs about the way her body responds to that sort of strenuous ordeal, Esther stood at the bottom of the mountain and said, speaking to her body:

"Are you all listening? It is my intent to climb this mountain. And I'm wanting you to receive the perfect amount of blood and energy and oxygen in order to do it with efficiency, and with effectiveness, and with fun and furthermore, tomorrow morning when I wake up and I'm wanting to feel very good! Are you listening to me?" she said again and again. She stopped along the trail, and spoke to her body!

And on the following morning when she awakened, she opened her eyes and was delighted as she bounced from her bed to find not one bit of soreness! Why? Because she made the decision consciously, to override old beliefs or mass consciousness, regarding this issue!

Now the reason we tell you this story is, because we are wanting you to understand that there is great power in decision, and that you do not have to let the evidence that others have created and are living, the physical evidence of disease, or poverty or whatever they are living- you do not need to let that affect your experience!

Because it is not evidence that has anything to do with you. It is only evidence of that which they have attracted by virtue of the balance of the thought that is within them. You are following us? It is our very strong wanting, to bring each of you to the place of knowing that you have control of your own experience and that it is not difficult to have it. That it is only a matter of you, deciding what you want, and really believing that your decision carries enough weight, that it can be your experience.

from the youtube-clip Abraham Hicks - RAMPAGE - TELL YOUR CELLS WHAT TO DO! With music (No ads)
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