Quotes on Sleep & Dreams

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Quotes on Sleep & Dreams

Post by spiritualcookie »

Talk to your Inner Being about what you want and why you want it
and let your inner being offer to you
in your dream state
images that you can flow energy towards,
which will cause your vibrational state to be as you wnt it to be.
And then, the Law of Attraction will bring it to you.

- Abraham

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Re: Quotes on Sleep & Dreams

Post by spiritualcookie »


Go to sleep and let your energy clear
and let your momentum subside.

And then, when you wake up in the morning,
make a decision that you're going to focus upon
things that feel good,
and then do it.

- Abraham Hicks

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Re: Quotes on Sleep & Dreams

Post by spiritualcookie »

On Remembering Your Dreams
Blue__Butterflies wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:00 pm if you say,
“Oh, I hope I don’t have any dreams that point out that my vibration is not where I want it to be,”
that will keep you from recalling your dreams.

But if you say instead, “My dreams are so helpful in helping me to see things that I might not be able to see as clearly without them,”
now you’re queuing yourself up for more recall of your dreams.

t’s very helpful when you put yourself in your bed at night to acknowledge,
“I’m going to withdraw my consciousness from this time-space reality,
and I’m going to re-emerge into non-physical,
and I’m going to have glimpses into the relationship between me and Me.
And I want to remember them when I wake up.
So it’s my intention when I wake up to remember anything that’s meaningful.”

Then, when you open your eyes, lay there and let the first thought that comes to your mind be,
“Did I dream?”
And lie there for a little while until you reel it all in.

Sometimes you just get a little piece,
but stay there until the dream begins to come back into your recollection.

And as it comes wafting back, say to yourself,
“What really matters here is how I was feeling in this dream,”
because the emotion that you felt in the dream is the true indicator of the vibration that you have going on.


When something manifests, whether it’s in what you call your real life experience
or your dream state, (...)
Here’s the thing we want you to hear:
It’s a vibrational indicator, period. (...)

That’s the way we would utilize dreams.
If we had a dream and it felt just euphoric, we’d say,
“Whatever I have going on is good, and I’m going to keep thinking and speaking pretty much as I have been because I’m really on the right track relative to this.”
But if you have a dream that is upsetting, and you’re able to isolate what the emotion was,
and you are able to acknowledge,
“Yeah, I’ve been feeling that way about that,
and I’ve been feeling that way about that,
and I’ve been feeling that way about that,”
then you can do something about that incrementally.

~ Abraham-Hicks
Orlando, FL 11/10/2007
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Re: Quotes on Sleep & Dreams

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

The difference between sleep and meditation

In sleep, there is a stopping of momentum.
In meditation, there is a change in frequency.

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Re: Quotes on Sleep & Dreams

Post by spiritualcookie »

Pre-Sleep Exercise & Segment Intending

As you put yourself into your bed each night, acknowledge the existence of your Inner Being, and your connection to it, and lie in your bed for a few minutes before slumbering, and bask in the spirit of your own Well-being.

Your Inner Being will literally flood you with pure positive, powerful Energy.

Set forth your intention to allow the complete refreshment of your physical apparatus, knowing that your Inner Being will lovingly and intricately align the energies of your physical body. And set forth the intention to awaken refreshed and happy.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on Sleep & Dreams

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Allow your Trust to get bigger!
(What happens during sleep)

Abraham, giving an example of what we could say, that would help us:

I have been focused upon some specific things that matter a lot to me. And in the process, I have managed to launch more Rockets of Desire around this, than I can count. And I sense, that those Rockets of Desire have managed to accomplish a point of Attraction! But since I can't see it yet, or see it in its tangible form, sometimes I doubt it...

...Because I'm accustomed to trusting what I see. But not so much, trusting what is unseen. I want to find a way of knowing it even though I can't see it!

I want to feel it even before it IS.
Because I understand, that until I feel it, I'm not going to be able to see it. It would be so much easier if I could see it, and then know it! But I understand that I've got to know it before I can see it. And so, I'm not really asking you Abraham or Source-energy to do anything about it, to make it happen in some unnatural way. What I'm really asking for, is that I can somehow release my resistance- in a way, that I can trust that it is coming. Because trust feels so good. And doubt feels so bad- and so, what I'm really talking about here, is:

How can I goose up my trust?
How can I remind myself that things are really always working out for me?
How can I trust that it will be, as I want it to be?

So, here's the answer to that question: Look at other things around you, that are, as you want them to be.

And remember when you didn't see them, as they are now! Remember the things, that were in motion before you could see them?
And know, that all things are that way.

Trusting the process... but it's it's not the easiest thing to do!
But you can trust in your alignment.
You can trust in your emotion.
You can trust in the laws of the universe.
You can trust in the very consistent Law of Attraction!
You can trust in your Inner Being, who is aware of you.
You can trust that source is with you.
You can trust, that what you want is known, and honored, and experienced by the Inner Being- part of you!
You can trust that it's just a matter of practicing that feeling.

-That's what the process of "getting to anything that you want, that hasn't come about yet" is!

What you have to accomplish is:
-You have to realize that the journey has begun.
-And you want to stay in your lane, as you're going!
-You want to find the thoughts that feel good, and if the thought doesn't feel good, then release it as quickly as you can.
-And don't let a worrysome thought get started! Don't let it get any momentum going.

As you go to bed at night, lie on your bed and know, that while you sleep, that any momentum that is slowing anything down, will stop.
And the momentum of your source, and the momentum of what you are wanting, is underway in full swing!

And imagine that when you awaken in the morning, because you've slept and your vibration has risen as a result of being asleep, that you will meet the vibration of your Source in the moment that you awaken! And, ask specifically for some feeling, some impulse, some confirmation of that. And expect it to come- at first in the form of emotion.

It can come in other ways, through rendezvousing. People will say things to you, they don't even know you, and they'll be saying things to you that are meaningful to you! Things will happen in your environment, all kinds of things will come as messengers to let you know, that you're right on track. Watch for the evidence of the messengers along the way!

This is really what we are wishing for all of you: To look for evidence of your alignment before the manifestation.

This is the secret of living happily ever after, and it's the secret of getting the specific things that you want: Look for the evidence, before it is seeable, hearable, smellable, tastable, touchable. Look for the evidence along the way, and watch what happens!

An avalanche of it will come to you. You're ready to receive the evidence.

from the clip: Abraham Hicks ✨ HOW CAN I TRUST THAT IS COMING? 🌠 Law of Attraction
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Re: Quotes on Sleep & Dreams

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

What fear really is, is feeling pinched off from Yourself.
You soften it when you care for more sleep- and being more SATISFIED!

There's a little bit more I'd like to know about the fear, or the worry, that comes out... um, you rang my bell earlier, when you talked about my desire for action and need for control. Which slips away, perhaps, in the night. So, can you say a little bit more about, maybe even a technique, or...

Abe (teasing)
We'd like to exaggerate your fear! You have control of nothing! ...Let's say, that everything that you're afraid of, is really after you! (Laughter).

All fear is, is a difference of opinion between your Inner Being and you, about the subject that's on your mind, when you feel the fear.

It's just an indicator: "Hey, there's another way of looking at this, that would feel better! You want to see if, you can find it!"
But if you've waited until it's fear, rather than dissatisfaction, it's really hard for you. Because what you end up doing is, defending your fear. Justifying your fear, rationalizing your fear, compounding your fear, exaggerating your fear- keeping the momentum of your fear going. Rather than finding the relief from it!

And then, the subsequent romping in the direction of what you're wanting... what do you think you're afraid of? If you want to tell us? What is that you fear?Most would say, "fear of not being in control", but what are you afraid of?

I think... I would say, of being alone!

Well, that really really really applies! Because, fear is the indicator that you've pinched off the whole of you, and you are sort of out on the ragged edge, without the whole of you flowing through. So, your fear is justified!

"When I feel fear, it feels like I'm out here on the raw and ragged edge, without my clarity. Without my stability. Without my wholeness. Without my wisdom! Without my love- core!"

It's logical, isn't it? So you want us to say, "well you're the one exception in all of the universe: when you feel fear, it means you're locked on!" (HS, laughing: No!) ...So next time you find yourself feeling fear, say: "Yeah, that's about right! I've got myself pinched off from the whole of Who-I-Am." And this feeling of emptiness... doesn't fear feel like emptiness? Vulnerability, void... these words are all too strong, but it's "I've pinched myself off from my resources. And now I feel pinched off from my resources!"

And stop looking for other reasons that you feel fear. You feel fear, because you've pinched yourself off from your resources, period! It's not because you're afraid of that, or that, or that, or that, or that. You did the best job of articulating what you're afraid of, of anyone that we've ever asked that question! And we've asked hundreds of people.

"I feel fear of being without my Inner Being- which fear is the indication, that I pinched myself off from my Inner Being! And so, I'd like my Inner Being to come back. Even though I have fear!" and your Inner Being says: "We're here! You gotta let go of whatever thought you're thinking, in order to let us back!" and you say: "I can't. I'm afraid." And then your Inner Being says: "Then go to sleep." and you say: "I can't sleep!" -No hope at all for you! (Laughter) -You know what to do!

I do know what to do!

And we liked how you started out with us! That you know, that satisfaction is the key. And that's just gonna open things up! If we were to visit with you a week or two or three, down the road,
you would have already discovered that that reaching for satisfaction is just softening that! Softening that, softening that, softening that, softening that!

from the youtube-clip "Abraham Hicks 🦋 What is fear?"
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Re: Quotes on Sleep & Dreams

Post by spiritualcookie »

When you dream about something, it is always a match to the thoughts that you have been thinking.

And so, since each of your dreams is, in fact, your creation, it is not possible for you to dream about anything that you have not created through your thoughts.
The fact that it has now manifested in your dream state means that you have given it a significant amount of thought.

The essence of the way you feel about the things you think about, most will eventually manifest in your real-life experience. But it takes even less time and attention for it to manifest in your dream state.

And for that reason, your dreams can be of immense value in helping you understand what you are in the process of creating in your awake state.

If you are in the process of creating something that you do not want, it would be easier to change the direction of your thoughts before it manifests than waiting to change your thoughts after it manifests.

- Excerpt from Ask and it is Given, pg 194
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Re: Quotes on Sleep & Dreams

Post by spiritualcookie »

Process of Evaluating Dreams

The process of Evaluating Dreams is as follows:

As you go to bed, consciously acknowledge that you dreams accurately reflect your thoughts.
Say to yourself: It is my intention to rest well adn to awaken refreshed.
And if there is anything important for me to recall from my dream state, I will recall it when I awaken.

Then as you awaken, before you get up, lie there for a few minutes and ask yourself: Do I remember anything from my dream state?

Although you may be able to recall different aspects of your dream state throughout the day, usually the best chance of recalling your dreams is when you first awaken. And as you begin to recall one of your dreams, relax and try to remember how you felt during the dream sequence, for recalling your emotions will give you even more important information than recalling the details of your dream.

Quite a bit of attention must also be given to a subject for it to begin to show up in your dream state. For that reason, your more meaningful dreams are always accompanied by strong emotion. The emotion may feel good or bad - but it will always be strong enough so that you will recognize the feeling.

If you have awakened from a very good-feeling dream, you can be confident that your dominant thoughts surrounding that subject are pointed toward manifestations that you DO want.

When you awaken from a bad-feeling dream, know that your dominant thoughts are in the process of attracting something that you do NOT want; however no matter where you stand (...) you can always make a new decision and change the manifestation to something that is even more pleasing. (...)

As soon as you begin to understand that your dreams are wonderful reflections of how you really feel and what you are creating, then you can begin to deliberately change your thoughts in order to positively affect your dreams. And as soon as you receive the positive dream, you will know that you are on the path of a more positive real life manifestation.


If you awaken from a bad dream, do not worry.
Instead, feel appreciation for your awareness that you have been giving attention to something you do not want.
In the same way you appreciate the sensors in your skin that alert you to the fact that you are approaching something that is very hot, appreciate that your emotions have made you aware that your thought are approaching something unwanted.


It is helpful to keep a written record of your dreams, but it is not necessary to be extremely elaborate in the recording of the details. [especially of bad dreams, because] once you are awake and you are now thinking about or discussing your dream, those thoughts DO affect your future creations.

Record the general setting where the dream took place, the basic people who appeared in the dream, what you were doing in the dream, what others were doing in the dream, and most significantly, how you FELT within the dream. (...)

Once you have identified how the dream felt, (...) you may want to move on to [another] process [to] move up the Emotional Scale.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on Sleep & Dreams

Post by spiritualcookie »

You do not create while you are dreaming.
Your dream is a manifestation of what you have been thinking during your awake state.

However, once you are awake and you are now thinking about or discussing your dream, those thoughts DO affect your future creations.

- Abraham
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