Quotes about Esther

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Quotes about Esther

Post by spiritualcookie »

People say "Abraham, why did you choose Esther?"
Well, she was easy. (Fun)
She was asking,
she hadn't made her mind up about anything,
she wasn't pushing against anything,
she was living happily ever after,
she meditated and in her meditation, her vibration rose, she received thoughts from us, she liked it and off we went.

"Oh, Esther was assigned to this."
She's not assigned to this.
[She was just vibrating towards it]

~ Abraham-Hicks
Boston 5/5/2018
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Q: what I'm asking for clarity on is why you and others like you come through to tell us or explain to us how to manifest, how to be more? I'm wondering what is happening.

A: Mass consciousness is experiencing more contrast
so mass consciousness is asking with stronger and stronger impetus,
and as mass consciousness asks,
Source finds a way through the crack of least resistance to answer.

So someone like Esther, who was not opinionated about things,
who was not pushing against a lot of things,
was with a man who had powerful, never ending questions,
and it was just a good focal point.

In other words, Jerry's view of the world and what the world was wanting,
and the vibration itself of what the world was asking,
and Esther's openness and ability to allow a Vortex to open through which words could be spoken all just made for a good combination.

That's all - a crack of least resistance.
That's what you can call Esther -
"Esther, you are the crack of least resistance."
The crack of least resistance where questions - powerful questions - from contrast can be answered.

Q: So, you as a collection of beings came through to Esther so that...

A: Really to all of you. As mass consciousness asks,
the answers are there for everyone.

It's just that every now and again someone gets in a place where they can hear the answers.

We didn't whisper them secretly only to Esther, she just was listening.

Q: OK. So I guess I wonder what drew you.

A: You all - mass consciousness - and your desire to understand has drawn us; your questions have drawn answers.

Q: And is it the vibrational level of this planet that has been instrumental in drawing you as well?

A: Not necessarily.
When you ask, it is always given - it is that simple.
So as you ask, answers are flowing.


Q: I understand that you're telling us how to align, but I wonder why do you need to tell us? Wouldn't we just know this on our own from our own beings?

A: Everyone can, and everyone eventually may, but when you're asking and asking and asking and asking (this could take a while) and asking and asking and asking and asking and asking and not letting it in, you aren’t receiving.

So then you're asking louder and louder and louder, then eventually it comes through a crack of least resistance.

These are the things that we really want you to understand because we know where you're going with this, and we really want you to understand that there isn't one of you who could not receive as clearly as Esther about any of this.

Q: OK.

A: In other words, Esther is not some special Vortex through which the answers, and the only important answers, will flow.

As you ask and don't let it in, and you ask and don't let it in, and you ask and don't let it in, and you ask and don't let it in, there's an extreme asking.

So then Jerry comes along and Jerry sees that people are asking and not letting it in - he doesn't put it in those words, but he is asking questions like why are people having problems and why isn't there more wellbeing and so forth. He shines a spotlight - his specific spotlight - on those questions with Esther sitting there in the environment.

And then, through the path of least resistance, they meet someone who teaches them to meditate. Even though neither one of them ever thought that they would, they sit there willing to follow through with it - they sit in a quiet room and Esther focuses on her breathing, and right away she feels a connection with something that feels wonderful. And they like it so much that they do it for another nine months -
not trying to be a Vortex through which answers come, but liking the sensation of the releasing of resistance.

And then Esther begins to receive information, and Jerry realizes that the information that he's hearing flowing through Esther are the answers to the questions that he's been asking, so he asks more questions and more answers come.

Esther is nothing more than an example of an aligned being, an aligned person that we have been encouraging you all to accept yourself as being. That's all.

Q: So everyone can connect to you directly.

A: Without exception. Without exception everyone is an extension of Source Energy, everyone has an Inner Being, everyone has a Vortex full of requests, everyone has requests that are being answered, everyone was born with a guidance system, everyone was born to know where the rumble strips are - everyone.

Boston 5/21/2016
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Blue__Butterflies wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 5:58 pm

Q: Where is Esther during all this?

A: Esther is in vibrational alignment with us,
so much so that we are able to use her apparatus completely.

In other words, because of her alignment, she is able to find the translation or the interpretation of these blocks of thought seamlessly to the point that
as we are offering them, she is able to find the words.
In what you would call real time, we’re able to download a block of thought that might take her several minutes to unravel.

We want you to understand that Esther is not doing anything that you cannot do.
In other words, everyone on the Planet is an extension of Source Energy.
All Esther did was hear about the possibility of connecting with intelligence that had answers and then meditate for nine months by quieting her mind.
And in her meditation process, she quieted her mind, which means she stopped thought, which means she stopped resistance, and in that time, for 15 or 20 minutes a day, she allowed us to tune her vibration to the frequency that is us.
And once she was tuned to the frequency that is us, she heard our thoughts.

Now, that doesn’t mean that Esther can’t have a negative thought.
It doesn’t mean that she can’t have a bad day.
It means that she has access when she reaches for the vibration of Abraham to the vibration of Abraham, as do you all.


Q: So we could all do this.

A: You all are doing it to some extent.

[You all receive] impulse(s) coming from Broader Perspective.
Even when you yawn, that impulse is coming from Broader Perspective,
in awareness that your physical apparatus would benefit by the influx of oxygen and blood flow.

You are all extensions of Source Energy - you have never been otherwise.

What you’re witnessing here [in Esther's channeling of Abraham] is just someone in the state of allowing their connection to Source.

You see that on the basketball court when the player is believing in his skill and inspired to the movement.
You see it in the surgery when the physician’s hands are guided.
You hear it in music.
You see it in literature.
It is all around you.

It has never been different from this (some call it channeling - Esther doesn’t like the word) -
This is the epitome of inspiration.
It’s being in vibrational alignment with the Energy of my Source so much so that the intent of Source is the dominant calling.


When you realize that the Law of Attraction is responding to these dominant vibrations,
and when you realize that the vibration of your Source is the dominant vibration in the Universe,
then you understand why this call of Source is so powerful,
and why it feels so uncomfortable when you don’t go with it and so good when you do.

That’s why it feels so good to appreciate someone and so awful to criticize them.
Even if they deserve the criticism, it still feels awful.

That’s why it feels so good to positively anticipate and so bad to negatively anticipate.



Q: Do you have an attorney? How do you resolve issues? This is a dumb question, I know. You already answered it, but how do you resolve issues of conflict when they come up in your business, or whatever? Or, somebody rips you off, or whatever. What do you do then?

A: Well, here’s what we encourage:
No matter how much wrongdoing has happened,
your pushing against it causes you to pay an even greater price.
So no winning in any court is worth the disconnect that is necessary in order to push against.
Besides, the conflict itself, in all that wrongdoing, sent out rockets of desire that, if you line up with it, will serve you even more.
In other words, this is a Universe with resources unlimited -
Don’t squabble over resources because they are unlimited,
although a little squabbling does make you ask for more,
and then the Universe expands with further resources, which you then have access to.

We would never sue anyone for any reason because we would not sacrifice our alignment with Source in the process.
And that which is your Source would never push hard against anyone.
That which is your Source understands you don’t need to push against another to get what you want - you’re already deserving of what you want and the other has nothing to do with it.

Q: Thank you. Thank you very much.

~ Abraham-Hicks
Sacramento, CA 2/17/2007
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Post by spiritualcookie »

How Esther started Channeling:
Blue__Butterflies wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:21 pmWhen Jerry and Esther first began this work, or even before they met us in the form that they know us,
Jerry had been reading the Seth material.
And Esther really was sort of put off by it.
She was afraid of it, really.
And so she did not participate with Jerry in this material for quite some time.
He read the books, and Esther said “Don’t bring them into the bedroom.”
They sort of spooked her - there was a picture on the back of one of them that made Esther uncomfortable.

So Jerry would just silently read the books, and occasionally he would talk to Esther about something that he had read.
And as he would speak what he had read, Esther began to feel some resonance with it,
until before long, Esther was actually asking to read with Jerry.
And so eventually every day they sat and read the Seth material.

Well, not too long after that a friend of theirs brought them a recording and said “Would you like to hear this?”
And Jerry said “Well, what is it?” because people were putting tape recordings in his hands often and he rarely listened to any of them.

And this person said “Well, it’s channeled,” and Jerry had never heard the word “channeled”, he didn’t know what it meant.
And it was not a familiar word from the Seth material, but he played it.

And what he heard was something that seemed akin to what he was reading from Seth – different, but similar in some ways.

And their friend said “This is a woman and she is coming to Phoenix this week, and you can make an appointment with her if you want, and ask her any questions that you have.”

Well, Jerry was eager to go and Esther was reluctant to go,
but they went and had a wonderful conversation where Jerry brought questions that he had saved up for a very long time.
And Esther sat silent and rather amazed as Theo answered Jerry’s questions,
and then Esther said “Can we come back tomorrow?” because now Esther had questions.

So they went back the next day and Esther asked some questions, and Jerry asked more questions.
But the result of that was Esther had a sort of transforming experience where she completely lost her fear of whatever she had thought that this was.
She did not know how to quantify Theo, and they did not know how to quantify Seth.
They only knew from the experiences that they had what it felt like.

At the end, the recorder clicked off and it was time for the half-hour segment to end, and now Esther was feeling a little frustration because she had more questions and her time is up.

And another woman, who was operating the tape recorder in the room, said
“Well, would you like to ask one more question? Do you want to know who your spiritual guide is?”
And Esther, who had never thought of that terminology ever, liked the sound of it, and she said “Yes, who is my spiritual guide?”
And Theo said “We are told…we…”

now, here’s a woman lying on a bed, “we…” Esther remembered Seth saying “Give us a moment.”
“We…we are told that it will be given to you directly. You’ll have a clairaudient experience and you will know.”

Esther asked what they could do to more effectively achieve goals,
and Theo said meditate, and that felt weird to them.
And Esther asked “What do you mean?”
And Theo said “Sit in a quiet room and wear comfortable clothing, and focus on your breathing.
And when your mind wanders, and it will,
release the thought and focus on your breathing.”

And then Esther said “Should we bring our daughter Tracy to see you?”
And Theo said “If it is her asking, but it is not necessary, for you, too, are channels.”

Well, Esther wondered how can something like that be and me not know it?
It wasn’t that she doubted it, she just didn’t know it.

So they went home and they had two intentions in mind -
Esther was going to find out who her spiritual guide was (whoever that was, and whatever that meant),
and she was going to meditate (whatever that meant), weird as it was.

And Theo had encouraged them to do it together, to sit in a quiet comfortable spot and do it together.

And so they went home, they closed the curtains in the living room, they put on their bathrobes,
they sat in two wing-back chairs with an étagère between them because it just felt weird, and set a timer.
And Esther focused upon her breathing, and as she relaxed into the counting her breathing, she felt a detachment that was delicious.
Just in releasing thought, she attuned to this very high frequency vibration.

Now, what happened was Esther had released her resistance enough to allow the fullness that is us to move through her.
She was not a vibrational match to us, but her resistance was absent enough that she tuned to the vibration of that which is her spiritual guide.

Now some would ask did she tap into God? Did she tap into Theo? Did she tap into Seth?
What was Esther tapping into? And we say she was tapping into the Vibrational Escrow that had been set forth for her,
The Vibrational Escrow that she launched before her birth,
The Vibrational Escrow that all that she had been living had amassed.
In other words, whatever you want to call it, she tapped into the Source Energy part that is her.

So then, as they began moving along, oh, Jerry was so excited because he had so many questions.
And he would prop Esther up in bed (at that time she was sort of spelling letters with her nose in the air) and asked his questions.
They seemed endless to Esther, and he would wake her up even in the middle of the night to ask a question.

And so once Jerry began dialoging with us (which was all day every day, just about), he just could not get enough conversation from us.

One day he got out his Seth books where he had written question after question after question in the margins.
It had always been so interesting to him how they would be in the middle of a dialogue, and then it would be the end of the dialogue in the Seth book, and then Seth would say to Rob “Is there something more?” And Rob would say, “No, no thank you, Seth.”
And Jerry would say “What? How can you be at the end of your questions?”
because just this little bit of dialogue had piqued so many more questions within Jerry.

And so now Jerry is visiting with us, and he says to us, “I have these questions I would like to ask.”
And we said to him address your questions as if you are addressing them to Seth because the Consciousness is here.
We said Seth and Abraham are chips off the same block, so to speak.

Now, what that meant was the basis of that which they are both about (which is helping you to understand who you are) is a similar vibration.
And yet the work that Abraham has become through Esther,
and the work that Seth became through Jane, are very different works.

Do you see what we’re getting at?
It’s not Nonphysical Energy with something that they are wanting to project,
it’s a point of asking that makes the uniqueness of what is coming forth.

So early on Esther said “Well then, I guess I’m speaking for Seth,” and we said to her,
Let what you are doing be uniquely what you are doing - do not express yourself as Theo or as Seth.
Express yourself as that which is uniquely you.
In other words, be a vibrational match, get yourself into alignment.
Don’t try to make something happen,
Get yourself into alignment and let that alignment be the Vortex through which the answers come forth.

And so whether you want to call your Inner Being God, or whether you want to call your Inner Being "my Inner Being",
it does not matter what label you give it.
Just understand that it is uniquely yours.

~ Abraham-Hicks
San Rafael, CA 2/9/2008
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Post by spiritualcookie »

What Esther offered to this unique recipe of physical and Non-physical ingredients [that created Abraham] was
an absolute trust
and an unquestioning willingness to Allow.

Esther has allowed an alignment of her physical Energy with our Non-physical Energy, which provides the basis for our communication with you. She is literally receiving blocks of pure, non-verbal thought from us and is, at an unconscious level, translating them into physical words. Every word that you read here is a label that has been interpreted by Esther. he is receiving thought impulses from us, in rather large blocks and she is digesting these impulses at an unconscious level of her being and is putting the words upon the page for you.

- Abraham, 1991
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Jerry, catching Esther from a fall while being nonphysical

Who you really are loves you so much! Adores you. Appreciates everything that
you are. Flows constantly to you, assisting you in every possible way!

Last week, Esther came bouncing up the steps and the step wasn't stable. When she stepped
on it, it caved in and her foot went between the step and the stage scraped up her shin. She
stumbled onto the stage. It was funny- it was it was really funny, and Esther thought,
"for the life of me, I do not know how I went down!"

So, Esther has a dear friend who sees energy. She always comes to the seminars in the city
where she lives, and sits in the back of the room because she not only likes to see the energy
around Abraham, she liked to see the energy around Jerry when he was sitting at the table, and
the energy around you. She could see- she could actually see, who was all lighted up. She knows
who Abraham is likely to call on, because she can read this energy.

So, after every Workshop she watches all of the live streams! She sends Esther an email and
she says "yeah, Jerry walked on the stage with you!"
Esther said "yeah, I know. I can feel him there." and then she said, "he caught you last week!"
and Esther thought: "that's why I didn't fall down!! Didn't make sense to me. I didn't have my
balance! I didn't have anything close to my balance, but I didn't go down!"

This is the thing that we want you to understand:
We've got you!
But if you're not knowing that, if you're mad at yourself, then you don't let us get you!
You prevent yourself from receiving the inspiration.

Do you know, when you yawn- that's because you need more oxygen. And we yawn you!
All of you are receivers, you see!
How often are you in traffic and you know to do something that prevents something? How
many things do you prevent that you don't even know you prevent? So many!! Because
you're receiving constant impulses.

You are so blessed! You are so tentative. We are so aware of you, and you are so in
your own way, so much of the time- as you're complaining about this and worrying about
that, watching CNN...

]so we want you to know, that you are the focal point of so much awareness. And that,
when you ask for something, we all know it! And we see clearly the path for you to move
from where you are, to where you want to be. And you know what? You want it to be a direct
path. WE DON'T! We want you to have fun along the way!!

from the youtube-clip
Abraham Hicks 2023 You Want the Freedom and Security, Not Money!
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Why are HotSeaters not supposed to hug Esther, when she's on stage?

(HS wants to embrace Ester to thank her)

Let's not...! You don't want to wake Esther up!
...It's not quite like that. But it does distract her, and we want her undivided attention here, with us.

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Sat Aug 10, 2024 10:21 pm A Dream was the Catalyst to Esther Manifesting her Relationship with Jerry!

Many years ago, Jerry and Esther were mutually involved in a business enterprise, but they were not romantically involved.
They felt appreciation for one another, but there was not a romantic feeling because neither of them would allow themselves to have that.
Each of them, due to circumstances and beliefs, had not even tiptoed into that arena of thought relative to one another.

One night, Esther dreamed that Jerry (she saw him clearly) kneeled by her bedside and kissed her on the cheek, very much like the fairy tales that she had heard as a child.
and when he touched her on the face with his lips, an extraordinary feeling began surging through her - a feeling of exhilaration, a feeling that all was well, a feeling beyond description.

It was a feeling that she had never experienced asleep or otherwise.

And when she awakened, she could not stop thinking about that dream, and she could never again think of Jerry in the way she did before her dream.

This dream left a feeling in her that she had not known before. It was so delicious that she tried to dream it again and again!
And if she was not able to dream it, then she would just try to remember it.
She wanted to recapture the feeling of that dream.
And that vibration was the catalyst that brought them together.

Esther had been thinking things like: I want to live happily ever after; I want a partner who appreciates me; I want a joyful life experience.
As Esther had been thinking those things, even though she was living the lack of much of it, her Inner Being, hearing her wanting, offered her something visual and sensual. Something tangible enough so that she could not forget it - and something potent enough that it kept calling her. And as she flowed Energy toward it - oh, what a productive segment of time that was!

- Abraham
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Monster Bus Problems Bring What Is Wanted
(Even masters as Esther need "contrast" to find clarity, sometimes!)

Now, Jerry and Esther for the first ten years of their work, they flew. They were on an airplane every Friday and every Monday and uh -spending a lot of time in airports and -a little bit of time at home -more, than they are now. But then one day after sort of growing tired of spending so much time at airports, Jerry and Esther considered these motor homes or busses. And Esther said to Jerry, "if we had a motor home, in five minutes we would be home. Instead of the all-day flight that it's going to take from LaGuardia back to San Antonio."

And so, for the next ten years, they've been driving busses. And -now they've come to the place where the bus feels like more responsibility than they really need to be dragging around with them. When they first began traveling in the bus they had big equipment, that they were using for sound conversion, and now everything's digital. The office is not sending them boxes of paperwork: Everything's coming electronically. So, they've paired things down they really don't need, except for Esther's clothes -a great big bus with a lot of big closets. And so they've been talking about releasing the bus and traveling differently, and doing some flying and and moving about in a SUV.

But Esther especially had very mixed energy about it. She loves that bus! She loves being in the bus, she loves driving the bus... And so she could not come to a decision. And what she wanted more than anything, was to be decisive. Now, Jerry had already brought himself to a place of ease about it. He had decided that life would be better and they would have more fun and have more time for themselves and less time moving in and out of RV parks. In other words Jerry came to the conclusion quite easily. But Jerry is a mere passenger in the bus. Esther is the pilot of the bus!

In other words, the bus has more meaning to Esther.
It has been her friend, while Jerry has been sleeping. -So, Esther had mixed feelings about it, and what she wanted was to become decisive. She wanted a decision to formulate within her, that was as powerful as the decision that had formulated within Jerry. And such an interesting thing happened: In the last one thousand miles of moving that bus back to Coburg, where they will leave it; the bus had four break-downs.

Never before has the bus broken down! Four things, that left them off, on the side of the road. But what it provided for Esther was clarity about that decision!

It provided clarity about the responsibility of all of those moving parts being with them, everywhere they go. And it brought her to a -a very easy personal consensus about the ease -In other words as much fun as it is the ease of releasing all of those moving parts. In other words, they just don’t need that much responsibility moving with them! Now there's not a right or a wrong answer in whether they should keep the bus, or whether they should release the bus. There's a not a right or wrong answet, but what there is:

-There is a Vortex version of them, that has been being created over time, that at one time that bus was a perfect answer to. That, at THIS time that bus is not a perfect answer to. But Esther was clinging to an old decision, and feeling uncomfortable, because new life was calling her to a place, that the old decision was not allowing her to go.

Are you following a bit? And then the magnificent, universal Law of Attraction yielded to Esther, what she most wanted. It was opportunity to come to clarity about what they wanted!

...So, we offer this example of what's going on with Jerry and Esther, because now Esther is no longer contradicted. In other words the -those poignant life experiences amplified, what she already knows, and what her Vortex is already calling her toward. But she wasn't ready to let go of that last resistance, until that last strong calling took place.

from AH official youtube-channel, called Abraham: MONSTER BUS PROBLEMS BRING WHAT IS WANTED - Esther & Jerry Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Esther, observing "what-is"...
(Reactivating resistance).

Is there some kind of a pre-destiny in following that inner guidance, that inner path?

Only in this sense: It was decided, or known, as you were making the decision to come into this body, that

You're a creator.
And that through your exploration, you would expand.
And that expansion is necessary and delicious.

But we would call that predetermined or pre-decided by you, intentionality.

By me -me-, or me -my Inner Self me-?

You, your Inner Self.

Both of us? Teamwork?

At that time, there was no split in you, because you hadn't come into consciousness that could think independently. So you said "step one is: I will think independently. I will know what I don't want. I will know what I do want! And in my independent thought, I will discover things that I do not want, and in the discovery of what I don't want, I will simultaneously discover what I do want, because every component of the universe has
wanted and absence of wanted within it."

And you knew that, and you said: "Sometimes it is necessary for life to show me what I don't want, before I can even know what I do want! Because it has to be personal."

So, when life shows you what you don't want, and then you know what you do want- you've launched that rocket of clarity. And you, and therefore we, have reached into a new place where we have never been before! And we immediately go there, because we have no resistance. You are slower in coming along, because you've got beliefs that keep you from immediately going there.

But when your desire for feeling good becomes stronger, than holding to a belief that you don't care about... The other day, we've been telling this story. We may even have told it to you directly! Esther was in Del Mar. She has a house there. She hadn't been there in months, she was sitting at her desk, looking out where the ocean should have been, and couldn't see the ocean. And she realized that in the months that she'd been gone, the trees had grown in, and the bushes from the side had completely obscured her view from sitting at the desk!

Which was why the desk was there. So her gardeners came later that day, and she said: "I'm blocking my own view. Could you guys trim this edge, so that I can see the ocean?" And they said: "Happily!" and then they said: "But there are trees down in the ravine, that might be part of what you're seeing!" and Esther said: "Well, I only own half of that ravine. Just be sure that it's on my property." and they said "We've got you covered!" -and off Esther went to lunch with her friend. They were gone many hours. They shopped and ate and explored, and when Esther came back, she walked onto her deck and went in and looked out the window, and the ocean was back.

She was so happy to see it! Then she looked out a little way on the hillside, up very close to neighboring property, and saw something that made her gasp: Two very large tree stumps. Cut all the way down to the ground. And Esther thought: "How in the world did that happen?? I thought i was so clear!" and then Esther began feeling guilty right away, and so sorry. And then she tried to make herself feel better, and she thought:
"Well, that house is under construction. Maybe it's new people, and they don't know those trees were there!" -so she worried about it for a day or two, off and on, whenever she thought about it.

And then one day, she looked out and she saw a man in a suit standing out on that patio- it's across the ravine, Esther's never been over to that house- standing in a suit, looking at the tree stumps. And then he took his phone out, and took a picture of them, and Esther thought: "I better go confess." But she'd never been over there before, so she didn't know how to get there. Is that a road down, that leads up? Or road up, that leads down? It took her a while to get there. And when she got there, he was already gone. But on her way over, she had practiced her confession: "I didn't mean to do that, and I'm so sorry! But I did do it. And I will make it up to you, in whatever way you want! I'll plant new trees. I'll landscape your whole yard- whatever makes you feel better. I am so sorry!"

-But he wasn't there. So she didn't deliver her speech. So she just went home, and continued to practice it. And then, a day or two later, she went with her friend off to lunch again, and when they got back she said to him: "Look what I did!" -took him out on the patio and pointed at the trees. And her friend said what? "Esther, your gardeners didn't cut those trees down, while we were at lunch! Why isn't the hillside all torn up? Where is the debris from the trees?"

And Esther thought: Hey! and then they walked out to the edge, and she looked up close to her property, and there was a very small stump with all the debris from it lying right there, where they had cut it. And all that had happened is, the gardeners had cut down a little tree that let Esther see things, she wasn't used to seeing. And Esther thought: "It's embarrassing that I believed something so dumb! It was completely illogical. It didn't make any sense at all, that those two men in three or four hours... they would have had to have a helicopter and a saw, and just cut it off at the bottom and carried the whole thing away!"

There was no possible way that that could have happened. But Esther believed that she had done that. The circumstantial evidence was such. The way it had unfolded in her experience- she believed something, that was truly illogical. It shook her up! Esther said: "I bet there's all kinds of really dumb things that I believe, like that, that are in my way! That I just keep carrying forward, for no good reason. Because circumstances just make that the path of least resistance, relative to the momentum that I've got going."

And so, you do- all of you- have many beliefs that you are nurturing, that you continue to keep active. that prevent you from your true reception of what's truly going on. Here's a very powerful statement:

If your desire is strong enough, any belief that's in its way, will fall by the wayside.
But most of you -because of your attention to other humans, and your desire to find mutuality with them, you choose harmony with beliefs that don't serve you- rather than upset them.

Rather than harmony with the beliefs that your Inner Being holds about you, that serve you completely, you don't want to be a freak. You don't want to be a pollyanna. You don't want to believe things that most people don't believe.

You want to believe the circumstantial evidence, because most of you are conditional.
We mean: You, meaning humans, are conditional in your thinking! So you keep observing what-is, and you keep bringing the vibration of what-is forward, even though your very existence means, you are here to create new.

You're not here to regurgitate what's already here!
You are here to become freer. To become wholer. To become newer. To feel better!

You didn't come to regurgitate what-is, and yet, most of those around you are true regurgitators.
And if you stand out not as a regurgitator, sometimes they want to call you weird or freak or pollyanna, or "not facing reality".

Aren't those regurgitated beliefs manifestations as well (Abe: they are!) ...from something, that happened when you were five or six years old?

Something happened 20 years ago, and if you didn't keep thinking about it, it would completely be out of your vibration- within three days! But because you talk about it, you keep bringing it forward 19 years, 18 years, 17 years, 15 years... and so, here it is. Right here, still active in your vibration, even though it has no relevance other than the relevance that you've given it, because you keep it active in your vibration!

So it continues to be in the way of what you want. but your blessed Inner Being- even though your Inner Being knows that you've got things in your way, your Inner Being is always looking for a path of least resistance to call you around it! Over and under it. In other words, to show you that you can get to where you want to be, no matter what beliefs that you hold. But isn't it nice, when you are willing to acknowledge that you have beliefs that are in your way, that are not valid? And what we're saying to you, with this segment, is:

The less you try to find mutuality with the girls in the nail salon, because they're lovely they are lovely and there are positive aspects... Esther one day realized, we've been talking about positive aspects for as long as she can remember. And somehow she was thinking that what we meant was -in every situation, or in every individual, there are positive and negative aspects, so line up the positive ones, line up the negative ones, and focus on the positive ones... and all of a sudden, she understood what we really meant. We meant:

Focus upon any aspect that causes you to feel good, while you focus upon it!

It's not an evaluation. It's not a determining what's positive, and what's negative! It's looking for mutuality with your inner being. It's looking for what feels good when you find it, you see!

And what feels good- a positive desire can blast out an old negative belief!

Because, you see, every individual is like the universe at large. Within every particle of the universe is wanted and absence of it. So, in every individual, there are aspects of them that you want to find mutuality with, and aspects of them that you don't. But most people want the other to change, to be mutual to you, rather than just looking for what is mutual. Or looking somewhere else to find it! Oh, you could be living such wonderful lives, if you would realize, that in every place you look, there is mutuality. And it's up to you, to find it. But when the first thing you do, is find something that's missing- then you harmonize with what you're mutual on, that takes you away from your Inner Being. And then, you struggle and need them to change, so that you can feel better. You got that, didn't you?

Yeah. Is that... is that mutuality? Because part of me attracted like, some negativity, and part of me attracted some positivity. and everything that I... I attract to myself.

That's a perfect statement. Because you've attracted it all.
Nothing is coming to you, that you haven't attracted. But here's the thing: You could be in a place of true alignment. Maybe you've been meditating for a while, and you're tuned in, tapped in, turned on, and you are in alignment, and in that alignment, you attract someone to you- let's say an individual to you, who has that mutuality.

In other words, that person has that potential or maybe even that going on actively, right here right now, and even though they might have a whole lot of other things that you don't want to think about ,or that you don't want to be mutual with, doesn't matter. You are focused upon and active about the thing that does, until you get so nosy about everything, about that person. You meet new people, law of attraction brings you together, and the first thing you do, is: "Tell me about yourself!" and we're in the background, saying: "Don't do that!! Let the law-of-attraction- mutuality be what carries you!"

Don't look around for other things that you might be mutual about, because you might find all kinds of things that neither one of you want to have active in your vibration, that you're mutual about! Because you have all kinds of things within you, that you don't want to be active in your vibration right now. Helpful?

Yeah, that makes sense, too. Yeah! Yeah, yeah!

So, what is life, really? What is it?

Life really is you, seeking alignment with who you really are.
You, seeking alignment with who you really are, you seeking alignment with who you really are, until you discover:
You know when you're satisfied. And when you're not, then moving out and let law of attraction bring to you things that are important to you.

Well, that's what brought up that predestination I was thinking about. Jerry, manifesting through his own questioning a lot of this, right here... (Abe: yes!) ...and was that like, his Inner Being, calling him into it? (Abe: No question!) ...This is where he's going to, and he just had to... (Abe: No question.) ...allow that to happen and go through his experiences, to get in line with that?

Sometimes, when you really want to know something, your Inner Being calls you right through contrasting experiences, in order to inspire you to ask for the thing, that you most want. It's also good: Everything is always working out for you!

from the youtube- clip "Is Pre-Destiny Real | Abraham Hicks | LOA (Law of Attraction)"
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