Practice a little every day

This new forum is created and a focus for those that want to participate with the study of Abraham-Hicks in their many books and processes.
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 20:

I am intending to always move forward, more and more, every day :hearts:


I appreciate that the crackers came out beautifully today thanks to the new binding agents! Version 2.0 was a success! :thumbup: I'm excited to try different versions of this recipe now with buckwheat or quinoa flour instead of oat flour and see how that comes out :)

I'm so happy I discovered the Herbes de Provence Blend in the spice cupboard. I was curious what it'd taste like because of the lavender it contains. I'm so happy it was unexpectedly delicious in the crackers!

I liked the manifestation that happened with the package pickup arriving JUST before I started baking so I could bake easy and free :)

I liked the feeling I got when reading some research papers - that the people who wrote it were trying so much to do the right thing! I felt it in my heart how they wanted to make the most responsible, best decisions for the world and it made me feel so happy that their heart was in the right place :hearts:
It also made me feel so appreciative that I am so free and don't have to concern myself with such complex matters, I like being able to choose lighter things; simpler things; happier things 😊

I liked the chapters I read in Suzanne Giesemann's book today (The Awakened Way) about FEELING out "yes" or "no" answers (messages from Source) in your body by feeling certain subtle clenching sensations for "no" and freer, more open sensations in the same locations for "yes". It can be so subtle - I like the idea of practising to get familiar with these subtle signs so that I gain confidence in perceiving these signs with clarity. I feel like that would be so helpful to connect with : ) I liked her suggestion to practice with questions you know the answers to, like your name, year of birth, where you were born etc to get a really good feel for what yes or no feel like. Such a good idea! I really appreciate Suzanne for her sensible advice, the clarity of mind she has, the clarity and exactness in her presentation of her ideas - she truly is a gem! I'm so happy I found her! :hearts:

I liked the sense of completeness I got from finishing watching that movie I've been watching over the last few days, a bit at a time :lol:

I liked the aqua blue-green colour of the top I received to review today. I find this colour so beautiful; so vibrant and summery. It makes me think of Caribbean tropical blue oceans and other tropical paradises : )

I like how thinking of Caribbean blue oceans makes me think of the Enya song "Caribbean Blue" which I haven't thought about in such a long time! It's fun to remember it : ) It's a pretty one. I like Enya's vibe :D So soothing. And I love how distinct and unique her style is. You can tell it's her a mile away - it's unlike anyone else's music and I love that!
I like how this is now taking me on a little Enya playlist tour :D I love Orinoco Flow too, and Epona, and Echoes in Rain.. and Anywhere Is... :hearts:
How fun! My search is leading to discovering new songs I'm never heard before - I so enjoy hearing new lovely things!
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by FeelGood »

Enya song "Caribbean Blue"
thankyou cookie, I decided to listen to this after reading your post....beautiful :flowdownstream: :flowdownstream: :flowdownstream:
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

🎵 :hearts: 🎵 :hearts: 🎵 :hearts:🎵
:beating-the-drum: :in_love: :beating-the-drum:


Day 21:


After enjoying reading Tara's post about 11:11 I just now looked at the clock as I sat down to start my appreciation for the day, and it's 11:11pm :lol: I love this synchronicity! Thank you Universe for bringing a smile to my face :)

I appreciate that I felt inspired to vacuum today and now my carpet is all lovely and refreshed, looking like new! :D I love the feeling of being in a nice, fresh, tidy space.

I appreciate the lavender infusion I did in my room too - I love how after a while, after the initial lavendery smell dissipates a little, it turns into a different smell that's sweet and delicious, and reminds me of scented stationery and scented dolls from my childhood :D I like how scents develop ~ how after they're on your skin a little while they smell a little different than when you first applied them. It's an interesting sort of alchemy - and you get to enjoy one application through all its levels of progression, giving the experience more richness than it appears to have on first sniff.

I appreciate my young teenage neighbour. I love seeing how earnest he is; how polite and respectful he is to his elders. I love seeing how he's so proud of his father's car, he spends much of his summer holiday polishing it to a beautiful shine almost every day! I love seeing people who like things to be tip-top and beautiful; and seeing how they are so careful and respectful of their possessions, finding joy in keeping them beautiful, well-cared for, well-tended to.
I appreciate seeing how he helps his parents with such seriousness and care. :)

I appreciate how I'm doing such a good job in allowing wellness and wellbeing to flow to me and through me with ease :hearts:

I appreciate that I'm enjoying the fiction book I'm reading at the moment. It's so nice to find a book that grips you right from the start; with likeable characters who are interesting, and you want to see what happens to them. I love how the book is designed too. It's so cool how the pages are decorated along the non-spine sides!

I love seeing innovations like this in design - in all subjects! including in book publishing!
I love seeing innovations in everything!
I so appreciate seeing leading edge things ~ discovering the new ~ taking things to new places; new levels

I appreciate seeing the love in her eyes :)

I appreciate feeling the love projecting from her :hearts:


I am intending to see my family members happy, healthy and well :hearts:
I am intending to see wellbeing and wellness flowing all around me (oh - body's telling me I'm on the opposite end of the stick on this one!)
I'm intending to see love in those around me.
I'm intending to feel the love in those around me.
I am intending perfect relaxation
I'm intending breathing deeply
I'm intending feeling good
I'm intending a good night's sleep :)
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 22:


I had fun making the list of movies and tv shows I have loved and appreciated, for another thread. Just making the list aligned me with feelings of appreciation!

I like that I found the UK Aurora Updates group on facebook today so that hopefully next time I'll catch a good day to look at the sky and get to witness the aurora :)
I liked seeing the pictures people shared from all over the UK

I love how talented some people are at taking beautiful photos!

I enjoyed our chat today. I liked how we both felt so comfortable in our own skins, while talking. How we both allowed the silences too and it felt good without any awkwardness :hearts:

I liked that I found a paper heart on my desk today :hearts: That was a very sweet gesture!

I liked that she said she's feeling better even if physically the difference cannot yet be seen. I find it soothing and reassuring knowing that this is in tune with Abraham - the shift comes vibrationally and emotionally first before we see the physical evidence of it. So I know her physical wellness is just round the corner from feeling better emotionally. :thumbup:

I liked the products on my review list today ~ they will be fun to review! I look forward to it.

I liked that she suggested she'd help me come up with more recipes - she's so sweet how she's always happy to help :hearts:

I liked the pretty colours I saw today

I love how soothing and soft they are side by side.

I liked watching some Love is Blind UK today. I liked how I found it interesting; I enjoy the feeling of eager anticipation and desire to see what happens next when they put a tantilizing cliffhanger in there! I like the aliveness and vibrancy of the feeling of eager anticipation. I like the way it feels so full of life-giving energy and eagerness for more!

I'm intending feeling good
I'm intending perfect relaxation in my body
I'm intending perfect health
I'm intending deep breathing
I'm intending tomorrow eating just the right amounts :hearts: (I can do it!)
(I love how tomorrow there's always another chance to make choices that help me feel good)
I'm intending to make choices that help me feel good
I'm intending to see the good all around
I'm intending to relaxxx
I'm intending for tomorrow to be a happy day : )
I'm intending for tomorrow to be filled with lightness and fun
I'm intnding for tomorrow to be filled with interesting things
I'm intending for tomorrow to be filled with satisfying moments
I'm intending for tomorrow to flow with ease and joy
I'm intending for tomorrow to be a good day : )
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 23:


I appreciate the baked good my mum baked for me today. :in_love: It was so nice to start my day with this kind, thoughtful, loving, delicious surprise! I love having such loving, giving people in my life :hearts:

I liked learning that the name Polly can be short for Mary! (Mary --> Molly --> Polly). I like discovering surprising and unexpected things like that! (It can also be short for Paula or Pauline which makes more obvious sense! :lol: )

I liked making the quinoa bread today. I liked how the process of making it flowed so easily and smoothly. I like that it came out quite tasty! And I liked the ideas that occured to me for how to make it even tastier next time.

I liked discovering flashlight gloves today. I like the idea of being able to light the way at night without having to hold anything; and having your hands free!

I like having Netflix which allows you to watch shows at whatever pace you like. In the old days, you had to wait a week to see the next episode, but with streaming, you can watch the next episode whenever you're ready for it. I love this convenience. I love this instant desire-satisfcation. It's great to feel in control of when you see things.

I liked watching the group of tourists flying by on Lime bikes down my street just now. It makes me feel "vacation vibes" hearing different languages outside my window, seeing people having fun, exploring new places :D

I like the "track your package" feature on Amazon that lets you see on the map where your delivery driver is as he approaches your house. It's nice knowing when to expect him, and somehow interesting seeing his journey! I like it when they give you an exact window of time for when to expect him too : )

I like it when people acknowledge you and make you feel seen. I like it when they respectfully offer a greeting or a goodbye when coming and going. It feels friendly. It feels kind. It feels considerate. It feels like a small connection, heart-to-heart. Even better is when along with the greeting they look happy to see you! :lol: or when going, they are inclusive and invite you to come along, or invite you to a future get-together. That's nice when they show signs of interest in you and of wanting to be together :)

I like it when people volunteer interesting tidbits to share with you, without you even having to ask. I like it when people enjoy giving in this way. It feels like a kind of generosity. It feels interactive. It feels like "good communication". It feels like a wealth of information. It feels like an abundance of interesting things all around you. I like the mutual exchanges where you give, and they give, and you enjoy one another's informational presents in this way :) I like learning and discovering new things in this way. It feels expansive. It feels like a fun way to learn! It's so much more interesting and fun when it comes from a passionate person. And I like that you get exposed to information you wouldn't have thought of searching for yourself when someone who is passionate about a subjects shares with you.

I liked seeing the good communication on Love is Blind. When they're in the pods, all they have is communication - and it's so beautiful to see how they help flesh out things for one another by saying things like "I've got a huge smile on my face now!" so that the other person gets a clearer picture of things. I like how articulate they are about their feelings. I like how they explain what's going on if they've gone quiet for a bit. I love the clarity and kind, thoughtful consideration of it.
I found it interesting also seeing how often people said "I love that!" in response to another person expressing a hobby or belief. It's like a mini-appreciation :) I like how positive people seemed; how affirming and validating they were. I liked how easily they say "I love you!" and I liked how comfortable and accepting of one another they seemed upon first meetings,

I like the bodycare / skincare gift-pack I received today. It was a wonderful surprise the bottles in the gift pack were full-sized and not just mini sample size!

I loved listening to some old songs this evening - it's so nice remembering some old favourite tunes! I love how some songs just make you want to sway and mouth the lyrics to them :lol: :hearts:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 24:


I appreciate the visualization I learned from the Long Island Medium, to make myself transparent so that nothing bad can stick to me. I tried this after being exposed to someone with a cold, and imagined that whatever bug they had couldn't stick to me because I am transparent, so it has nothing to stick to. This felt like a fun, empowering way to align with maintaining good health :)

I appreciate the pleasant fresh breeze in the air today :) The freshness is so lovely.

I appreciate she cooked some delicious things for us today for lunch. I so appreciate the time and effort she spent making it, and making sure it would be ready in perfect time :hearts:

I appreciated getting a steam mop in my review list today. I'm so curious to test it out!

I appreciate the free cinema ticket voucher worked! I'm excited to see the movie I picked out :dance: I'm excited to go to the cinema! Last time was pre-2019!
Aaaand - back from the movie! I enjoyed it! (Inside Out 2) :D I appreciated the humour of the sar-chasm; and the character "Embarrassment" made me laugh - he was so cute :) I appreciate the writers who wrote an engaging script; and an interesting story. I love how they often add funny bits at the end of the movie too as everyone walks out the cinema. I appreciate the artists who came up with all the movie's characters. I appreciate their creativity of thinking how certain emotions might look if they had a human form : ) I appreciate the emotional sensitivity of the writing. I appreciated the bit where all the characters came together to help. It made me think of how the Inner Being is so aligned with love, that it loves us no matter what, sending love unconditionally. It was beautiful to see it symbolised in the movie : )

I appreciated that he dropped me off and picked me up from the cinema. That was so kind of him! It's nice being driven by someone you love and feel comfortable with. And I loved the perfect timing that he arrived at exactly the right time, despite me coming out 10 minutes early - he just happened to arrive exactly 10 minutes early too! I didn't even have to wait a second!

I liked the excitement of following the Aurora status today. I liked seeing it get to the Red zone! I'm looking forward to more red zone times in perfect conditions with beautiful clear skies, at just the right time of the night.

I liked discovering Meteorologist Eric Snitil and his facebook page where he explains why the moon looks as it looks, and gives hints of things to look out for like special lunar events, special weather events etc. I feel like knowing what to look out for helps me find more things to appreciate - and the new level of understanding adds an element of satisfaction when looking at things :)


I am intending to relax and breathe deeply
I am intending to relax my shoulders and neck
I am intending to feel uplifted
I am intending to feel light and easy
I am intending to feel good
I am intending to experience fun, interesting things today
I am intending to have easy flow
I am intending to receive easy inspiration for what to do with my time that will feel good
I am intending to align with love, light and high vibrations


✅ BLESS ME method brief meditation
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 25:


I liked that we did a crossword together. It felt fun, light, easy, relaxed. It felt like togetherness - putting our heads together in a friendly way towards a common goal. It felt satisfying coming to the solutions together; and it felt satisfying completing the whole thing.

I liked the synchronicity that 2 words came up in the crosswords that were amazingly specifically relevant to things we talked about earlier this very day. I love seeing evidence for the Law of Attraction in my experience! It's so consistent! And yet it surprises and delights me every time in how it shows up! :lol:

I liked seeing how she's learning and picking things up so quickly; and becoming more confident with the technology :) :hearts:

I liked teaching. I liked feeling her openness to learn. I like how I feel so patient when I try to explain things. I like how I am able to explain things clearly; starting from the very beginning and walking her through it all. I like how she comes along with each step, getting it well. I like feeling her expansion as we go. It's very satisfying having a catalyst role in someone else's expansion!

I liked ordering a new treat today. I'm eager to taste it : )

I liked finding some new products I want to try. It feels good seeing more and more companies making products with beautiful, health-conscious ingredients, at reasonable prices. I like seeing the world growing in this direction of making products that are good for humans and good for the planet. It makes me happy seeing people with good hearts, bringing new good things to the world, making the world a better place for all of us :hearts:

I liked finding the Bashar facebook group today ("Bashar - Higher States of Awareness", with 71,000 members!). I loved seeing kind, knowledgeable people with extremely in-depth knowledge of Bashar's teachings, helping those asking questions. I loved how dynamic, interactive and vibrant the group felt!

I appreciate having helpful resources at my fingertips that I can use.


I am intending to leave some space tomorrow :hearts:
I am intending to feel good
I am intending perfect health
I am intending ease
I am intending to let it go with ease
I am intending to flow with ease
I am intending to release anything that doesn't serve me
I am intending perfect moderation
I am intending getting the amounts just right
I am intending feeling good
I am intending an easy, peaceful, relaxed night
I am intending wonderful restful sleep
I am intending feeling good in my body as I rest
I am intending relaxing into a good night : )
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 26:

I am intending feeling good
I am intending perfect health
I am intending slowing down to make the space for making good decisions & choices
I am intending taking the time to tune in
I am intending flowing from one fun and interesting thing to the next
I am intending a fun, interesting day
I am intending tuning into love and appreciation often
I am intending receiving help, support, assistance and guidance from my team of spiritual guides of love, light and high vibration, to guide me in the most feel-good direction today.
I am intending treating my body with honour, love and care
I am intending treating myself with respect, love and care
I am intending slowing down to give love and appreciation often - to make space for this

When I have free space, I have space for awareness for all the good things
I am intending leaving some room for a little free space :hearts:


Did some morning appreciations in my head :)
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 27:


Today I am intending perfect health
I am intending feeling good in my body throughout the day and night
I am intending feeling comfortable in my body
I am intending feeling light-hearted
I am intending receiving inspiration for fun and interesting things to do
I am intending a feeling of ease flow from one activity to the next
I am intending experiencing fun, and joy and appreciation often
I am intending a heart full of love
I am intending a head full of fun, interesting ideas
I am intending feeling an exhilarated, enthusiastic pull towards certain activities
I am intending a sensation of clarity and knowing of what I want



I appreciate how quiet and calm it is on my street. I like how the only activity or movement I see is the leaves and branches of the trees dancing in the breeze.

I like noticing how the sky is almost a neon pastel blue today. I like how the sky appears to be exuding light. I like that the light is soft and easy on the eyes today. It feels pleasant.

I like seeing the lush greenness outside my window, in various shades of green. It's cool how nature has so many shades of a colour : )

I like how the sun bounces off the parked cars; shiny and glossy, like a polished mirror.

I like how quiet and calm it is in my house ~ I'm so lucky to have so much peace surrounding me.
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Day 28:


I appreciate that the covid I got seems to be on its way out now! :D
(I see exactly what I did vibrationally that caused me to get it too! and I appreciate the clarity of that. I hope next time I can give more air-time to thoughts & feelings of invincibility than to worries of catching something :hearts: This time round it was about 20% deliberate attempts at creating my reality : 80% worries :lol: It's a good goal to have to aim for a reversal of that - to always feel my invinicibility, my strength. That's a good intention to have! I intend perfect strength; I intend invincibility! :D Makes me feel like a superhero just writing that intention :lol: )

I appreciate the abundance of tv shows that offered a good distraction and helped me focus on better-feeling things :)

I appreciate that the last few episodes of Love is Blind UK came out today! I'm eager to see the conclusion of the show! I love how interesting it is : ) And I love that I can fast-forward through the bits that don't feel good :lol:

I appreciate the fun I had making some designs today : ) It's satisfying seeing the end-product and how pretty it looks; or how professional it looks; Imagining people looking at it, admiring it, perhaps laughing if there's a joke in the design. I like the thought of spreading beauty and feel-good vibes through my designs. I makes me so happy when someone leaves a review for a product of mine, saying every time they look at the product, it brings a smile to their face!

I like seeing people caring well for themselves; looking after themselves lovingly and with respect.

I like seeing people being loving to one another; speaking to one another with affection, with soft, loving, smiling eyes; with a smile; with gentle soothing tones. I like seeing people talking about lovely, interesting things that stimulate one another, and help one another grow. I like seeing people being open to one another; open to learning; open to growing; open to expanding; really wanting to be the best version of themselves, for themselves; and everyone around benefits too!

I like it when people come to me to tell me of the lovely things others did for them. Sharing happy news; sharing funny, feel-good experiences; sharing interesting things. I like it when these kinds of interactions leave me feeling uplifted; and sometimes when they bring something fresh and new that I haven't thought of before and make me feel expanded.
And just as I was typing this, someone came into my room to tell me lovely things that I hadn't thought of and made me feel expanded; and they did with with love as I was describing in my previous paragraph! :hearts: :lol: I love it!

I appreciate that Jenny Lee inspired me to go back to listen to my old Chinese/ Japanese/ Thai / Korean song playlist and I re-discovered some old faves! The song ディジー by ayaka is so good! :hearts:
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