Easy Matches

This new forum is created and a focus for those that want to participate with the study of Abraham-Hicks in their many books and processes.
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Easy Matches…

- seeing 55s all day long 🥰 on the cars, on the phone. Thank you ☺️
- my morning meditation (I’m meditating with Kali and I really enjoy the resonance of her 🥰)
- capability of my colleague (she is doing a great job)
- resolution at work (regarding MS)
- my half day holiday approval (Yeeey!🥰)
- the kiss 💋 I love delicious kisses
- me liking my summer outfit ❤️
- my state of calmness overall
- this beautiful weather. Love walking in the evening…
- the beautiful beingness of my yoga teacher 🥰
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Easy Matches…

- My morning practice and meditation
- The fact that he came with me ❤️ He is so amazing 🤩
- Thai massage. I am not sure how it works but this person did magic to my back and emotional state of being. I was a bit irritated this morning, but massage put me back into the vortex. I am so appreciative that these people exist 🙏
- Those girls from Romania, their friendliness
- The trip I had in New York, which allowed me to connect more with these people I met first time. They were talking about travels, and then someone asked those girls when are they planning to go to New York. Agh… what a beautiful opportunity to share my tips.
- This guy’s from Colombia friendliness. The girls went to ladies, and I was a bit on my own with the strangers thinking if no good soul will sit to talk with me in 5 min maybe I should go, and then he was kind enough to sit to have a chat with me.
- My partner, our connection, our laughter, our appreciation for one another, the beautiful memories we have connected with while working through the park ❤️
- Yesterday while being among other strangers I put in my vortex to feel more connected. And today while being among another group of strangers who shared the common interest among themselves, I felt kindness of people and gentle orchestration from the universe which allowed to be connected with conversations on more general topics like travel even if I don’t share their professional networking interest..

Thank You, Universe 🥰
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Easy Matches…
- I appreciate this beautiful group of people. Together with our uniqueness we create this wonderful dynamics. Thank you Universe for bringing me here. I like this group of people ❤️
- I appreciate my friend dog’s maturity. It is so easy to look after her. She so intelligent and grown up now.
- The cuteness and adorability of her cat 🥰🥰🥰
- This wonderful beautiful summer weather
- This opportunity to live on my own
- The processes that are given to me to raise my vibration
- This Abraham group who share Abraham videos via Zoom and helps me save the cost
- My friend from Netherlands
- My colleague and her continuous support and clarity
- B. and her willingness to help 😊
- This guy and his fun with the water 💦
- This convenient commute with public transport
- HIM ❤️
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Today I came across this that I wrote to myself one day in 2022, and it was a nice soothing…

I have decided to embrace the unwanted in myself.
That is the only way to allow myself be.
Everything in the universe has wanted and unwanted.
So do I.
I have things that are unwanted.
I am grateful for them as they are part of the creation of that which I AM.
As by knowing the unwanted in me I have stronger clarify of the wanted in me.
That is the purpose of unwanted.
The purpose of unwanted is to present me with options and choices.
It is so obvious that it goes hand in hand with the wanted as I am more clear of the wanted when I know the unwanted.
So I decided today to be easy on me when I see the unwanted in me as it helps me to perfect and realise that which is wanted.
And through this awareness I intend to clarify to myself the wanted and allow myself focus there as I know focus is my key power in this Universe.
So what is that is wanted from today?
I want to feel good
I want to give people a benefit of a doubt
I want to be solution and process improvement orientated
I want to be kind to people
I want to be kind to all people even if I think they don’t deserve it because they do
I want to feel good about people and myself before I communicate
I want to communicate from a good feeling place
I want to be easy on myself when I don’t do that
I want to be ok with myself when I am not perfect me
I want to be easy on me
I want to be easy on others
I want to be easy on everything
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Easy Matches…
- I am appreciative and grateful for Abraham processes that help me navigate myself in the ocean of the thoughts.
- I appreciate that I did apply processes last few days and managed to bring myself in a calmer waters
- And my days responded to that new found relief..
- I appreciate manifested that moment in the evening at his place, it was my very vortexy moment. We both liked it. Thank you Universe ❤️
- I appreciate the love I felt when going for a walk in the park near his place. I am still not sure if that is because I like the place, or I love him and walking in that park makes me resonate with the feeling of love ❤️ but I clearly felt Love there 🥰
- I appreciate that these processes work
- I appreciate that they work in the moment and also afterwards
- I appreciate the compliment
- I appreciate feeling reconnected on subtle level
- I appreciate that all is well.

All is well 🥰
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Easy matches:
- I am currently looking after a dog and a cat. They are adult pets and mature, and they are full of love ❤️ they are also very intelligent and understanding. They quickly learnt that bedroom belongs only to me, and they are not trying to get there in the evenings. It is nice 😊 I mean they try with their puppy like eyes, but they no longer are scratching the doors 😅
- The most amazing easy match was that he decided to come and keep me company. It was such a pleasant visit, and it brought me all the memories of why I feel so good about him (which was really sth I wanted to be reawakened), and then with him I saw again hearts ❤️ Thank you Universe for this wonderful soul in my life ❤️❤️❤️ I am so blessed 🥰
- I also love my friends apartment. At the moment apart from the dog and the cat, it’s just me living here. I so enjoy this feeling of living on my own 🥰 and I like the area too.
- My brother also called which was nice
- Nasir the agent I met today was the sweetest and the most wonderful agent. Maybe I met him because I wrote a positive review about another agent:) that frequency attracted him :)
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Easy matches…
- I appreciate the efficiency of the client
- I appreciate how the dog and the cat learnt to give me space for sleep. I was thinking maybe I should let them in the room this evening but when I was going to bed they even didn’t wait near the door. And it’s truly nice to have space for myself (they even follow me to toilet 😅😅😅) they are truly cute… ❤️
- They are so funny too! The other morning I found the mess in the kitchen (somehow the cupboard was left opened and they destroyed their treats) the dog greeted me in the morning and stayed in bedroom and then I went in the kitchen I saw the mess. The cat was nowhere to see. She normally stays on the kitchen chair. I shouted the dogs name and if you saw many guilty dog walks…that’s how slowly slowly slowly she came from my bedroom and sat in the corner with her tail down while I was asking “who did this?” I looked for the cat as well, but I couldn’t see her. Then I wanted to find a ball to take together with me to walk the dog and I checked under bed in the kitchen (living room is connected with kitchen) just to see a cat scared and hiding there with guilt 😅😅😅
- no one was punished but they knew what they did was not right 😅
They are my easy matches now ❤️
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Easy matches…
- The very nice compliment of the candidate for our service was such an easy match ❤️
- The work for the Team eased up a bit.
- Today I let the dog and the cat in my room… the dog has sth with her eye and she acts a poor victim… and the cat, of course, cannot be left out… we will see how it will go but for now they are cute and sleeping…
- The weather is so refreshing
- I liked the idea to put yoghurt on my face. Feels good 😊
- Was nice for my ex flatmate to invite me for a movie ;)
- I am enjoying reading Sara and Seth book 📖
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Insights from today: I have to find my way to alignment, my Inner Being will not come where I am. I know Abraham says this but I realised today that acting victim will not be helpful.

From Sara & Seth book: It is never too late to find a good feeling place about anything. Things will constantly change to match the feeling You have inside.
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Easy matches:

I am surrounded by so many easy matches that I take them for granted… this game helps me at least to acknowledge them 🥰

- I am currently living on my own in a beautiful new built apartment with a beautiful view. I am looking after a beautiful dog and cat. This place is surrounded by the river (on another side is London City Airport). In the mornings when I go to walk the dog, it’s peaceful… just a few people here and there going to work. I usually go to the kids playground which is free in the mornings and I release the dog to play there. The playground is facing the river, she has low and high tides and sometimes you can hear the waves…. I don’t feel like in London at all… and this river is so replenishing… such and easy match…
Good feeling
Uplifting views
- The cat has become super loving over the years. She is a British shorthair. These type of cats normally don’t like humans company too much. This one is an exception. She always sits near me when I am working and is just super cute to watch 🥰 sometimes (not often) she wants to be petted.
Heart warming
- The dog always loves the attention 😄 they both love to play, to be loved and their treats. And if I relax and focus on them, I think it’s pure love walking right there. (They are way to pampered! 😅)
Balanced and harmonious pets
Easy to look after
- My brother is coming for a visit tomorrow which is nice and an easy match. It would be nice to feel more connected, spend some meaningful time, have good chat.
- My friend whose place this is, she is very easy going and naturally do not dwell on negatives. I like the lightness in her.

Today it was nice to remember the feeling I received when I came to the UK for stay, and this guy in the shop wrote his name “Abraham” I have never met anyone before with that name, for me it was magical feeling to be welcomed by someone named Abraham 🥰

And now I wanted to read Seth and Sara, but somehow did not feel right, so I opened a random page in the book called “Soul Love” and it wrote about my ability to create a relationship I want and like Abraham says it encouraged to focus on the wanted in another person as opposed on not wanted side, it was like Abraham wrote that chapter (I mean it’s also channeled, but that chapter sounded particularly Abraham like 🥰)

An easy an good match, telling me I can I have it all ❤️
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