I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...so many delightful paths that I've been on... :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 26
spiritualcookie wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 9:50 pm that's so exciting you've got the ball rolling with bookings for the trip! It sounds like it will be a trip full of beautiful and special experiences to look forward to 😊 🎂 🐎 :hearts:
yes, yes, yes!!!! :hugging: :dancing:

I SO love to dig in deeply about what is "there" and building a "Grid" from it, so to speak, and then let the chips fall where they may... such a delightful mix of having my hands in the clay, and getting involved and REALIZING the treasures that I would like to see, and then deciding against some, and picking and choosing.... and EXPECTING that my angels and guides will mix it up with what I simply can't control, in the VERY best ways.

I love that my beloved brother promised to be with us in every evening, and also to share us in some of our trips. He is SO nice to be with! And it felt magic, as I asked him for insider-ideas, and he suggested all the exact things that I already had listed! :hearts:

I am soo satisfied with what is- and so eager for more!
I am eager for fantastic discussions and talks with my brother, and the ideas that he might give my grandson!
I am so eager to have things fall into place, arranged by divine forces!
I am so eager to have perfect weather in Vienna :hearts:
I am so eager to see the kids swim in a wonderful warm day in the old Danube, and to play in the sand for hours... being LAZY and feeling SUNDAY.
I am so eager to be stunned myself and know them stunned by the dinner in the dark, and by understanding the blind people so much better, and by my one grandson -maybe- even losing his fear of the dark, as we tackle it all together with such a fantastic experience!
I am so eager to see the butterflies in the Palmenhaus, and to witness my grandsons with them!!
I am so eager to talk with them about the "Grannies" in Cafè Vollpension who, in baking and serving cakes from family-recipes, earn a bit money and are not lonely anymore. What a fantastic concept.

I am so eager to embrace my beloved WIEN once more!
I am so eager to have an AWESOME time with my beloveds!!
I am so eager to feel blessed and surprised and delighted.

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...so many delightful paths that I've been on... :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 27

Boy, I DO enjoy my journey! :lol: A few days ago, I asked for FLOW and things, unfolding in tactile ways. And now, I've got that!
My son F needs to drive with a trailer into Poland, to exchange a classic motorbike into a classic car, that has built in the perfect engine and transmission of a classic four-wheeler, that he got some months ago. :crazy:

The guy wasn't wholly forthcoming with his address, and now we found out that it will take AT LEAST 9 hours to get there... and I decided that I will share H, so he will have a second driver in case of getting tired. And, it is so much more fun to not be alone! AND, there is the awesome city of Dresden on our way, which H wanted to see since years. So we where setting up an itinerary with the best route, I booked a hotel-room for us, and I plan how to pre-cook dinner and pre-bake cake for DH and our grandson, that will be here, over the weekend! It is totally spontaneous, it feels quite adventurous, and I realllly look forwards to share time with my beloved son! :hearts: AND, now I, also, love finding out that Dresdens largest city-festival of the year will be exactly this weekend. I love it!

I am so satisfied to go with this flow!
I am so satisfied with the wonderful relationships we all have. I am so satisfied with this loyalty that we all live, and the eagerness in which we are interested in each other! :hearts:
I am so satisfied pondering, how this all will be! I expect surprise and delight!
I expect awesome talks and wonderful landscapes. I expect wonderful food! I expect hilarious moments. I expect LOVE!!! I expect to make unforgettable, precious memories. I am EAGER for all of it! Thank you, thank you, life!

Summer in beautiful Dresden on the Elbe (Germany)

"the most beautiful milk-shop in the world", located in old town Dresden
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...so many delightful paths that I've been on... :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 28

So much has happened. It's 3 days, since I took pictures of "my morning-sky", now! :lol:
I love my fast path, in this days!
I love the magic, that is in it, everywhere. I love when source hints me to beauty and meaning, and INSIST on me, getting it!

This awesome sunrise in the pictures "creeped up on me", it made me slowly aware, so that I could break down, and find a dirt road to park and WATCH.

And then, before my eyes, it became more and more STUNNING!
It is like that, with so many things, for me.
I am so satisfied that I can WITNESS the becoming. Even including me, letting go of my resistances!
I am so satisfied in the amazing beauty now, now, now!
I am so satisfied in realizing, it is all constantly changing. And to get the really good things, we must be AWARE. Willing to slow down, willing to be spontaneous, willing to turn the other cheek in many many ways, so to speak!

Willing to allow things differently.
WILLING to be happy, rather than right.

I am so happy!!
And I am so eager for more!

...getting the call... and enjoying the first beginnings...

...and then, being STUNNED. For moments, and then, it's gone again. But, it touched my heart! :vortex:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2024 5:39 am I am so satisfied in realizing, it is all constantly changing. And to get the really good things, we must be AWARE. Willing to slow down, willing to be spontaneous, willing to turn the other cheek in many many ways, so to speak!
Exactly! So beautifully said! Oh! This rings so true! :hearts: 🥰
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2024 8:03 am
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2024 5:39 am I am so satisfied in realizing, it is all constantly changing. And to get the really good things, we must be AWARE. Willing to slow down, willing to be spontaneous, willing to turn the other cheek in many many ways, so to speak!
Exactly! So beautifully said! Oh! This rings so true! :hearts: 🥰
:in_love: :ta:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...so many delightful paths that I've been on... :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 29

I am HAPPY!! My one boy bought a car tonight, and my other boy will buy one tomorrow, and I am IN on all of it :D It is sooo satisfying to share the joy, and the passion, and the fun!

My big grandson will be in our place the next week to help with the birthday... and I will be in Poland tomorrow. Life is amazing! And BUSY! :lol:
I hear such good thrilling info and -news, all day. I feel blessed with all of it! It feels as if I have a direct connection to source, in hundreds of different ways. It is sooo satisfying.

I am so eager for more more more... I am so thankful to live in this blessed time, in this blessed area, with this blessed people.

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by spiritualcookie »

I hope you have a trip full or fun, flow, ease and joy :hearts:

I look forward to hearing the highlights of this adventure! :auto: :in_love:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...so many delightful paths that I've been on... :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 30 (ups...! the last day! ...When I'm back from my mini-trip, I'll start a new cycle...)
spiritualcookie wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 7:10 pm I hope you have a trip full or fun, flow, ease and joy :hearts:

I look forward to hearing the highlights of this adventure! :auto: :in_love:
Ohhhhhhh :hearts: That is sooooooo nice of you!!! :kiss::kiss: :ta: :in_love:
We already had a mini- adventure, as my son N took off to his girlfriend and so, H needed DH's help to screw together his 95 year old motorbike, that he had in parts, so it would fit into his car, being transported to our place.
My son in law had organized a trailor, and he owns a car with towbar- H needs both, to not only transport the bike into Poland, but to transport back the car, that he will exchange for the bike. My grandson L was thrilled to help as well, and I had the honor to hold the lamp for 2 hours, sitting on the village street (still warm from the day... I so love summer!) :lol:

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by spiritualcookie »

Sounds like much togetherness and supportiveness all around :)
I am in awe of your amazingly patient dedication, holding the lamp for 2 hours! :lol:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...I AM on my bold, highlighted path, and I decide to enjoy it! :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 1

I SO enjoy my path!
Last weekend, it was "the path" to embrace my grandson L., who will live at our place for the next week! :hearts: It was soo satisfying to see him eat 2 Wiener Schnitzel when H- who brought L. him with him, arrived late at night! :lol: It was so satisfying to see how eager he was to work with the men, to bring together the bike.
...My path lead me further on a small roadtrip from my place, together with my son H, via Görlitz into Poland, and back with a overnight-stay in Dresden. Beloved H and I had SO SO SO MUCH ADVENTURE!!! And loving harmony. And joyful discussions!

I LOVE Görlitz, and I love the small German town that advanced to a location where dozens of movies have been shot -as Inglorious Basterds or Grand Budapest Hotel (just inside, the outside is a fake). Here, in the large darker building straight ahead, is the place that they used. I am so satisfied to know such tiny things :lol: and share it with others, as here, my son. It is so satisfying to see your environment with open eyes and a heart full of passion!

H. had lent the trailer we pulled from his brother in laws work-place, but it lacked maintenance, and in Görlitz, just before we wanted to cross the border, it jumped out of the clutch and ran free- into the traffic behind. For Gods sake, it happened at just walking-speed on a traffic light! I am on my knees when I imagine that it could have happened on the Autobahn... Yes, there was a minor incident, but the woman who owned the injured car was very nice, and probably, insurance will cover most of it. It was the bouncing off-place for our family that we finally will buy our own trailer and all pay for it!

I was in awe how calm, friendly and souvereign my son stayed. I am used to doing this, but normally me and DH are the only ones to pull that off. Now H. laughed and joked and held "the energy" masterfully. I am sooo proud of him! H also could repair the trailer enough to drive on... In really high energy- DESPITE the accident, we drove through the beautiful Polish landscape, in the most lovely weather...

...And at our destination, the guy who traded his engine (still inside the car) was SO nice, as well. The two men had a lot of work of getting the trailer to do what it should do, so that we were able to transport the large car safely home. It was such a joy to see them work hand in hand- two complete strangers, speaking different languages, being from 2 historically adverse countries that not too long ago where separated by the "iron curtain". And now, all there is left, is friendliness and helping each other, and being fascinated by the same topics (in their case, classic cars and -motorbikes)! That is how life is supposed to be!

We drove towards home then, reaching Dresden and our hotel where we shared a room, in the beginning dusk. Perfect time to see the festival in downtown and in the city-river harbour...

While we both are not fond of too loud music or getting drunk, it was nice to see the people celebrate. It was satisfying to feel the energy in the streets, and see the ships on the river Elbe highlighted in colorful lights. I felt thankful that my son looked a tiny bit through my eyes and started to enjoy it a bit, like me! We even got this picture of the almost full moon, peeping at us behind the Frauenkirche. It felt as a wink of sources eye, to me.

In the next morning we took time for H who never before had been here, to see the old town at daylight and without people :D ... he gazed at the Schloss with the famous Grünes Gewölbe, the Semper-Oper and finally we went to the Zwinger, this amazing baroque building that got almost completely bombed down (as the whole old city of Dresden) by the alleys in WW2. All light-colored stones that you see, are re-makes of what had been destroyed... in the moment, the inner court is under reconstruction, and we didn't find the ramps up to the walk on the walls. So, H. pulled and carried my wheelchair up allllll this stairs! I was stunned by his labor of love!

I was almost knocked out afterwards also (as I needed to WALK the stairs) :lol: but it was SO worth it!! :hearts: I SO ENJOYED the day!!
I am so very very very happy that I dared it. YES, it was inconvenient. But sometimes, that is what really makes the best memories. I am so satisfied I went out of my "comfort zone"! I am so glad I was in, on this adventure. I am so very very happy to have lived it! :hearts:

(being home again!)
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