Being eternally incomplete (there is endlessly more!)

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Re: Being eternally incomplete (there is endlessly more!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Find a way of acknowledging the value of what is
while you look for something that suits you better

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Being eternally incomplete (there is endlessly more!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

NEVER again say "I have enough!"

If I'm honest with myself, the truth is is, that in my life, I've always had enough: Enough!
And when I talk...

you know, you- whether you use honest words or not, doesn't matter, because you can't be dishonest with your vibration. Your vibration is what it is and law of attraction is responding to what it is! So, you don't have to you don't have to say whether it's truthful or not. Because what it is, is what it is! And law of attraction is bearing out what it is. So if what it is is enough- then don't change anything. And if what is is is not enough, then change some things!

Well, here's the dilemma... it's that in one sense, I've had enough. I've had enough money is... I've had enough money but...

You see, that statement is not even accurate on any level. And let us tell you, let us tell you why! Anyone who says "I have enough" is... now, now stay with us a little bit! You're going to bock at this a little bit, because it's going to sound different than you want source energy to sound.

But anyone who says "I have enough" is not, in that moment, in alignment with the expanding being that is them -who understands there will never be enough!!

Because there will will never be a cessation of expanding.
When someone says "I have enough", what they are doing... they're focused upon limitation. They're focused on finite resources! And they are concluding: "Given the others that may be watching me at this time, that I have more than my fair share." And we want you to understand, that even at its best, that is very limited thinking!

Because there is no ending to what the universe has the ability to yield to you.

And you did not say, as you made the decision to come forth into physical experience: "I've had enough. I've had I've had enough exposure for life!" because that that would defy your being here. "I've had enough contrasts, that will lead me to more desires" -because that would defy the fact that you are here, giving birth to new desires! In other words, "I've had enough" defies everything. Because Source energy is becoming the new you, constantly!

So, what we think you've had enough of, is feeling the gap between the expanded you and the you you're letting yourself be.

We think that's what you've had enough of, right? (HS, chuckling: Right. I hear you.) And... and so, you say: "I don't want to put myself in that position anymore!" Have you ever been feeling pretty good, and then you saw something that you wanted that you couldn't afford, and then you said "oh man, I wish I didn't know I wanted that! Because now... now I feel tension about it. I didn't care before I drove it. But now I rode in it... now... (unhappy sighs)
I didn't care before I saw her! Before I smelled her, before I touched her, but now I want her!" -In other words, there are so many things that your life experience causes you to become.

And you have no choice if you are to be joyful than to stay up to speed with it!
So, never again say "I have enough!"

But say instead: "I have a way of keeping myself in perfect alignment on my way to eternal expansion!"

And that feeling of not enough, that feeling of discord is the feeling of the stream going this way, and me going this way. That's what you're trying to describe with those words, you see.

from the clip Abraham Hicks 💸NEVER AGAIN SAY 'I HAVE ENOUGH MONEY' ~ SAY THIS INSTEAD!🎉💸 🎉 Law of Attraction
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Re: Being eternally incomplete (there is endlessly more!)

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Relax in your Incompleteness, and celebrate it!

Abraham Hicks
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