Gratitude vs Appreciation

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Re: Gratitude vs Appreciation

Post by spiritualcookie »

Appreciation Process: Scanning your Environment for Things to Appreciate

Begin by looking around your immediate environment and gently noticing something that pleases you.

Try to hold you attention on this pleasing object as you consider how wonderful, beautiful or useful it is.

As you focus upon it longer, your positive feelings about it will increase.


Now notice your improved feeling and be appreciative of the way you feel.


Look around your environment and choose another pleasing object for your positive attention.

Make it your objective to choose objects of attention that easily evoke your appreciation, for this is not a process of finding something troubling and fixing it. This is a process of practising the higher vibrations.

The longer you focus upon things that feel good to you, the easier it is for you to maintain those vibrational frequencies that feel good.
And the more you maintain these god-feeling frequencies, the more the LOA will deliver to you other thoughts ,experiences, people and things that match your practiced vibration. (...)

[When you[ find things to appreciate, you are practicing a vibration of less resistance and you are making your connection to your own Source Energy stronger.

Because the vibration of appreciation is the most powerful connection between the physical you and the Non-physical you, this process will also put you in a position to receive even clearer guidance from your Inner Being.

The more you practice appreciation, the less resistance you will have (...) and the better your life will be. (...) In this wonderful-feeling vibration where no resistance exists, you will be in an exaggerated state of allowing, and you will be in the vibrational state where the things that you desire can flow easily into your experience.

- AH
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Re: Gratitude vs Appreciation

Post by spiritualcookie »

Some examples of everyday rampages of appreciation:

While standing in line at the post office you may think:
This is a very nice building.
There's so much more parking here than at the old post office.
There are more counters here and the line moves much faster than before.
The big windows make this room feel much airier.
It's great that they keep it so clean.
I like how friendly hat postal worker is.
I appreciate the way that that mother i interacting with her child.
That's a good-looking jacket.
My day is really going well.

While driving to work you may think:
I love my car
This new freeway is wonderful.
There are no traffic lights to slow me down.
I can travel so much faster than before.
This drive offers such a beautiful view.
Even though it's raining, I'm making very good time.
I love how reliable my vehicle is.
I'm grateful for my job.

- AH
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Re: Gratitude vs Appreciation

Post by spiritualcookie »

How to appreciate more easily? It's a matter of practising the habit!

Once you become oriented toward looking for things to appreciate,
you will find that your day will be FILLED with such things.
Your thoughts and feelings of appreciation will flow from you naturally. (...)

A desire to appreciate is a very good first step.
And then as you find more things that you would like to say "Thank you" about,
it quickly gains momentum.

And as you want to feel appreciation,
you attract something to appreciate.
And as you appreciate it, then you attract something else to appreciate,
until in time, you are experiencing a Rampage of Appreciation.

- Abraham
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Re: Gratitude vs Appreciation

Post by spiritualcookie »

Every time you appreciate something,
every time you praise something,
every time you feel good about something,
you are telling the Universe: "More of this, please."

- Abe

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Re: Gratitude vs Appreciation

Post by spiritualcookie »

We are often asked,
"Isn't love a better word than appreciation?
Isn't love more descriptive of the Non-physical energy?"
And we say that love and appreciation are really the same vibration.
Some use the word gratitude, or a feeling of thankfulness,
but all of these words are descriptive of Well-Being.

- Abraham Hicks
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Re: Gratitude vs Appreciation

Post by spiritualcookie »

How do you appreciate when your surroundings and people in your life are hard to appreciate?

As you move through your day, you may see unhappy people who are ornery, disappointed or in pain. And as they direct their negative emotion toward you, you may find it very difficult to feel appreciation toward them. An then you may blame yourself for not being strong enough to appreciate them in spite of their negative offerings toward you.

Well, we would never suggest that you should be able to look right at something you do not want, and feel good about it.

Instead, look for things that cause you to feel good when you find them, and then the Law of Attraction will bring you more things like those.

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Re: Gratitude vs Appreciation

Post by spiritualcookie »

In the moment that you say "I prefer" or "I like" or "I appreciate" or "I want", the heavens part for you and the Non-physical energies in that instant begin orchestrating the manifestation of your desire. In that instant! Faster than you can speak it, the Energy begins to flow, and circumstances and events, in an orchestration that we cannot begin to describe, begin to fall into place in order to give you exactly what you want.

And if it were not for your resistance, things would happen really fast.

- Abraham
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Re: Gratitude vs Appreciation

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

If you would feel appreciation frequently, you will notice a chronic Alignment
with the vibration that we would translate into the words of Appreciation-
which is you,
seeing the world through the eyes of Source.

Abraham Hicks
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