Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


Day 13

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to LOVE. I want to take the time to find the vibe of love, before I react, before I move on, before I plan, before I move.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to take my time.I can afford to FIRST go into Alignment, and then! I can afford to be a bit slower. That feels so peaceful! That feels so light and organized, and it is all, ALL cared for in that way!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want to drop everything less than love. I want to take the time to go ITV, and then take the time to live love. Nothing else matters! That is who I really am.That is what feels so so so much better. Relief. All the answers are in this.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to do things in the right order, and their perfect time.

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: THAT is who you are. And you are doing it well already! You can be proud!

I say: Thank you so much! Please show me, please remind me!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


Day 14

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to LOVE. I want to love us. Sometimes it is so easy to "love us", and I want to be able to do that all the time, because love is who I really am, and when I am in love, then I see what really is true!

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to LOVE US! Me and my mate. Me and my family. Me and the people of my country- even of my government! :lol: I can afford to love me and all the people on this planet! We all came here with so much more in common than not, and with the dream of feeling better. We all came to explore and to carve out MORE. I LOVE US ALL FOR IT!! And I want to always remember that!

The TRUE POWER of my Being is the Resonance that I find from Source.
It always comes on the wings of Appreciation!
It always comes on the wings of Love.
It always comes on the wings of Empowerment!

Abraham Hicks

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?

-I want to love loving you.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to enjoythe opportunity to love- and I can use each and every "excuse" to do so, and it will always always feel good!

So, when you say to someone not just "I LOVE you," you say to them, "I LOVE loving you.It is MY pleasure.
I am loving myself as greatly as I could ever love by my love for you.

I need NOTHING back from you in return.
It is MY focus upon YOU and the way it FEELS as I focus it!

It's MY focus upon you, future creation of mine, future empire that I am building, future job that I'm working on, future whatever it is that I'm gathering.
It's my love and appreciation, that YOU EXIST as an object of attention to which I can give my undivided attention, my undivided attention-
as I purr myself into ALIGNMENT.

Abraham Hicks, Portland, OR on 8/11/12

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: You must begin with really, REALLY loving yourself.

I say: Oh, I am on it!!! I get it, I love it, and I am about to master it!!!

What is unconditional love, anyway?
Unconditional love is:
I´m happy!
I´m happy- in this moment.

Unconditional love is:
I have the ability to focus in love on my happiness.

Abraham Hicks

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


Day 15

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to LOVE, because doing so always feels GOOD! Nothing else feels so good. And what does NOT feel good isn't true!

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to LOVE! :lol: :lol: I CAN AFFORD to feel good more of my time, all of my time!! What a concept: Feeling good every moment of my life. And in that, having clarity, knowing the truth, being clear about where to go and when and with whom... all the time. Feeling free! Feeling powerful. Feeling abundant.FEELING LOVE!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?[/b]
-I want to ignore everything other than love! Source does it.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to ignore "reality", just as source does, as source only focuses on love. And THAT is the TRUE REALITY! I wanna let that sink in deeeeeeply: Nothing else than love is real. Nothing else than love has source behind it, and so, it just doesn't hold up. It is a shadow, and nothing else. I can afford to see the LIGHT!

What does source say to me, about this? THAT IS WHAT IS RIGHT! YES!!!!!

I say: Halleluja! :lol: :vortex: :woohoo:

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


Day 16

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to LOVE, because LOVE is without any resistance or struggle.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to let go all struggle and all resistance, and LOVE. Appreciate. Enjoy.Compliment... and then, follow the impulses. I came to dare a life like that. I came to master being without resistance. I came to live a life in love. And I am closer to it than ever before: NOTHING matters more to me than that I feel good. :lol: Life has brought me here! Life has rubbed me down to KNOWING THIS: I want to feel good. I want to feel good!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?[/b]
-I want to guide my thoughts into love and appreciation. ALL the time, all the time! And that feels elated. This feels so sweet. This feel wonderful. This feels easy! This feels effortless. This feels resistance-free! It also feels still strange and dangerous because I have the momentum of eons, doing it the other way round. But in my heart, I FEEL IT IS SO GOOD!

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to feel good solely, only, always! I CAN afford it to dive into LOVE, and that is it. I CAN do this. I know how to do it, and I am ready to do it! God, please help me, please remind me, please guide me!

What does source say to me, about this?
We are eager to really be with you (we are all the time), but this time, you will notice it, too!

I say: YES please!! Yes, yes, yes!!!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


Day 17

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to LOVE, because that is my own highest sel-expression, in which I also can see (perceive) the true beauty of everything else.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to live a BEAUTIFUL, MASTERFUL deliberate feels BEAUTIFUL! It feels aware. It feels creative. It feels aware and in charge on what I put out, and how I deal with what is.

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want to act in love, give in love, think in love for those that I love, and myself. I want to do my part in caring for beauty. I want to live beauty and Goodness onto the planet. I want to be part of the solutions! I want to be part of the Paradise. It feels ...beautiful. It feels proud. It feels capable. It feels a bit as an artist. It feels as, a lover.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to live my life as a loving artist of Goodness! :D I fail in many moments. But over all, I'm doing pretty good with my life, and I am proud about it: "It is an art, not an accident"! (Abe)

What does source say to me, about this? They say: You ARE doing good! You ARE ahead of your time. Now see what will happen when you are in the mood of appreciation, and let yourself be carried!

I say: Oh yes! That sounds so good. :hearts: Please help me to allow this!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


Day 18

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to LOVE, the trees and the oceans, the weather and the cities, the people and the animals and all the plants!! I want to solely love and appreciate. I want to ENJOY in love. I want to have fun in love! When I am in love. I AM HAVING ENDLESS FUN with all my friends- the sand and the water, the sky and the birds above. All life, everything that exists, is with me and on my side. And I'm on theirs. And when there are opposite needs, we are willing to be transformed by source into cooperative components. Life in love is good ALL THE TIME:

"What is unconditional love, anyway?
Unconditional love is:
I´m happy!
I´m happy- in this moment.

Unconditional love is:
I have the ability to focus in love on my happiness."

Abraham Hicks

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to live in HAPPINESS! I can afford to care if I am feeling good, ALL the time! Because when I do, it is cared for ALL of us. I am a part of the ALL, and when I care for joy, I care for us all, and I am part of the healing solution. That feels wonderful. It feels innocent! It feels light. It feels as an AWEOME solution! It feels like the best of the best is there, for us to take. It is awesome!!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want to trust COMPLETELY. I want to be wholly and surely and deeply peacefully in my absolute knowing that it all is coming and unfolding, and I will KNOW when to help it and act. That feels so sure. That feels secure. That feels so very wonderfully PEACEFUL. That feels at home. This feels so at ease.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to trust. I can afford to LOVE!

What does source say to me, about this? They say: YOUVE GOT IT!

I say: So MY pleasure!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :vortex:

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


Day 19

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to LOVE, that I can dream up SO MANY WONDERFUL New creations! I want to love the people who dreamt this awesome things that I am now dreaming about. I appreciate to deeply what people have dared to think and dream, and what they dared to allow into our all life as awesome, wonderful options to choose and allow!!! It feels soooo thankful. It feels so deeply in love with so much goodness. It feels deliciously connected with worlds of sensory beauty! It feels blessed. It feels wonderfully rich and abundant. It feels limitless. It feels so very very good!

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to see and feel and love and adore the huge world of WellBeing!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want to allow me deeper to BE THERE, to ENJOY my life (as this really is an option). I want to wholly "come home" WHILE I AM PHYSICALLY ALIFE. I want to be in the Alignment, ITV!

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to to be "abnoxiously abundant" and HAPPY! I can afford to be rich and revered and seen and be helpful to those in vicinity!!

What does source say to me, about this? They say: Hallelujah! :D :thumbup: :thumbup:

I say: Oh, hell YES!!! :D :in_love: :vortex: :romance-cloud9:

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


Day 20

I've got my internet-connection back!! :woohoo: And it's faster, better and more beautiful by far, than EVER!!!! :hoppy: :lol: :thumbup: :thumbup: :wave:

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to LOVE, as in true pure love, there is no doubt. There is no fear, there is just deep CLARITY and TRUST and unconditional expectation of full total SATISFACTION and FULFILLMENT!!

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to love! Nothing, NOTHING is better. Feels better. Does better!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want to embrace lovingly uncertainty. I want to live in deep loving clear TRUST.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to lovingly trust! It indeed is the very bets thing to do: It feels best and is the best "security" :lol: Just that I don't "need that", in love!
:vortex: :superhero: :angelic-cyan: :angelic-flying:

What does source say to me, about this? They say: ALL, indeed, is WELL! It is all for you. It all is good. It all is trying to bring you what you want and so much more- for all you can embrace and so many more. IT IS ALL SO GOOD!

I say: And I become more and more a really cooperative component. :D I SO LIKE THAT!!!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


Day 21

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to LOVE, and in doing so, be the attractor to all which I love!
...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to WANT, and I can afford to LOVE my desires, and I can afford to let my desires flow in in this pure,loving appreciation that ATTRACTS them!

How messed up we are, when we think that this would be a sin in any shape or form! It is the most beautiful setup! Love attracts what I love! Love brings me what I love. Love gives me more of what I love- what on Earth would be bad about that!? I CAN AFFORD TO LOVE!!!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want my desires to become physical manifestations! I want to play this awesome wonderful game of getting what I want (=ascend my desires to the next level of specificness)! I want to play this loving wonderfully good feeling game of paying back with appreciation. When I appreciate, I have "payed the terrible price of feeling good"! When I love, I open the doors to more that I want and love!

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to love and "trade" appreciation for surprise and delight. Actually, I can't think of another more divine game... it feels so good. It is innocent and pure. It is LOVE. It is joy.It is appreciation and wonder and awe and true, true deep thankfulness. THANK YOU, LIFE!!!

What does source say to me, about this? They say: EXACTLY!!! Let the guilt fall by the wayside. It was a dark-force-hoax. It was NOT true!

I say: Thank you so much for bringing it to me, more and more!!! :in_love: :vortex:

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


Day 22

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to LOVE ABUNDANCE even more than I already do!

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to relax into my desires and dreams of Abundance, a not limited abundance that feels as ful freedom and joyful delight and endless appreciation! I can afford to trust this wonderful emotions! I can afford to give in to this GOODNESS of feeling the abundance of freedom, of power, of specific manifestations in all sorts of ways. I can trust my good feeling emotions!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want to fully wholly trust my love to Abundance. I want to open up to ALL that I desire, no holding back.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to LOVE in huge amounts! I can afford to be intense and bold and make big splashes. I trust them. I trust my specific desires, as long they feel SO good as they do! I feel certain. I feel clear. I feel guided by good forces, all the time: I feel am in divine contact with who I really am.

What does source say to me, about this? They say: You've got that! And you will live it, in not a long time!

I say: I look forwards to it! I am eager for it! While I feel SO satisfied, already!

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