Easy Matches

This new forum is created and a focus for those that want to participate with the study of Abraham-Hicks in their many books and processes.
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Thank you, SpiritualCookie 🥰

I guess a lot of people do not know how to eat figs 😅😅😅

I truly love easy matching game… it serves when I feel good and it serves when I notice myself in general negative. For me it’s truly powerful ❤️
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Easy matches…
- so many easy matches
- us being together… it’s like my peak of happiness. I so love our time together, I love being in his arms, I love our evening talks, I love our morning breakfast, I love us ❤️❤️❤️
- I love his humour, his smile and laughter, his positive attitude to life. I love him ❤️
- I love seeing hearts. As always many of them, one of my fav from today while going home there was a card on the pavement 4 of hearts ❤️
- as I was on a good mood, they replied and there was still one room available. I took it. I love my privacy. I love my space. I can afford it relatively easy. I wanted it. I got it. It’s an easy match.
- apples from my own country! Agh my mum brought them. Then I was a kid I used to love apples. Then I somehow stopped, but recently I realised simply because I do not like apples from shops. These apples from peoples garden that my mum brought I can eat and eat… they are amazingly delicious 😋 easy match
- and this bread…
- and this Italian chocolate 🍫
- this beautiful woman who is willing to practice coaching on me is an easy match. I love her gentle feminine soul. Such a beautiful soul 🥰

All is really well

My path is unfolding in front of my eyes, I am realising it more and more as i easy match with the perspective of my source. Love you source ❤️
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Day 20 missed - was busy (overall good feeling day, but not inspired to write)

Day 21
I feel like I am in a very general place (Boredom/Contentment). I feel and I am aware of Easy Matches around, and in my heart I feel rather centred and content... I am also aware of some unwanted aspects (which I have momentum, and it is in my face). I don't have that strong momentum to work around the unwanted... not sure if it is possible. But I have general momentum to amplify the easy matches...

So, let's continue easy matching :)

- Today numbers lining up... my favourite series: 11:11; 11:22; 11:33; 11:11:44 and 11:55 (this indicates good momentum)
- It is so quiet at home, work is not busy and the house is clean, and the sun is shining through the windows... feels like a very peaceful and perfect day for focus... Serenity, Peace, Easy Match...
- So... I do manifest "hearts"; this weekend I sent a voicemail to my cousin via WhatsApp, she normally does not use voice messages, but she was leaving me one, and my Godson (her son - 4 year old), was also saying me hello, and randomly he said: "I am sending a lot of hearts" - aw... <3 in my language you can say hearts in a little cute form so he was using that word... I just later realised that it was "hearts" exactly what I am manifesting... all around :) Such an easy match. Love my Godson.
- Us this weekend. Perfect time together.
- My yoga friends, are such a beautiful bunch of people. Love this group. Love these people. The french woman who is very colourful, and bright and joyful, the young german guy who is cute, the indian girl who is so passionate and excited about the teachings, the girl from my country with whom I get along... and many more. We are so different and unique.
- My other abe friend from the USA, also texted me this weekend. I mean the last message I sent to her was a year ago via WhatsApp, and she responded to it this weekend :D but the powerful thing was that I meditated in summer on "Kali" and she is associated with black colour. Since then I also saw a lot of black cats... which I knew this is in resonance with this cosmic power, and my friend when responded to send me her cat's picture (I don't know if I ever knew her cat's name), but it is a black cat and under the photo she wrote: Little Cali :D Wow! that was a synchronicity...Universal Forces a being playful with me.
- I was also thinking about this friend as she lives in NY, and I am visiting it again this October... maybe we will meet.
- Just now saw 12:12...
- Love living in the world of synchronicities.
- Love the playfulness from the Universe.
- Love feeling good.
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Day 22
Easy Existing Matches
- I love reading the momentum of Floatingboat, SpiritualCookie and Paradise on Earth appreciating the landscapes of our planet. There are so many amazing places I had no idea that they even exist. I love travelling. I have some travels coming up in October. One of them will be a spiritual retreat centre just outside Copenhagen somewhere in the forest, and I am so excited now about the autumn 🍂 wouldn’t it be nice if I had a sunny weather during my stay with colourful autumn leaves ? 🥰 Being dressed warm and drinking hot chocolate outdoors in between the activities… taken it all in. Maybe seeing Copenhagens squirrels here and there ❤️
I am so glad I took a room instead of dormitory. I thought of it last minute so only a superior room was left, which was most expensive but not that big in price difference in comparison with other rooms. Probably I would have taken less expensive if I had a choice but now I think maybe my inner being chose this for me as when observing the rooms I appreciated that most. The rooms are decorated Scandinavian style, and has windows to the forest. So beautiful 😍 I am excited to spend time with other women and at the same to have some privacy with nature 🍂 Easy existing match. Thank you room for being available for me to book you!
- Yesterday, I called them and they said they posted my plants on Monday. So they should arrive in time. Easy match. Things are working out so smoothly. Everything is unfolding in timely manner.
- I woke up earlier today! Love it 🥰 easy match
- I love that it is again a sunny beautiful autumn day.

Things are working out for me always! I realise my path unfolding just in front of my eyes as i easy match with the perspective of source within me and become more like source ❤️

Yesterday, I was doing some stretches in the afternoon for my back. In the background I played Kryon. He spoke about being a light very beautifully and about how some of us came here to be the light. Not to achieve a milestone in writing books or similar but simply to be the lights. He put it so eloquently and I was appreciating his words, even if it was already sunny, must be that the clouds moved even more and more sun came in the room. More light. I loved the synchronicity.

Another funny synchronicity I had some weeks ago. I was listening to Kryon about old souls and I was wondering if I am an old soul. So I randomly thought if I hear “red” then it means I am an old soul. I didn’t here back then… but that evening we watched first matrix (I know it’s famous but I really didn’t see it back in those days) and to know the truth and awaken Neo was given a red pill 😅😅😅 so I left a bit confused since the red came up later that day but not when I asked… my partner said why you care if you are an old soul or not. True. I guess this does not matter 😅😅😅

Good morning 🥰
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by spiritualcookie »

:hearts: :wave:

Suzanne Giesemann recommends the very technique you spontaneously received! To ask for a sign from Source to confirm an answer for a question you ask. She says that usually it takes 24 hours to receive the answer, and I've heard other teachers say the sign can arrive within up to a week - though usually sooner rather than later. So it sounds like you received your answer in perfect timing within that 24 hour window :) Suzanne says that your Inner Being knows what is in your near-future so it puts the idea of what sign to ask for in your head!
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Thank you SpiritualCookie 🥰

I used to play this long time ago (just came up with this game in my mind, but it was not so elevating in the past, and I would become dependant instead of creating the reality)

P.s. just a few minutes ago I was again thinking about the old soul, and thought if someone will comment on my red thing, it means I am the old soul (as I was listening to a video how he says that old souls can work with their body cells etc, so wanted to be one), and here you go. It’s official - I am an old soul 😅😅😅😅 still need to work on compassion…

But Thank you again ❤️
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Speaking of beings of light… some real momentum is picking up here. Witnessing some powerful alignment with something that I thought out loud some years ago… we will see where this adventure takes me and how excited I will be to participate or not :)

All is really well. I am opened for some newness and fun 🥰
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Day 23

Easy Matches:
- I could not focus on meditation today, so I decided to meditate on specifically charged music. I love that I have access to this music and I love that it made me feel good. Easy match.
- I really appreciate that this friend thought of me for this specific thing. I am really happy to be part of this adventure, no matter how long I will be part of it. Even if it would be just one time. Still amazed how I thought of this lightly 4 years ago and how things are unfolding… so funny! And of course it is super easy. Easy match.
- I like that it is Thursday, and weekend is around the corner.
- I like that my house is kept clean and my washing is almost complete so no much work for the weekend. Feels like ease.. easy match.
- I like that this cardigan I ordered from Vinted fits me well:) I appreciate the sender adding a facial mask in addition. So thoughtful of her 🥰

All is really well.

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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

- I am doing really well.
- I am feeling more detached from the negative and I am experiencing happy emotions more frequently (I love when these happens)
- Overall all is well.
- There will always be some fluctuation here and there.
- I know what to do.
- I am becoming very intuitive.
- Things are always working out for me.
- I will know what to do.

All is well
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Re: Easy Matches

Post by Tara »

Day 24… missed
Day 25 (today)

- I want to reconnect with the momentum of easy matches…
- Let’s try…
- Sunny weather and peaceful house, and pleasant flatmates, easy match.
- The cardigan and the top I ordered which I like, are my easy matches.
- It’s weekend and I can take a nap if I feel like. Easy match.
- I don’t need to rush anywhere. Easy match.
- I guess I’m going to take a nap 😅🤪
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