I appreciate Every Day

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Re: I appreciate 2023

Post by FeelGood »

When you're angry, it feels like your mind is exploding with all kinds of terrible thoughts.
Let the rush of anger subside.
Hold your tongue. In the midst of anger, we just want to hurt the other person.
Staying quiet for those few moments can save you years of pain and struggle.

I accept responsibility for my decisions.
I am on the right path for me.
I have the courage to start on something new.
I have a positive outlook on life.
I am attracting more positive energy.
I always find ways to improve.
I can carve my unique path to success.
I can redefine success on my own terms.
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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I appreciate 2023

Post by SheSparklez »

I want to manifest my life back
I want it because I feel like I was not able to really live it long enough before it all got taken away from me, HOLD ON ILL GET THERE...
A year ago I left to go back to Florida. I drove day and night through snow and blizard to get there. It was as if nothing could stop me. And the closer I got the more excited I got and the more energy I had, I barely could sleep. I have driven this drive many times, I almost know the curves of the road but this time, it was different because I was in the vortex almost the whole time to get there. Ah it was so lovely.

Everyday I would wake up and be so excited to go to the gym

Let me state the importance of my coffee.... my coffee is my morning hug, I love it I make time for it and when I dont make time for it, my day sort of goes alittle wonky. BUT

This time when I was so excited to get to my gym, I would have one cup on my drive to the gym and then go. Oh the lovely mid morning gym goers, and the occaisional hot guy... CORVETTE guy that day he took off his shirt, and put the top down on his corvette.... :lol: (later I would find out he was super young) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

BUT we were aligned and so excited to be at the gym and have that morning time.

people would be in aw over the fact that every single day I would come in with a huge smile on my face, I loved it everyday, I loved where I was and I was so excited and it was so nice and so lovely even on a cooler day I would still be so happy to be there... dancing all around like no one was watching! Every SIngle Day!

I would go and do my work, and run the errnads and go to dance class, and I pushed so far ahead that it was so lovely, and I honest to god thought I was there this time for real and I was going to make it.

AND THEN .......

this awful thing happened, and it got worse and so scary, and I have to get this out in a way because I have to recalibrate it, and get back up WHOLE.

This horrible thing was so horrible -short of croaking- the hardest thing I have eveer done and gone through. The worst contrast. Desperate for help I clentched on to anything... I did others' processes and maybe it helped me for a moment but not grand enough to think I could ever walk on the beach again.

My mom (whom also went through this) told me to start listening to Abe again. I remembered before when I used to be on this forum, and I wanted this man to be my husband :lol: :lol: did I? :lol: :lol: I thought I did ... and at that time, that is what I was wanting and no extreme contrast has happened. BUT what I do remember is I dove in to this pool of feeling good and loving on things that feel so good. I remembered how I manifested a wedding, a purposal, a trip, the best apartment, the prettiest dress, the best shoes, flowers, Oh I would write and write and write about this apartment that I wanted, and I had one of the best it was amazing..... I had a very romantic man, and I am so very appreciative that it fizzled out and I am free again.

So I decided to do this again, and build my life the way I want it, again. AND this time include money, because I left that part out last time... :lol: :lol: I know i can do this,I did it before, and I am actually kind of excited to watch this all unfold.

SO Thank you for accepting me, and allowing me to come here and rampage and dream and align here, I feel like this is a safe place where I can let go and not be judged, and sort through the things that I want and I dont want, I have efforted and manifested a lot, but I know this is amazing and works, so brilliantly, so maybe I dont have to effort so much this time, maybe I can just align and allow.

Everything Is Always Working Out For Me !!!!!!
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Re: I appreciate 2023

Post by FeelGood »

I accept myself for who I am.
I remember the positive experiences better than the negative ones.
I am in a safe environment.
A lot of good things happened to me today.
I have a thriving life.
I have the time and energy to do the things that make me feel good.
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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I appreciate 2023

Post by SheSparklez »

My House:

I have a house
It is mine
it is so big
her name is gracey may
she is three stories high
she glows in the eveing
she is very solid
she lives close to a beautiful beach
she has a pool
and a hot tub
she has a grand entrance
almost looks like something from a castle
She needs some love
her rooms need color and spunk to live in
you can tell she is a little loney and needs a little help to get back in the train of life - live-li-ness
She knows i am coming i promised her this
there is a large "M" on the side of the house and that was the first thing she told me to do was change it to a "G"
I have not seen the inside completely but I know it is so lovely and so big
I want to make one room a dance studio and have an amazing floor and a million mirrors in it
then I want to have a library room
and office wiht a huge white baord on the wall, those are important to have when you need to take notes
I know in one bedroom I would like to have a sparkley bed for when my niece comes and stays with me
I have gotten every bed I have even wanted in my life, so I am not tcertain this time what kind of bed I would like to have
the house backs up to a forest that is on the edge of the beach and if i take a short walk down the road and turn the corner I am at the beach it is so lovely
The palms trees outside love the house, and protect her as well, they all work together in harmony
I have a garage and Im not sure what car to drive yet but that will come, and how lovely it is to have a kitchen full of food
and to shop at a place like crate and barrel
I wonder what it is like to go to the mall for a day and shop like money is no object
it really isnt we have so much of it
you can go to crate and barrel and purchase anything you like
what color dishes would uou like to have
one time i had these majestec color blue ones but I want to buy the ones I want because its my house and I want tht eones I want ! lol
the glasses to drink from something different and unique but something that can go in the dish washer because I am lazy that way
I also think it would be so profound to have a chef who cooks for you so possibly you dont have to worry about a meal lol
that can be scary tho so maybe not there
how lovely it owuld be to have some people clean yourhouse for you
how boring of a house it is for them to clean because there is nothing for them to take except a great expereince and I would give them all extra $ as they left for doing such a good job, because i know how much hard work it is, maybe one day I could have them all over to my house for a friends-giving day
and have a fiesta that is so lovely I am excitd for that
food, and music
i want my house to have a sound system where I can hear my music in all the rooms so if I leave one part of the house I can go to another and hear my music
music is so lovely and so important
I love music I love the chills it brings the goosebumps
the tingle on your heart strings
the energetic vibe it brings
this is going to be good

thank you as always for the invite here i love it more then I can say today is going to be a rock solid day
Everything Is Always Working Out For Me !!!!!!
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Re: I appreciate 2023

Post by FeelGood »

Focus on your healing. Have faith in yourself and your abilities.
Give yourself grace.

My life is deeply satisfying.
I invite more peace and clarity into my life.
I embrace a fresh perspective.
I always make the best choice.
I will be kinder to myself.
No matter what, I will be successful.
I believe in my talents and skills.
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: I appreciate 2023

Post by FeelGood »

It's natural to feel sad when you let go of the things that have been part of your life for so long.
Choose to move forward with peace and clarity.
Get excited about what's next.

I always attract the best opportunities.
I am satisfied with what I have.
I value all the opportunities I have.
I see mistakes as learning opportunities.
I feel satisfied with my accomplishments.
I can experience lasting calmness.
I can cultivate more contentment in my life.
I am becoming more aware of the Now.
I enjoy my life to the fullest.
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: I appreciate 2023

Post by FeelGood »

Place your attention on your breath, and detach from unhelpful stories about yourself.
Observe the transient nature of thoughts.
Train your mind to slow down and relax.
With practice, you will be able to improve your ability to bring your attention back to the present moment and release thoughts that overwhelm you.

I am clear about my values.
I feel a surge of healing energy.
I am strong and capable.
I believe in a power greater than me.
I have a grateful heart.
I am attracting more joy and satisfaction into my life.
I can easily adapt to new circumstances.
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: I appreciate 2023

Post by FeelGood »

Invite more peaceful moments into your life.
Be present in the moment without judgment.
Release thoughts like "I still haven't achieved all of my goals", "I have so many challenges in my life" and "I'm not who I want to be".
Let go of the constant need to do something, or be something more.
Connect with your heart's wisdom.

I believe that things will always work out.
I am calm and content.
I have faith and patience.
I can wait for things to naturally unfold.
Trusting the process is easy for me.
I always find something good in every circumstance.
I believe in my ability to heal.
I focus on what I can control.
I respond to difficulties with grace.
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: I appreciate 2023

Post by FeelGood »

You are worthy of experiencing a beautiful life.
Let go of assumptions that are based on the difficult times in your life.
So many incredible blessings, good news, and celebratory moments are yours.
Having an attitude of openness will help you ride out the bad times and fully embrace the wonderful things meant for you.

I am making a conscious effort to be happy.
I always get what I want at the right time.
I can notice the good things that are happening in my life.
I am an expert at managing my emotions.
I have plenty of moments of enjoyment in my day.
No matter where I go I always find something I enjoy.
I have a healthy active lifestyle.
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: I appreciate 2023

Post by FeelGood »

No one can take away your blessings.
No one has that kind of power over your life.
Stay focused on your path.
Be patient and appreciate the journey.
Unexpected turns can actually lead you to where you're meant to be.
Let go of all the fears and worries.
Replace your doubts with helpful thoughts.
You are attracting what is best for you.

I find power in the present moment.
I am starting to live more in the moment.
I can stay centered and grounded in the present.
My actions are meaningful.
I am filled with inner peace.
I am developing greater self-awareness.
I can easily tune out distractions.
I choose to focus more on my positive emotions.
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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