Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

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Re: Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Outtake from a larger quote (find it on the "I am an Attractor/LoA"-thread in the quote-section):

Who is "attractive"?

When you're in love with you, like your Inner Being is, you're frisky. You're frisky and you feel good, and you're flexible, and you're quick-witted, and you're loving life, and all wonderful things are flocking around you! And others who are looking on, wonder what you've got going on. In fact, sometimes in your physical form, you say:

"Oh, that's really an attractive person!" -and we say: truer words could not be spoken.
-That's someone who is really allowing the attraction to flow to them, in the most natural way. They've hooked up with their powerful partner of attraction, and when you hook up with your powerful Inner Being-partner of attraction, you've got something going on, that makes the world stand up and notice! In other words, that's a powerful force! That's the energy that creates worlds flowing to you, and through you.

from the youtube clip "Abraham Hicks 2020 — Why Some Are Attractive (NEW)"
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Re: Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

It's Ok To Want To Be Beautiful!

How how did you feel about me, wanting to look more attractive?
I mean, I... as I was writing today about that, in my positivistic book- I remember that one time, I felt that it was important for me to accept...

You are upon something very important here!
See, here is the way it has come about, not just with you, but with almost all that we know. You have this desire; you are born with it, for freedom and growth and joy. And as you look around the world, you choose things that you want. But because, for the most part, you have not understood (you or anyone else) the power of thought, or how it all fits together, you have found yourself seeing things that you want, that you're not believing that you have.

Or even in the comparison, seeing someone who is beautiful and comparing yourself, and not feeling as beautiful. And so, in the comparison you say: "I don't want those grapes anyway, for they're sour." and so, from that has become the attitude, that it is not proper to be vain! In other words, "one should not give so much attention to something so vain as beauty... after all, beauty is only skin-deep" or, "after all, the true merit of a being is within." -That sort of thing. And all of that is alright. We are not saying that that is not all right to feel that way! What we are saying is, that

when you don't feel that way, but you say the words, then you are resisting.
You're actually adding unto the thing that you do not want!

When you are seeing... let us say that you see a beautiful woman, and everything about her is really just right. Her figure is just right. Her attitude is dynamic, she seems free and happy. She is really the picture of a happy woman! And as you see her- if that picture uplifts you, then that is an indication to you, that you are on your way to that. That which you see harmonizes with that what you want, and in your moment of positive emotion, your InnerBeing is saying: "you and the energy of the universe and that which you are seeing, and the feeling that you have, are all one! You are in harmony with this."

But if you see it, and you find reason to be critical... "Probably never worked a day in her life. Probably just sits around and puts mud packs on her face! Probably has no stress, but..." -you are getting the picture!- then what is happening is: You are in your position of lack, now trying to justify your position of lack. And doing so, by putting the other one down, so to speak. It is a common thing. (...) doesn't matter what it is that they have, that you want- that you don't feel you have, anytime you are feeling jealousy (and you know the feeling!) ...there are only two emotions. One feels good, and one feels bad.

But you know the one called jealousy! The one, when you see something that another has and you want it. But you don't have it, and your Inner Being is shouting to you loudly and clearly that you want this. But you're focused in opposition of it, right now- you're taking the non-physical energy of the universe and sending it in opposition of what you really want. And so, what we would say to you is:

It is alright for you to want anything!!
And we would not call you vain. We would call you a Wanter!

The reason that you have come to feel vanity or see it in others, is because you are coming from position of lack. And then you are trying to ease the pain of that position of lack, by saying "I don't want that anyway", you see. There are only two ways to get rid of negative emotion! First of all, let us remind ourselves what is negative emotions.

Negative emotion is your Inner Being reminding you, that you're resisting whatever you're giving this thought to.

If someone you did not know called you on the telephone and said: "I will never call you again", you would say: "What? Who cares?" -in other words, you didn't want them to begin with, so they're going away wouldn't involve you. And so there would be no negative emotion. But if someone very important to you were to call you on the telephone and say: "I will never see you again!" -you would feel lack. You would feel negative emotion. You're getting the point. Therefore, what we are saying is: Whenever you are feeling negative emotion, your Inner Being is saying: "you are not allowing this, that you'r wanting. You are resisting it."

You take part of the non-physical energy and you say: "I want."
And then in your negative feeling, you are taking part of the non-physical energy and say: "I want it, but I'm not going to get it."
And so, that is resistance. That is what that is, a little tug of war. That his why it is uncomfortable. You're not in the flow of things, you see.

Now I enter a sketching class that I took. The teacher said... we sketched each other, we were looking at it in two pairs. And she said, an older person who is much more interesting to sketch... there's a lot more to sketch there. Well, a young person doesn't have the interesting lines, and that's what came to my mind, and that may be part of even the negative... I was wondering. Should I be... What you're saying to me is in the sense that "what I want is legitimized. That's all there is. I want it.

...And that is ENOUGH.

...And that's ENOUGH!

You cannot want something without having the potential of having it! It defies law. If you are wanting it, it can be yours.

And you have this glorious guidance system, telling you every time (when) you're going astray from having it! Every time you feel negative emotion, that is your guidance system telling you: you're pushing against something you want! Relax! Change the thought and let it be.

I do! It feels like I want my body to catch up with the rest of me! It seems like, in terms of money and and relationships, and there's a lot of things which I will feel as if I've made quantum-leaps of what I was before I knew! But if...


And then... and I thought I were trying too hard.

That is part of it. Trying too hard is resisting! For this reason... when you think about this... if you decide that you want to go to the grocery store and buy a quart of milk. Did you ever find yourself trying too hard? Or do you just go get it? And the reason you just go get it is, because you have absolute knowledge! ...You know that you have the ability to go. You know you have the money in your purse. You know the milk will be there. When you get there... in other words, that there is no doubt! And so there is no trying against anything!

And so, whenever you're trying too hard, what is happening is: There is a part of you, that is not believing that it can be. And so, in your wanting to compensate with action, you offer more action. And what we are wanting you to understand is, that you cannot act enough.

There is not enough action in the world to compensate for your taking part of the energy, and sending it in the other direction in the form of negative emotion.

If you've got negative emotion about something, you're stuck there. And no action is going to change it!

The only thing that's going to change it, is by releasing the thought.

Which is bringing forth the negative emotion, and replacing it with the thought that brings positive emotion. And then, the action will come joyfully, you see!

Yes, many many examples are flashing through my head now...

If you'll just look for reasons to feel positive emotion! And the best time to do it, is in a time when you're feeling negative emotion. In other words your positive aspect book will serve you very well. Even a mental one, if you will stop for a moment and say: "Now, wait a minute. I'm feeling rotten here." -Don't try to figure out why you're feeling rotten! What you tend to do is, you try to justify it, because at the core of your being, you're wanting to be right. You're wanting to be balanced, you're wanting to feel good. And so, when you don't feel good, the tendency is to try to justify.

We heard Esther, regarding the hotel that kept being not prepared for them. And so, as she is making her statements of criticism to them, she is feeling negative emotion. And then she feels like she must defend her statements of criticism! And so she says things like: "I have called them just today. I wrote them a letter. What kind of... why don't these people listen? What kind of staff do they have?"

All the while she is now picking on them, attracting more negative from them in an attempt to justify her own negative emotion! And we say:

You don't have to justify your negative emotion!
Your negative emotion is your guidance.
Acknowledge your negative emotion!

Nobody's judging you! You don't have to justify your position. Acknowledge your negative emotion, recognize you'r resisting something that you want- and then look for the positive aspects within this. And as you look for the positive aspects, you are feeling changes. And as soon as you're feeling changes, you're no longer resisting, and as soon as you're no longer resisting: You're getting what you want.

From the youtube clip "Abraham Hicks - It's Ok To Want To Be Beautiful"


What Jealousy is

But you know the one called jealousy! The one, when you see something that another has and you want it. But you don't have it, and your Inner Being is shouting to you loudly and clearly that you want this. But you're focused in opposition of it, right now- you're taking the non-physical energy of the universe and sending it in opposition of what you really want. And so, what we would say to you is:

It is alright for you to want anything!!
And we would not call you vain. We would call you a Wanter!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

A master of manifestation wants to achieve "what others deem impossible".
(with Grid for greater physical height)

I was really nervous this whole time, because uh, I wanted to be up here! And it wasn't, until I relaxed just now.

And you finally lighted right up! You lighted right up.

But then it hit me, like while I'm here and I'm nervous again yeah...

Now you've disappeared. (Laughing audience)

Now, compared to many people, I consider myself a master manifestor. I do get a lot of everything I want...

As it should be!

Yeah! But there's some exciting challenges that I'm...

It means, you're still alive!
And we mean that in the broadest sense of the word. Because, did you just hear us say- because they were the words that that made this transition so important: You never get it done. There's always, there's ALWAYS! going to be more. So the question is, is it so much more that it's making you uncomfortable, and you're using it as a sticking point?

More or less. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Because I know I can be or do, I have anything else. When I feel that, no matter what I'm desiring...

We have a question for you! All the stuff that you want to be or do or have, you want to be or do it all NOW? (HS: Kinda.) Really?? Really? Because that's a lot! It'd be a lot to focus on, and and sometimes too many things to focus on, all at the same time, keeps you from being able to get the the specifics of the detail, and the deliciousness from it! So, so... don't you want to say:

"I just want as much good stuff, as I can stand, at any moment in time.
As I can as I can comprehend, as I can take in, as I can be receptive of!
I just want to tune to it."

And that... we tell you a brief story, we've told it before. Hold your place, because we want to hear everything you want to say!
Esther was basking at beautiful things around her swimming pool. More beautiful than she could even hardly stand. Rapturous! The tree, the statues, the pool, the water... so beautiful, it was hard to stand! And then she got really smart in her brain and and said: Abraham, I think i found a flaw in your philosophy. You're talking about unconditional love, and I'm looking at conditions that I am loving. And we said: Feel this, Esther. It's the most important moment of your life experience, in understanding something big:

You were in alignment before you saw the conditions. You were unconditional in your alignment, which allowed connection to all that we are. And the reason that you felt that way just now, is because you were receptive to our appreciation of these things. -Did you hear that?

You weren't using those things, in order to get to appreciation. You got there first, and because that was the receptive mode that you were in, your appreciation was so massively enhanced, so... what we're saying to you, we're just gonna be really blunt about it:

You don't want to create those "be and do and have", all of those things, so that you can feel good.
You want to find that feeling, so that -as you explore those- you're exploring them with the whole of you, instead of with a scanty piece of you.

Did you hear what we said?

Yeah. Are you ready for me? (Abe: we're ready for you!)
So, the few challenges that I have in manifesting things, are all things that collectively people would argue are "impossible". And that's probably where the resistance is a little, but I'll pose...

Instead of a challenge, call it an invitation!
Let's make the word "challenge" into that word forevermore: It's an invitation for expansion. And it is...

Everybody doesn't get those invitations!
Sometimes, big invitations come to those who are ready for it!

So I'll pose the one that's got the least resistance, so I can solve one, I could solve all of them. And that is... uh... of of height. So, somewhere in my vortex I'm about five inches taller. Now you said, you know where my expansion is and you know the path of least resistance to it. So I've come for that guidance!

Well you didn't start with the easiest one you started with the hardest one because you started you started with the one where your expectation is the most powerfully entrenched. So, because how you get from where you are, in terms of manifestation, to some place that you prefer is: by ignoring the manifestation that exists, and ignoring the current translation of what is, while you focus upon the vortexual version of it. But the vortexual version, since you can't see it or hear it or smell it or taste or to touch it- you can only feel it, so you have to think about what does it feel like?

What does it feel like. What does that feel like? And not not as it's reflected back from others! What does it feel like? What does that feel like? Because when you try to reflect it back through the eyes of others, it gets all distorted. Because they're all messed up on it anyways! Almost no one has gotten inside that vortex for the feeling of that! So, what does that improve by your definition? Physical characteristics- what in the vortex does it vibrationally feel like? What does that translate into?

-Not something that you see! Not something that you're hearing back. What does that feel like? ...It feels like presence. It feels like stability. It feels like stance. It feels like perspective. It feels... it feels big! It feels... it feels aligned. It feels powerful. It feels empowered. It feels sure-footed. It feels confident. It feels aligned! It feels energetic. It feels powerful.

Because every single thing that everybody wants, no matter what it is- a material object, a state of being, a pile of money, a relationship, no matter what it is they want it because they believe they would feel better in the having of it. If you can accomplish the feeling better of it without the condition, unconditionally feeling it, watch what happens! We are not kidding you!

The cells of your body will conform to the vibrational stance that you accomplish!
And anybody that hasn't had the experience, has not accomplished the vibrational integrity of the idea. They keep looking at what is, and complaining about what isn't, and keep reflecting the same, you see!

Now we know, there's so much that you can say... "oh well, what about them? I'm sure, Abraham, that big tall basketball player did not sit in his room and contemplated his vortexual Beingness! I'm just sure of that!!" -Well you're not sure. You don't know! You don't know what anybody else was doing vibrationally- you don't know!

Yeah, but I know I can do it. I just kind of needed you, you know...

You can do what?

Anything I want!

"I know I can accomplish the vibrational feeling, that will be at the end of that manifestation. Without needing that manifestation to be there, before I accomplish that feeling!"
That's the key to everything that you want.

You say sometimes... people hear this, and they think that what we're saying to them is: Okay, just put up with things as they are. Tolerate. We're not talking about toleration!! We're talking about allowing. Tolerate what you don't want! And if you tolerate it long enough, then you'll get to where you want to be. And people worry that we're just trying to get you to be accepting of what is. That is not what this message is! We are not trying to get you to be accepting of what is. We are not trying to get you to be accepting of current reality.

We are wanting to assist you in creating the reality of your choice, and there are no exceptions!
When you said "I can be, or do, or have anything that I choose" -it's just a matter of identifying it. And then finding... what?

HS: Vibrational Alignment!

...And being- where?

HS: Receptive.

Receptive. Receptive of what's in the vortex!

HS, (funny voice)
And then, I can tolerate it! (laughter)

That was good. That's really good!

Speaking of your, your wit, humor...

Well, well okay so we're really good together!

We are um... to to be wittier, you can you just... feel it?

You know what it mostly is? It's timing. And timing is about receptivity. (HS: It's all the same!) It's all... everything's about timing. And timing's about receptivity, it really is! Oh, you've got writers behind you, that we can't even explain! You live in a situation comedy!

From the youtube-clip "Abraham-Hicks Can Law of attraction change my appearance?"


"I just want as much good stuff, as I can stand, at any moment in time.
As I can as I can comprehend, as I can take in, as I can be receptive of!
I just want to tune to it."

Abraham Hicks

You don't want to create those "be and do and have", all of those things,
so that you can feel good.
You want to find that feeling, so that -as you explore those- you're exploring them with the whole of you,
instead of with a scanty piece of you.

Abraham Hicks

Instead of a challenge, call it an invitation!
Let's make the word "challenge" into that word forevermore: It's an invitation for expansion. And it is...

Everybody doesn't get those invitations!
Sometimes, big invitations come to those who are ready for it!

Abraham Hicks

"I know I can accomplish the vibrational feeling, that will be at the end of that manifestation. Without needing that manifestation to be there, before I accomplish that feeling!"
That's the key to everything that you want.

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

Post by spiritualcookie »

Alignment is what makes you irresistible!

Someone who takes the time to understand their relationship with Source,
who actively seeks alignment with their broader perspective,
who deliberately seeks and finds alignment with who-they-really-are,
is more charismatic, more attractive, more effective, and more powerful
than a group of millions
who have not achieved this alignment.

- Abe
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Re: Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

"I chose to be here, in this GLORIOUS physical body!"

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

He wants more muscles, and less effort in getting them!
Use the Power of your Desire:
Molding your own body

I guess my question that I've had is... I've been, I think, for the longest time, I have not been happy with my physical body. My physical body is perfectly healthy, there's nothing wrong with it! It runs fine. But I'm not happy with how it looks. A lot of times it's been with weight, and you know, a lot of times I felt kind of scrawny, and and so I've gone... I've lifted weights and I've done the action journey. And I've gone to really... I've gone to really try to make things happen. Really work really hard, to put on the muscle. And you know, bulk myself up, and I've been somewhat successful with that. But yet, you know... the whole time I'm doing it, I'm feeling that, you know... "I'm still weak. I'm still weak."

And I guess it's finally occurred to me, after listening to a lot of what you've had to say, that the reason I've had so much trouble is- I've been fighting it. Instead of- I guess, maybe taking part of the action journey, and lifting the weights, but at the same time thinking: "I'm strong!" I've been thinking "I'm weak, I'm weak, I'm weak, I'm weak!" and so, you know... I've had this idea that I can't look the way I want to look... you know, people have said "oh, your body frame won't support the way you want to look! You can't have this. You can't have that. And I've listened to them, which I think has been my biggest mistake! And so I guess, what my question is, is that:

-Can I actually transform into the body that I want?
If I can get myself into alignment- so even though I'm physically, you know, healthy- so it's not really like curing any kind of diseases. But it's actually just transforming the body into a shape that I would be very happy with?

Well, YES you can get to there, certainly!
And you- everything that you've said has come from a very wise place of understanding. There's not a lot that we can add to what you have already concluded, which is absolutely accurate. We'll emphasize it a little bit here, that when you say "I want this thing, that I do not have"- you are asking the stream to go, AND bucking it at the same time.

When you say "I want something that is impossible!" the split energy keeps you from being able to accomplish it. So when your mind is splitting energy, it does not matter what action you perform!

The action doesn't have a much enough leverage in it to overcome the split energy! So much so, that we'd like to make extreme statements and say things like:

A person who believes that a twinkie is unhealthy, should not eat a twinkie.
But if you understand (...) we would rather, that you eat a twinkie in joy, than that you... it's actually better for the overall physical condition, then that you eat food that you believe is healthy food in protest. Because split energy has so much power in it, you see! And so, imagine how much you can accomplish...! In other words, you have a very clearly focused, very well-managed desire. In other words, we can feel the clarity of this desire!

But you have a nearly equally focused doubt about your desire.
And that's what makes it all feel hard.
And that's why you're not taking pleasure in the action!
And it's also why you're not getting the kind of results that you would get,
if you could get your energy all moving in the same direction.

It seems that, you know I've gotten some results. But I feel like I could have gotten even more, with a lot less effort, had I let go of the resistance.

Well, what happens is- when you begin going with the flow, the effort becomes less of a factor.

In other words, Jerry and Esther were driving down a freeway the other night, and they noticed that there were some new barricades that had been built, in order to prevent people from crossing into the head-on traffic, and having head-on collisions. And Esther noted, that if a car were to lose control and bounce over against this series of wires that they'd placed, that the car would bounce back into this traffic. And Jerry pointed out, that since this traffic is already moving in the same direction, that even though the car is out of control- it entering traffic, that's moving in the same general direction that it is, is much less of a problem, than if it entered the the flow of traffic that was coming from the other direction.

And Esther said: "There's something in that, that Abraham needs to tell us about resistance! In other words, when the energy stream, when the stream of life, when the stream of desire is calling you this way, and you sort of kind of go, but not really- it's better than if you're going in opposition to it. But if you sort of kind of go, and you relax more, so that you really begin to go- until you finally let yourself... you stop dragging your feet in the water! You stop dragging your oars in the water. You stop dragging all of your things of resistance in the water. And you pull yourself, and you just really let yourself go with the flow... the more you're able to do that, the more you refine your thinking, then the better it all is!

So, certainly you are better off if you have a desire for a change in your body condition, and you are making some effort to accomplish it. You're better off in making that effort, than in making no effort. But what you are recognizing is: It ought to be easier for me, than it is. And certainly, when somebody tells you: "Oh, you can't have what you want!" -and you listen to them, as if they have some sort of credibility, then that's more than just dragging your oars in the water! That's when you suddenly turn around and start paddling in the opposite direction! And, you can feel,

-you can feel the intensity of really going with the flow: That's what passion is!
-Sort of going with the flow- that's what optimism is or hope is.
-Hardly going with a flow that's what hesitation and reluctance is.
-Not going with the flow- that's what doubt is and worry is.
-Really not going with the flow- that in fact, paddling in the opposite direction: that's what anger is.
-Really really not going with the flow... in other words you can you can feel the intensity of how you're placed in the stream by the way you feel!

The thing we always want to point out, and we've done it several times here today, but it really is something that we want you to hear, and really think about the combination of the pointed desire and the pointed belief, in relationship to the desire is, what equals what you feel. So there are a lot of people that could actually be getting better results than you are getting, who care even less about the body that they want. And that's what's bugging you! (HS: Yah, yah! Yah!!) But when you take all the information, and figure out what all of these pieces to the equation equal, you understand that somebody who doesn't want as much as you do, that has no resistance, is getting a lot better results- than somebody who wants as poignantly as you do, and has resistance.

Doesn't that explain a lot? Doesn't that explain why so many people seem to be thriving, who don't deserve it? Because, you think that their deservability is tied to their effort!
And we're wanting you to know that no deservability is tied to effort your you all deserve to have everything that life has caused you to want

But unfortunately, something that happens to everybody is, that it seems that the more you want something, the more you work against yourself. Because the harder you try and the more you see it is an ORDEAL that you must dig in and conquer, and triumph, over. And there's something about that conquering, digging in and triumphing over, that has you pointed upstream. That works really hard against you!

So, when somebody says to you: "Your whatever does not support the desire that you hold!" say to them:
"I know you mean well. Even though you're breaking my heart with your words! I know you may be well-meaning, but you, Sir, are misinformed. Because I now understand that, if this time-space-reality has the wherewithal to inspire a desire within me, that this time-space-reality has the wherewithal to deliver it to me.

So, if I can want it, I CAN achieve it. And I can achieve it easier, by not listening to your words, than if I listen to your words. So, I won't be asking for your commentary anymore. Because your commentary takes me upstream, which is counter to what I want."

It's interesting, because even in the building of a muscle, there is this human expectation of resistance! In other words, the trainers will tell you, that in order to get that muscle, you have to badger it into. And we say: But think about what's happening, in all of that, that you're calling resistance; is the focusing of the desire for the achievement of something.

And you got to give some of the credit to the power of the desire, you see!

So what we wish for you is a discovery of a training, that you will take pleasure in.
And it is our wish that you discover the enormous leverage in thought!

And we promise you, that if you keep this dream alive, and it's a powerful dream, that is very alive! -If you don't squelch it with contradictory thought, so you just continue to want as you are wanting, relative to this, and you find more downstream thoughts about it, you will begin to notice immediately physical responses to this powerful desire.

And there will come a time that you will be inspired to tell others what you figured out about this,

because the majority of the world- relative to physical fitness, and relative to physical well-being, is going about it in such a contradictive way, that they are well in spite of themselves literally. Literally!

from the clip How can I change my physical appearance using the Law of Attraction? | ABRAHAM HICKS


Even in the building of a muscle, there is this human expectation of resistance! In other words, the trainers will tell you, that in order to get that muscle, you have to badger it into. And we say: But think about what's happening, in all of that, that you're calling resistance; is the focusing of the desire for the achievement of something.

And you got to give some of the credit to the power of the desire, you see!

So what we wish for you is a discovery of a training, that you will take pleasure in.
And it is our wish that you discover the enormous leverage in thought!

And we promise you, that if you keep this dream alive, and it's a powerful dream, that is very alive! -If you don't squelch it with contradictory thought, so you just continue to want as you are wanting, relative to this, and you find more downstream thoughts about it, you will begin to notice immediately physical responses to this powerful desire.

And there will come a time that you will be inspired to tell others what you figured out about this,

because the majority of the world- relative to physical fitness, and relative to physical well-being, is going about it in such a contradictive way, that they are well in spite of themselves literally. Literally!

from the clip How can I change my physical appearance using the Law of Attraction? | ABRAHAM HICKS
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Re: Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

How to allow miracles within your body
(The differences between sensations and pain)

Now, what about parts of my body, that are not youthing? They're they're getting older. I mean, can I use this method that you're teaching us about being in the feeling state, uh, create regeneration of parts of my body? Such as gray graying hair, wrinkles... I've had a hysterectomy. I have a bad knee or shoulder. Can I...

You can! But not from that vibrational feeling place that is there! And, in other words, what we're getting at is this: Jerry and Esther were in New England last fall. And as they walked, and drove through the extraordinary color of these aging leaves, we did not hear them or any other standing under the trees demanding, that they'd be screen spring green, again! Everyone seemed to accept the natural cycling of the leaves. Now as you understand that you are more like the tree than you think... in other words, as the tree drops its leaves, and they become new again...

Esther said, she would like to be a chicken. Because she can't tell her little spring chickens from the old chickens because every year, they all get new feathers. She said: "Ladies should have feathers! Every year, we would get new feathers!" ...well, what we are getting at here, is that the cells of your body are continually regenerating. And if you could find yourself appreciating the spring and the summer and the fall and the winter of your experience, then in that appreciation, you would regenerate the cells. And that which you are wanting, as youth, would would be maintained eternally! In other words, you can't tell the old wolf from the middle-aged wolf. They are as agile and as clear-minded, you see!

So the answer there is continued appreciation, to keep the valve open? (Abe: yes!) and create whatever it is I want to create in my body- whether it's a healing of a joint, or coloring of my hair...?

Yes! As you acknowledge the beauty of your hair, even if it is gray- in that vibration, your valve is open. And then your truer wanting is satisfied. As you want your hair to be different than it is, and in that lackful mode you look- then vibrationally, you close the valve that could allow it to be different.

So the key is: how do I look at a wrinkled face and feel appreciation?
How do I feel prosperous when my checks are bouncing?
How do I feel well, when they tell me I have cancer?

And we say: You must not put so much credence upon the current condition! And you should let your vision be dominant.

And when you are able to look and see what you are wanting to see, rather than what everybody else sees- then you have the true vision of energy flow. And that's when you begin to create miracles, and we're not kidding you about it!

In other words, that's when the physical manifestation that defies all of the properties of your physical laws, begin to take place!
It's because your knowing has superseded the vibrational habit of thought that is physical perspective. And has entered into the realm of the broader awareness.

And that's where the pain from the knee joint disappears? (Abe: Yes!) -When I've achieved that?

The pain from the deep joint disappears, when you open your valve and acknowledge that the cells are doing their work. It's a very subtle difference between that which most of you call sensation, and pain. So what happens is- let's say that you have an injury to a leg, or or you're just out of balance for some reason. You... you twist... One day somebody gave Esther a hug that was so tight, that it separated one of her ribs. And so, as she has this this sort of pain in in her side, what is her first thought: "Something's wrong!"

Well, what the pain was, was non-physical energy knowing that there is something out of whack in her body, (and) going right to work!

And so, the cells in that part of body are on active duty! The cells in that part of her body are vibrationally asking for non-physical energy. And if Esther, in feeling the sensation, would relax and say:

"Ah! Help is on the way! All is well here. I feel this sensation, and what it means is, the cells and that right part of my body are acting much stronger. And they are summoning non-physical energy!" -and she would relax into the pain, rather than tensing against it!

Then she would allow the cells, and the non-physical energy to do their work. And that, which we would call a near-instant-healing!
You're sitting on an airplane. Somebody next to you is hacking, coughing, dripping, dribbling this virus. This person coughs into the air, and you inhale the virus into your body. When that happens, the cells of your body, in that part of your body, know that the intruder is there! And right away, begin to vibrationally respond to it. They vibrationally ask for non-physical energy to compensate.

So, the cells are asking, and the non-physical energy is answering. Now, if you're basking, if you are having a wonderful time, if you're appreciating, if your valve is wide open- then the communication between the cells and the non-physical energy is perfect. That virus is dealt with instantly! You don't even know it's happened. And you continue to thrive.

But if you're ornery, if the flight attendant has made you mad, if you are angry about something, if you are on your way to a funeral, if you are in a negative state of mind and you ingest this virus, without even being aware of it- then, as the cells are doing their part, and the non-physical energy is doing its part, you're setting up a resistance. So, as you set up a resistance, the cells work harder. The non-physical energy works harder! You set up more resistance! Then you have that, which you call sensation or pain. And then you say: "Um... something's wrong!" -and in the moment you identify something negative, and you turn your attention to it- now the cells are working harder! The non-physical is working harder. But you've got an iron door closed. So, when you feel pain, what we would encourage you to do is, say:

"Ah, this is good! The cells know what they're doing. The non-physical energy knows what it's doing!
And this thing that I have once called pain, I'm now going to call "help on the way." And in the same way that I would relax, and allow my mother to take a sliver out of my hand- even though I didn't really like it, I'm going to relax and allow these little psychic surgeons to deal with my body, on a cellular level!"

If you will allow the psychic surgeons to do it, there will be no scars. The resiliency of your body will be near perfect! If you go to the physician, it's like turning a chainsaw loose. In other words, the comparison of allowing the cellular surgery and the physical surgery is a big difference!

from the youtube clip I want to be beautiful again🔥 ABRAHAM HICKS Can I regrow 🔥 I want to be beautiful
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Re: Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Find a way of acknowledging the value of what is
while you look for something that suits you better

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Working hard to control your body...?
Dis-Ease is the reason for EVERY illness or physical dis-balance

(Being Upstream or Downstream around losing weight and your body)

Um, so, as I'm listening to you, I'm thinking okay... I've got the relationship. I've got the money flow. You know, life is good in so many arenas! Now I want to learn how to turn downstream with my body. So, what I've noticed first of all, it feels like all my life, I've done everything I could possibly do- and it just keeps getting worse! So, I've done every diet. I've taken every pill. I've read every book. I've...

But, but... when we... let's talk about this, just for a moment: Because, "I've done every diet", now just in in the context of Upstream/Downstream, "I've done every diet"- which way should we point?
(HS: Up.) -Up! "I've take taken pills"... did you take diet pills...?"

HS (laughing):
Oh I took every...

Abe (tuning into the fun, moving Esthers hand either left or right to show "upstream" or "downstream"):
Which way are they?

HS: Up.

Abe: "Read every book..."

HS: Up. Worked out... you know, not just worked out but... but, I've bought every piece of workout equipment! (Esther swinging her hand into "up", audience hilarious).

So, now... you say... but here's the really good news! In all of that (pointing "up"), there is the realization of what I'm wanting! So you must understand- whether you can feel it or get a sense of it, of what's percolating over here for you, in vibrational Escrow! In other words, with all of that focus and all of that energy and all of that desire, that... in other words, when you really really really want something, and someone said to us one day, "oh Abraham I don't want that. I've already got that." -and it was laughable to us, because people associate wanting with that feeling of not having! And the reason that they do is, because

when you want something that you're not letting yourself have, and you really want it, you can really feel it, you see.

So what we want you to realize is, that there is a really positive side to that feeling. Which means, there's something really... in other words, your river is really flowing strong in this way! Otherwise you wouldn't be feeling that. Which means, when you do find the way to turn and go with it, the results will come readily for you! You have to know, that different people have different results from food. Because you see people eating much more than you eat, who are slender, and in the body condition that they want. So you have to know... and you say, well, it's metabolism. We say blah blah blah blah blah!

Whatever you want to call it- it is the energy-balance in your body!
And so, it does not matter how much you do, if you're vibrationally pointed upstream.

-You'r Doing isn't going to get you the results.
-That's why your metabolism is slow,
-that's why your body holds on to what you do not not want: You're pointed upstream in it, you see!

So, once you start playing the game... so you're downstream, downstream, downstream, downstream, downstream... then not only will the inspiration about what to do be easier and easier, but you're going to discover that you don't have that many things you have to do differently. Because the things you are doing differently have got you in a different vibrational stance. And that different vibrational stance is causing your response to food to be different, than it has been before!

Your metabolism will kick up when you're pointed downstream, we're not kidding you.

Resistance bogs everything down that's why all heart disease, that's why strokes, that's why every disease, that's why every sickness that every single person has ever lived, no matter how severe or slight it might be, is always about vibration, that's pointed upstream. It's always about that vibrational tug of war! Doctors only recently are beginning to understand the stress effect, relative to diseases! And it is EVERYTHING.

Disease: Dis- ease! Disease: dis- ease. Dis- ease, you see!

But it's all right. It feels like if you really really want something, so the energy is really really moving fast.

Yeah. And I the harder I try, the worse it gets.

And that's the feeling that we're... that's the feeling that we want you to identify here! "The fact that I'm trying so hard means, I'm really pointed upstream. So,

It isn't that there are certain foods that you must eat, and therefore you will get results.
It is that you can't eat something that you believe will make you fat, and be slender!

In other words, it's about your vibrational energy balance. So as you start doing those things that you believe that you need to do, and you do them with ease, your resistance begins to resolve. And so, then what happens is:
-more ideas flow to you.
-people send you recipes.
-you find new products.
-you begin to get results!
-you begin to notice that the weight is coming off.
-you begin to get into the flow of it.
-you begin to feel better, your energy increases.
-you want to move more,
-and then you get on the scale which you haven't done for 30 days...

...and you say, "wow, 15 lbs! And I wasn't doing any of that hard stuff! I was doing only the stuff that felt good, and looking at the results I'm getting!" ...and we say: the results that you will get are because of your energy alignment.

But... so let's talk about the components of this process. What really is it? What is the getting-out-of-debt-process about? It's about using action to improve vibration. And we think it is a good human technique, because what you usually hear from us is: clean up your vibration, and don't act, and then follow through with inspired action.

But this these things that have you by the throat, these things like your body... you know your body is a hard thing to control when it gets out of balance! So, how your body looks and how your body feels is a big part of your vibration. And the same thing with money: Money affects you all day every day, and so when you apply these actions that make you feel a little better, what happens is: The action then drives the improvement in the energy. And the Improvement in the energy then inspires more action, and the action drives the improvement in the energy, and more improvement in the energy,

and then you start feeling motivated from the inside, and motivation from the inside.

It's what we call inspiration. And the big thing is, and we say this relative to every subject you have: to leave everybody else out of the equation! Because it doesn't matter how somebody else looks, or how much they eat, or how much results they get from what they do- none of that is relative to you. (...) Esther remembers going out to dinner with some dear friends, years ago. They went to a wonderful Indian restaurant in San Francisco, and Esther's beautiful friend... she looked like a model, from head to toe, ordered two complete meals and ate them herself. And then ate dessert, and then everybody else's dessert that didn't finish it.

And Esther said to her: "I hope you understand, that we can no longer be friends!" and Gloria said to Esther: "Food is my friend!" and Esther said: "Well, it hates me, it just hates me!" And that's really the point that we're wanting to make:

In other words- you have to come into alignment! You have to!
You must be your friend.
You've got to start doing things that make you feel better!

And that's where this "keeping my promise to myself" comes in. And the promise to myself is:
When when you're not happy in your body with the way it feels, or the way it moves ,or the way it looks- you're launching further and further rockets. So the worse you feel in your body, the more you ask for, and the higher your standards become. and so you've got a fabulous thing going on over here (in the Vortex) that you've got to get up to speed with! Because you're creating your own tug of war, and this process will cause you to ease that tension between the two, we promise you! It will shift your vibration. And when your vibration shifts, your body will become the way you want it to!

And here, here's the part we really want you to understand.
So, being slender and fit the way you want to be, is over here (in the Vortex). aAd where you feel like you are is over here, we want you to realize that turning like this (downstream)- because you did something on that, is enough!!

In fact, it's not only enough- it's all you can do! And it's not only all you can do- it's enough. But it's not only only enough... IT'S ALL YOU CAN DO! But it's not only all you can do, it's enough. But it's not only enough it's all you can do! (Laughter). In other words... you've got to make peace with all that you can do.

And when you make make peace with all that you can do, by keeping those commitments... ah, you just start floating along! You feel better and better. You're getting the results, and then it becomes a non-issue, and then one day, not very long from now, you'll sit in this chair and you'll say: "I've got the relationship. I got my body under control! And, Abraham, this week I won the lottery!"

from the (official) youtube clip "Abraham: NATURAL WEIGHT LOSS - Esther & Jerry Hicks"
Leah Southey
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Re: Quotes on Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

Post by Leah Southey »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2024 9:06 pm

Your thoughts make you fat or thin. NOT your food!

Abraham Hicks
Oh boy. :crazy:

My weight's still going up and up.
My thoughts are doing that??

I believe it. When I'm happy my body behaves itself. When I'm not happy ... :crazy:
I'm a woman who's always eaten what she wants, when she wants it.
I'm far from obese but I've had to buy bigger clothes :problem: If I sit on a low stool I need to hang on to something to stand up again.

Abe says... just get happy. Whatever it takes.
It takes chocolate. And other yummy things.

I'm feeling my age here. I want to be able to do what I've always done and feel good about it. Is that too much to ask?
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