My Diary

This new forum is created and a focus for those that want to participate with the study of Abraham-Hicks in their many books and processes.
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Re: My Diary

Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 20: 3 or 4 x 15 minute sound meditations a day
Reminder: When writing here focus on wanted side of things
Reminder: Any sense of urgency or hurry to improve anything works against me

I had a really nice Sunday yesterday with my girlfriend. Really relaxed. Main thing I'd like? To just continue mediating every day and feeling that wisdom that if ever I'm feeling confused or tense, if I check I am listening to the mind and not to the present moment, if I just listen to sounds confusion and tension slows and goes away.
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Re: My Diary

Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 21: 3 or 4 x 15 minute sound meditations a day
Day 2: In the morning, make a list of 5 things I'm grateful for in my life
Reminder: When writing here focus on wanted side of things
Reminder: Any sense of urgency or hurry to improve anything works against me
Reminder: You create with your thought, not your action.

Focusing on wanted side of things:
The most general thing I want is to continue this improvement in how I'm feeling. I'd also like my belief to increase that feeling well is not only the best thing but gurantees that well-being flows into my experience. Taking a moment to really believe in the vortex does feel very good!

I love an analogy I heard from a Hicks video - Esther turned on the taps in a hotel room but the labels were wrong, so hot ran cold and cold ran hot, she was glad she had the wisdom to not have a cold bath - I love how well that illustrates not trusting my minds habits at all in any way about anything, just trusting that if it feels off then it's not serving me and turning downstream is ALWAYS better.

the creative workshop keeps popping in my mind - let's do a super general one!
My relationship - feel real friendship with my girlfriend
My business - feel real safety / security and fun
MY home - feel grateful for how great it is
My body - feel strong and energetic
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Re: My Diary

Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 22: 3 or 4 x 15 minute sound meditations a day
Day 3: In the morning, make a list of 5 things I'm grateful for in my life
Day 1: No eating outside of meal times.
Reminder: When writing here focus on wanted side of things
Reminder: Any sense of urgency or hurry to improve anything works against me
Reminder: You create with your thought, not your action.
Reminder: Think about 'Why' not 'how'

Focusing on wanted side of things:
Right now I'd really love to lose weight and also get really good at avoiding cheap 'pleasures' at work that give me the impression of having fun but actually massively reduce my enjoyment of everything.

Why would I like to lose weight? I really like how my face looks when I'm leaner and I feel more confident.
I'm understanding more and more that this is an emotional journey first and it feels good writing about it, focusing on the wanted side of things and feeling through it - waiting for inspirations to act. I keep catching old upstream thoughts about it and enjoying letting them go.
First inspiration to act - I have a pea protein powder shake that I like, one shake with just cold water and I've had 40g protein. I've read it's great for weight loss to have 30g+ of protein early after waking. Had a shake just now , feels good. When I was not eating at all outside of my 2 meals a day - I really liked how it felt. I liked enjoying my food so much more. That feels like enough for now

... lol the shake has made me feel really ill. Let's just stick to no eating outside of meal times :)
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Re: My Diary

Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 23: 3 or 4 x 15 minute sound meditations a day
Day 4: In the morning, make a list of 5 things I'm grateful for in my life
Day 2: No eating outside of meal times.
Reminder: When writing here focus on wanted side of things
Reminder: Any sense of urgency or hurry to improve anything works against me
Reminder: You create with your thought, not your action.
Reminder: Think about 'Why' not 'how'

Focusing on wanted side of things:
I think my girlfriend is noticing the improvements in how I'm feeling more than I am!
Overall average mood still improving, and I've been saying that for 9 months now. Each time I get a short wave of feeling good, usually in the morning - it feels like 'ooh I've felt that good for a long time'
I like saying again that I can see how my active beliefs are changing right alongside this. In Hicks logic, the improved mood is communication that my beliefs are getting more and more aligned with what I want.

I had a great day in work yesterday - a testament to changing beliefs, it felt like common sense to feel into what would have the best impact on how I felt during that day. The theme once more was avoiding cheap dopamine hits, so no non-work internet at all, co coffee etc.
What emerged was a really nice feeling of flow to the day that felt like it was governed by synchronicity - a cycle of work , rest and customer enquiries.
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Re: My Diary

Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 24: 3 or 4 x 15 minute sound meditations a day
Day 5: In the morning, make a list of 5 things I'm grateful for in my life
Day 3: No eating outside of meal times.
Day 1: When I get home from work , meditate for 30mins
Reminder: When writing here focus on wanted side of things
Reminder: Any sense of urgency or hurry to improve anything works against me

Focusing on wanted side of things:
I wanna feel safer around my girlfriend - let me explain! :) I'd like to have less flashes of fear around my partner that entirely come from memories of being afraid of ALL people. They key to this from experience if keeping up meditating regularly and feeling that moment of emotional relief. The more recent that memory of emotional relief, the easier it is to go back to it.

I'd like to be more deliberate in my evenings. I end up watching telly just by default. I've been sitting for 15 minutes every day when I get home, I'm feeling like 30mins would be great to really reset after my day at work
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Re: My Diary

Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 25: 3 or 4 x 15 minute sound meditations a day
Day 6: In the morning, make a list of 5 things I'm grateful for in my life
Day 4: No eating outside of meal times.
Day 1: Go out every morning.
Reminder: When writing here focus on wanted side of things
Reminder: Any sense of urgency or hurry to improve anything works against me

Focusing on wanted side of things:
Had another lovely morning at the coffee shop, it also felt great just to go outside.
I could say the main thing I want is to be in step 3 more often, oooh, let says I'd like to have some time every morning when I can get really spacious and let my cork float. This can happen at home but is much more likely if I go out. In fact just getting outdoors in the early in the morning feels great. I remember Hicks saying. once 'spend more time outdoors'
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Re: My Diary

Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 26: 3 or 4 x 15 minute sound meditations a day
Day 1/90: MAKING A DECISON; Hot then cold shower first thing every morning, no YouTube, no online news or football, no work related activity out of work, no beer
Reminder: When writing here focus on wanted side of things
Reminder: Any sense of urgency or hurry to improve anything works against me

Focusing on wanted side of things:
I've heard Hicks mention a few times about decisions and I liked feeling into the word. I'd like to make decisions more ( more than never lol ) - i.e. say I'm gonna do something / not do something - but be completely pure in the intent, no mental fingers crossed behind my back :)
Oooh this feels nice to imagine. So! For the next 90 days I'm making the decision to stick to some very basic guidelines that I know from experience have a big impact on how I feel generally. The first one is showering as soon as I get up, hot then cold. I never ever wake up feeling like doing this, in fact the less I feel like doing it - the greater the improvement in how I feel when I step in. As soon as the hot water hits there's a lovely shift in my vibe, and again when I switch to the cold shower. Such an interesting lesson every morning, noticing that there's a craving to not do this thing that I know will leave me feeling better. The rest are not doing the things I can get cravings to do, but I know sap my eagerness for the things that are important to me.
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Re: My Diary

Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 27: 3 or 4 x 15 minute sound meditations a day
Day 2/90: DECISION; Hot then cold shower first thing every morning, no YouTube, no online news or football, no work stuff out of work
Day 1/90: DECISION: Up at 6am. walk 3 miles every morning before breakfast
Top reminder: My baseline most important practice is meditating with the intention of quieting my mind, and feeling the emotional relief from that. Any changes to my lifestyle that support that are great
Reminder: Any sense of urgency or hurry to improve anything works against me
Reminder: Consider home, relationship, finances, body as one
Reminder: Step 3 is super general
Reminder: Segment intending prepaves all future similar segments

focusing on wanted side of things:
Had a little realisation this morning. I've heard Hicks talk about the bundle of sticks. That when you feel good about one subject, ALL the subjects of your life start moving in the right direction. And if you feel bad about one subject, ALL the subjects of your life start moving in the wrong direction. It felt good to realise the benefit of not prioritising one in my mind e.g. stop seeing finances as the most important one, as if I then stress about finances everything suffers. It feels relieving to imagine the whole like that - particularly as my beliefs around the non finance subjects are more allowing. Here's a super general creative workshop

Body: Have a body I like the look of
Relationship: Feel reall friendship and love with my girlfriend
Home: clean and tidy
Finances: safety and abundance and fun work


While out for a walk today I felt the urge to make another decision. I like the feeling of relief that comes with the word 'decision'. For the next 90 days (rest of 2024 really!) I'm gonna walk 3 miles every morning outside, whatever the weather, before breakfast. This is mainly to do with weight loss, but I know that there are lots of other benefits too - most of all - I just feel better for the rest of the day. I feel like life told me how to lose weight years ago.... I had a period where I just felt like walking to work every day (3 miles) and soon after someone said to me 'have you lost weight?' Nobody has ever said that in my life (in a good way lol).
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Re: My Diary

Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 28: 3 or 4 x 15 minute sound meditations a day
Day 3/90: DECISION; Hot then cold shower first thing every morning, no YouTube, no online news or football, no work stuff out of work
Day 2/90: DECISION: Up at 6am. walk 3 miles every morning before breakfast
Top reminder: My baseline most important practice is meditating with the intention of quieting my mind, and feeling the emotional relief from that. Any changes to my lifestyle that support that are great
Reminder: Any sense of urgency or hurry to improve anything works against me
Reminder: Consider home, relationship, finances, body as one
Reminder: Step 3 is super general

focusing on wanted side of things:
Really feeling the benefit of these 'decisions'. It was nice to have my alarm go off at 6am, and just know that I'm now gonna get straight up for a shower. The 3 mile walk was really nice and sitting in a coffee shop after it feels like a little reward. I read Ask and It Is Given then for about an hour - my first Hicks book and might always be my favourite. I've bought a new little notebook and am looking forward to doing some more positive aspects.

Overall average mood still creeping up. I'm liking how my weight is mirroring everything. I've put on a fair amount of weight this year but right now I feel slim; having those decisions made about walking each morning and not eating outside of meal time - I'm excited about these improvements that feel guaranteed
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Re: My Diary

Post by abrahammer117 »

Day 29: 3 or 4 x 15 minute sound meditations a day
Day 4/90: DECISION; Hot then cold shower first thing every morning, no YouTube, no online news or football, no work stuff out of work
Day 3/90: DECISION: Up at 6am. walk 3 miles every morning before breakfast
Top reminder: My baseline most important practice is meditating with the intention of quieting my mind, and feeling the emotional relief from that. Any changes to my lifestyle that support that are great
Reminder: Any sense of urgency or hurry to improve anything works against me
Reminder: Consider home, relationship, finances, body as one
Reminder: Step 3 is super general

focusing on wanted side of things:
Yesterday was my first day getting up at 6am straight away, shower, 3 mile walk. After the walk, really enjoyed reading Ask and It's Given for about an hour in a coffee shop. When I got to work and sat down I could really tell how different I felt. That's the best I've felt getting into work for at least 18 months. I had a really good day too as you'd expect.

Overall I'm feeling a tipping point into actually feeling confident and eager about things.
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