I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...I AM on my bold, highlighted path, and I decide to enjoy it! :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 26
I SO enjoy my path.
I SO enjoy to live in this time! I listened today to someone who hears the psychics all the times speak about our immediate future. And while I trust this man, and even his sources... I feel so much pure, wonderful peace. ALL IS WELL!
All is FOR US. I feel so safe!
I feel so known. I feel so cared for and guided.

And the best thing I can do for others, is my song fullof joy, and hold my light, my absolute certainty of good things BEING NOW and becoming even better!

I look so forwards to more. I want to visit Moscow and St Petersburg and Jerusalem, and KNOW the peace and joy and love on the one side of the former borders, as on the other!

I see the deep,beautiful peace of hearts.I feel the loving joy of unity in total freedom and safety. I feel the goodness and I see the beauty. ALL IS WELL and will get weller! We will see people embracing each other and singing and dancng in the streets, forgiving and understanding what was, and bouncing from it into joyful flfillment and truest real Love. I see and feel and smell and hear PEACE. And I am so happy with it! It's not just becoming (while it is). IT IS THERE ALREADY, and we can step into it, any time!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...I AM on my bold, highlighted path, and I decide to enjoy it! :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 27
I sooo love my life! I so love my "path". It brings me uncountable joys, surprise and delight!!
I see so much beauty! And if I don't see it, someone comes and points me to it!! :lol: :vortex small:
I feel SO BLESSED. I feel so incredibly thankful!! And rich. And clear and open, to GET IT!

I feel beyond satisfied. I feel blessed. I feel in deep, deep joy. I trust God. I trust my life. IT IS ALL FOR ME, for each and everyone. And in that, in my care and love, I have SO MUCH for myself. We can't do and accomplish what we want by ourselves! And we don't want to celebrate it, alone I am soooooo so, so thankful!!!

I am sooooooo satisfied here. And soooo eager for the awesomeness, that is coming!!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I feel so lazy to do "my work" here. I just wanna have fun, now! And the work is no fun, now! I do so much in my life that is fun... but writing isn't one of them right now... so I'll let it be... for now :lol:

:vortex: :lol: :dance:

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by FeelGood »

Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

FeelGood wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2024 2:38 am
:lol: :lol: :lol: :dancing: :hearts: :hugging: EXACTLY!!! :hearts: :wave:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...I AM on my bold, highlighted path, and I decide to enjoy it! :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 28
Today I am inspired to rampage!
Today, I feel EAGER to find words for my joy and love...

I AM SO EAGER, so eager, so drawn to worship the beauty of life!! I feel so blessed to be alive NOW, and to see even further, hopefully, in my lifetime! I am so eager to see even more Paradise!!

I am sooo satisfied where I am! I am so in awe about all the beauty that is. I adore what mankind has crafted and thought up in inventions, and in engineering and in art and in crafts! I adore what nature gives us in materials and in food and in inspiration. Life is INCREDIBLE. I so love to live!! I sooo love to live!
And I am eager, eager EAGER to play with all of this MORE...

Thank you, thank you life!!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...I AM on my bold, highlighted path, and I decide to enjoy it! :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 29

I was so thrilled when I received this channeling!
It was EXACTLY what felt like my calling, and I was moved when I got it NOW, in this peak-time of the shift.
It felt like what I came for.This is MY PATH. This is my CALLING. And I am so incredibly thankful to "see" and "get it" as confirmation!

Be a Divine Co-Creator, grounded in Earth and in Spirit,
and experience and shine in physical form what the Creator really is!

Divine friends of Gaia,

I am Avalon of the Andromedan Council of Light. And we step forward to speak with Humanity now: The universe pulses with an energy wave, an intention that flows from the very heart of the Creator, reverberating through the cosmos. This energy is unique, vibrating with a clear purpose to awaken the truth with within every soul, and to encourage its expression in the world.

As this wave moves, it quickens. Stirring the depths of all beings, whether they walk upon Earth, or exist in the higher Realms. This is a sacred shift! An Ascension, calling for truth to emerge from within, to rise and to be shared.
Imagine the beauty of that truth igniting within your essence, ready to ground itself in reality and express the Creator's infinite light in tangible ways.

You are here now, to experience the profound gift of embodiment!
To feel the truth of the creator with all your senses: To touch, to see, to hear, to taste and to live that Divine Essence in the physical world!
This is a rare and sacred opportunity. Your Existence on Earth is no accident. It is a Divine wish of your soul, to experience the Creator's truth through every fiber of your being!

This wave of energy calls upon you, to invite it in.
Visualize it like a cascade of shimmering light, flowing through you, awakening the purity and wisdom locked within your being.
As you call this energy, feel it merge with you, activating a profound truth that may have remained hidden until now, to align with this energy.

Say out loud, or in your heart, let the truth be told, allow each breath to deepen your connection with this intention, and let the light within you bloom. When this activation occurs, you might sense a shift, a wave of energy moving through you. A vision or an inner knowing. Your soul recognizes when this truth is ready to emerge, and it will guide you to express it! When the moment feels right, declare: "I express the truth that needs to be told!"

This expression is not meant to remain within you alone. It is destined to flow into the earth, into your earth-star-chakra, beneath your feet, connecting deeply with Gaia. As you send this truth down into the earth, your connection to the Divine will only strengthen. Awakening higher wisdom from your soul star chakra, above your head. This is an infinite cycle of energy exchange. A communion between the earth, your soul and the cosmos. With each repetition of these statements, the energy will expand within you, awakening long buried truths from past lifetimes; hidden corners of your being, and the essence of who you truly are.

As illusions dissolve, your personal reality will shift, bringing clarity and wisdom. This truth serves your ascension- though some may find their truth influencing the collective as well. Through this practice, your vibration will rise. Your light will intensify, and your soul will shine with radiant empowerment! You are co-creating with the Divine, with every intention, every act of truth, you become a luminous beacon of ascension. A creator of reality, grounded in divine wisdom.

Know that your path is sacred, and you hold the power to illuminate the world.
The truth that has been, and will always be within you, at all times, the time to awaken is now. To remember that the love and light within you are boundless. And to walk with courage towards the truth of who you are! Rise now, beloved friends, and let your truth be the light that guides the way.

I am Avalon.

from the youtube-clip ""STARSEEDS, THIS IS HOW YOU PREPARE..." | The Andromedan Council Of Light | AVOLON"

Thank you, life!
Thank you, source.
Thank you, all kinds of "angels"! Thank you for the ride! Thank you for being with me on this path. I am so eager for it, and for more!
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...I AM on my bold, highlighted path, and I decide to enjoy it! :hearts:

"Allow what is, and watch what happens."(Abe)
...I enjoy my Journey!

Day 30

I love the path.
I love the path I went... it has lead me here. It has put so much into my Vortex. It has created the adventures in which I am now. It has created the certainty and joyful anticipation in which I walk forwards. It has created the blessings and the contrast in which I am. I LOVE IT ALL!

I am thankful. I am in deep appreciation. :lol: I am in irritation as well! And, I will reach clarity on it! This is a funpark, an adventure-land. And I am EAGER to master it. I am EAGER to see it through... and to triumph, and have sooo much joy on the journey. I LOVE MY PATH. Thank you, thank you life!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...I decide to enjoy the wanted sides of what-is, and CREATE what I like even better. :hearts:

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."(Abe)
...I give up to care what others think, and instead: Care for my ALIGNMENT.
Everything else will fall into place.

Day 1

...It was such an intense weekend!
I feel so eager for more!
I don't have words enough to describe the journey. I AM SO FULL OF THANKFULNESS! :D

I cared most of all for feeling good.
I stopped fearing what might happen,and decided on what I want!

Small beautiful things happened.
Contrasting inspiring bold things happened.
A huge decision rised up, "out of the blue" ;) and now I DECIDE to only trust it, only LOVE it, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy and allow!
I decide from now on, to trust.
I decide to give it all into Gods hands, no "buyers remorse" anymore, ever.
When it felt GOOD to say "HELL YES!!!" it IS good. And when I later "come to my senses" and dive back into old resistances, that is my clue to let go and let God.

God, I trust you.
I trust my guidance. I trust my joy. I trust my skipping heart! I trust the light that I saw and felt.I trust the joy! I trust my happiness. And I will treat this Goodness with love and respect, for ever more! It feels free. It feels awesome! It feels sooo calling. It feels delightful! It feels adventurous. It feels RICH! It feels HAPPY! It feels as a trip to Paradise. It feels easy. It came so effortless.It came on the wings of ease and joy and delight! And this is the energy that will be, and get even bigger!!!


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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...I decide to enjoy the wanted sides of what-is, and CREATE what I like even better. :hearts:

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."(Abe)
...I give up to care what others think, and instead: Care for my ALIGNMENT.
Everything else will fall into place.

Day 2

I feel like in a new world... it feels a bit strange. I've gotta embrace that new, unknown and "strange" are nothing bad :lol:
It's my new world. It is my new creation. I like that it feels new! I CARE FOR MY ALIGNMENT, within it. No matter what.

I decide what I want to make of it.
I decide, this is wonderful!
I decide, this is when the cart turns around!
I decide... this is the beginning of my "big splash". Wouldn't that be nice!

I relax into it.
I know, source KNOWS who I really am! And, much more exact, than I do! :D It feels so good to ponder, that source always knows where I am, and where my stuff is, and that they guide me all the time, and I listen to what feels better- all the time, all the time. ;) It feels incredibly simple and clear and certain- and JOYFUL.

The sunlight is such treasure! I enjoy it sooo much!!
The dental assistant was a pure pleasure! I loved her care and tenderness!
My pulmonolist is an ace. He will manage to deal this. Oh, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
The food tastes sooo good: I LOVE my food!!
My son is such a treasure. I love him so much!
My man is such a hero (and handsome as hell)- I am so blessed with him!
All my kids are so funny and sweet and so genius and loving... I AM BLESSED.

I enjoy it! I love it. I feel carried by it!

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