Appreciation of My Life

Appreciation is the highest form of vibration. This is the place to express your appreciation and amp up your vibration.
Jenny Lee
Posts: 219
Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2023 11:05 am

Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »

Know what I don't want and so know more clearly what I do want.
I like being more and more good at step 5.

I went into a hotpot restaurant and stayed a bit there. As I walked out, I reminded myself that it's good to know that it's a place that I would not visit again because the dipping sauce and the foods were not to my liking, no matter how many positive responses they got from other eaters. For lots of things, I would not know clearly whether it's a match or not if I don't actually experience it, like foods and beverages.

As I explored different dishes in the nearby diner, I now know I can enjoy its rattan pepper soup dumplings, vegetable buns, and small wontons, but not big wontons and golden beef soup--I don't like its sourness though the beef rolls are alright.

At first, I would feel a bit unhappy because this kind of experiences wasted my time and money. However, considering that it must continually exist in my life, I would like to make the best of them and get better and better at step 5. I can just tell myself: Wonderful! I now know more about my preferences. I now let go of certain things that are not a match to me, not needing to think about them anymore. Good to me. And also, it's a wonderful opportunity to practice my abundance--abundance in desired time, money, etc.

Now just pivot: It would be nice that I can easily find or be inspired to what I truly like, be it delicoius foods, or wonderfully functioning electronic products...
Jenny Lee
Posts: 219
Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2023 11:05 am

Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »

Morning Appreciation

9, October

It's so lovely: My niece sits stably on the bed while I lie by her side. She is playing a toy, really focused, and then she turns her head around to look at me, and every time she does so, she would immediately put on a big smile, revealing her little cute teeth. And she keeps doing so and every time I smile back. Her life is simple and happy. She just needs to follow her intuition and when she does so, she is happy, giggling, excited and bringing smiles to people around her. Her body is guided by Source and naturally grows and expands.

I was walking back home with the company of music. Recently, I always let the music be the BGM. But last night, I decided to pull back my attention to purely on music. I sorta became the singer and felt every element of the singing. And I also focus around to clarify every instrument that was playing-- is this pipa or guzheng? This is a wonderful, satisying way of focusing. And I am focusing upon beauty of a unique kind.

I so appreciate Esther, Abraham and Jerry. In the past few weeks, I have been listening to Abe talk about abundance and finances. And the teachings almost cover every aspect of finances, about money receiving, money management, budgets, how to treat debts and loans, lottery, jackpot, etc. From time to time, I like listing abundance I receive whether it comes as the form of money or free gifts or... I remember that I got a free coffee from a bank app. I got abundant skin products and hair products from my sister at perfect timings. I get satisfying money by offering quick and satisfying favors to people. I like making budgets based upon my priorities. I would save money beforehand for things I need or want on a frequent basis, such as on a daily basis. So I would buy yearly or seasonly or monthly vips for certain apps because I wanna use them every day. I've already got abundant electronic products including a lot of earphones because I must use them every day. And I now want to update them. I want an extremely efficient laptop of UHD with long battery life...

Jenny Lee
Posts: 219
Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2023 11:05 am

Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »

I met my cousin at the bakery. She was going to the school to pick up her son. When I wandered at the bakery, she came in again and insisted on giving me a card of this bakery. I took the card and said thank you. After a short while, I realized that it's a wonderful opportunity to remember what I decided: There are times people just want to share with others abundance, like money, gifts, snacks, etc. And if this kind of receiving feels good, is aligned, then I would happily accept them. And this fit the category. I would like to feel more natural about both receiving and giving in alignment. I can feel really good in both receiving and giving. This kind of receiving and giving is beneficial to all parts involved. I bought tiramisu and pudding with the card.

I planned to buy a pair of glasses some time later. However yesterday afternoon, I had a very strong impulse to get up and go to the glass shop. So I acted upon it and got myself new glasses. When I remembered it, it's very interesting. This impulse was definitely not from misalignment, because it's not something urgent at all. But really why wait? Why not just go and get the glasses to improve the clarity earlier than later? These thoughts seem to be the reason why my Inner Being urged me to act. I like hearing the nudges from my Inner Being like this too.

I like remembering the importance of the present states of being and the now inspirations/impulses, etc. Now matter how wonderful the basketball player performed before, if he was not in a good mood now, he just couldn't play that well now. In dynamic areas like this, old data was OLD, it couldn't decide the result of the now game or activities. In order to get the best performance, one should get into the alignment and follow the inspiration/impulse from alignment NOW.

Jenny Lee
Posts: 219
Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2023 11:05 am

Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »

I was watching a video talking about Michelin-starred restaurants and whether they earn money or not. The uploader showed a graph to tell the audience that their profit margin actually is lower than other restaurants to prove her thought that these restaurants don't earn much. As I scrolled down the comment sector and found a very resonating comment and I favorited it. It directly reminded me of Abe's words about 10 ex-wives. The uploader missed the most important point--the net earnings. The Michelin-starrted restaurants could have much more revenue than the other restaurants and after considering the profit margin, they could still have much much more net earnings. They could earn quite well. So the difference between their profit margins doesn't count much.

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