Quotes on "I Feel Stuck in Life" - How to Get Unstuck in Life
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Quotes on "I Feel Stuck in Life" - How to Get Unstuck in Life
See also
- Quotes on Split Energy - "I want it BUT"
- Quotes on Boredom: Not Knowing What to Do & Being Bored
(...) I find myself resisting the impulse [to do anything]!
And here is why! (...)
When you were standing in the "old world" [pre-Abraham], that said:
Just do something, to get the juices started. Just do it, anyway.
Push through! Persevere. Be diligent! Use your effort! BUCK UP!
MAKE it happen.
But those tactics don´t work for you, anymore [with the awareness of Abraham]
Because you are standing too much in the other world [of awareness of doing things only if they feel good].
(...) This feeling of paralyzation is speaking of these 2 concepts:
[1.] The concept of MOTIVATION,
[2.] and the concept of INSPIRATION.
(...) You could say to yourself:
"I could allow momentum to increase in either of this concepts!"
So let´s increase momentum on the concept of motivation,
which is making yourself do something- because you just NEED to.
So, you don´t feel like acting, so you don´t.
You don´t feel like acting, so you don´t.
And you don´t feel like acting, so you don´t.
And you don´t do anything to feel better,
you are just riding in the what-you-should-be-doing,
and what-you-don´t-feel-like-doing-
so you don´t feel like doing it, and you don´t, and
you don´t feel like doing it, and you don´t, and
you don´t feel like doing it, and you don´t,
you focus upon what you should be doing, and you're not doing it...
And you're FOCUSING [all this while on this situation you don't want]
and therefore your momentum is getting bigger
and bigger and bigger and bigger
until [possibly] a crisis ensues that just FORCES you to do something about it.
It´s sort of [like]-
you don't feel like paying the bills,
you don't feel like paying the bills,
you don't feel like paying the bills,
but after they turn the lights out [=crisis-point] - THEN you feel like paying the bills.
There's just something sort of MOTIVATING about the lights being turned out!
So, THAT is the way you allow momentum, on the subject of motivation.
But what if your desire is
to allow LoA and momentum to increase from the INSPIRATION-side of the equation?
[To do this,] you start with something SIMPLE and EASY.
And you just rest with it*
until it becomes a little more, and a little more,
and a little more, and it becomes a little more, and it becomes a little more,
and it becomes a little more-
until you feel the inspiration TO MOVE.
Most of you- we love you so much - but as much as you heard from us-
you still have one foot pretty solidly set, in that world of action, In that world of motivation. (...)
When you feel paralyzed, we´re NOT encouraging you to take action!
We´re encouraging you to understand:
You´re on the wrong PARADIGM [of thought / focus / attention].
You´re on the wrong track [of thought / focus / attention].
Because whatever you are focused upon WILL get bigger and bigger and bigger
and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and BIGGER-
And don't you want to create from the INSIDE out?
[ie do something because you want to, not because external situations force you to do them]
Don't you want the inspiration to come from your full on, inspired version,
of Source flowing through you?
(HS argues that he hasn't got the faith to do that.)
(...) It´s accurate to say, you can't get there from there.
No, really you CAN get anywhere from anywhere!
Not without pushing the reset-button!
Not without a paradigm-shift [of thought / focus / vibration] within yourself!
Have you heard about paradigm-shifts, where larger parts of consciousness
begin to feel a perception of life in a different way?
Well, it's really individuals doing it!
And you don´t have to wait for anybody else to do it!
You have the option, right here and now-
and in any right here, and in any right now-
of focusing on a condition that BINDS you up,
focusing on the absence of conditions, which FREES you up.
And that's the whole point of meditation!
The whole point of meditation is to clear your mind of thought,
that binds you.
And THEN begin with thoughts that don't bind you,
understanding that LoA will apply to them (...)
from the clip
Abraham Hicks ~ The Feeling of Paralysis
- Quotes on Split Energy - "I want it BUT"
- Quotes on Boredom: Not Knowing What to Do & Being Bored
(...) I find myself resisting the impulse [to do anything]!
And here is why! (...)
When you were standing in the "old world" [pre-Abraham], that said:
Just do something, to get the juices started. Just do it, anyway.
Push through! Persevere. Be diligent! Use your effort! BUCK UP!
MAKE it happen.
But those tactics don´t work for you, anymore [with the awareness of Abraham]
Because you are standing too much in the other world [of awareness of doing things only if they feel good].
(...) This feeling of paralyzation is speaking of these 2 concepts:
[1.] The concept of MOTIVATION,
[2.] and the concept of INSPIRATION.
(...) You could say to yourself:
"I could allow momentum to increase in either of this concepts!"
So let´s increase momentum on the concept of motivation,
which is making yourself do something- because you just NEED to.
So, you don´t feel like acting, so you don´t.
You don´t feel like acting, so you don´t.
And you don´t feel like acting, so you don´t.
And you don´t do anything to feel better,
you are just riding in the what-you-should-be-doing,
and what-you-don´t-feel-like-doing-
so you don´t feel like doing it, and you don´t, and
you don´t feel like doing it, and you don´t, and
you don´t feel like doing it, and you don´t,
you focus upon what you should be doing, and you're not doing it...
And you're FOCUSING [all this while on this situation you don't want]
and therefore your momentum is getting bigger
and bigger and bigger and bigger
until [possibly] a crisis ensues that just FORCES you to do something about it.
It´s sort of [like]-
you don't feel like paying the bills,
you don't feel like paying the bills,
you don't feel like paying the bills,
but after they turn the lights out [=crisis-point] - THEN you feel like paying the bills.
There's just something sort of MOTIVATING about the lights being turned out!
So, THAT is the way you allow momentum, on the subject of motivation.
But what if your desire is
to allow LoA and momentum to increase from the INSPIRATION-side of the equation?
[To do this,] you start with something SIMPLE and EASY.
And you just rest with it*
until it becomes a little more, and a little more,
and a little more, and it becomes a little more, and it becomes a little more,
and it becomes a little more-
until you feel the inspiration TO MOVE.
Most of you- we love you so much - but as much as you heard from us-
you still have one foot pretty solidly set, in that world of action, In that world of motivation. (...)
When you feel paralyzed, we´re NOT encouraging you to take action!
We´re encouraging you to understand:
You´re on the wrong PARADIGM [of thought / focus / attention].
You´re on the wrong track [of thought / focus / attention].
Because whatever you are focused upon WILL get bigger and bigger and bigger
and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and BIGGER-
And don't you want to create from the INSIDE out?
[ie do something because you want to, not because external situations force you to do them]
Don't you want the inspiration to come from your full on, inspired version,
of Source flowing through you?
(HS argues that he hasn't got the faith to do that.)
(...) It´s accurate to say, you can't get there from there.
No, really you CAN get anywhere from anywhere!
Not without pushing the reset-button!
Not without a paradigm-shift [of thought / focus / vibration] within yourself!
Have you heard about paradigm-shifts, where larger parts of consciousness
begin to feel a perception of life in a different way?
Well, it's really individuals doing it!
And you don´t have to wait for anybody else to do it!
You have the option, right here and now-
and in any right here, and in any right now-
of focusing on a condition that BINDS you up,
focusing on the absence of conditions, which FREES you up.
And that's the whole point of meditation!
The whole point of meditation is to clear your mind of thought,
that binds you.
And THEN begin with thoughts that don't bind you,
understanding that LoA will apply to them (...)
from the clip
Abraham Hicks ~ The Feeling of Paralysis
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
We would like to leave you with this very clear knowing that we hold:
You are just a few laughs away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in.
You are just a few kisses away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in.
You are just a little bit of relief away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in!
Excerpted from North Los Angeles, CA on 3/5/05
You are just a few laughs away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in.
You are just a few kisses away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in.
You are just a little bit of relief away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in!
Excerpted from North Los Angeles, CA on 3/5/05
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Whilst you "rest with positive focus" - relax & allow yourself TIME for momentum to gather (Don't take score)
You're not willing to let the momentum - the natural momentum of the laws of the Universe - have their gestation time!
You don't plant corn in the field and then that day demand that it should show itself to you.
"Come out!! Come out NOW!
Dinner is in an hour, and we need you, NOW."
You understand that there is a process.
And it´s a SURE process.
Phoenix, Dec 2014
You're not willing to let the momentum - the natural momentum of the laws of the Universe - have their gestation time!
You don't plant corn in the field and then that day demand that it should show itself to you.
"Come out!! Come out NOW!
Dinner is in an hour, and we need you, NOW."
You understand that there is a process.
And it´s a SURE process.
Phoenix, Dec 2014
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
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When you play the What-If? game, look for things that make you feel better.
There is never a situation in which there is not a way out—
but, out of habit, most people continue to choose the “lack” perspective until they eventually find themselves where it seems that there are no more choices.
But as you hold to your intention to
look for evidence of Well Being and thriving and success and happiness,
you will tune yourself to the vibrations of those things—
and so, those kinds of good-feeling experiences will dominate your life.
Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction on 8/31/08
There is never a situation in which there is not a way out—
but, out of habit, most people continue to choose the “lack” perspective until they eventually find themselves where it seems that there are no more choices.
But as you hold to your intention to
look for evidence of Well Being and thriving and success and happiness,
you will tune yourself to the vibrations of those things—
and so, those kinds of good-feeling experiences will dominate your life.
Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction on 8/31/08
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
It feels so weird, that it could be THIS SIMPLE.
-"But, Abraham! Could my awareness that it hasn´t come yet, be the ONLY thing, that´s in my way?"
It´s taking score.
That´s why we are talking about butterflies and blue glass, showing yourselves how easily you can attract things, that you don´t have habits of thoughts, that you are working against.
And it´s easy to develop a pattern of thinking of "me, without it, Me, without it. Me, without it. me, without it..." so much so, that YOU CAN´T BE WITH IT!
And so,
change the subject-
or find satisfaction, when you think about that subject.
Those are your 2 options, and either one will work.
Alaskan Cruise 2018, from the clip Abraham Hicks 2018 ~ When it's enough more will come
-"But, Abraham! Could my awareness that it hasn´t come yet, be the ONLY thing, that´s in my way?"
It´s taking score.
That´s why we are talking about butterflies and blue glass, showing yourselves how easily you can attract things, that you don´t have habits of thoughts, that you are working against.
And it´s easy to develop a pattern of thinking of "me, without it, Me, without it. Me, without it. me, without it..." so much so, that YOU CAN´T BE WITH IT!
And so,
change the subject-
or find satisfaction, when you think about that subject.
Those are your 2 options, and either one will work.
Alaskan Cruise 2018, from the clip Abraham Hicks 2018 ~ When it's enough more will come
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Look forwards to things you want (rather than at What Is)
It is our promise to you that if you will
decide today to think more about what is coming
and less about what is,
Do more virtual realities that please you
and less awareness of realities that don’t please you,
What happens is incrementally
your vibration shifts.
And without you even being aware of how it comes about, your life takes on a shift.
But if you are watching it minute by minute, piece by piece looking for the evidence of this process and the evidence of that process [=if you are "taking score" impatiently]
then often you’re looking and not finding the results as fast as you would like them to be
which slows your process down.
-Abe 10/5/02
It is our promise to you that if you will
decide today to think more about what is coming
and less about what is,
Do more virtual realities that please you
and less awareness of realities that don’t please you,
What happens is incrementally
your vibration shifts.
And without you even being aware of how it comes about, your life takes on a shift.
But if you are watching it minute by minute, piece by piece looking for the evidence of this process and the evidence of that process [=if you are "taking score" impatiently]
then often you’re looking and not finding the results as fast as you would like them to be
which slows your process down.
-Abe 10/5/02
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Words to Decrease: I want it BUT
It is not that the Universe is bringing it to you
and taking it away from you in the same seconds.
It’s that your ability to realize [what you want]
is being clouded by the ‘But.’
Your tuner is tuned to something different than the pure desire.
[Your vibration & focus is tuned into the But, so things can't go forward until you put your focus and vibration on the "What I want" part of the coin]
Atlanta, May 2014
[Instead of saying: I want to write a novel BUT... or I want to go to dance classes BUT... - nurture the desire part of the equation. Why would it be fun to write a novel? why would it be fun to go to dance classes?]
It is not that the Universe is bringing it to you
and taking it away from you in the same seconds.
It’s that your ability to realize [what you want]
is being clouded by the ‘But.’
Your tuner is tuned to something different than the pure desire.
[Your vibration & focus is tuned into the But, so things can't go forward until you put your focus and vibration on the "What I want" part of the coin]
Atlanta, May 2014
[Instead of saying: I want to write a novel BUT... or I want to go to dance classes BUT... - nurture the desire part of the equation. Why would it be fun to write a novel? why would it be fun to go to dance classes?]
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Stop telling yourself that you're stuck
All you've got to do is stop complaining,
stop noticing what's going wrong,
stop listening to the news,
stop talking to people that complain,
stop reiterating things that haven't worked.
Stop talking about being stuck.
Stop all that stuff-
now we were doing all of it while we're telling you to stop it (laughter from audience)
- but you've just got to stop that stuff that does not feel good
start loving and humming and skipping
and listening and soothing and meditating
and basking and soaking in the hot tub
and laying on the beach and eating where you like to eat
and loving and complimenting and basking
and looking for reasons to feel good
and remembering good times
and looking through the photo album and
pulling out pictures that feel good to you
and sticking them in places where you'll see them often
and reading your love letters and writing love letters
and remembering people who loved you
and remembering compliments
and looking for reasons to feel good
and petting your cat and looking at flowers
and walking in gardens and looking at the sky
and looking at the sunset and basking over the rainbows,
and then repeat all of that over
and over
and over
and over
and over.
There's not one blasted thing for any of you to do,
but get happy now. That's it.
Find a reason to be happy.
And oh, what a spot you live in to be happy.
There is so much good stuff around you. So much."
~Abraham, Los Angeles, CA, 2/1/03
All you've got to do is stop complaining,
stop noticing what's going wrong,
stop listening to the news,
stop talking to people that complain,
stop reiterating things that haven't worked.
Stop talking about being stuck.
Stop all that stuff-
now we were doing all of it while we're telling you to stop it (laughter from audience)
- but you've just got to stop that stuff that does not feel good
start loving and humming and skipping
and listening and soothing and meditating
and basking and soaking in the hot tub
and laying on the beach and eating where you like to eat
and loving and complimenting and basking
and looking for reasons to feel good
and remembering good times
and looking through the photo album and
pulling out pictures that feel good to you
and sticking them in places where you'll see them often
and reading your love letters and writing love letters
and remembering people who loved you
and remembering compliments
and looking for reasons to feel good
and petting your cat and looking at flowers
and walking in gardens and looking at the sky
and looking at the sunset and basking over the rainbows,
and then repeat all of that over
and over
and over
and over
and over.
There's not one blasted thing for any of you to do,
but get happy now. That's it.
Find a reason to be happy.
And oh, what a spot you live in to be happy.
There is so much good stuff around you. So much."
~Abraham, Los Angeles, CA, 2/1/03
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
(Say to yourself)...
My relationship is in the catalytic place.
My relationship is in the launching of clarity- place.
But it´s been there for sooo long! (...)
But you see, for it to change, you have to make peace with THAT.
Because as we attempted to coach you,
into words that would serve you better-
you took it right back into the words that don't serve you, at all!
(...) Because something has not been moving,
is not the reason that it will not move.
The reason it's not moving is because you keep saying
"It hasn't been moving"!
Change these words!
"It hasn't been moving, but it will be moving along, now.
And the clarity that has come to me now is so much more than before.
And I have this new relationship and this new focus,
that's put me into a whole new place."
from the clip
Abraham Hicks - Accepting What Is and Making The Best of It
My relationship is in the catalytic place.
My relationship is in the launching of clarity- place.
But it´s been there for sooo long! (...)
But you see, for it to change, you have to make peace with THAT.
Because as we attempted to coach you,
into words that would serve you better-
you took it right back into the words that don't serve you, at all!
(...) Because something has not been moving,
is not the reason that it will not move.
The reason it's not moving is because you keep saying
"It hasn't been moving"!
Change these words!
"It hasn't been moving, but it will be moving along, now.
And the clarity that has come to me now is so much more than before.
And I have this new relationship and this new focus,
that's put me into a whole new place."
from the clip
Abraham Hicks - Accepting What Is and Making The Best of It
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3158
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Notes From a discussion from the old Abeforum (these are not quotes by Abe, but from comments from abers on the topic of getting unstuck)
Words to Increase, to get unstuck
Reach for words that lead to feelings of relief (=a dropping of resistance)
Shift from problem-mindset to solution-mindset.
Pivot dead-end phrases like "I'm stuck" "This is hard" "I can't do it" and "I don't know what to do" etc to softer, open phrases like:
I'm in the Process of
I'm in the process of figuring things out
I'm in the process of finding the next step
I'm in the process of working out what I want
Ask helpful questions targeted at the universe/ your higher guidance
How can finding the next step be easier?
How can discovery of what to do next be easier?
How can I make this easier?
What CAN I do?
Soothing statements
All I have to do is Relax into this moment - relax.. stil resisting "where I am" and just relax into where I am... where you are is okay because all you have to do is to relax and to feel a little bit BETTER. (- Marc abeforum)
I dont have to try so hard - I can just relax about all this and focus on something easier for now, and maybe from there inspiration will come. Focus on something that's easy to feel good about, whether that's kittens, flowers, the beach, or whatever is easy for you to enjoy. If that's too hard, meditate, read a book, watch a movie, take a walk in the park. (- Marc abeforum)
All is gonna be well, I am on my way. I know I have felt better and I can feel better again.
I am on my way.
my Inner Being loves me and is there for me whether I can feel it right now or not.
There are tons of things I can focus on right now that have nothing to do with me but still are wonderful and pretty and lovely, like that sunset over there
This contrasting moment gives me more clarity about what i want, so i can try to focus on that
Making peace with where-ever you are
your IB is never bored / feeling negatively about any of your current conditions.(wellbeing abeforum)
Abraham teach us that the ideal attitude for joyous deliberate creation is "satisfied with where you are and eager for more." (Wellbeing abeforum)
"I am where I am, and where I am is OK, because I can't get it wrong, and I'll never get it done". Your Inner Being is not judging anything you do, or have done, and loves you unconditionally, always (Fran abeforum)
Making peace with baby steps of improvement
baby steps are good; they stick better than quantum leaps. - nobody in their right mind expects you to jump from the ground floor all the way to the 10th floor -- that's why they put a staircase there. Just take the stairs. (Marc abeforum)
Making peace with the journey & "being in the process of" feeling better (rather than wanting a quantum leap)
Feeling better becomes an interesting adventure, with fun experiences along the way. If you had that quantum leap, you would have missed out on this great experience! There are benefits to taking the country roads, ya know! It can be a nice experience, in an of itself. Don't judge the time it takes to comfortably arrive at your destination. (cakeonaplate abeforum)
Words to Increase, to get unstuck
Reach for words that lead to feelings of relief (=a dropping of resistance)
Shift from problem-mindset to solution-mindset.
Pivot dead-end phrases like "I'm stuck" "This is hard" "I can't do it" and "I don't know what to do" etc to softer, open phrases like:
I'm in the Process of
I'm in the process of figuring things out
I'm in the process of finding the next step
I'm in the process of working out what I want
Ask helpful questions targeted at the universe/ your higher guidance
How can finding the next step be easier?
How can discovery of what to do next be easier?
How can I make this easier?
What CAN I do?
Soothing statements
All I have to do is Relax into this moment - relax.. stil resisting "where I am" and just relax into where I am... where you are is okay because all you have to do is to relax and to feel a little bit BETTER. (- Marc abeforum)
I dont have to try so hard - I can just relax about all this and focus on something easier for now, and maybe from there inspiration will come. Focus on something that's easy to feel good about, whether that's kittens, flowers, the beach, or whatever is easy for you to enjoy. If that's too hard, meditate, read a book, watch a movie, take a walk in the park. (- Marc abeforum)
All is gonna be well, I am on my way. I know I have felt better and I can feel better again.
I am on my way.
my Inner Being loves me and is there for me whether I can feel it right now or not.
There are tons of things I can focus on right now that have nothing to do with me but still are wonderful and pretty and lovely, like that sunset over there
This contrasting moment gives me more clarity about what i want, so i can try to focus on that
Making peace with where-ever you are
your IB is never bored / feeling negatively about any of your current conditions.(wellbeing abeforum)
Abraham teach us that the ideal attitude for joyous deliberate creation is "satisfied with where you are and eager for more." (Wellbeing abeforum)
"I am where I am, and where I am is OK, because I can't get it wrong, and I'll never get it done". Your Inner Being is not judging anything you do, or have done, and loves you unconditionally, always (Fran abeforum)
Making peace with baby steps of improvement
baby steps are good; they stick better than quantum leaps. - nobody in their right mind expects you to jump from the ground floor all the way to the 10th floor -- that's why they put a staircase there. Just take the stairs. (Marc abeforum)
Making peace with the journey & "being in the process of" feeling better (rather than wanting a quantum leap)
Feeling better becomes an interesting adventure, with fun experiences along the way. If you had that quantum leap, you would have missed out on this great experience! There are benefits to taking the country roads, ya know! It can be a nice experience, in an of itself. Don't judge the time it takes to comfortably arrive at your destination. (cakeonaplate abeforum)
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