I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...I decide to enjoy the wanted sides of what-is, and CREATE what I like even better. :hearts:

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."(Abe)
...I give up to care what others think, and instead: Care for my ALIGNMENT.
Everything else will fall into place.

Day 3

I realized yesterday, how I started to hold back my authentic desires, as I communicated a problem with someone I hadn't seen for years... I wanted him to think good of me. And this desire seemed to be weird, certainly not what many deem as "divine"...!

It, actually, was incredibly easy. It feels sooo much better! And I am sooooo proud of myself!! :D

...I definitely am in a new energy. It feels all so easy, light and certain. My doubts seem to float away, all on their own... decisions that I choose help the process. It is as if I would allow the FLOW of ease. It is so satisfying to witness this. It is so satisfying to DO it!! :vortex:
I have soo much less work. It seems as if things don't get dirty so fast- or maybe :lol: I don't care so much anymore.

And- who cares what it is? Not me. I feel so LIGHT! I am so happy!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...I decide to enjoy the wanted sides of what-is, and CREATE what I like even better. :hearts:

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."(Abe)
...I give up to care what others think, and instead: Care for my ALIGNMENT.
Everything else will fall into place.

Day 4

I send loving, soothing energy to all who suffer within "Milton!" I decide to only look at the wanted in the winds of change...
We have a storm here as well... and with it warm downwinds, coming from the Alps. It is an amazing, adventurous, fascinating weather! And also, we have huge solar storms, as the sun is hyper active in this weeks. I so look forwards to see my first Aurora!
Life is so new and changing. I SO APPRECIATE LIVING NOW!! I am so eager for what happens, and what will be! While I so loved what had been. It is ALL so very very good! The one made the other. The other is fulfilling the one. And I am there, feeling it, cheering for the wanted, being in awe about what is happening.

I walk my path. I am so thankful on it! It is soooooooooo beautiful to life. THANK YOU, THANK YOU LIFE!!

my front-yard, and one of my last roses...
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...I decide to enjoy the wanted sides of what-is, and CREATE what I like even better. :hearts:

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."(Abe)
...I give up to care what others think, and instead: Care for my ALIGNMENT.
Everything else will fall into place.

Day 5

I am eager, so eager! :lol:
I am eager to experience my "tipping point". I am eager to make my "big splash". In Germany we have the saying "I am scratching the ground with my hooves" :lol: I want to go! I want to dive in!! I want to take off!!!
I feel so free of the old trained crap. I feel free to live MY life. I feel free! Free and eager!
I embrace what is. I am so very very thankful for the wonderful what-is! I AM SATISFIED. Ohhhh, and so eager for the next steps!

You will feel an actual Tipping-Point,
then your manifested world will never be the same.

Abraham Hicks

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...I decide to enjoy the wanted sides of what-is, and CREATE what I like even better. :hearts:

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."(Abe)
...I give up to care what others think, and instead: Care for my ALIGNMENT.
Everything else will fall into place.

Day 6

I so loved to pull this "meme" together!

"I can ALWAYS choose to be happy!"

No matter if you are young, sharp and beautiful, or old, sick and not in the shape you might want to be... you CAN choose to be happy.
Joy doesn't care for how it looks!
Love doesn't bother if you lived 20 or 90 years.
Adventure feels fresh and awesome- no matter what others think of you.
Eagerness is always available. Satisfaction is always possible. Freedom needs to be unconditional, no matter what.

It's only ME myself, who is able to through me into a cage!
It's only me who can allow or disallow my desires.
It's only me who can hurt myself- REALLY. If I don't go to disempowerment, shame or grief- I am invincible!

I decide to be invincible. I decide to be HAPPY. I decide to be proud about my body. I decide to follow my inner lead, and if others think I'm lazy, or crazy... or ugly, or uncool, or cringe... who cares! :hearts:

Hmmmmmm :in_love: I LIKE THAT!!!
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...I decide to enjoy the wanted sides of what-is, and CREATE what I like even better. :hearts:

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."(Abe)
...I give up to care what others think, and instead: Care for my ALIGNMENT.
Everything else will fall into place.

Day 7

Nothing matters to me than that I feel good.
And, I feel soooooo good! I take life easier, than ever. And it feels so helpful, so light, so good, so sweet... so EASY. But not easier than joyful! Life is SO GOOD.

Autumn in my home-area

Life is golden!
I am so satisfied. I am lazy :D I have awesome food. I am filled with love. I am filled with peace! AND I AM SOOO EAGER FOR EVEN MORE.
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...I decide to enjoy the wanted sides of what-is, and CREATE what I like even better. :hearts:

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."(Abe)
...I give up to care what others think, and instead: Care for my ALIGNMENT.
Everything else will fall into place.

Day 8

I AM in the miracle mode, now! It feels so wonderful. It feels as life should feel: I am eager. I trust my dreams. I feel safe and secure, and in big, certain hope! It feels.... more than hope. And also, it feels as not "needing", while really being eager! It feels as "of course! It feels as "Blessings". It is aware and also certain. It is as a giant challenge, and also as the easiest task.

I am so very very very thankful that life isn't going to be pushed! t only happens as I am able to get. No, THIS is the better, better , BEST unfolding. I trust! I trust my path. I trust the law. I trust the good!! I TRUST THE GOOD. I trust, all is absolutely possible- if only I get out f way!
And, so be it. :vortex:

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

...I decide to enjoy the wanted sides of what-is, and CREATE what I like even better. :hearts:

"Nothing matters more to me, than that I feel good."(Abe)
...I give up to care what others think, and instead: Care for my ALIGNMENT.
Everything else will fall into place.

Day 9

I enjoy my path! I so enjoy my TIME! I enjoy the "mundane" fun that is when I stroll through the internet and have fun with my finds...

I enjoy to ponder, and think about this people, and I enjoy how much we are "all in this together". I enjoy the conclusions, no matter if it seems random or unneccessary. There is so much to enjoy! There is so much fun! I adore those that even fill their time with NON-SENSE! :lol:

I ENJOY and feel satisfaction in the abundance of time that we all can use not to merely survive (no matter how precious survival is!!). We can create.

"For heavens sake, does the world need another song, or another painting, or another book? NO! But you came to be a CREATOR, and a creator's gotta create!" (Abe)

Where survival ends, there begins culture and refinement, "unneccessary" refinement. The world of unneccessary songs and paintings and books, of unneccessary random information and non-sense. AND I AM SO HAPPY that I live there! This is FUN! This is Abundance. This is leisure and the space and freedom to EXPAND beyond neediness. I am so thankful to be out of the death-zone! I feel so satisfied in this peaceful zone of joyful creation. THANK YOU, THANK YOU LIFE!!!

Now I am eager to get even more and deeper into the amazing zone of luxury and excellence!

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