Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I know and love what I want!, I MASTER TRUST.

Day 2

I LOVE my desires. What is it that I want to be, do or have? How does that feel?
I want to visit Southern Spain in the spring-time, the time of the awesome fragrances of Orange-blossoms. In the time of the Feria, I want to see the horses and hear the Flamenco and feel the energy of joy! I want to come with a Windjammer sail-ship, that fits into the small old harbors, directly in the old towns. I want to do a sail-cruise along the Andalusian coast, Costa del Sol... and soak up Spain with every breath of air.
It feels awesome. It feels like a feast. It feels thrilling! It feels amazing. My heart skips. My soul yells "HELL YES"!!! I TRUST THIS DREAM! Nothing that feels so good can be wrong. I trust my emotional guidance! I trust my calling. I trust my joy! I trust my dream!

I want to experience life on a true, bold sail-ship. I want to see the wind fill the sails. I want to hear the rattling in the canvas. I want to feel the power of the wind, pushing the huge ship! The strange silence, without engines, while there are so many fascinating sounds... I want to smell the salty air. I want to feel the wind in my hair. I want to feel the rocking of the ship in the swell. I want to SAIL!
It feels epic. It feels so connected to so much that I remember. And, this time, I want to do it without any pain. Just JOY. Just awe! Just love and freedom and wonderful food, and peace and the Goodness of life.
It feels HEALING. It feels coming full circle. It feels, as showing myself, that my dreams of eons have worked out! It feels so incredibly satisfied. It feels so deeply, deeply thankful, that we could end the unwanted and now dive into the wanted sides, deep, DEEP, fulfilling and awesome!!! I trust my dream! I will do this! I allow it to happen. I am ready.I SO LOVE MY DREAM. I let it fulfill!

I trust my dreams.
I trust in God, the source- and power of what we feel as GOOD.
I give in to the Good.
I relax into the GOOD.
It feels awesome to focus there! All what is less than good falls off. It is clear. It feels wonderful. It feels pristine, joyful, and filled with love- and FUNCTION! :D :hearts: GOOD!!

Seacloud Spirit, a German, fully rigged tall ship- a modern Windjammer
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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I know and love what I want!, I MASTER TRUST.

Day 4

I LOVE my desires. What is it that I want to be, do or have? How does that feel?

I want to fully wholly achieve the "STATE OF MIND" in which I allow EASILY.

^^ I love this phrasing!! I want to have an allowing state of mind. I want to expect the best, all the time! I want to let go of all the resistances. I want to embrace that "everything is an illusion, anyway- and we can let the illusion be, whatever we want" (Abe)!
I want to EXPECT that I came as a "pointer" (Abe), and whatever I point at- aka, whatever I give my attention to, BECOMES. It is totally logical, and I already believe it. And now I want to get this believe a notch or two, or hundred- whatever it takes-, up and become KNOWING!
I want to be in a KNOWING state of mind. KNOWING my power. KNOWING my worthiness. KNOWING. Knowing! That feels certain. It feels so clear. It feels invincible. It feels wonderful. It feels absolutely... invincible. Ohh yes, I want this! I know how this feels. I WANT THIS!

Invincible KNOWING. Invincible state of mind: KNOWING who I really am. KNOWING my power. KNOWING. Ahhhh yes :vortex: KNOWING!

I want to EXPECT. From my stance of knowing, of course I expect! I feel as a blessed happy child the days before Christmas: I EXPECT wonderful things. I EXPECT surprise and delight! I EXPECT joy and laughter, love and care, fulfillment and awe. I EXPECT goodness. I EXPECT
"my stuff"! And that feels free of any doubt or worry. It is totally light. It is abolute worry-free, it is FREE. It feels in a fantastic expctant joy, It feels pure and innocent, It feels golden. It feels wonderful. It feels totally ALIGNED with source. It feels friendly and loving and certain and KNOWING!

Absolutely: What I want already calls me. I will never lose this call, this connection. And, I want it more sooner than later! I want to fully wholly embrace it. HERE ON EARTH, in my body. I came for that!! I want to teach it. I want to KNOW it- for myself and all those in my viscinity.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I know and love what I want!, I MASTER TRUST.

Day 5

I LOVE my desires. What is it that I want to be, do or have? How does that feel?
I feel passionate about showing my family Italy- all this places of longing! I want to see their eyes glisten, and their fascination peak. I want to see them HAPPY! I want them to be thrilled and fascinated and feel eager and joyful! I so LOVE to help others fulfill their dreams! I so love to be a cooperative component in that! It makes me giddy to think about us as a happy family live the Italian Dolce Vita!

I TRUST my calling! I trust my passion. I trust my emotional guidance! I trust my dream. I trust my fascination. I trust my love and my joy, when I think about it, look at the pictures, imagine the reactions, and remember what we already have lived! SO MUCH GOODNESS! So much joy. So much happy wonderful examples of life having gone well! I SO LOVE ALL OF THEM. I so love to be with them. I trust my experience! I trust my joy!

I trust my relaxation. I trust being lazy. I trust my trust: It will come in perfect timing! I trust my eagerness. I trust my love for the wonderful food, and the wonderful ocean, and the awesome energy, and the wonderful weather! I trust our all souls. I trust trusting God! It will all work out perfectly, much better than any of us could have managed on their own. I trust Gods inspiration and timing and -plans! All is well. We will live perfect, dreamlike, better than ever expected, Italian Dolce Vita with my family!!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I know and love what I want!, I MASTER TRUST.

Day 6

I LOVE my desires. What is it that I want to be, do or have? How does that feel?
I want to be able to "conjure", to perform magic- while I understand that this does not exist, as it is no "magic" but knowing how this Universe works! I want to speak, and in this time ALLOW what I speak! I want to "point", and in this time allow exactly to physically become what I desire. I want to see my desires manifest "before my eyes".

I want to wholly believe in my dreams, and go completely out of their way! It feels powerful. It feels so right! It feels completely in charge! It feels wonderful. It feels delightful. IT FEELS EMPOWERED!

I want to -deliberately- cross the benchmark for it before I am much older (it feels like time, for me!) I want to KNOW when I am in this new world. I KNOW already. And now, I want to SEE. And touch and embrace! :hearts:

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I know and love what I want!, I MASTER TRUST.

Day 7

I LOVE my desires. What is it that I want to be, do or have? How does that feel?
I want to experience adventures all over the world! I want to feel safe and joyful and in greatest beauty and goodness ALL AROUND the world.
I want to experience the best of life, and expect respect and friendliness and the sharing of what is good and enjoyable for me.
That feels like living in a treasure-chest! It feels so rich, and full, and fascinating, and diverse! It feels endlessly wonderful. It feels fascinating. It feels blessed. It feels incredibly inspiring! It makes me feel so very thankful to see and taste and feel all this ITV-differences! It feels like ENDLESS goodness.

I want to let go of ALL doubt, and solely enjoy the wanted sides! I want to fully wholly thrive, no matter, UNCONDITIONALLY. It feels rich! It feels invincible.It feels wonderful! It feels delightful.It feels awesome. It feels like, endless surprise and delight!

I want to see countries I never saw, and eat food I never imagined, and feel climates that I never experienced, and have ALL the goodness from them! I want to enjoy the contrast and only reap the benefits! I want to explore and be surprised and have the stance that it always thrills and delights me! I want to be totally stable in my stance, while life comes in hundred ways to me: I want to be HAPPY, all the time! Fascinated, all the time. Feeling blessed und so very very thankful, all the time! I want to feel showered with goodness, wherever I am. I want to feel thankful and in bliss, ALL MY LIFE. Thank you, thank you life!!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I know and love what I want!, I MASTER TRUST.

Day 8

I LOVE my desires. What is it that I want to be, do or have? How does that feel?
I want to create several artful gardens on my property, with philosophical themes! I want to celebrate the colors, the energies and the location. I trust, that I will allow my gardens to come into physicality, in perfect timing!
It feels soooo creative. I am giddy, only thinking about it. It calls me intensely! It feels SO as "me"!
It feels real.It feels capable. It feels incredibly eager. It feels awesome! It feels as HELL YES!

I want to celebrate my most beloved color, yellow and gold: Beaming light, liquid sunny-ness. It feels so capable of bringing together the perfect materials, and artistic projects, and perfect flowers and wonderful trees. It feels so in love with what I love! It feels in love with the energies of being centered, healty, balanced! It feels in love with the sunny, friendly, bold, intense yellow. It feels as loving the royal awesome gold. It feels elated. It feels centered. It feels boldly acknowledged. It feels so capable. It feels awesome. It feels rightly acknowledged. It feels BIG. I so love that!

I want to praise the energy of the center, the sun and of conscious AWARENESS. It feels... AWARE! :D It feels filled with light and consciousness. It feels sparkling with light, with sun-light and fire, awareness, highest regal awareness. It feels as being in the hub of things, holding it in my power, letting it be, allowing it, in true love and knowingness. It feels AWARE and CONSCIOUS in triumph and souvereignty, truly, as the servant of LIFE ITSELF.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I know and love what I want!, I MASTER TRUST.

Day 9

I LOVE my desires. What is it that I want to be, do or have? How does that feel?
I want to trust, that I'll have the place and the means and the room to create an awesome, fancy, quirky, extraordinary, beautiful Dressing-room!
...a room for I, myself and me... with all my romantic, quirky, fancy, elegant and extraordinary moods and -clothes, as my "second skin". It feels in love with myself. It feels RICH. It feels friendly with me! It feels abundant. It feels wonderful. It feels practical. It feels delicious!

I want to fully wholly trust that it will come together, and be filled with amazing clothes and accessoires! I want to trust that I will have a fantastic assembly of amazing stuff from all over the world.
It feels as having big value. It feels as, counting in this world. Making myself count! It feels fancy, and also it feels right and it makes sense. It feels so useful and virtuous! It feels EASY. It feels in love with the world, and it's materials. It feels playful. It feels as a wonderful story to explore and to tell. It feels so GOOD.

I want to fully trust that I will make full, whole peace with my body and solely like and love my body, and how I look in this clothes. It feels as being aware and conscious. It feels loving. It feels clear. It feels wonderful. It feels as the next, perfect, loving, delightful step! It feels so free and rich and GOOD!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I know and love what I want!, I MASTER TRUST.

Day 10

I LOVE my desires. What is it that I want to be, do or have? How does that feel?

I want to experience the Giraffe Manor in Nairobi, Kenia and the Victoria-falls in Simbabwe; with my daughter and her family. And, I want to trust the perfect unfolding of the family-adventure within this!

I want us to feel astounded and thrilled, I want us to feel blessed and amazed, in awe, in wonder, in deep thankfulness to see the beauty and power and creativity of humanity and of nature! I want us all to get the goodness and the knowledge, the skill and the braveness of others. I want us to explore and feel blessed by what we find. It feels ...THANKFUL. It feels humble, in a good way. It feels huge. And it feels so thankful to be here and live it, together with beloved ones!

I want to experience AFRICA with them! I want to trust that it indeed will happen, in the perfect timing- and that we'll have the most amazing time together! It delivers the most perfect moments to us in the perfect timing, where we can see and get them the most. It will be right, as soon as it feels really good, and in perfect orchestration to the group and the contry and the weather and the place, the animals and all who are in this together!
It will feel as bliss. It will feel as surprise and awesome delight. It will change us to the better. It will make a lasting, wonderful, wonderful impact.

I want to come back again and again, and see more with them. I want to see the big 5! I want to experience the desert and the savannah. I want to hear the thundering, gushing falls. I want to bath in the Indian Ocean. I want to see the grand migration with thousands of animals. I want to feel surprise and incredible delight... and not only a "one and only". I want to trust LIFE, that this can be my normal! I trust life that we can enjoy more, more, more... endlessly, really! We can be or do or have it ALL.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I know and love what I want!, I MASTER TRUST.

Day 11

I LOVE my desires. What is it that I want to be, do or have? How does that feel?

I want to be creative. I want to paint, to sculpt, to WRITE. I want to do mosaic. I want to cook, to decorate, to sew, to take artistic photographs, to design... rooms, memes, furniture, gardens. Being a Creator is my thing! In the moment, I am busy creating and sculpting my life-circumstances, and I like that! It feels eager. It feels like what is calling me. It feels as following inspiration, and co-creating with source. It feels as letting go of bad habits. It feels as finding relief, and peace, and joy and satisfaction.Before I went here, all my creation often was an action-journey. It isn't anymore. It feels authentic. It feels relaxed and peaceful. It feels satisfied, unconditionally. It feels free. It feels eager, and free.

(some paintings -aka- cover pictures of some of my novels, and some sculptures that I did, over the years...)

I want to know, I can be, or do, or have it all! I can change, and I can let go. And I can pursue. That feels so free and in charge! I am not hunted, anymore. Creating has nothing to do with proving my worthiness. It feels worthy, no matter what! It feels capable. It feels unattached, while loving. It feels... incredibly free.

some handicrafts that I did, in all this years...

I want to honor my crafts. I want to "take my room" and fully honor MYSELF. I want to take myself serious- while I am free, and have fun, and only do what joyfully calls me. To be true: That IS taking myself serious! Nothing else would be!
I love knowing and deeply understanding it. I love what has brought me there. I love to have BECOME Paradise on Earth- unconditionally. I alloed myself to be a lover, in all places I am, doing whatever I do. I embrace Earth with all it's wisdom, and needs, and materials and colors and fragrances and tastes and sensual impressions, it's sounds and it's MEANING that give me sturdy roots and respect and a good meekness... and I embrace Heaven, with it's wisdom and awesome freedom and clarity and guidance and full liberation...

I embrace it all and play with it and love it and am so very very thankful to master it more, every day! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, life!!!

(me in some of my studios and workshops, over the years...)
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